
90年前,法国诗人保罗·瓦勒里(Paul Valery)曾写道:“明日非同往昔。”对于始于20世纪中期的大数据趋势来说,这句话同样适用。如今的我们并不像多数人曾经设想的那样,但在很多方面,未来要比现在许多人想象的更有趣。



在这里我还是要推荐下我自己建的大数据学习交流qq裙: 957205962, 裙 里都是学大数据开发的,如果你正在学习大数据 ,小编欢迎你加入,大家都是软件开发党,不定期分享干货(只有大数据开发相关的),包括我自己整理的一份2019最新的大数据进阶资料和高级开发教程,欢迎进阶中和进想深入大数据的小伙伴

Qubole大数据服务公司创始人兼首席执行官Ashish Thusoo表示:“毫无疑问,商业智能和数据分析解决方案的投资将在2019年持续增长。”



“The interesting question,” he writes, “is where will the focus be. I expect to see an uptick in streaming data analytics, as businesses try to leverage real-time information to make smart decisions in areas like customer support, marketing, fraud detection and upselling customers.” Also seeing growth will be ad hoc analytics as the “democratization of data” continues its relentless march.




2018 was “the year of the data catalog,” declared Alation. That trend shows no sign of letting up, as organizations continue with the ongoing struggle to inventory their data assets for the purposes of monetization and regulatory compliance. As 2019 begins in earnest, keep room in your catalog for a particular type of data: behavioral metadata.





“Analysis of this data can be mined to better shine a spotlight on what’s used and what’s useful,” writes Aaron Kalb, the VP of design and strategic initiatives and co-founder of Alation. “This is the same insight that drove Google Search’s ranking prowess two decades ago: the content of a webpage was less predictive of its utility than how often other pages — built by other people — linked to it. As the ML/AI buzz continues to wear thin, we’ll see a strong appetite emerge for this type of impact-driven technology and behavioral metadata among organizations.”


“这些数据分析可以被挖掘出来,以便人们更好地了解数据使用情况和有用程度,”Alation的联合创始人、设计与战略行动副总裁亚伦·卡尔布(Aaron Kalb)写道。这与20年前推动谷歌搜索排名的观点是一样的:网页内容对其实用性的预测性较差,不如其他页面(由其他人创建)链接到它的频率高。随着ML/AI(机器学习/人工智能)的热度持续减弱,我们将看到企业对这类影响驱动技术和行为元数据产生浓厚的兴趣。


Despite the progress in AI and machine learning, we still won’t have self-driving cars, according to Lexalytics CEO Jeff Catlin.


Lexalytics的首席执行官杰夫•卡特林(Jeff Catlin)表示,尽管人工智能和机器学习取得了进展,但我们仍不会拥有自动驾驶汽车。



“Self-driving cars are getting better-0, enough that prototypes are trusted on the roads in California, Singapore and even Western Australia,” Catlin writes. “But while humans have been at fault in the overwhelming majority of accidents involving autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars still have some kinks to iron out. From ‘seeing’ lane markers in snowy conditions to making judgment calls about whether to save a pedestrian or a driver to detecting kangaroos on the road, the technology still hasn’t quite figured out how to handle all of the decision-making required when you’re in traffic.”




Privacy will emerge as a top priority at the national level according to the folks at Immuta, a Wasington D.C.-area company that develops software aimed at boosting privacy in AI.




Immuta,美国数据服务提供商,成立于 2014 年。他们致力于为数据管理员提供高效的数据隐私保护和管理服务,值得一提的是,Immuta 软件的兼容性非常好,可以部署在任何基础设施上,无论是现场服务器配置,还是在共有云或私有云端应用,甚至两者混搭使用。

“We expect privacy to increase in importance in the new year, highlighting current efforts to create a single, national privacy standard in the U.S.,” the company tells Datanami. “Given the impact the E.U.’s GDPR has had on how U.S. and global companies operate, this won’t catch all companies off guard, but it will increase the impacts that privacy issues have had – and will continue to have – on businesses’ bottom lines.”




We could even see new data privacy regulations proposed and enacted, foresees Adrian Moir, a senior consultant in product management at Quest Software.


Quest Software的产品管理高级顾问阿德里安•莫尔(Adrian Moir)预测,我们甚至可以见证新的数据隐私条例拟议和颁布。


Quest Software,成立于1987年,是业界领先的应用管理解决方案供应商。致力于通过改善企业关键应用的性能和可用性,降低其运行成本,帮助 IT 专业人员高效率地完成关键业务数据和数据库的管理工作。

“Whether affected by GDPR or not (most are), companies should be looking to it as a framework, it’s a good starting point for those building out their processes,” Moir writes. “It’s important to have something set-up for how data is kept and used. If we want to continue to have personal information protected, we will need to have more regulation. Next year, I believe we’ll see more regulation proposed and/or put in place, like the Consumer Data Privacy Act recently introduced by Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden.”


Moir写道:“不管是否受到GDPR的影响(尽管大多数都受其影响),企业都应该把它视作一个框架,对于那些构建流程的人来说,这是一个很好的起点。为数据的保存和使用建立适当机制是相当重要的,如果我们想继续保护个人信息,我们需要更多监管。明年,相信我们会看到更多监管提案/或者实施,就像俄勒冈州参议员罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)最近提出的《消费者数据隐私法》(Consumer Data Privacy Act)。”


In late 2018, we witnessed a backlash against cloud vendors by open source software vendors. In 2019, tensions between the two parties will continue to simmer, predicts, Karthik Ramasamy, the founder of Streamlio and creator of the open source Heron streaming analytics platform at Twitter.


2018年底,我们目睹了开源软件供应商对云计算供应商的强烈反对。据Streamlio创始人、Twitter开源流媒体分析平台Heron创始人卡蒂克•拉马萨米(Karthik Ramasamy)预测,到2019年,这两者之间的紧张关系将继续升温。



“The fear has only grown that big cloud providers will undermine open source communities and vendors by launching their own closed cloud services based on open source without contributing back to those communities,” Ramasamy writes. “However, there are signs in these recent moves that big vendors are taking a nuanced approach—in some cases working to co-opt open source to the ecosystem’s detriment while in other cases supporting vibrant open source ecosystems. For instance, the recently released Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (Amazon MSK) is likely to have negative repercussions for the Apache Kafka ecosystem even as Amazon’s open source Firecracker aims to establish an open source community and ecosystem around it. This trend will accelerate in 2019 and beyond, and the extent to which these companies act as ‘good citizens’ within open source will bear watching.”


Ramasamy写道:“越来越多的人担心大型云服务提供商会破坏开源社区和供应商,因为它们会推出自己的基于开源的封闭云服务,而不会对这些开源社区做出任何贡献。然而,在他们近期的举动中,有迹象表明,大型供应商正在采取一种微妙的方式——某些情况下,他们一方面试图利用开源来损害业内生态系统,而另一边,他们却支持着生机勃勃的开源生态系统。例如,最近发布的Amazon管理流媒体可能会对Apache Kafka生态系统造成负面影响,尽管Amazon的开源平台Firecracker旨在围绕它本身建立一个开源社区和生态系统。这一(恶性)趋势将在2019年及以后加速,因此这些公司在开源领域扮演‘好公民’角色的情况,值得我们关注。


Amazon has been slowly creeping into other ventures, including healthcare, grocery stores, and newspapers. Don’t be surprised if Amazon makes a big acquisition in 2019 that impacts how enterprise software is developed, says Reid Christian of CRV, a venture capital firm.


亚马逊一直在缓慢进军其他领域,包括医疗保健、食品杂货店和报纸。风险投资公司CRV的里德•克里斯蒂安(Reid Christian)表示,如果亚马逊在2019年进行一项影响企业软件开发方式的大型收购,我们也不必感到惊讶。


Charles River Ventures(CRV),成立于1970年,是世界上历史最悠久经营最成功的风险投资公司之一,其投资回报率一直位于风险投资公司前列。

“In 2019, I believe Amazon will make a big acquisition that will change the enterprise world and enhance Amazon Web Services,” Christian writes. “With storage and compute decisions today more than ever in the hands of developers instead of CIOs, I believe AWS will make >$1B acquisition centered around exceptional DX (developer experience), meaning workflows and UI/UX that are intuitive and consumer like. I expect Amazon will want to have a big enterprise moment in 2019, similar to what Microsoft had by acquiring GitHub in 2018.”




There’s a lot of room for analytics to impact various aspects of everyday business, writes Doug Hillary, a strategic adviser and board member of Fractal Analytics.


Fractal analytics的战略顾问、董事会成员道格•希拉里(Doug Hillary)表示,(未来)分析有足够的空间去影响日常业务的方方面面。


Fractal Analytics组建于2000年,致力于为企业(消费品公司、零售商和金融机构)提供理解、预测和培养消费者行为,及改善市场营销、定价、供应链、风险管控和索赔管理的工具。

“Enterprises will increase the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and voice integration with back-end data, analytics and legacy CRM/ERP systems to create more personalized and enhanced customer service for consumers and employees,” he writes.




The push to hybrid and multi-cloud architectures in 2018 will lead to greater cloud interoperability in 2019, according to the folks in IBM Systems.


IBM Systems的人士表示,2018年对混合云和多云架构的推进将在2019年带来更大的云互操作性。


IBM,创立于1911年,是全球最大的信息技术和业务解决方案公司,拥有全球雇员 30多万人,业务遍及160多个国家和地区。

“Cloud computing has become all but ubiquitous, but running a cloud environment for many enterprises means orchestrating a quagmire of services and hardware that don’t always play well together,” IBM Systems tells Datanami. “With more than 80% of enterprises using five or more different cloud providers, the ability to quickly and seamlessly move data becomes top of mind for any IT department, particularly as AI and other data-intensive workloads become increasingly common. In 2019, expect to see more innovations in storage hardware and software that help companies reign in and better manage their cloud footprint.”




Expect data management and AI development in the cloud to become more automated, writes Atish Gude, chief strategy officer at NetApp.


NetApp首席战略官阿蒂什•古德(Atish Gude)表示,预计云计算中的数据管理和人工智能开发将变得更加自动化。


NetApp,创立于1992年,是向目前的数据密集型企业提供统一存储解决方案的居世界最前列的公司,其 Data ONTAP是全球首屈一指的存储操作系统。

“A rapidly growing body of AI software and service tools – mostly in the cloud – will make AI development easier and easier,” Gude writes. “This will enable AI applications to deliver high performance and scalability, both on and off premises, and support multiple data access protocols and varied new data formats. Accordingly, the infrastructure supporting AI workloads will be also have to be fast, resilient, and automated. While AI will certainly become the next battleground for infrastructure vendors, most development will start in the cloud.

在这里我还是要推荐下我自己建的大数据学习交流qq裙: 957205962, 裙 里都是学大数据开发的,如果你正在学习大数据 ,小编欢迎你加入,大家都是软件开发党,不定期分享干货(只有大数据开发相关的),包括我自己整理的一份2019最新的大数据进阶资料和高级开发教程,欢迎进阶中和进想深入大数据的小伙伴



Tom LaRock, a “head geek” at Solarwinds, has gone out on a limb and already declared that 2019 will be the year of DataOps.


Solarwinds公司的“首席极客”汤姆•拉洛克(Tom LaRock)冒了个险,宣称2019年将是数据操作年。



“In today’s increasingly digital world, data cannot be excluded from the agile decision-making process,” LaRock writes. “In fact, we predict that 2019 will be the year that data is recognized as a key business driver. Data culture will become increasingly implemented into tech environments, and organizations will become data-driven and data-first. This shift will also give rise to DataOps as traditional admins start to understand that their days of tuning indexes are ending, one page at a time.”




It’s been a long time coming, but 2019 will finally be the year that AI goes mainstream, according to Zachary Jarvinen, head of technology strategy for AI and analytics at OpenText.


OpenText人工智能和分析技术战略主管扎卡里•贾维宁(Zachary Jarvinen)表示,这将是一个漫长的过程,但2019年终将会是人工智能成为主流的一年。


OpenText Corp,创立于1991年,加拿大最大软件公司之一,也是全球知名的企业内容管理公司,专门研发企业使用的产品帮助管理大量内容。OpenText提供的软件应用程序可为大型企业,政府机构和专业服务公司管理内容和非结构化数据。

“The long-promised enterprise AI transformation is poised to begin in earnest in 2019,” he writes. “Most enterprises have reached a point of digital maturity, ensuring access to quality data at scale. With mature data sets, AI providers can offer lower cost, easier to use AI tools for specific business use cases.”




The languages you use to build applications in the emerging serverless paradigm may not be the languages you use now, according to Amod Gupta, director of product management for AppDynamics.


AppDynamics产品管理总监阿莫德•古普塔(Amod Gupta)表示,在新兴的无服务器范式中,用于构建应用程序的语言可能不是现在使用的语言。



“Java and .NET will be overthrown as the de-facto languages for serverless technologies,” Gupta predicts. “We will see more and more enterprises adopt new languages like Node.js and Python for building on new technologies like serverless. So far, Java and .NET ruled the roost in enterprises, but the footprint of the new languages will increase by a lot. Serverless functions, like Lambda functions, have so far been predominantly used in development and pre-production environments, but we’ll see them move to production workloads this year, especially as Node.js and Python catch on in broader adoption.”


Gupta预言:“Java和.NET( Microsoft XML Web services 平台)将被颠覆,成为无服务器技术的事实语言。我们将看到越来越多的企业采用像Node这样的新语言。用于在新技术(如无服务器)上构建的Node.js和Python。到目前为止,Java和.NET企业占据着主导地位,但新语言的足迹将增加很多。无服务器功能,像Lambda函数,到目前为止主要用于开发和预生产环境,但我们可以看到他们今年转向生产工作负载,尤其是Node.js和Python得到了更广泛的采用。”


Big data means big storage requirements, even for small companies in 2019, according to Douglas Brockett, president of StorageCraft.


StorageCraft总裁道格拉斯•布罗克特(Douglas Brockett)表示,大数据意味着巨大的存储需求,即使对于小公司来说,在2019年也是如此。



“Petabyte-size data management used to be a challenge only large enterprises would face,” Brocket writes. “With data growing ten-fold – according to IDC – the petabyte era will start barreling down on mid-sized organizations too. What used to be an anomaly will start to become the norm for SMBs and mid-size organizations. Mid-sized organizations in particular will find their IT architectures simply can’t scale with their data growth. Unlike large enterprises, they won’t have the skills or budget to cope either. The demand to bring data management, protection and cost-effective scale out storage into a single frictionless environment will rise.”




We’ll finally start to see AI impacting healthcare, writes Gianfranco Lanci, president and COO of Lenovo.


联想(Lenovo)总裁兼首席运营官吉安弗兰科•兰奇(Gianfranco Lanci)写道:我们终将看到人工智能对医疗保健的影响。


“AI is reducing emergency waiting room times, enabling remote personalized health care delivery and monitoring, offering the availability and accessibility of critical hardware and even freeing up doctors’ time by detecting and diagnosing tumors,” Lanci writes. “These advancements are literally saving lives.”




You’ve heard of AI. But 2019 will see the rise of EI, or ethical intelligence, according to Christian Beedgen, the co-founder and CTO of Sumo Logic.


你听说过AI(人工智能),但2019年将出现EI(伦理智能)的崛起。Sumo Logic联合创始人兼首席技术官克里斯蒂安•比德根(Christian Beedgen)表示。


Sumo Logic,2010年在加州创立,是一家基于云计算的机器数据分析公司,专注于安全、操作和BI使用。它提供日志管理和分析服务,利用机器生成的大数据提供实时It洞察,辅助企业对数据日志进行管理和分析,并将分析结果应用到安全性威胁检测、辅助理解相关事件等。

“Our fascination with the use of computing power to augment human decision-making has likely outgrown even the tremendous advances made in algorithmic approaches, ” Beedgen writes. “In reality, the successful use of AI and related techniques is still limited to areas around image recognition and natural language understanding, where input/output scenarios can be reasonably constructed, and that will not change drastically in 2019.




“The idea that any business can ‘turn on AI’ to become successful or more successful is preposterous, no matter how much data is being collected,” he continues. “But the collection of data to support humans and algorithms continues and raises important ethical questions and is something we need to pay close attention to over the next few years. Data is human and therefore is just as messy as humans. Data does not create objectivity. It is well established that data and algorithms perpetuate existing biases and automated decisions are — at best — difficult to explain and justify. Appealing such decisions is even harder when we fall into the trap of thinking data and algorithms combine to create objective truth. With greater decision-making power comes much greater responsibility, and humans will increasingly be held accountable for the impact of decisions their business makes.”

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