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原创 Sklearn 习题

题目:     基本内容为建立数据集,切割后分别使用三种算法进行训练并评估结果。from sklearn import datasets from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.en...

2018-06-19 11:34:58 363

原创 pandas 习题

题目来源:https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/schmit/cme193-ipython-notebooks-lecture/blob/master/Exercises.ipynbAnscombe's quartetAnscombe's quartet comprises of four datasets, and is rather famous. Why? ...

2018-06-12 21:42:10 1441

原创 Scipy 习题

    求解超定方程的最小二乘解,求解公式如下:                                             import scipy.linalgimport numpy as npm=np.random.randint(20,30)n=np.random.randint(10,20)A=np.random.normal(0,1,[m,n])b=np.ran...

2018-06-05 19:26:16 412

原创 Matplotlib 习题

Exercise 11.1: Plotting a function    Plot the function    f(x) = sin2(x - 2)e-x2    over the interval [0; 2]. Add proper axis labels, a title, etc.import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt...

2018-05-28 17:48:32 414

原创 Numpy 习题

Numpy 习题 import numpy as npfrom scipy.linalg import toeplitz Generate matrices A, with random Gaussianentries, B, a Toeplitz matrix, where A 2 Rn×m and B 2 Rm×m,for n = 200, m = 500n,m =200 ,500A = np...

2018-05-22 09:59:51 327

原创 answer for Leetcode problem 134

134. Odd Even Linked ListDescription:There are N gas stations along a circular route, where the amount of gas at station i is gas[i].You have a car with an unlimited gas tank and it costs cost[i] of g...

2018-05-13 19:31:31 155

原创 answer for Leetcode problem 120

328. TriangleDescription:Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below.For example, given the following triangle[ [2]...

2018-05-13 19:19:41 139

原创 answer for Leetcode problem 328

328. Odd Even Linked ListDescription:Given a singly linked list, group all odd nodes together followed by the even nodes. Please note here we are talking about the node number and not the value in the...

2018-04-30 22:20:12 141

原创 answer for LeetCode problem 287

287. Find the Duplicate NumberDescription:Given an array nums containing n + 1 integers where each integer is between 1 and n (inclusive), prove that at least one duplicate number must exist. Assume t...

2018-04-30 21:59:22 151

原创 some answers for chapter 11

11-1import unittestfrom city_functions import get_city_countryclassCityTestCase(unittest.TestCase):    deftest_city_country(self):        formatted_out= get_city_country("Santiago","Chile")        sel...

2018-04-13 19:59:58 135

原创 some answers for chapter 10

10-2withopen('learning_python.txt') as file:    for line in file:        print(line.replace("python","C").rstrip())output:In C you can use varible,list,dictoinary andstructIn C you can use if and whil...

2018-04-08 19:48:43 122

原创 some answers for chapter 9

9-4classRestaurant():    def__init__(self, name, typ, number_served=0):        self.restaurant_name =name        self.cuisine_type = typ        self.number_served = number_served    defdescribe_restau...

2018-04-08 11:19:34 139

原创 some answer for chapter 8

8-2def favorite_message(title ):    print("One of myfavorite books is "+title.title()+".")favorite_message("SophiesWorld")output:One of my favorite books is Sophies World.8-4def make_shirt(word = 'I l...

2018-03-31 21:24:19 123

原创 some answer for chapter 7

7-1message = input("Which cardo you want? ")print ("Let me seeif I can find you a "+ message +".")output:Which car do youwant? red carLet me see if I canfind you a red car.7-2message =int(input("How m...

2018-03-30 19:46:18 169

原创 some answer for chapter 6

6-1friend = {'first_name':'John','last_name':'Smith','age':'18','city':'New York'}for key,value insorted(friend.items()):    print(key +":" )    print("    "+value)output:age:    18city:    New Yorkfi...

2018-03-23 10:33:46 150

原创 some answer for chapter 5

5-2name = 'Lin'print("Is name =='Lin'? I predict True.")print(name =='Lin')print("\nIs name== 'Ling'?I predict False.")print(name =='Ling')print("\nIsname.lower() == 'lin'? I predict True.")print(name...

2018-03-20 20:14:34 143

原创 some answers for chapter 4

4-3for i inrange(1,21):    print(i, end=' ')output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4-5nums = range(1,1000000)print(min(nums))print(max(nums))print(sum(nums))output:199999949999950000...

2018-03-15 10:53:38 153

原创 some answers for chapter 3

3-2names = ['mike','john','jack']print("Hello,"+ names[0].title()+"!")print("Hello,"+ names[1].title()+"!")print("Hello,"+ names[2].title()+"!")output:Hello,Mike!Hello,John!Hello,Jack!3-4~ 3-7frie

2018-03-12 16:54:27 135

原创 answer for chapter 2

2-1message = "long time no see"print(message) output:long time no see2-2message = "long time no see"print(message)message = "yes"print(message) output:long time no seeyes2-3user = "lin"print("Hello "...

2018-03-11 10:24:55 124

原创 初探python官网,展望学成目标

       首次浏览python官网,匆匆下载完软件资源就关闭了,未尝细看,再重新浏览,才发现上面有用的绝不仅仅只有下载的资源,更有许多值得一看的内容。        在初学者指引中可以找到python标准库的相关网页, 从中可以完整地了解到这门语言的基本内容,在学习一门语言中这是十分重要的。 在稍微找一下还能发现各种网络文档的链接,在需要查阅时,从官方给出文档中找是最好不过的了。       ...

2018-03-10 20:42:33 203

计算机网络自顶向下方法 第六版 答案 (英文完整版)

计算机网络自顶向下方法第六版英文完整版答案,国外教材答案 Solutions to Review Questions and Problems


操作系统精髓与设计原理 第六版 答案 (英文完整版)

操作系统精髓与设计原理第六版完整答案,国外教材答案Solution Manual



数字图像处理第三版官方英文完整版答案,国外教材答案instructor manual 版


数据库系统概念第六版 实践习题及习题答案




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