关于Web 2.0 的20个说法(转)


(胡泳的BLOG:)居住在洛杉矶的FOX Interactive Media 产品经理Kareem Mayan汇集了18条关于Web 2.0的说法,在网上转帖颇广。


18. "The best way to build a successful business is to help other people make money." - Rich Skrenta, Topix.net, paraphrases some AOL exec

“打造一门 成功 生意的最好办法就是帮助别人赚钱。”——Topix.netRich Skrenta这样释义AOL某高管的话

17. "I'll go to multiple news sites because I don't trust any one site." - Sean, age 17, on how he gets news online

“我上多个新闻 网站 ,因为我不相信其中任何一个。”——17岁的Sean解释他如何获取在线新闻

16. "When you get to college, MySpace isn't a big deal anymore." - Sasha, age 18, on how high school is so last year


15. "Build, learn, and make mistakes as you go--you'll know more about what you're doing as you're doing it, instead of before you do it." - Jason Fried, 37 Signals, advocating iterative development

“一边做,一边建造、学习和犯错误——对你正在做的事情,你只有做了才会懂得更多,而不是事前空想。”——37SignalsJason Fried鼓吹反复前进

14. "[In 5-10 years, the value in media] will be in the companies who can grow audiences, not in those who control content." - Vinod Khosla, former General Partner at Kleiner Perkins

“在510年内,媒体的价值将存在于那些培养用户的公司,而不是那些控制内容的公司。”——Kleiner Perkins的前任总合伙人Vinod Khosla

13. "For me, transparency is a competitive weapon." - Sun COO Jonathan Schwartz, on why he blogs

“对我而言,透明度是一件富有竞争力的武器。”——Sun微系统公司的COO Jonathan Schwartz如此解释他写Blog的动机

12. "eBay has 150M customers, in the nicest terms, that's 150M people who have learned to trust strangers." - eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, on how business can be an engine of positive social change

?eBay1.5亿用户,理想地说,就等于1.5亿人学会了如何相信陌生人。”——eBay创始人Pierre Omidyar认为商业能为积极的社会变革带来动力?

11. "I like Google the best, they're the cleanest. Others are trying to take your attention away from what you're trying to focus on so it's counter productive to go to those sites." - Sasha, age 18, explains why it's smart to adapt to your customers instead of forcing them to adapt to you


10. "A lot of our successes don't have anything to do with anything our executives thought were a good idea." - Google founder Sergey Brin likes the wisdom of crowds

?“我们的许多成功的地方与管理者们自认的好主意一点关系都没有。”——Google创始人Sergey Brin更喜欢群体的智慧

9. "We don't know what we're doing 96% of the time." - Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield, on how 4% can make a lot of people very happy

“我们96%的时间里不知道自己在做什么。”——Flickr的创始人Stewart Butterfield认为剩下的4%足以让许多人非常快乐

8. "Hiring lawyers and suing is a hell of a lot easier for the average corporation than being creative." - former FCC head Michael Powell, on why content companies are suing their customers

?“雇用律师起诉对于一般的公司来说,比起自己创意要容易得多。”——前任FCC主席Michael Powell解释为什么那些提供内容服务的公司起诉他们的顾客

7. "I tell our engineers, 'no matter how bright you are, there will always be more people outside the company's walls that are brighter so we need to provide them with tools to innovate.'" - Omidyar likes the wisdom of crowds, too


6. "Traditionally, people think more is better. More may work, but it's painful, expensive, very cold-war. Think about one-downing people, underdoing your competitors." - Fried coins some new verbs


5. Illustrating that the world is really different for digital natives:

Moderator: Let's say you want to buy a CD player, where would you go?

Sean, age 17 (puzzled): Ummm, a CD player...? (laugher)




4. "The more money you give a company, the less likely they are to be successful." - Khosla


3. "The average consumer does not know the difference between the browser, the internet, and the search box." - Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation, provides some perspective

“一般的消费者并不知道浏览器、互联网以及搜索框之间的区别。”——Mozilla基金会的Mitchell Baker提供了这样的观点

2. "We thought that anybody who came to a concert had equity. They took part in the creation of the music." - Mickey Hart, Grateful Dead

“我们认为任何来参加演唱会的人都拥有权益。他们都参与到了音乐的创作之中。”——Grateful Dead乐队的Mickey Hart

1. "The #1 factor that contributed to our success is luck. We followed our hearts, and worked on search because it was useful and an interesting problem." - Brin, on founding Google


对于Web 2.0,似乎人人都有话要说。Kareem Mayan搜集了18条引语,我加上两条,一条来自圣雄甘地,一条来自鄙人,凑成20条,以飨各位网友:

19"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. "- Mahatma Gandhi


20.到底什么是Web 2.0?我把这一浪潮的实质概括为一句话:个人追求大众的注意。——胡泳






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