The problem has been solved by the following change:
As mentioned in qmslib50.pll (QMS@WINDOWS.store_titles);
'Remarks This procedure uses record group CGSH$FORM_OBJECTS which is created by OFG in the PRE-FORM. trigger, provided that preference NAVWND is set to Yes.'
The preference QMS50_RECOMMENDED has this preference default set to NO. In my case, this resulted in the FRM41085 error because the Record Group CGSH$FORM_OBJECTS will not be created by OFG in the PRE_FORM. trigger.
A lot of program units refer to this Record Group.
As mentioned in qmslib50.pll (QMS@WINDOWS.store_titles);
'Remarks This procedure uses record group CGSH$FORM_OBJECTS which is created by OFG in the PRE-FORM. trigger, provided that preference NAVWND is set to Yes.'
The preference QMS50_RECOMMENDED has this preference default set to NO. In my case, this resulted in the FRM41085 error because the Record Group CGSH$FORM_OBJECTS will not be created by OFG in the PRE_FORM. trigger.
A lot of program units refer to this Record Group.
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