HDI qq0-100 Exam

Exam Number/Code : qq0-100 Exam Name : hdi qualified help desk analyst(hda) Questions and Answers : 116 Q&As Update Time: 2010-04-05


1. What two considerations need to be made when sharing workspace? (Choose two.)
A. Maintain a clean environment
B. Discretion and courtesy when decorating
C. Share only with persons with similar likes/dislikes
D. None, each person needs to take care of it themselves
Answer: AB

2. What should you do to assess a customer level of knowledge? What should you do to assess a customer? level of
A. Ask open questions
B. Ask closed questions
C. Provide more detailed explanations
D. Assume the customer has a basic level of knowledge
Answer: A

3. A customer calls you in a frantic state. The customer has a big presentation in an hour and cannot get the
presentation to print. You ask questions about the problem, but the customer keeps talking about what will happen to
her if she does not have the presentation ready. Which two actions should you take to get the customer's attention?
(Choose two.)
A. Empathise with the customer
B. Tell the customer to "snap out of it"
C. Regularly use the customer's first name
D. Raise your voice when asking questions
Answer: AC

4. An analyst has conveyed incorrect information to a customer. Which action demonstrates personal accountability?
A. The analyst has another analyst call the customer
B. The analyst closes the call and moves to the next call
C. The analyst calls the customer back to correct the information
D. The analyst calls the customer back and blames the incorrect information on bad documentation
Answer: C

5. Which two are the primary purpose of an annual (periodic) survey? (Choose two.)
A. Determine management bonuses
B. Identify changes to products, services and processes
C. Measure performance of individual analysts at the help desk
D. Evaluate customer satisfaction with products, services, and personnel
D. Evaluate customer satisfaction with products, services, and personnel
Answer: BD

6. You are having a trouble understanding a customer with a strong accent. The first thing you should do is ______?
A. Find someone else who can understand the customer better
B. Tell the customer you are having difficulty understanding them
C. Ask the customer is there is someone else in their organisation for you to talk to
D. Inform. the customer that you cannot understand them and there is nothing you can do to help them
Answer: B

7. Which two are characteristics of a team player? (Choose two.)
A. Courtesy
B. Conformity
C. Participation
D. Independence
Answer: AC

8. What are two benefits of encouraging customers to follow standard procedures? (Choose two.)
A. Improves quality and accuracy
B. Helps customers make better decisions
C. Results in customers calling less frequently
D. Keeps customers up-to-date on new applications
Answer: AB

9. A customer calls with a printing problem. You start the troubleshooting process by asking some simple questions.
The customer admits that this is his first time using a computer Which three questions should be used to obtain
necessary information to solve the problem? (Choose three.)
A. Ask the customer if he is the only one who can print to this printer
B. Ask the customer if a start button or disk icon appears on the screen
C. Ask the customer if he has experienced any problems recently with any other applications
D. Guide the customer through checking the printer connection and making sure the power is turned on
Answer: ACD

10. Which two organisational characteristics are typically found in a supportive workplace environment? (Choose two.)
A. High employee morale
B. Low employee turnover
C. High adherence to policies
D. Low superior-subordinate interaction
Answer: AB

11. For which two reasons do help desk's log all calls? (Choose two.)
A. Allows ticket monitoring
B. Measure frequency of calls
C. Prove the help desk is right
D. Provide an audit trail of activities
Answer: BD

12. Which three approaches help create a positive business reputation? (Choose three.)
A. When you hear complaints about your organisation, change the subject
B. Have a good attitude and never speak negatively about your organisation
C. See what you can do to assist any co-worker who is unhappy or experiencing problems
D. Try to have a positive and memorable effect on every person you communicate with each day
Answer: BCD

13. What is a key benefit of a knowledge-base system?
A. Increases call volume
B. Saves time and money
C. Decreases network traffic
D. Requires lower maintenance
Answer: B

14. In which four circumstances is it appropriate to use open questions? (Choose three.)
A. When your time is limited
B. When you need to build rapport
C. When you need the customer to elaborate
D. When you have exhausted your possibilities
Answer: BCD

15. What is the primary role of support service?
A. To track problems and bugs
B. To provide quality assistance
C. To provide technical resolutions
D. To provide the customer with a knowledge-base
Answer: B

16. What are three reasons for providing consistent service? (Choose three.)
A. To guarantee professionalism
B. To instill confidence in your customer
C. To ensure a commitment to excellence
D. To ensure empathy to customer needs
Answer: ABC

17. Which two are effective techniques for dealing with stress? (Choose two.)
A. Take long breaks
B. Set realistic goals/objectives
C. Exercise and observe good nutrition practices
D. Use high energy drinks, e.g., coffee, caffeine drinks to keep energy levels up
Answer: BC

18. Which technique will best optimise talk time?
A. Analyst asks clarifying questions
B. Analyst uses business language
C. Customer should be prepared to actively listen
D. Analyst adjusts to customer pace and competence level Analyst adjusts to customer? pace and competence level
Answer: D

19. What is the number one goal of support services?
A. To give technical support to anyone who calls
B. To resolve all calls requiring technical support
C. To obtain information for any questions that are asked
D. To keep the customer performing at the highest level possible
Answer: D

20. Why are customer satisfaction surveys important?
A. They reveal what abandon rate is acceptable
B. They reveal how the help desk is perceived by the customer
C. They determine the percentage of first call resolution (FCR)
D. They determine what level of support the customer is receiving
Answer: B

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