You Asked
Good Morning Tom. I need your expertise in this regard. I got a table which contains millions or records. I want to update and commit every time for so many records ( say 10,000 records). I dont want to do in one stroke as I may end up in Rollback segment issue(s). Any suggestions please ! ! ! Murali
and we said...
If I had to update millions of records I would probably opt to NOT update. I would more likely do: CREATE TABLE new_table as select from old_table; index new_table grant on new table add constraints on new_table etc on new_table drop table old_table rename new_table to old_table; you can do that using parallel query, with nologging on most operations generating very little redo and no undo at all -- in a fraction of the time it would take to update the data.
另一个老哥的parallel load 的补充
This is absolutely a viable approach, and one we have used repeatedly. One of our apps updates a table of several hundred million records. The cursor..For loop approach for the update was calculated to take 53.7 years to complete! We institued the Insert into a dummy table append with nologging, and were able to complete the "update" in under 30 minutes. With nologging, if the system aborts, you simply re-run the 'update' again, as you have the original data in the main table. When done, we swap the partition of original data with the 'dummy' table (the one containing new values), rebuild indexes in parallel, and wha-la! Our update is complete. i.e, to update field2 in a table: 1) First create your dummy hold table: create table xyz_HOLD as select * from xyz where rownum<1. Alter tablexyz nologging. 2) insert /*+ append parallel (xyzhold,12) */ into xyz_hold xyzhold (field1, field2, field3) select /*+ parallel (x,12) */ xyz.field1, my_new_value_for_field2, xyz.field3 from xyz x where blah blah blah. 3) when done, either rename the table, or swap the partition if your original table is partitioned, and you only updated one partition as we do. Obviously you need to rebuild indecies, etc as required. Hope this helps!
We've a similar situation., We delete around 3 million records from 30 million rows table everyday. There is no logical column to do partition., I guess the insert into a new table will take considerable time with 27 mil records.. Please let me know what is the best approach.
wait 10 days so that you are deleting 30 million records from a 60 million record table and then this will be much more efficient. Time it some day though. 3 million records on an indexed table will take considerable time. There is a chance that INSERT /*+ append */ select done nologging, parallel with create indexes in parallel could best the delete.
In response to the Jack Silvey (from Richardson, TX ) review, where he wrote "It is the only way to fly. We also have an absolutely incredible stored procedure that rebuilds all of our indexes concurrently after the load, using the Oracle job scheduler as the mechanism of allowing separate threads in pl/sql": Could you provide more information about that procedure and how to rebuild multiple same-table indexes concurrently using Oracle job scheduler? Thanks, Boris.
instead of begin execute immediate 'alter index idx1 rebuild'; execute immediate 'alter index idx2 rebuild'; end; you can code: declare l_job number; begin dbms_job.submit( l_job, 'execute immediate ''alter index idx1 rebuild'';' ); commit; dbms_job.submit( l_job, 'execute immediate ''alter index idx2 rebuild'';' ); commit; end; Now, just set job_queue_processes > 0 to set the "degree of threads" and in 8i and before set job_queue_interval to say 60 or so and there you go.
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