转:用双核AMD Opteron服务器来降低搭建SAP环境的总拥有成本(TCO)

这是一篇转贴的文章,原文的标题是“Lowering the TCO of SAP Environments with Dual-Core Servers: More Performance, Fewer Servers”

作者是AMD公司的商业市场的渠道经理Mark Finkernagel

By Mark Finkernagel, Division Manager, Commercial Marketing, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.


Lowering the TCO of SAP Environments with Dual-Core Servers: More Performance, Fewer Servers
By Mark Finkernagel, Division Manager, Commercial Marketing, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Consolidation to fewer, more powerful servers becomes an attractive option for companies when they decide to upgrade their IT infrastructure. It's important to choose a server platform that improves the performance of the SAP applications while at the same time keeps the TCO as low as possible.
Also during 2006, many companies have to upgrade their SAP landscapes. Company growth may have elevated the number of SAP users, transactions or modules that the current infrastructure must support. This can lead to system degradation, slow application performance, and increased workload from new modules that may impact the business with lost productivity. In addition, companies may be faced with replacing older servers in order to improve SAP landscape reliability.
As IT managers upgrade their server infrastructures, they need to balance reliability and performance needs while providing SAP services at low total cost of ownership (TCO). However, lowering TCO can be difficult. Adding more servers to the existing landscape can amplify space, power, and cooling requirements in the data center. When factoring in other indirect costs such as increased server management complexity and administration, adding servers to an SAP landscape may not be a cost-effective way to upgrade the infrastructure. Server consolidation to fewer, more powerful servers becomes an attractive option for helping to contain spiraling costs and provide excellent system performance and reliability. When IT managers decide to consolidate servers, they want to know what types of server platforms can deliver outstanding SAP application performance while at the same time keeping the TCO as low as possible.
Reducing performance bottlenecks
Legacy architecture versus Direct Connecting

AMD Opteron processors have several technology advantages that can help improve the performance of an SAP application. AMD64 with Direct Connect Architecture and HyperTransport technology helps reduce the bottlenecks inherent in traditional front-side bus-based systems by directly connecting processors, memory, and I/O devices to each core. These bottlenecks can arise because all requests for memory and I/O access as well as cpu-to-cpu data transfer are directed through a single memory controller, thereby reducing system performance and throughput. By directly connecting these key system components, an AMD Opteron-based server can then move data more efficiently throughout the system. These improvements can boost transaction rates and reduce response times - allowing an enterprise to host a greater number of users on fewer servers.
AMD Opteron处理器拥有几项技术优势能够帮助提升SAP应用服务器的性能。AMD64拥有直接连接架构和超传输技术能够通过直接连接处理器、内存和I/O设备到每个核心以解决前端总线系统与生俱来的性能瓶颈。这些瓶颈会出现是由于所有的内存和I/O访问请求,以及CUP到CPU的数据传输都直接通过单一的内存控制器,因此会降低系统性能和吞吐量。通过直接连接这些关键的系统组件,一个基于AMD Opteron的服务器能够在系统里更高效的传输数据。这种提高能够推进业务效率和降低响应时间-允许一个企业能否用少量的服务器来支持大量的用户使用。
In early 2004, Microsoft Corporation needed to boost the sales functionality of its enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications. However, the company's servers for SAP R/3 were approaching their end of life and were already at full capacity. Microsoft's Enterprise Application Services (EAS) team foresaw greater performance degradation, longer dialog response times, lengthier batch processing jobs, more frequent out-of-memory errors from ad-hoc reporting and user processes, and extremely high CPU utilization rates within the SAP environment. Because the SAP solution supported core finance, supply chain, and human resource functions critical to Microsoft worldwide, the team was concerned that these IT issues would have a negative impact on business processes.
在2004年的早些时候,微软公司需要推进他们的ERP应用系统的销售功能。然而,公司的SAP R/3服务器都已经满负荷,快要支持不住了。微软的EAS团队预料到会带来大幅度的性能下降,很长的会话响应时间,更长的批处理作业时间,更加频繁的来自特别报告和用户进程中的out-of-memory错误,以及很高的CPU占用率。因为SAP系统提供着微软全球的主要财务、供应链和人力资源功能,实施团队意识到这些IT方面的问题会对业务处理产生负面影响。
Running one four-processor HP ProLiant DL585 server with AMD Opteron processors alongside two older x86-based single core eight-processor servers, Microsoft discovered that the HP ProLiant DL585 in conjunction with an upgrade to 64-bit versions of Windows Server, SAP R/3, and SQL Server created 40 percent more sales orders in the first hour and also completed twelve batch jobs 38 percent faster than the two eight-processor servers combined. Consequently, the staff replaced six eight-processor servers with three AMD Opteron processor-based HP ProLiant DL 585 four-processor servers, and consolidated the overall application server landscape from nine servers down to six. The company reports that having fewer servers will improve administrative workloads and overall software licensing costs.
在2台有着8个单核x86处理器的服务器边上,运行着一台有着4个AMD Opteron处理器的HP ProLiant DL585服务器,微软公司在HP ProLiant DL585服务器上安装64位的windows服务器版和基于SQL Server数据库的SAP R/3系统,他们发现在一个小时内这台服务器比原来的2台8处理器的服务起加在一起还要多处理40%的订单,同时还更快地完成了38个批处理作业。因此,支持人员用3台有着4个AMD Opteron处理器的HP ProLiant DL585服务器替换了原来的6台有着8个单核x86处理器的服务器,这样一来就把整个应用服务器的数量从9台降到了6台。公司报告称更少的服务器能降低管理工作量以及所涉及的许可证成本。
"We are absolutely seeing great performance and high transaction loads on HP ProLiant servers with AMD Opteron processors. As a result, we streamlined our server landscape and reduced costs," said Mike Hatch, Application Architect, Microsoft Corporation.
微软的应用架构师Mike Hatch表示:“我们很明显的看到基于AMD Opteron处理器的HP ProLiant服务器有很强劲的性能和事务处理负荷能力”
Increased SAP workload
AMD runs their SAP R/3 4.6C installation on HP ProLiant servers using the Windows operating system. Over the past year, robust company growth led to more users and more transactions placing more load on AMD's older SAP servers. The number of concurrent SAP users - mostly sales and shipping staff - jumped up 250 percent, while data volumes tripled and average dialog steps per day increased 56 percent.
ADM公司在基于windows操作系统的HP ProLiant服务器上运行SAP R/3 4.6C系统。在过去的一年里,不断成长的公司业务给公司原有的SAP服务器增加了更多的用户和更多的业务处理负荷。SAP的并发用户数-主要是销售和装运-跃升了百分之250,数据量增加了3倍,每天的平均对对话步(一种SAP的内部作业)数量也增加了百分之56。
AMD's own SAP upgrade to four-processor servers using Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors, replacing the older x86-based single-core eight-processor servers, led to 29 percent faster average dialog response times, a 64 percent reduction in average application processing CPU time and 33 percent faster BW database response times. And, keep in mind these performance improvements happened while the workload increased by 56 percent. Even during high utilization periods, the platform improved end-user response times. "Our reliable HP ProLiant platform is running all of our transactions significantly faster," said Walter Smith, AMD's director of Global IT Infrastructure and Shared Services.
AMD自己的SAP服务器升级为1台有着4个双核AMD Opteron处理器的服务器,替换掉了原来的那台有着8个单核x86处理器的服务器,这样一来,每个对话响应时间提高了29%,每个应用服务器的CPU占用时间减少了64%,BW数据库的响应时间快了33%。请记住,这些性能提升都是在工作量增加56%的前提下取得的。即使在使用频率最高的时候,系统依然能够提高终端用户的响应时间。“显而易见,我们所有的业务都在可靠的HP ProLiant平台上跑的更快”,Walter Smith ,ADM的全球IT基础设施和共享服务主管,说道。
Both Microsoft and AMD were able to yield significantly better response times, by upgrading their SAP system landscape to AMD Opteron processors. This upgrade resulted in lower hardware acquisition costs than if they had remained on their older, single-core x86 based servers. An added benefit is that AMD Opteron processors provide support for newly released 64-bit SAP software, making AMD Opteron processor-based servers a good choice as the deployment platform for additional SAP modules.
微软和AMD公司都能够通过把SAP硬件系统升级为基于AMD Opteron处理器的服务器中使得响应时间显著提高。这样的升级带来的结果就是相对于老的基于单核x86处理器的服务器更加底的硬件成本。另外一个好处是,AMD Opteron处理器提供了对最近发布的64位版本的SAP软件的支持,在未来新增的SAP模块中请选择基于AMD Opteron处理器的服务器作为运行平台。

Pare down space, power and cooling requirements
When IT managers add more servers to the SAP solutions landscape - rather than consolidating onto fewer, more powerful ones - data center costs may increase. Adding servers can alleviate cooling and space requirements in the data center. These servers consume additional electricity and generate heat which can place strains on the cooling system within the data center. In many data centers, the amount of energy expended and heat dissipated limit the number of servers that can be mounted in a rack system and may require the company to obtain more floor space for housing additional racks.
Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors are designed to provide superior performance per watt, advantages that are not available in competitive x86 processors. In a typical 2P server configuration, AMD Opteron processors may consume 190 watts of power, compared to 300 watts for competitive dual-core x86 processors. The power efficiency of AMD Opteron processors can make cooling the data center more economical while also maximizing valuable floor space by enabling rack systems to be populated to increased levels.
双核的AMD Opteron处理器的设计能为每瓦特提供更高的性能,这种优势在与之竞争进的x86处理器上是没有的。在一个典型的配置2个处理器的服务器中,AMD Opteron处理器大约要消耗190瓦电能,相对于与之竞争的双核x86处理器则需要300瓦。AMD Opteron的功率效能使得数据中心的制冷更经济,同时又能通过增加机架的层数从而最大化的利用楼层空间。

High reliability
Along with the performance and price of servers, IT managers' other chief concern is reliability. SAP has stringent reliability requirements that must be met in order to obtain an official SAP certification. SAP-certified servers powered by AMD Opteron processors are available from Egenera, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, HP, IBM, and Sun. These leading manufacturers also provide software tools to aid server reliability and enable the management of newer and older servers with a single toolset.
除了服务器的性能以及价格,IT经理另外主要关注的就是可靠性。SAP对可靠性要求非常高以至于需要获得SAP的官方认证。SAP认证的基于AMD Opteron处理器的服务器有Egenera, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, HP, IBM以及 Sun。这些领先的(服务器)制造厂商同时提供了软件工具来辅助实现服务器的可靠性,并且能够用同一个工具来管理新的和老的服务器。

AMD's server selection for its own SAP deployment was based on the ability to manage older servers alongside newer ones. Walter Smith acknowledged that by deploying HP ProLiant servers using AMD Opteron processors, there were no changes required to the systems management tools and processes. "Our team already uses HP Systems Insight Manager and Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced Pack, so we didn't have to retrain. We could also use the same storage, application software, and backup and recovery solution. This benefit lowers our total cost of ownership", he said.
AMD在选择自己的SAP服务器时是基于能够像管理新服务器那样管理老服务器做考虑的。Walter Smith知道部署采用ADM Opteron处理器的HP ProLiant服务器不需要对系统管理工具和流程作任何改变。“我们团队已经采用了HP Systems Insight Manager和Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced Pack,所以我们无须再培训。我们能够使用同样的存储系统、应用软件以及备份与恢复解决方案。这样有利于降低我们的总又有成本”他说道。

SAP Benchmark results
SAP benchmark results
SAP-certified servers using Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors provide a significant performance increase above competitive x86-based servers. Comparing the results of two-tier SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Standard Application Benchmarks, AMD Opteron-based systems deliver the top three results on four-processor servers, and the top four results on two-processor servers. (Results as of 2/24/2006. For more information or latest benchmarks visit www.sap.com/benchmark)
SAP认证的服务器使用双核AMD Opteron处理器提供了超过基于竞争对手的x86处理器的服务器很多的性能。比较2层的SAP销售与分销标准应用基准得分结果,基于AMD Opteron的系统取得了4路处理器服务器的前三名,以及2路处理器服务器的前四名。

Benchmarks quoted
Benchmarks quoted.
In the two-tier SAP SD Standard Application Benchmark, the HP ProLiant DL585 with four Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors, running SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) and SQL Server 2000 (32-bit) delivers the leading result on four-processor servers with 1,772 SD benchmark users, or 8,900 SAPS (SAP Application Performance Standard). The nearest result using other x86-based dual-core processors in a four-processor server, delivered 1,345 users, or 6,750 SAPS. Dual-Core AMD Opteron based servers provide up to a 32 percent higher user and SAPS capacity over servers using other dual-core x86-based processors. As upgrading a SAP server infrastructure, this AMD Opteron Dual-Core performance advantage can translate into significantly fewer servers.
在2层架构的SAP SD标准应用基准测试中,HP ProLiant DL585服务器有4个双核AMD Opteron处理器,运行着SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7,操作系统是Windows Server 2003企业版(64位),数据库用的是SQL Server 2000 (32位)。这样的一台服务器在测试中获得了4处理器服务器中的领先,1,772个SD基准测试用户,或者8,900SAPS(SAP 应用性能标准)。差距最小的那个基于其他x86双核处理器的4处理器服务器,获得了1,345个用户或者6,750SAPS。基于双核AMD Opteron服务器提供了比使用其它x86双核处理器的服务器高32%的用户或者SAPS。在升级SAP服务器架构时,AMD Opteron双核处理器的性能优势能够明显减少服务器数量。



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