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转载 使用ListView应该注意的地方

觉得总结得不错,转贴一下:http://gundumw100.iteye.com/blog/1169065 在ListView中设置Selector为null会报空指针?  mListView.setSelector(null);//空指针  试试下面这种:  mListView.setSelector(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT));

2013-02-05 13:07:12 449

转载 Eclipse快捷键 10个最有用的快捷键

http://www.open-open.com/bbs/view/1320934157953 Eclipse中10个最有用的快捷键组合  一个Eclipse骨灰级开发者总结了他认为最有用但又不太为人所知的快捷键组合。通过这些组合可以更加容易的浏览源代码,使得整体的开发效率和质量得到提升。     1. ctrl+shift+r:打开资源     这可能是所

2012-12-26 14:51:21 299

原创 ListView/ListActivity 创建时指定显示具体位置

在onCreate()中如果简单地通过setSelection(position)指定ListView的显示项,由于View还没有创建,因此实际无效。 通常的做法是通过post()来延迟执行,如代码所示: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInst

2012-12-23 23:59:05 1838

原创 最简便实现Android ListView选中item高亮显示

最近在使用Android的ListView时发现点击其子项后,虽然瞬间会有高亮效果,但其效果并不能保留,尤其是点击触发进一步操作,例如打开新的Activity再返回,这样的高亮就完全消失了。 经过研究,发现篇文章比较有借鉴意义:http://android-codes-examples.blogspot.com/2011/03/customized-listview-items-sele

2012-12-20 16:25:05 2410

原创 Eclipse JUNO配置代码折叠实现VS的#region

可以按照以下步骤实现: 搜索com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.7.jar下载,或者直接从这里下载http://files.cnblogs.com/cruisoring/com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.7.zip 将其中的com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.7.jar文件解压缩到Eclipse/plugins目录。 选择 , 选中

2012-12-14 14:39:49 1185

原创 Android存储经典篇列表

来自:http://blog.csdn.net/zhangfei2018/article/details/7768227  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/x-androidstorage/index.htmlhttp://www.cnblogs.com/hanyonglu/archive/2012/03/01/2374894.htmlhttp:/

2012-12-14 14:39:47 304

原创 Android 4 开发环境配置中的诸多陷阱

机器重做以后,重新配置Android开发环境的过程中遇到了很多问题和麻烦,不由得感慨免费的东西陷阱多多,也在这里做个总结加备忘。  我初始安装的软件包如下: Android SDK: installer_r20.0.3-windows 安装在c:\android-sdk, 对应系统常量”ANDROID_HOME“JAVA: 1.7.0_07: 安装在C:\Java\jdk1_7,对应系统常量“JA

2012-12-14 14:39:45 277

原创 通用数字中文互转换工具代码

今天在CodeProject首次发表文章:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/NumberToFromWord.aspx,这里特别对中文数字转换做一说明。 作为一个可扩展的工具,它能够实现数字转中文,以及中文转数字。大体思路是为每个数字建立建立字典Dictionary> NumberNameDict,即             new Dictionaryint, L

2012-12-14 14:39:42 449

原创 C#实现byte[]搜索

还是比较简单的功能,在data的byte数组搜索pattern出现的位置。当然这里可以对该功能进行扩展,例如实现忽略大小写,并防止异常情况等等。         public static List indexOf(byte[] data, byte[] pattern)        {            List matchedPos = new List();            

2012-12-14 14:39:39 1532

原创 C#相等运算符重载的陷阱和解决办法

最近编程时遇到一个相等运算符重载的问题,想来该是C#的一个陷阱。 我定义的Coordinate类原先是这样重载相等运算符的: publice class Coordinates { ....         public override bool Equals(object obj)        {            if (!(obj is Coordinates)) retu

2012-12-14 14:39:36 329

原创 对于RIL功能的一个封装


2012-12-14 14:39:34 357

原创 问题解决:命名空间“Microsoft.Office”中不存在类型或命名空间名称“Interop"...

我的系统是VS2005,安装了Office2003,最初没有安装“.NET Programmability Support”。 今天在试验平台调用例程时遇到问题:试图添加"Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word"命名空间时产生错误,即在命名空间“Microsoft.Office”中不存在类型或命名空间名称“Interop"... 在网上搜索一下发现很多人遇到过类似问题,很多

2012-12-14 14:39:31 1195

原创 Start

After working in telecom industry for 13 years, now I turn from IMS high-level support to do some research on mobile LCS (LoCation Service) area instead, and have to start programming using VS2005 C#.

2012-12-14 14:39:29 210

Professional Android 4 Application Development

Professional Android 4 Application Development – Wrox Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4 The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you’re an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 applicationdevelopment. Written by one of Google’s lead Android developer advocates, this practical book walks you through a series of hands-on projects that illustrate the features of the Android SDK. That includes all the new APIs introduced in Android 3 and 4, including building for tablets, using the Action Bar, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC Beam, and more. Shows experienced developers how to create mobile applications for Android smartphones and tablets Revised and expanded to cover all the Android SDK releases including Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), including all updated APIs, and the latest changes to the Android platform. Explains new and enhanced features such as drag and drop, fragments, the action bar, enhanced multitouch support, new environmental sensor support, major improvements to the animation framework, and a range of new communications techniques including NFC and Wi-Fi direct. Provides practical guidance on publishing and marketing your applications, best practices for user experience, and more This book helps you learn to master the design, lifecycle, and UI of an Android app through practical exercises, which you can then use as a basis for developing your own Android apps. From the Back Cover Build unique smartphone and tablet applications with Android 4 Written by an Android authority, this up-to-date resource is an ideal guide to building mobile apps using the Android 4 SDK. It provides in-depth coverage, showing experienced Android developers how to take full advantage of new features, while covering the fundamentals that novice developers need to get started. Serving as a hands-on guide to building mobile apps using Android, the book walks you through a series of increasingly sophisticated projects, each introducing a new Android platform feature and highlighting the techniques and best practices that will help you write compelling Android apps. Professional Android 4 Application Development: Provides an in-depth look at the Android application components and their lifecycles Explores Android UI metaphors, design philosophies, and UI APIs to create compelling user interfaces for phones, tablets, and TVs Introduces techniques for creating map-based applications and using location-based services Looks at how to create background services, Notifications, and Cloud To Device Messaging Demonstrates how to create dynamic and interactive home screen Widgets and Live Wallpaper Explores hardware and communication APIs, including Bluetooth, telephony, WiFi Direct, and NFC Beam Examines the use of the camera and hardware sensors Details the new animation framework and other user experience enhancements, including drag and drop, the Action Bar, and Fragments Includes a new chapter on publishing your apps Introduces the License Verification and In App Billing Services Table of Contents Chapter 1. Hello, Android Chapter 2. Getting Started Chapter 3. Creating Applications and Activities Chapter 4. Building User Interfaces Chapter 5. Intents and Broadcast Receivers Chapter 6. Using Internet Resources Chapter 7. Files, Saving State, and Preferences Chapter 8. Databases and Content Providers Chapter 9. Working in the Background Chapter 10. Expanding the User Experience Chapter 11. Advanced User Experience Chapter 12. Hardware Sensors Chapter 13. Maps, Geocoding, and Location-Based Services Chapter 14. Invading the Home Screen Chapter 15. Audio, Video, and Using the Camera Chapter 16. Bluetooth, NFC, Networks, and Wi-Fi Chapter 17. Telephony and SMS Chapter 18. Advanced Android Development Chapter 19. Monetizing, Promoting, and Distributing Applications Book Details Professional Android 4 Application Development Paperback: 864 pages Publisher: Wrox; 3rd Edition (May 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1118102274 ISBN-13: 978-1118102275 File Format: PDF



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