
PS:所有函数助手都会有Name of variable in which to store the result (optional),该字段是jiang这个字段非必填


  • ${__base64Decode(Base64 string to be decoded,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Base64 string to be decoded:需要解码的base64变量(字符串)
  • ${__base64Decode(QWxsZW4gaXMgdG9vIEFsbGVuLg==,)}的调用结果是base64=Allen is too Allen.


  • ${__base64Encode(Base64 string to be encoded,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Base64 string to be encoded:需要编码的字符串
  • Name of variable in which to store the result (optional):保存编码结果的变量,非必填
  • ${__base64Encode(234234uiukjlskldfsd23242,)}的调用结果是base64encode=c29uIG9mIGJpdGNo


  • ${__BeanShell(Expression to,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Expression to :一个BeanShell脚本(不是文件名),如果是.sh,.bat脚本,需要jmeter.bat同目录
  • Name of variable in which to store the result (optional):存结果的变量,
  • ${__BeanShell(1234*459,)}的调用结果是beanshells=566406


  • ${__changeCase(String to modify,Change case mode UPPER(default),LOWER,CAPITALIZE,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • String to modify:需要转换的英文字符
  • Change case mode UPPER(default),LOWER,CAPITALIZE:UPPER为所有字母转为大写,LOWER为所有字母转为小写,CAPITALIZE开头字母大写,非必填,默认转换成大写
  • ${__changeCase(abc,,)的调用结果:changecase1=ABC
  • ${__changeCase(abc,UPPER,)}的调用结果:changecase2=ABC
  • ${__changeCase(ABC,LOWER,)}的调用结果:changecase3=abc
  • ${__changeCase(abc,CAPITALIZE,)的调用结果:changecase4=Abc


  • ${__char(Unicode character number (decimal or 0xhex))}
  • Unicode character number (decimal or 0xhex):十进制或十六进制的数字
  • ${__char(0xD,0xA)}的调用结果为char=(没结果。。。。)


  • ${__counter(TRUE, for each user to have own counter, FALSE for a global counter,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • TRUE, for each user to have own counter, FALSE for a global counter
  • Name of variable in which to store the result (optional)

${__CSVRead}:函数__CSVRead会从CSV文件读取一个字符串(请注意与StringFromFile 的区别),通常用于CSV参数化

  • ${__CSVRead(CSV file to get values from | *alias,Column number of CSV file | next | *alias)}
  • CSV file to get values from | *alias:csv文件路径 或者 *alias
  • Column number of CSV file | next | *alias:从文件的哪一列读起,”next”为走到文件的走一行。 *ALIAS为打开一个文件,并给它分配一个别名
  • ${__CSVRead(E:\资料\jmeter性能进阶\作业\了解如何定义定义变量和调用函数\param.txt,0)的执行结果是csvreader=number
  • -


  • ${__dateTimeConvert(Date to be formatted,Source format of date,Target format of date,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Date to be formatted:日期,需要转格式的日期
  • Source format of date:原来日期的格式
  • Target format of date:需要转成的格式
  • ${__dateTimeConvert(20180810,MMddyyyy,dd/MM/yyyy,)}调用结果:date=18/08/0811


  • ${__digest(Digest algorithm,String to be hashed,Salt to be used for hashing (optional),Upper case result, defaults to false (optional,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Digest algorithmL:加密算法,包括MD2、MD5、SHA-1、SHA-224、SHA-256、SHA-384、SHA-512
  • String to be hashed:需要加密的字符串
  • Salt to be used for hashing (optional):额外加密内容,可以是随机数或随机字符串
  • Upper case result:将加密结果换成大写字符串
  • ${__digest(SHA-512,son of bitch,,,)}调试结果:digest1=ffb7a7fd72608a7154c291ebc09e4a2af5e7c838b8d97b26a3b78dfb479db8d34e764dad0d716a8834079358212edee11961091476cd29ba2c3679fe66b60cb6
  • ${__digest(SHA-384,down,123,,)调试结果:digest2=b63aa358ec5e89e4ce13517c5487dc4a88651719d89d2a0bc0dbf78cf0c4148c0fcb34dfece15089fbd08734bc0f024d


  • ${__escapeHtml(String to escape)}
  • String to escape:转义字符串
  • ${__escapeHtml(“bread” & “butter”)}调用结果:escape= “&”quot;bread”&”quot;” &”amp;” &”quot;butter&quot”;”


  • ${__escapeOroRegexpChars(Value to escape from ORO Regexp meta chars,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Value to escape from ORO Regexp meta chars:正则表达式
  • ${__escapeOroRegexpChars([^”].+?,)}调用结果:[\^\”].+\?


  • ${__escapeXml(String to escape)}
  • String to escape:转义字符串
  • ${__escapeXml(“bread” & ‘butter’)}调用结果:”&”quot;bread”&”quot; ‘&’amp; ‘&’apos;butter&’apos;


  • ${__eval()}
  • Text containing variable and function references:参数表达式
  • 给定参数值:Table=mytable Column=username Username=dennis

SQL=select columnfrom c o l u m n f r o m {table} where userid=’${username}’

{__eval( {__eval( {SQL})}得到的值为select username from mytable where uername=’dennis

${__evalVar()}与 __eval雷同,唯一不同的是evalVar()括号里的参数是保存在一个值里,也就是说 query是直接包含参数值


  • ${__FileToString(Enter path (absolute or relative) to file,File encoding if not the platform default (opt),Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • Enter path (absolute or relative) to file:文件地址,可相对路径也可绝对路径
  • File encoding if not the platform default (opt):如果文件的编码不是系统默认编码,就需要使用该参数标明,非必填
  • ${__FileToString(E:\资料\jmeter性能进阶\作业\了解如何定义定义变量和调用函数\param.txt,,)}调试结果:number



  • ${__intSum(First int to add.,Second int to add - further ints can be summed by adding further arguments.,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • First int to add.:第一个参数
  • Second int to add - further ints can be summed by adding further arguments.:第二、第三。。。个参数
  • ${__intSum(1,2,3,4,5,)}调用结果:15


  • ${__isPropDefined(Name of property)}
  • Name of property:属性名称
  • ${__isPropDefined(HM.AM)}:如果有属性名为HM.AM,返回TRUE,否则返回false


  • ${__isVarDefined(Name of property)}:有则返回true,无则返回false


  • ${__javaScript(JavaScript expression to evaluate,Name of variable in which to store the result (optional))}
  • JavaScript expression to evaluate:JavaScript脚本

{__log}:记录日志,日志输出   -
{__log(String to be logged (and returned),Log level (default INFO) or OUT or ERR,Throwable text (optional),Additional comment (optional)}
- String to be logged (and returned):输出的字段
- Log level (default INFO) or OUT or ERR:日志的等级,默认INFO,有输出,错误日志
- Throwable text (optional):记录日常
- ${__log(123123123,,,)}=123123123

${__logn(,,)}:也是记录日志,输出日志,只是会少个Throwable text参数


  • ${__lowercase(BDFDFSRT,)} = bdfdfsrt


  • ${__Random(1,100,)} = 45


  • ${__RandomDate(dd MM yyyy,,08 07 2050,,)} = 28 11 2038

__RandomString :返回随机字符串

  • ${__RandomString(10,abcdefgh1234567890,)} = be6311398b








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