1. 概述
- 索引的最左前缀原则,也称为最左匹配原则,是数据库查询优化中的一个重要概念,这个原则的核心在于,当查询数据库时,系统会从联合索引的最左边开始匹配查询条件
- 索引使用了复合索引,也就是联合索引。是查询从索引的最左列开始(必须包含最左列)
2. 准备
- 创建用户user表
create table user(
id int auto_increment primary key comment '主键ID',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
age int comment '年龄',
sex tinyint(1) comment '1:男,2:女',
phone varchar(11) comment '手机号',
email varchar(20) comment '邮件',
work varchar(20) comment '工作'
)comment '用户信息表';
create index idx_name_age_phone on user(name,age,phone);
- 查看索引
show index from user
3. 执行计划分析
- 包含最左列name字段,计算name、age、phone三个索引字段的长度
explain select * from user where name ='张三' and age = 20 and phone ='18200389045';
explain select * from user where name ='张三' and age = 20;
explain select * from user where name ='张三';
- 几种没有使用索引的情况
explain select * from user where phone ='18200389045';
explain select * from user where age = 20;
explain select * from user where age = 20 and phone ='18200389045'
- 包含最左列name字段,不包含age,包含phone
explain select * from user where name ='张三' and phone ='18200389045';
- 三个字段同时存在,顺序不一致
explain select * from user where name ='张三' and age = 20 and phone ='18200389045';
explain select * from user where name ='张三' and phone ='18200389045' and age = 20 ;
explain select * from user where age = 20 and phone ='18200389045' and name ='张三';
explain select * from user where age = 20 and name ='张三' and phone ='18200389045';
explain select * from user where phone ='18200389045' and age = 20 and name ='张三';
explain select * from user where phone ='18200389045' and name ='张三' and age = 20;
4. 总结