




  • 学生表
| student | CREATE TABLE `student` (
  `stuId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '学生号',
  `stuName` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '学生名',
  `stuSex` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '待补' COMMENT '学生性别',
  `stuDate` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '待补' COMMENT '学生出生日',
  PRIMARY KEY (`stuId`)
| Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| stuId   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| stuName | varchar(20) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| stuSex  | varchar(10) | NO   |     | 待补    |                |
| stuDate | varchar(20) | NO   |     | 待补    |                |

  • 分数表
| stuScore | CREATE TABLE `stuScore` (
  `stuId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `couId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `score` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL

| Field | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| stuId | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| couId | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| score | decimal(10,0) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

  • 老师表
| teacher | CREATE TABLE `teacher` (
  `teaId` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `teaName` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '待补',
  PRIMARY KEY (`teaId`)

| Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| teaId   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| teaName | varchar(20) | NO   |     | 待补    |       |

  • 科目表
| course | CREATE TABLE `course` (
  `couId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `couName` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '待补',
  `teaId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`couId`)

| Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| couId   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| couName | varchar(20) | NO   |     | 待补    |                |
| teaId   | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |


insert into Student values(1 , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男');
insert into student values(2 , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男');
insert into student values(3 , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男');
insert into student values(4 , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男');
insert into student values(5 , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女');
insert into student values(6 , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女');
insert into student values(7 , '郑竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女');
insert into student values(8 , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');
insert into course values(1 , '语文' , 2);
insert into course values(2 , '数学' , 1);
insert into course values(3 , '英语' , 3);
insert into teacher values(1 , '张三');
insert into teacher values(2 , '李四');
insert into teacher values(3 , '王五');
insert into stuScore values(1 , 1 , 80);
insert into stuScore values(1 , 2 , 90);
insert into stuScore values(1 , 3 , 99);
insert into stuScore values(2 , 1 , 70);
insert into stuScore values(2 , 2 , 60);
insert into stuScore values(2 , 3 , 80);
insert into stuScore values(3 , 1 , 80);
insert into stuScore values(3 , 2 , 80);
insert into stuScore values(3 , 3 , 80);
insert into stuScore values(4, 1 , 50);
insert into stuScore values(4 , 2 , 30);
insert into stuScore values(4 , 3 , 20);
insert into stuScore values(5 , 1 , 76);
insert into stuScore values(5 , 1 , 87);
insert into stuScore values(6 , 1 , 31);
insert into stuScore values(6 , 3 , 34);
insert into stuScore values(7 , 2 , 89);
insert into stuScore values(7 , 3 , 98);


题1:查询" 01 “课程比” 02 "课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数

select student.*,t1.score as score01,t2.score as score02 
from student, 
(select stuId,score from stuScore where stuScore.couId=1) as t1,
(select stuId,score from stuScore where stuScore.couId=2) as t2 
where t1.stuId = t2.stuId and t1.score>t2.score 
and student.stuId=t1.stuId;


select student.*,t1.score as score01,t2.score as score02 
from student, 
(select stuId,score from stuScore where stuScore.couId=1) as t1,
(select stuId,score from stuScore where stuScore.couId=2) as t2 
where t1.stuId = t2.stuId and t1.score<t2.score 
and student.stuId=t1.stuId;


select student.stuId,student.stuName,round(avg(stuScore.score),2) as Averge from 
student inner join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId 
having AVG(stuScore.score)>=60;

题4:查询平均成绩小于60分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩 – (包括有成绩的和无成绩的)

select student.stuId,student.stuName,
(case when AVG(sc1.score) is null then 0 else AVG(sc1.score)end) from 
left join stuScore as sc1 
on student.stuId=sc1.stuId 
group by student.stuId 
having AVG(sc1.score)<60 or AVGG(sc1.score) is null;


select student.stuId,student.stuName,t1.score as score01,t2.score as score02,t3.score as score03,
((case when t1.score is null then 0 else t1.score end)+(case when t2.score is null then 0 else t2.score end)+(case when t3.score is null then 0 else t3.score end)) as sumScore,
((case when t1.score is null then 0 else1 end)+(case when t2.score is null then 0 else 1 end)+(case when t3.score is null then 0 else 1 end)) as count 
from student 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=1) as t1 
on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=2) as t2 
on t1.stuId = t2.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=3) as t3 
on t1.stuId=t3.stuId;

select student.stuId,student.stuName,COUNT(stuScore.couId) as count,SUM(stuScore.score) as sumScore 
from student 
left join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId;
select student.stuId,student.stuName,COUNT(stuScore.couId) as count,(case when SUM(stuScore.score) is null then 0 else SUM(stuScore.score) end) as sumScore 
from student 
left join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId;


select count(*) as count from teacher where teaName like '李%';


select student.*,course.couId,teacher.teaName 
from teacher 
left join course on teacher.teaId=course.teaIdteaId 
left join stuScore on stuScore.couId=course.couId 
left join student on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
where teacher.teaName='张三';


select student.* from student 
where student.stuId 
not in (select stuScore.stuId from stuScore 
where stuScore.couId 
in (select course.couId from course left join teacher on course.teaId=teacher.teaId where teacher.teaName='张老师'));


select student.* from student 
where stuId 
in (select stuId from stuScore 
where couId in (1,2) 
group by stuId 
having count(*)!=1);
select student.* from student 
where stuId 
in(select t1.stuId from (select * from stuScore where couId=1) as t1 
inner join (select * from stuScore where couId=2) as t2 
on t1.stuId=t2.stuId );


select student.* from student 
where stuId 
in (select stuId from stuScore where couId=1) 
and stuId 
not in (select stuId from stuScore where couId=2);
#法二:group by 分组往下探头
select student.* 
from student 
left join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId 
having count(*)<=2 and sum(couId)=4;#(1+3=4)
select student.* 
from student 
left join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId 
having count(*)<=2 and sum(stuScore.couId+1) in (2,4,6);


select student.* 
from student 
left join stuScore 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by student.stuId having count(couId)<(select count(*) from course);
# having count(couId)<(select count(*) from course); 
# having SUM(couId)<(select SUM(couId) from course);

select student.*,t1.score as score01,t2.score as score02,t3.score as score03 
from student 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=1) as t1 
on student.stuId = t1.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=2) as t2 
on student.stuId = t2.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=3) as t3 
on student.stuId = t3.stuId 
where t1.score is null 
or t2.score is null 
or t3.score is null;


select student.* 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 
on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
where t1.couId 
in(select t2.couId from stuScoret2 where t2.stuId=1);


select student.* 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 
on student.stuId = t1.stuId 
group by student.stuId 
having sum(t1.couId+1)=
(select sum(t2.couId+1) from stuScore as t2 group by t2.stuId having t2.stuId=1);


select student.* from student 
where stuId not in 
(select stuScore.stuId from stuScore 
where stuScore.couId=
(select course.couId from course 
where teaId=
(select teaId from teacher 
where teaName='张老师')));
select * from student 
where stuId 
not in
(select stuId from stuScore 
inner join course on stuScore.couId=course.couId 
inner join teachereacher on teacher.teaId=course.teaId 
where teaName='张老师');


select student.stuId,student.stuName,t1.avgScore 
from student #学生信息来源
inner join #平均成绩来源(平均成绩包含及格的成绩一起算)
(select stuScore.stuId,avg(score) as avgScore 
from stuScore 
group by stuScore.stuId) as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
where student.stuId 
in(select temp1.stuId from 
(select * from stuScore as t1  where score < 60 ) as temp1 
group by temp1.stuId having count(*)>=2);#拿到超2科的不及格成绩表
select student.stuId,student.stuName,AVG(t1.score) 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
where t1.stuId 
(select t2.stuId from stuScore t2 
where t2.score<60 or t2.score is null 
group by t2.stuId 
having count(t2.stuId)>=2)
group by student.stuId;


select * from student 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=1) as t1 
on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
where score<60 order by score desc;
select student.stuName,t1.score as score01,t2.score as score02,t3.score as score03,t4.AvgScore 
from student 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=1) as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=2) as t2 on student.stuId=t2.stuId 
left join (select * from stuScore where couId=3) as t3 on student.stuId=t3.stuId 
left join (select temp1.stuId,avg(temp1.score) as AvgScore from stuScore as temp1 group by temp1.stuId) as t4 on t4.stuId=student.stuId 
order by t4.AvgScore desc;
#left join stuScore on xx.stuId=xx.stuId group by student.stuId ...
#所以就会出现t1.score无法参与group by


t1.couId '课程ID',t1.couName '课程名称',
t1.max '最高分',t1.min '最低分',t1.avg '平均分',
t2.cnt2/t1.cnt1 '及格率',t3.cnt3/t1.cnt1 '中等率'
,t4.cnt4/t1.cnt1 '优良率',t5.cnt5/t1.cnt1 '优秀率'
(select course.couId, course.couName,max(score) as max,min(score)as min,avg(score)as avg,count(*) as cnt1 
from stuScore 
left join course on stuScore.couId=course.couId group by course.couId) as t1 left join (select stuScore.couId,count(*) as cnt2 from stuScore where score>=60 
group by stuScore.couId
as t2 on t1.couId=t2.couId 
left join 
(select stuScore.couId,count(*) as cnt3 
from stuScore 
where score>=70 and score<80 
group by stuScore.couId
as t3 on t1.couId=t3.couId 
left join 
(select stuScore.couId,count(*) as cnt4 
from stuScore 
where score>=80 and score<90 
group by stuScore.couId
as t4 on t1.couId=t4.couId 
left join 
(select stuScore.couId,count(*) as cnt5 
from stuScore 
where score>=90 and score<=100 
group by stuScore.couId
as t5 on t1.couId=t5.couId 
order by t1.couId;
select course.couId '课程ID',course.couName '课程名称',max(score)'最高分',min(score)'最低分',avg(score)'平均分',
(sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) as '及格率' ,
(sum(case when score>=70 and score<80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) as '中等率', 
(sum(case when score>=80 and score<90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) as '优良率' ,
(sum(case when score>=90 and score<=100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)) as '优秀率' 
from stuScore left join course on stuScore.couId=course.couId group by course.couId;


select t1.*,course.couName,student.stuName from stuScore as t1 left join student on t1.stuId=student.stuId left join course on course.couId=t1.couId order by t1.couId,t1.score desc;
#然而cross join 是为什么?
select (@i:=case when @couIdFlow = t2.couId then @i+1 else 1 end) as 'NO.' ,(@couIdFlow:=t2.couId) as couId, 
from  (select @i := 0, @couIdFlow := 1) as forDefineValue
cross join 
(select t1.*,course.couName,student.stuName from stuScore as t1 
left join student on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
left join course on course.couId=t1.couId 
order by t1.couId,t1.score desc
) as t2;


#使用cross join这种无关痛痒的手法
select (@i:=@i+1) as 'NO.',t2.* 
from (select @i := 0) as forDefineValue 
cross join 
(select student.stuId,student.stuName,sum(t1.score) as sumScore 
from stuScore as t1  
left join student on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
group by t1.stuId 
order by sum(t1.score) desc
 as t2;


#这是一个比较直观的方法了,主要通过group by来划分
#--因为版本问题,如果使用group by 后面只接一个字段的话,会报错
#--都要在group by中参与
select tea.teaId,tea.teaName,cou.couId,cou.couName,avg(t1.score) as avgScore 
from teacher as tea 
left join course as cou on tea.teaId=cou.teaId 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.couId=cou.couId
group by tea.teaId,cou.couId 
order by avg(t1.score) desc;
#上面的方法是直接用三表联立,且group by建立在三表联立下
#这就必须要group by 时候,选中select中的不同表的被联系字段
#下面这种方法是把group by 框在某个内层表内
select tea.teaId,tea.teaName,couAndAvg.* 
from teacher as tea 
left join 
(select course.*,avg(score) as avgScore 
from course 
left join stuScore on course.couId=stuScore.couId 
group by couId
as couAndAvg on tea.teaId=couAndAvg.teaId 
order by avgScore desc;


select student.*,rankTable.number as 'NO.',rankTable.couId,rankTable.score 
from student 
left join 
(@i:=case when @couIdFlow=t1.couId then @i+1 else 1 end)as number,
(@couIdFlow:=t1.couId) as couId,
from (select @i:=0,@couIdFlow:=1) as var 
cross join stuScore as t1  
order by t1.couId asc,t1.score desc
as rankTable on student.stuId=rankTable.stuId 
where rankTable.number between 2 and 3;

#把各自的表拿出外面,再用union all 来往下拼接
(select student.*,t1.couId,t1.score from stuScore as t1 left join student on student.stuId=t1.stuId where t1.couId=1 order by score desc limit 1,2)
union all
(select student.*,t2.couId,t2.score from stuScore as t2 left join student on student.stuId=t2.stuId where t2.couId=2 order by score desc limit 1,2)
union all
(select student.*,t3.couId,t3.score from stuScore as t3 left join student on student.stuId=t3.stuId where t3.couId=3 order by score desc limit 1,2);


#这里的group by为什么没有使用select后面的另一张表course.couName?
select t1.couId ,course.couName,count(*) as cntAll,
sum(case when t1.score between 85 and 100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as '[100-85]',
sum(case when t1.score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as '[85-70]',
sum(case when t1.score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as '[70-60]',
sum(case when t1.score between 0 and 60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as '[0-60]'
from stuScore as t1 
left join course on t1.couId =course.couId 
group by t1.couId;
select a0.couId,cou.couName,a0.cnt0 as 'cntAll',
a1.cnt1/a0.cnt0 as '[100-85]',
a2.cnt2/a0.cnt0  as '[85-70]',
a3.cnt3/a0.cnt0 as '[70-60]',
a4.cnt4/a0.cnt0 as '[60-70]'
from course as cou 
left join
(select couId,count(*) as cnt0 
from stuScore 
group by couId
as a0 on cou.couId=a0.couId
left join 
(select couId,count(*) as cnt1 
from stuScore 
where score between 85 and 100 
group by couId
as a1 on a0.couId=a1.couId
left join 
(select couId,count(*) as cnt2 
from stuScore 
where score between 70 and 85 
group by couId
as a2 on a0.couId=a2.couId
left join 
(select couId,count(*) as cnt3 
from stuScore 
where score between 60 and 70 
group by couId
as a3 on a0.couId=a3.couId
left join 
(select couId,count(*) as cnt4 
from stuScore 
where score between 0 and 60 
group by couId
 as a4 on a0.couId=a4.couId;


select (@i:=@i+1) as 'NO.',
from (select (@i:=0))as var
cross join 
(select student.stuId,student.stuName,avg(t1.score) as avgScore 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
group by stuId 
order by avg(t1.score) desc
) as resultTable;
select (@i:=@i+1) as 'NO.',
from (select (@i:=0))as var
cross join 
(select student.stuId,student.stuName,
sum(t1.score)/(select count(*) from course) as avgScore 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
group by stuId 
order by sum(t1.score)/3 desc
) as resultTable;


#赖皮蛇玩法:union all 串一串
(select stu.*,t1.score,t1.couId,course.couName from student as stu left join stuScore as t1 on stu.stuId=t1.stuId left join course on course.couId=t1.couId where t1.couId=1 order by t1.score desc limit 0,3)
union all
(select stu.*,t1.score,t1.couId,course.couName from student as stu left join stuScore as t1 on stu.stuId=t1.stuId left join course on  course.couId=t1.couId  where t1.couId=2 order by t1.score desc limit 0,3)
union all
(select stu.*,t1.score,t1.couId,course.couName from student as stu left join stuScore as t1 on stu.stuId=t1.stuId left join course on  course.couId=t1.couId  where t1.couId=3 order by t1.score desc limit 0,3)
select student.*,hasRank.number,hasRank.couName,hasRank.score 
	(@i:=case when @couIdFlow=result.couId then @i+1 else 1 end) as number,
	(@couIdFlow:=result.couId) as flow2,result.* 
	(select @i:=0,@couIdFlow:=1) as var 
	cross join 
		(select t1.stuId,course.couName,t1.score,t1.couId 
		from  stuScore as t1 
		left join course on t1.couId=course.couId 
		order by t1.couId asc,t1.score desc
		) as result 
	) as hasRank 
left join 
student on student.stuId=hasRank.stuId 
where hasRank.number between 1 and 3;


select cou.couId,cou.couName,count(t1.couId) as studentNumber 
from stuScore as t1 
left join course as cou 
on cou.couId=t1.couId 
group by t1.couId;


select student.stuId,student.stuName 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
group by stuId 
having count(*)=2;


select student.stuSex,count(*) as sexNumber 
from student 
group by stuSex;


select * from student where stuName like '%浩%';


#使用group by就要考虑版本默认与否开启group by mole的问题
select student.stuName,student.stuSex,count(*) 
from student 
group by student.stuName,student.stuSex 
having count(*)>1;

select student.stuName,student.stuSex,count(*) as 'all' 
,group_concat(stuId) as 'stuId'
from student 
group by student.stuName,student.stuSex 
having count(*)>1;

#为什么不用left join 或其他的join
#使用cross join 就是因为它的”毫无关系“
select t1.* from student as t1 
cross join student as t2 
where t1.stuId!=t2.stuId 
and t1.stuName=t2.stuName 
and t1.stuSex=t2.stuSex 
order by t1.stuId;


select * from student where stuDate like '1990%';
select * from student where year(stuDate) = '1990';


select t1.couId,avg(t1.score) 
from stuScore as t1 
group by t1.couId 
order by avg(t1.score) desc,couId asc;


select student.stuId,student.stuName,avg(t1.score) 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId 
GROUP BY student.stuId 
having avg(t1.score)>=85;


select student.*,t2.couName,t1.score 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
left join course as t2 on t2.couId=t1.couId 
where t2.couName='数学' 
and t1.score<60;
select student.*,t2.couName,t1.score 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId and t1.score<60
left join course as t2 on t2.couId=t1.couId
where t2.couName='数学';


select student.*,t2.couName,t1.score 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
left join course as t2 on t2.couId=t1.couId;
select student.*
,r1.score as 'score01'
,r2.score as 'score02'
,r3.score as 'score03'
from  student
 left join 
 (select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=1
 ) as r1 on r1.stuId=student.stuId
  left join 
 (select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=2
 ) as r2 on r2.stuId=student.stuId
  left join 
 (select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=3
 ) as r3 on r3.stuId=student.stuId;


select student.stuName,cou.couName,t1.score from student left join (select * from stuScore where score>=70 ) as t1 on student.stuId=t1.stuId left join course as cou on cou.couId=t1.couId;
select student.stuName
,group_concat(couName,score separator ' ; ') as 'course and score'
from student 
inner join 
(select * from stuScore where score>=70 ) as t1 
on student.stuId=t1.stuId inner join course as cou 
on cou.couId=t1.couId 
group by student.stuName;


select student.stuName
,group_concat(couName,score separator ' ; ') as 'course and score'
from student 
inner join 
(select * from stuScore where score<60 ) as t1 
on student.stuId=t1.stuId inner join course as cou 
on cou.couId=t1.couId 
group by student.stuName;
#使用inner join 是为了某些没选这门课的学生不出现
select student.* 
from student 
inner join 
(select distinct stuId from stuScore where score<60
)as r1 on r1.stuId=student.stuId;


select student.stuId,student.stuName 
from student 
inner join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
where couId=1 and score>=80;


  • 这道题不就是二十六题吗?【26:查询每门课程被选修的学生数】
select couId,count(*) from stuScore group by couId;
select course.couId,course.couName,count(*) from stuScore as t1 left join course on course.couId=t1.couId group by course.couId;


select student.*,sco.couName,sco.score from student 
inner join 
(select stuId,couName,score from stuScore 
	inner join 
	(select couId,couName from  course 
		inner join 
		(select teaId from teacher 
			where teaName='张老师'
		as tea 
		on tea.teaId=course.teaId
	as cou on cou.couId=stuScore.couId 
	order by stuScore.score desc limit 0,1
as sco on sco.stuId=student.stuId;

select student.*,tea.teaName,cou.couName,t1.score 
from student 
left join stuScore as t1 on t1.stuId=student.stuId 
left join course as cou on cou.couId=t1.couId 
left join teacher as tea on tea.teaId=cou.teaId 
where tea.teaName='张老师' 
order by score desc 
limit 0,1;


#这里还是group by里面体现了,按每条记录筛选的可能
#当 stuId couId1 couId2 socre
#	2		1		2		58
#	2		1		3		58
#会合并为一条 2 1(couid1)58
#看起来couId1 和 couId2 中[1,2]和[1,3]并不属于一组
#但是经过cross join 后和筛选后,有多出来一般
#而这样的group by 又能够缩少一半,这样就比较无厘头的完成了效果
select t1.stuId,t1.couId,t1.score 
from stuScore as t1 
cross join stuScore as t2   
where t1.stuId=t2.stuId 
and t1.couId!=t2.couId 
and t1.score=t2.score 
group by t1.stuId,t1.couId,t1.score;
select stuScore.* from stuScore 
inner join
	(select t1.stuId,t1.score 
	from stuScore as t1 
	group by t1.stuId,t1.score having count(*)>=2
	) as r1 
on stuScore.stuId=r1.stuId and stuScore.score=r1.score;
select distinct result.* 
	(select r1.stuId
	,(case when a1.score=a2.score or a1.score=a3.score then 1 else 0 end )as course01
	,(case when a1.score=a2.score or a3.score=a2.score  then 1 else 0 end )as course02
	,(case when a1.score=a3.score or a3.score=a2.score  then 1 else 0 end )as course03
	stuScore as r1 
	left join(select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=1)as a1 on r1.stuId=a1.stuId 
	left join(select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=2)as a2 on r1.stuId=a2.stuId 
	left join(select stuId,score from stuScore where couId=3)as a3 on r1.stuId=a3.stuId 
	) as result 
where result.course01=1 or result.course02=1 or result.course03=1 ;

select r2.stuId,r2.score
,group_concat(r2.couId order by r2.couId asc) as 'couId' 
	(select stuScore.* from stuScore 
	inner join
		(select t1.stuId,t1.score 
		from stuScore as t1 
		group by t1.stuId,t1.score having count(*)>=2
		) as r1 
	on stuScore.stuId=r1.stuId and stuScore.score=r1.score
	) as r2 
group by r2.stuId,r2.score;


#方法一:用union all 无赖打法,如果不要求显示学生名字

(select * from stuScore where couId=1 order by score desc limit 0,2) 
union all 
(select * from stuScore where couId=2 order by score desc limit 0,2) 
union all 
(select * from stuScore where couId=3 order by score desc limit 0,2);
select student.stuId,student.stuName,r1.couId,r1.score from student inner join((select * from stuScore where couId=1 order by score desc limit 0,2) 
union all 
(select * from stuScore where couId=2 order by score desc limit 0,2) 
union all 
(select * from stuScore where couId=3 order by score desc limit 0,2))as r1 on student.stuId=r1.stuId;
select r1.* from (select (@i:=case when @couIdFlow=t1.couId then @i+1 else 1 end) as number,(@couIdFlow:=t1.couId) as 'couId',t1.stuId,t1.score from (select @i:=0,@couIdFlow:=1) as var cross join stuScore as t1 order by t1.couId asc,t1.score desc)as r1 where r1.number between 1 and 2;

 select a.s_id,a.c_id,a.s_score from score a
 where (select COUNT(1) from score b where b.c_id=a.c_id and b.s_score>=a.s_score)<=2 order by a.c_id

题43:统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过5人的课程才统计)。要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列, 若人数相同,按课程号升序排列

select t1.couId,count(*) as 'all' 
from stuScore as t1 
group by t1.couId 
having count(*)>5 
order by count(*)desc,t1.couId asc;
#group by 后面的字段最好还是跟靠近from的表对奇的好
select t1.couId,course.couName,count(*) as 'all'
,group_concat(t1.stuId order by t1.stuId) as 'stuId' 
from stuScore as t1  
left join course 
on t1.couId=course.couId 
group by t1.couId 
having count(*)>5 
order by count(*)desc,t1.couId asc;


select stuId from stuScore group by stuId having count(*)>=2;
select student.* from stuScore left join student on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId group by stuId having count(*)>=2;


select student.* 
from stuScore 
left join student 
on student.stuId=stuScore.stuId 
group by stuId 
having count(*)=(select count(*) from course);


select student.*,
timestampdiff(year,student.stuDate,now()) as 'age' 
from student;
select student.*,
case when 
	(	month(student.stuDate)>month(now()) 
		(	month(student.stuDate)=month(now()) 
			and day(student.stuDate)>day(now())
 timestampdiff(year,student.stuDate,now()) end) as 'age' 
from student;


#西方那边的计日不太一样,是这样子的 周日是1,周一是2,周六是7
select student.* from student cross join 
(select dayofweek(curdate()) as wekNum1) t1 
where stuDate between
date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL dayofweek(curdate())-2 day) and date_add(curdate(), INTERVAL (dayofweek(curdate())-7-1)*(-1) day);


select student.* from student 
where stuDate between
date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL dayofweek(curdate())+7-2 day) and date_add(curdate(), INTERVAL (dayofweek(curdate())-7-7-1)*(-1) day);


 select student.* 
 from student 
 where month(student.stuDate)= month(curdate());

select student.* from student cross join 
(select dayofweek(curdate()) as wekNum1) t1 
where stuDate between
date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL dayofmonth(curdate())-1 day) and LAST_DAY(curdate());


 select student.* 
 from student 
 where month(student.stuDate)= (month(curdate())+1)mod 12;
评论 3




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