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转载 关于SELECT * FROM v$sga;结果的解析

关于SELECT * FROM v$sga;结果的解析NAME VALUE-------------------- ---------Fixed Size 39816Variable Size 151544820Database...

2007-04-27 15:47:01 485


Database Writer (DBWn) The server process records changes to undo and data blocks in the Database Buffer Cache. DB...

2007-04-26 11:53:41 174

转载 curious update in oracle, collect from web

update   ORACLE UPDATE 语句语法与性能分析的一点看法 为了方便起见,建立了以下简单模型,和构造了部分测试数据: 在某个业务受理子系统BSS中, --客户资料表 create table custo...

2007-04-25 10:25:54 144

转载 AWR vs statspack‘s snap method

Oracle AWR and STATSPACK Manual snapshot commandsThere are times when you want to manually collect AWR and STATSPA...

2007-04-25 10:20:14 135

转载 sql server case vs decode,转的

Oracle:select decode(a1,'0', 'easy', '1', 'normal', '2', 'hard') level from a;转成SQL Server为:select (case a1 when '...

2007-04-25 10:18:39 67

转载 row chain VS row migration

OverviewIf you notice poor performance in your Oracle database Row Chaining and Migration may be one of several re...

2007-04-25 10:13:07 85

转载 Oracle中,一个Delete操作的流程

Oracle中,一个Delete操作的流程删除(DELETE)1.Oracle读Block到Buffer Cache(如果该Block在Buffer中不存在)2.在redo log buffer中记录delete操作的细节3.在...

2007-04-25 10:06:58 164

转载 转 Parsing in Oracle

Parsing in Oracle Amar Kumar Padhi, amar_padhi@hotmail.com <mailto:amar_padhi@hotmail.com> Whenever a state...

2007-03-11 18:27:24 83

转载 一条语句被解析parse的过程

一条语句被解析parse的过程2006-11-22 00:35:42 / 个人分类:administration <http://blog.oracle.com.cn/47810/spacelist_type_blog_i...

2007-03-11 18:26:28 298

转载 转 Oracle's buffer cache

Oracle's buffer cache The buffer cache is part of the SGA <http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/concepts/sga.html#db_buf...

2007-03-11 18:24:28 94

转载 转: Latch 系列

Latch 系列一: Introducion <http://www.oracledba.com.cn/blog/?p=26> Posted in Oracle <http://www.oracledba.co...

2007-03-11 18:23:37 98

转载 转 Oracle's x$ Tables

Oracle's x$ Tables See also: Speculation of X$ Table Names <http://www.stormloader.com/yonghuang/computer/x$ta...

2007-03-11 18:22:26 205

转载 statspack 必看的十项内容

虽然是转的,也得认真看看....statspack 必看的十项内容发表人:pentium | 发表时间: 2007年三月05日, 01:40http://xsb.itpub.net/post/419/38713 <http...

2007-03-11 18:20:24 88

转载 [转]Notes on Data Guard / Physical Standby in 10g

Notes on Data Guard / Physical Standby in 10g Primary orcl10g is running. About to create orcl10gsb as standby on...

2007-03-11 18:19:49 185

转载 biti 的热点块我要放在我的blog 里,仔细看,认真看,看一遍忘两便,咋办?

作者:biti_rainy (出处 <http://blog.csdn.net/biti_rainy/archive/2004/07/06/35188.aspx> )热点块的定义数据库的热点块,从简单了讲,就是极短的...

2007-03-11 18:17:58 225

转载 oracle 执行动态SQL的另外一个妙招,execute immediate 的旧版本替代

让我们看看老版本的oracle 是怎么执行动态SQL的create or replace procedure scheam1.trunc*** as source_cursor integer; rows_processed i...

2007-03-11 18:04:11 142

转载 oracle 8i+ 10g cient ORA-12518 metalink 解决方案

8Subject: ORA-12518 Reported When Using 10gr2 TNS Listener to Connect To a 8i Database Doc ID: Note:341482.1 ...

2007-03-11 17:50:42 95

转载 Oracle9iR2 Data Guard的保护模式

转(需要引用, 请注明出处: http://ningoo.itpub.net) flaco ask me a question of v$logfile type, made me go through standby db a...

2007-03-10 18:08:28 82

转载 Luwis 's index article

How High Can You Go? by Jonathan LewisIntroductionSomeone on the Oracle-L mailing list recently asked, “Does Orac...

2007-02-24 21:01:36 138

转载 Locally Managed Tablespaces

Locally Managed Tablespaces Unless you have been living on another planet (one that does not run Oracle!) you will...

2007-02-24 20:32:45 117

转载 what is the normal form in English

All relational databases require unique keys to identify primary table rows.A key is required whenever we need to ...

2007-02-24 19:47:30 157

转载 normal format

关系数据库设计之基本规则--范式 引用:原帖由 xzh2002 于 2003-7-22 10:56 发表 1NF: 属性不可再分 2NF:消除1NF的部分依赖 3NF:消除2NF的传递依赖 引用: [color=green] ...

2007-02-24 19:44:04 139

转载 Solaris下修改主机名

Solaris下修改主机名 /etc/hosts/etc/nodename/etc/hostname.ce0/etc/net/ticlts/hosts/etc/net/ticots/hosts/etc/net/ticotsord...

2007-02-22 14:47:46 66

转载 DBMS_METADATA.GET_GRANTED_DDL and dbms_metadata.get_dll, 能帮我干好多活

转利用DBMS_METADATA包获取权限信息 =========================================================== 作者: yangtingkun(http://yangtin...

2007-02-22 14:26:59 109

转载 更快地批量数据处理 by ace yangtingkun

如何更快地批量数据处理?发表人:xzh2000 | 发表时间: 2006年十二月07日, 16:42在批量处理数据时,比如从上亿条记录的表中删除上1000万条数据,不仅要考虑对undo的影响,还要考虑对redo,对磁盘i/o,锁...

2007-02-22 13:16:17 107

转载 new article


2007-02-11 19:01:34 87

转载 In VS exists, in achived by rewirte sql, existis rewrite using pl/sql block

Tom:can you give me some example at which situationIN is better than exist, and vice versa. and we said...We...

2007-02-10 21:45:02 75

转载 to see what package is running in DB

Another possible idea : the following script was adapted from the original idea & research from Steve Adams (w...

2007-01-22 11:55:16 226

转载 showsql.sql

---------------- showsql.sql --------------------------column status format a10set feedback offset serveroutput on...

2007-01-21 12:02:31 92

转载 about lock

1) Here is a small example showing how this happens. We will use three V$ tables in order to see how this works;...

2007-01-21 11:46:58 70

转载 tom 就是tom

You Asked Good Morning Tom.I need your expertise in this regard. I got a table which contains millions or rec...

2007-01-19 15:01:16 76



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