Oracle Performance Tuning 11g2 (7-1)

7 Configuring and Using Memory

This chapter explains how to allocate memory to Oracle Database memory caches, and how to use those caches. Proper sizing and effective use of the Oracle Database memory caches greatly improves database performance. Oracle recommends using automatic memory management to manage the memory on your system. However, you can choose to manually adjust the memory pools on your system, as described in this chapter.


This chapter contains the following sections:

  • Understanding Memory Allocation Issues                 理解内存分配问题

  • Configuring and Using the Buffer Cache                 配置和使用缓存

  • Configuring and Using the Shared Pool and Large Pool   配置使用共享池和大池

  • Configuring and Using the Redo Log Buffer              配置使用redo

  • PGA Memory Management                                  PGA内存管理

  • Managing the Server and Client Result Caches           管理服务端和客户端的result cache

7.1 Understanding Memory Allocation Issues

Oracle Database stores information in memory caches and on disk. Memory access is much faster than disk access. Disk access (physical I/O) take a significant amount of time, compared with memory access, typically in the order of 10 milliseconds. Physical I/O also increases the CPU resources required, because of the path length in device drivers and operating system event schedulers. For this reason, it is more efficient for data requests of frequently accessed objects to be perform by memory, rather than also requiring disk access.

A performance goal is to reduce the physical I/O overhead as much as possible, either by making it more likely that the required data is in memory, or by making the process of retrieving the required data more efficient.


This section contains the following topics:

  • Oracle Memory Caches                 内存缓存

  • Automatic Memory Management          AMM管理内存

  • Automatic Shared Memory Management   ASMM管理内存

  • Dynamically Changing Cache Sizes     动态的改变缓存大小

  • Application Considerations           应用考虑

  • Operating System Memory Use          操作系统内存使用

  • Iteration During Configuration       迭代配置

7.1.1 Oracle Memory Caches

The main Oracle Database memory caches that affect performance are:  影响性能的缓存有这个:

  • Shared pool

  • Large pool

  • Java pool

  • Buffer cache

  • Streams pool size

  • Log buffer

  • Process-private memory, such as memory used for sorting and hash joins

7.1.2 Automatic Memory Management

Oracle strongly recommends the use of automatic memory management to manage the memory on your system. Automatic memory management enables Oracle Database to automatically manage and tune the instance memory. Automatic memory management can be configured using a target memory size initialization parameter (MEMORY_TARGET) and a maximum memory size initialization parameter (MEMORY_MAX_TARGET). The database tunes to the target memory size, redistributing memory as needed between the system global area (SGA) and the instance program global area (instance PGA). Before setting any memory pool sizes, consider using the automatic memory management feature of Oracle Database. If you must configure memory allocations, consider using the Memory Advisor for managing memory.



7.1.3 Automatic Shared Memory Management

Automatic Shared Memory Management simplifies the configuration of the SGA. To use Automatic Shared Memory Management, set the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to a nonzero value and set the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter to TYPICAL or ALL. Set the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter to the amount of memory that you intend to dedicate for the SGA. In response to the workload on the system, the automatic SGA management distributes the memory appropriately for the following memory pools:

ASMM简化了SGA的配置。为了使用ASMM,需要设置sga_target = xxxxstatistics_level = typical|all。将SGA_TARGET设置成你希望的内存大小。根据系统压力的不同,自动的SGA管理下面的内存部件:

  • Database buffer cache (default pool)

  • Shared pool

  • Large pool

  • Java pool

  • Streams pool

If these automatically tuned memory pools had been set to nonzero values, those values are used as minimum levels by Automatic Shared Memory Management. You would set minimum values if an application component needs a minimum amount of memory to function properly.

SGA_TARGET is a dynamic parameter that can be changed by accessing the SGA Size Advisor from the Memory Parameters SGA page in Oracle Enterprise Manager, or by querying the V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE view and using the ALTER SYSTEM command. SGA_TARGET can be set less than or equal to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter. Changes in the value of SGA_TARGET automatically resize the automatically tuned memory pools.

If you dynamically disable SGA_TARGET by setting its value to 0 at instance startup, Automatic Shared Memory Management will be disabled and the current auto-tuned sizes will be used for each memory pool. If necessary, you can manually resize each memory pool using the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, JAVA_POOL_SIZE, and STREAMS_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters.


SGA_TARGET是一个动态参数,可以通过OEMSGA SIZE Advisor来实时的调整其大小,或者查询 v$sga_target_advice 视图及使用alter system进行更新。但是sga_target <= sga_max_size参数。当改变SGA_TARGET的时候,SGA中的相关部件也一起随之改变了


db_cache_size, shared_pool_size, large_pool_size, java_pool_size, streams_pool_size参数。

The following pools are manually sized components and are not affected by Automatic Shared Memory Management:

下面这些部件是要手工去设置的,不会被ASMM影响到: log buffer, keep, recycle, other non-8k block size, fixed sga

  • Log buffer

  • Other buffer caches (such as KEEP, RECYCLE, and other nondefault block size)

  • Fixed SGA and other internal allocations

To manually size these memory pools, you must set the DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE, DB_RECYCLE_CACHE_SIZE, DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE, and LOG_BUFFER initialization parameters. The memory allocated to these pools is deducted from the total available for SGA_TARGET when Automatic Shared Memory Management computes the values of the automatically tuned memory pools.

手动去调整这些内存部件,你必须去设置:db_keep_cache_size, db_recycle_cache_size, db_16k_cache_size, log_buffer参数。虽然这些参数不能被SGA_TARGET自动设置,但是这些参数加起来的内存是包含在SGA_TARGET中的,所以在设置真正需要的内存时,多加上这些内存到SGA_TARGET上。


7.1.4 Dynamically Changing Cache Sizes

If the system is not using Automatic Memory Management or Automatic Shared Memory Management, you can choose to dynamically reconfigure the sizes of the shared pool, the large pool, the buffer cache, and the process-private memory. The following sections contain details on sizing of caches:

假如系统没有使用ASMM或者AMM管理,你可以动态的重新配置这些shared pool,large pool,buffer cache, process-private部件的大小。下面的章节讨论了调整大小的一些细节:

  • Configuring and Using the Buffer Cache

  • Configuring and Using the Shared Pool and Large Pool

  • Configuring and Using the Redo Log Buffer

The size of these memory caches is configurable using initialization configuration parameters, such as DB_CACHE_SIZE, JAVA_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, LOG_BUFFER, and SHARED_POOL_SIZE. The values for these parameters are also dynamically configurable using the ALTER SYSTEM statement except for the log buffer pool and process-private memory, which are static after startup.

Memory for the shared pool, large pool, java pool, and buffer cache is allocated in units of granules. The granule size is 4MB if the SGA size is less than 1GB. If the SGA size is greater than 1GB, the granule size changes to 16MB. The granule size is calculated and fixed when the instance starts up. The size does not change during the lifetime of the instance.

The granule size that is currently being used for SGA can be viewed in the view V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS. The same granule size is used for all dynamic components in the SGA.

You can expand the total SGA size to a value equal to the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter. If the SGA_MAX_SIZE is not set, you can decrease the size of one cache and reallocate that memory to another cache if necessary. SGA_MAX_SIZE defaults to the aggregate setting of all the components.

这些部件内存大小是由:db_cache_size,java_pool_size,large_pool_size,log_buffer,shared_pool_size参数来配置的。这些参数可以直接通过alter system语句来配置,但是log buffer poolprocess-private内存是静态参数,必须重新启动才能应用。

shared pool,large pool, java pool buffer cache的内存分配是按照粒度为单位进行分配的。如果SGA分配的大小小于1G的话,那么这个粒度就是4M。假如SGA大于1G,那么粒度就是16M。这个粒度的值是在实例启动时计算出来的,这个值在系统运行期内是不会改变的。

(注:为什么需要这个粒度呢? 那考虑一下如果没有这个粒度会怎样?如果没有的话,那么oracle每次分配内存的时候就需要到处去找哪里有free的内存块,然后再确定其大小,最后还要更新自己的“数据库字典”以防止其他进程也从这里分配等等,非常的复杂。

有了粒度之后就好办了,如果一个“粒度块”没有使用,那就把那个4M或者16M的块拿过来使用,用完之后再还回去,用个简单的例子说明就是集装箱的道理,将整个粒度作为一个小的整体,整个SGA就是轮船,轮船里面都是由集装箱组成的,至于你要在集装箱里装什么是自己的事情了。在11G中,oracle使用了MMAP技术,可以在/dev/shm中看到有很多文件,每个都是以4M或者16M大小的,这个就是内存的一个映射,也是粒度的一个直观展示, mmap的意思就是memory map的意思。在10G中,oracle还是使用传统的共享内存技术,启动时分配大量的内存,然后Oracle又将其逻辑的分成许多粒度块使用。而在11G中直接通过操作系统的功能就实现了此方法。下面是我从MAN手册中取的mmap系统调用方法,了解即可。


    那是不是只有oracle使用了这个粒度呢? 显然不是的,生活中到处都有,操作系统也是一样。假如有16G的内存,那操作系统是如何管理呢? ------ 它是将内存按4K为一个粒度进行划分的。那为什么又是要以4K为单位划分呢?因为是intel的地址总线这么定的。在32位系统中,注意不是指32位操作系统,而是地址总线只有32位的系统中,比如11111111,11111111,11110000,00000000,我随意的写了32位数字,最后这12位,我用120来表示,212=4096=4K,那上面32 – 12 = 20位又是做什么呢?在linux中是按照段页式管理的,页就是这4K的单位的粒度,前面20位就代表一个有220=1M个页面,每个页面又是4K大小。

    理解了这部分之后,就能知道一个程序最小的内存占用了。比如我写了一个简单的printf(“hello world!\n”);程序,那这个程序按理说最多战胜几十个字节,但是实际上操作系统要给它一个页面的,即4K字节使用的。同样如果我想要4M的内存,操作系统就给我们1024个页面(1024*4K = 4M

可以通过 v$sga_dynamic_components 视图来查看粒度大小。SGA中所有的部件都使用相同的粒度。 v$sgainfo中也有的。



SGA_MAX_SIZE cannot be dynamically resized.   注意这个SGA_MAX_SIZE是静态参数,修改完一定要加上scope=spfile,否则无法修改成功

The maximum amount of memory usable by the instance is determined at instance startup by the initialization parameter SGA_MAX_SIZE. You can specify SGA_MAX_SIZE to be larger than the sum of all of the memory components, such as buffer cache and shared pool. Otherwise, SGA_MAX_SIZE defaults to the actual size used by those components. Setting SGA_MAX_SIZE larger than the sum of memory used by all of the components lets you dynamically increase a cache size without needing to decrease the size of another cache.

See Also:

Your operating system's documentation for information about managing dynamic SGA


    实例可以使用的最大内存是由系统启动时的SGA_MAX_SIZE参数决定的。你可以将SGA_MAX_SIZE设置的比所有内存部件都大一些,例如buffer cacheshared pool否则,SGA_MAX_SIZE默认情况下是所有部件的总和。将SGA_MAX_SIZE设置的大一些的好处是可以让你自动的增加缓存大小而不用去减少其他部件的内存 Viewing Information About Dynamic Resize Operations

The following views provide information about dynamic resize operations:

  • V$MEMORY_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS displays information about memory resize operations (both automatic and manual) which are currently in progress.


  • V$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS displays information about the current sizes of all dynamically tuned memory components, including the total sizes of the SGA and instance PGA.


  • V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS displays information about the last 800 completed memory resize operations (both automatic and manual). This does not include in-progress operations.

  • V$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE displays tuning advice for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter.

  • V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS displays information about SGA resize operations that are currently in progress. An operation can be a grow or a shrink of a dynamic SGA component.

  • V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS displays information about the last 800 completed SGA resize operations. This does not include any operations currently in progress.

  • V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS displays information about the dynamic components in SGA. This view summarizes information based on all completed SGA resize operations that occurred after startup.


v$memory_dynmic_components相比,少了SGA Target PGA Target两列。

  • V$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY displays information about the amount of SGA memory available for future dynamic SGA resize operations.


可以看到在我的虚拟机上,memory_max_target一共是1G,目前给SGA的还剩下721420288 / 1024 / 1024 = 688M空间。


See Also:

    • Oracle Database Concepts for more information about dynamic SGA



7.1.5 Application Considerations

When configuring memory, size the cache appropriately for the application's needs. Conversely, tuning the application's use of the caches can greatly reduce resource requirements. Efficient use of Oracle Database memory caches also reduces the load on related resources such as the latches, the CPU, and the I/O system.


For best performance, you should consider the following:




  • The cache should be optimally designed to use the operating system and database resources most efficiently.

  • Memory allocations to Oracle Database memory structures should best reflect the needs of the application.

Making changes or additions to an existing application might require resizing Oracle Database memory structures to meet the needs of your modified application.

If your application uses Java, you should investigate whether you need to modify the default configuration for the Java pool. See the Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide for information about Java memory usage.


假如你的应用程序是用JAVA来写的,你应该查看一下你的默认的java pool是否够用。


7.1.6 Operating System Memory Use

For most operating systems, it is important to consider the following:   对于多数的操作系统,必须要考虑以下几点:

  • Reduce Paging                                 减少换页

  • Fit the SGA into Main Memory                  固定SGA到主内存中

  • Allow Adequate Memory to Individual Users     给予独立用户足够的内存 Reduce Paging

Paging occurs when an operating system transfers memory-resident pages to disk solely to allow new pages to be loaded into memory. Many operating systems page to accommodate large amounts of information that do not fit into real memory. On most operating systems, paging reduces performance.

Use operating system utilities to examine the operating system, to identify whether there is a lot of paging on your system. If so, then the total system memory may not be large enough to hold everything for which you have allocated memory. Either increase the total memory on your system, or decrease the amount of memory allocated.


使用操作系统提供的工具去检查是否有换页发生。如果有换页发生,说明你的内存太小了,无法容纳需要的内容。要么增加服务器的内存,要么减少对内存的使用 Fit the SGA into Main Memory

Because the purpose of the SGA is to store data in memory for fast access, the SGA should be within main memory. If pages of the SGA are swapped to disk, then the data is no longer quickly accessible. On most operating systems, the disadvantage of paging significantly outweighs the advantage of a large SGA.


You can use the LOCK_SGA parameter to lock the SGA into physical memory and prevent it from being paged out. The database does not use the MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameters when the LOCK_SGA parameter is enabled.



注意: 你可以使用LOCK_SGA参数去将SGA锁定到内存中以防止被置换出去。但是使用之后,数据库将无法使用memory_target,memory_max_target参数了

       那么在linux是如何做到这点呢?  使用mlockmlockall程序去实现!下面是我在man手册中打开的,可以看到DESCRIPTION中第一行写的:



To see how much memory is allocated to the SGA and each of its internal structures, enter the following SQL*Plus statement:

       怎样查看SGA的信息呢? 使用show sga或者在v$sga_dynamic_components中查看。




        这样从图中我们看到granule size 4M,最大的SGA大小是1G, 还剩下721420288/1024/1024 = 688M Allow Adequate Memory to Individual Users

When sizing the SGA, ensure that you allow enough memory for the individual server processes and any other programs running on the system.

See Also:

Your operating system hardware and software documentation, and the Oracle documentation specific to your operating system, for more information on tuning operating system memory usage




7.1.7 Iteration During Configuration

Configuring memory allocation involves distributing available memory to Oracle Database memory structures, depending on the needs of the application. The distribution of memory to Oracle Database structures can affect the amount of physical I/O necessary for Oracle Database t operate. Having a good first initial memory configuration also provides an indication of whether the I/O system is effectively configured.

It might be necessary to repeat the steps of memory allocation after the initial pass through the process. Subsequent passes let you make adjustments in earlier steps, based on changes in later steps. For example, decreasing the size of the buffer cache lets you increase the size of another memory structure, such as the shared pool.


对于内存的分配是一个不断重复迭代调试的过程,直至满足应用程序的要求。基于随后程序的发展,接下来你可以对更早的配置中做一个调整。例如减少buffer cache的大小时,去增加shared pool的大小。




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