locally managed tablespace

locally managed tablespace 使用bitmap来管理tablespace extent. bitmap存储在每个文件的文件头中。每个extent占据bitmap中的一个bit.



A tablespace that manages its own extents maintains a bitmap in each datafile
to keep track of the free or used status of blocks in that datafile. Each bit
in the bitmap corresponds to a group of blocks. When an extent is
allocated or freed for reuse, Oracle changes the bitmap values to show the new
status of the blocks. These changes do not generate rollback information
because they do not update tables (like sys.uet$, sys.fet$) in the data dictionary
(except for special cases such as tablespace quota information).

Local management of extents automatically tracks adjacent free space,
eliminating the need to coalesce free extents. The sizes of extents that are
managed locally can be determined automatically by the system. Alternatively,
all extents can have the same size in a locally managed tablespace.


由oracle来自动管理extent分配,默认的初始extent大小为64KB.Users cannot specify an extent size.


表级存储参数只是为了计算每个表的初始分配大小(根据initial, next, min_extents, pctincrease值),之后的每个表的extent大小为tablespace extent的大小或是其整数倍。

表的每个extent都要等于tablespace extent的大小或是其整数倍。


tables' storage parameters are taken in consideration when
initially calculating the size of each table (in terms of number of allocated
ts extents). After that, each allocated extent will be the tablespace's extent
size, or multiple extents - if table extent is allocated via
"alter table allocate extent (size XXX)".


Locally managed tablespace 好处:

Locally managed tablespaces track all extent information in the tablespace itself, using bitmaps, resulting in the following benefits:

  • Improved concurrency and speed of space operations, because space allocations and deallocations predominantly modify locally managed resources (bitmaps stored in header files) rather than requiring centrally managed resources such as enqueues
  • Improved performance, because recursive operations that are sometimes required during dictionary-managed space allocation are eliminated
  • Readable standby databases are allowed, because locally managed temporary tablespaces (used, for example, for sorts) are locally managed and thus do not generate any undo or redo.
  • Simplified space allocation--when the AUTOALLOCATE clause is specified, appropriate extent size is automatically selected
  • Reduced user reliance on the data dictionary because necessary information is stored in file headers and bitmap blocks

All tablespaces, including the SYSTEM tablespace, can be locally managed.

Additionally, the DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package provides maintenance procedures for locally managed tablespaces.


Note:93771.1 Introduction to Locally-Managed Tablespaces

来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/87149/viewspace-921226/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


1 如何修改spfile?(A、C) 先create pfile from spfile; 修改pfile; 然后再create spfile from pfile; create spfile from pfile,启动数据库即可,
也可以alter system set parametervalue=parametervalue scope = spfile
数据库重启后参数生效、 a. 从spfile生成pfile,修改pfile,再从pfile生成spfile b. 直接用VI命令打开修改 c. 用命令修改alter system set scope=spfile d. 通过重建控制文件修改它 e. 用文本编辑器修改 2 cbo优化的模式下用dbms -stats搜集统计信息,以下哪个参数能够搜集核准图信息 Method_opt 3 为表table创建一个参考同义词 tabl-syn语法是( )C a. create synonym table_syn on tabl b. create public synonym tabl_syn on tabl c. create public synonym tabl_syn for tabl d. create synonym table_syn for tabl create public synonym tabl_syn for table 4 ORACLE中最小的逻辑单位 Block 块 5 对于不经常更新的表,你应该设置 lower pctfree Higher PCTFREE Lower PCTUSED 6 ORACLE 9i 报 ORA-4031,从init参数文件哪个参数去入手解决 解释:共享池问题 答案:shared_pool_size 7 使用LOGMINER恢复archive log 文件,视图$logmnr_contents中不包含() a. archive logfile路径 b. table_name c. SCN型 d. Sql_redo 8 Which statement about locally managed table spaces is true? a. Tables in locally managed tablespaces should be regularly reorganized. b. Locally managed tablespaces have dictionary intervention. c. Extent allocation information for a locally managed tablespaces is stored in the tablespaces itself. 9 ??当需要对连接到数据库的用户user1限制起连接数,需操作()B a. 在init文件中修改session参数 b. 创建一个有连接限制的profile_new,并把user1的profile修改为profile_new c. drop users,重新创建一个新用户 d. 使用alter user直接修改用户连接数的值




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