Objectives of the Relational Model

  1. To provide a high degree of data independence.
  2. To provide a community view of the data of spartan(严格的) simplicity, so that a wide variety of users in an enterrprise, ranging from the most computer-naive to the most computer-sophiscated, can interact with a common model(while not prohibiting superimposed user views for specialized purposes).
  3. To simplify the potentially formidable(困难的) job of the DBA.
  4. To introduce a theoretical foundation (albeit(虽然) modest) into database management(a field sadly lacking in solid principle and guidelines).
  5. To merge the fact-retrieval and file-management fields in preparation for the addition at a later time of inferential(推论的) services in the commercial world.
  6. To lift database application programming to a new level - a level in which sets (and more specifically relations) are treated as operands instead of being processed element by element.

内容摘自C. J. Date的书Database In Depth, 其引用的是E. F. Codd 1974年的文章--Recent Investigation into Relational Data Base Systems中的内容。

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Code inspection, also known as code review, is the process of reviewing source code to identify potential errors, bugs, security vulnerabilities, or other issues. Here are the steps involved in a typical code inspection: 1. Planning: The first step is to plan the code inspection. This involves identifying the objectives of the inspection, selecting the reviewers, and scheduling a time for the inspection. 2. Preparation: The next step is to prepare for the inspection. This involves sending the source code to the reviewers ahead of time, along with any documentation or specifications that may be needed. 3. Review: During the review, the reviewers examine the code line by line, looking for errors, bugs, security vulnerabilities, or other issues. They may use tools such as debuggers, syntax checkers, and code analysis software to help them identify problems. 4. Discussion: After the review is complete, the reviewers discuss their findings with the developer or development team. They may ask questions, seek clarification, or suggest ways to improve the code. 5. Correction: Once the issues have been identified and discussed, the developer makes the necessary corrections to the code. This may involve fixing bugs, optimizing performance, or improving security. 6. Verification: After the corrections have been made, the code is re-inspected to ensure that all issues have been resolved. 7. Documentation: Finally, the results of the inspection are documented for future reference. This may include a summary of the issues found and corrected, as well as any recommendations for improving the development process. Overall, code inspection is a critical component of software development that helps to ensure that code is high-quality, secure, and free from errors and bugs.




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