
EBS PA模块表语句
分类: EBS - PA 2011-03-09 14:55

--Diagram1: Implementation Options
select * from ra_batch_sources_all
select * from pa_implementations_all
PA_IMPLEMENTATIONS_ALL stores the parameters and defaults that
define the configuration of your Oracle Projects installation.
If you have a multi–organization installation, you define one row for
each operating unit.

--Diagram2: Expenditure Implementation
select * from pa_projects_all
PA_PROJECTS_ALL stores the highest units of work defined in Oracle
Projects at which funding can be allocated and at which revenue,
invoices, unbilled receivables, and unearned revenue are generated and
maintained. At the project level, users can specify the methods to be
used for revenue accrual and billing, and the invoice formats to be used
for invoicing. A project is broken down into one or more tasks. All
projects can be funded by one or more agreements.

select * from pa_tasks
PA_TASKS stores user–defined subdivisions of project work. Tasks can
be broken down into multiple levels of subtasks. The depth and width
of the work breakdown structure (WBS) are unlimited.
The WBS is held using the TASK_ID and PARENT_TASK_ID columns.
Two columns related to the WBS are denormalized: TOP_TASK_ID and

select * from pa_expenditure_categories
PA_EXPENDITURE_CATEGORIES stores implementation–defined
classifications of expenditure types into cost groups.

select * from pa_expenditure_types
PA_EXPENDITURE_TYPES stores the most detailed
implementation–defined classifications of expenditures charged to
projects and tasks.

select * from pa_system_linkages
PA_SYSTEM_LINKAGES stores system–defined categories used to
determine how items should be processed. Examples of system
linkages (Expenditure Type Classses) are: Expense Report, Usages, and
Straight Time. Oracle Projects provides all system linkages upon
installation. The relationships between Expenditure Types and System
Linkages are stored in PA_EXPEND_TYP_SYS_LINKS.

select * from pa_expend_typ_sys_links
PA_EXPEND_TYP_SYS_LINKS stores implementation defined
relationships between expenditure types and system linkages
(expenditure type classes). It enables an expenditure type to be
associated with a number of expenditure type classes. Expenditure type
classes are system–defined categories used to classify Oracle Projects
transactions to determine how an expenditure item will be processed

select * from pa_expenditure_cost_rates_all--null
select * from pa_compensation_details_all--null
select * from pa_compensation_rule_sets--null
select * from pa_usage_cost_rate_ovr_all--null
select * from pa_non_labor_resource_orgs--null
select * from pa_non_labor_resources--null

--Diagram3: AutoAccounting
select * from pa_functions;
PA_FUNCTIONS stores system–defined groupings of transactions for
AutoAccounting processing. Oracle Projects provides all
AutoAccounting functions upon installation.

select * from pa_function_transactions_all;
PA_FUNCTION_TRANSACTIONS_ALL stores the operations within an
AutoAccounting function. Oracle Projects provides all function
transactions upon installation. You can enable or disable function
transactions during implementation.

select * from pa_function_parameters;
PA_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS stores the parameters that can be
referenced and used as input values by an AutoAccounting function.
Oracle Projects provides all function parameters upon installation.

select * from pa_rules;
PA_RULES stores implementation–defined formulas for deriving
accounting flexfield segment values using AutoAccounting.

select * from pa_segment_rule_pairings_all;
PA_SEGMENT_RULE_PAIRINGS_ALL stores implementation–defined
assignments of AutoAccounting rules to accounting flexfield segments
for a specific function transaction. AutoAccounting uses the rule
assigned to an accounting flexfield segment to derive the segment

select * from pa_rule_parameters;
PA_RULE_PARAMETERS stores parameters used in SQL statements of
AutoAccounting rules.
select * from pa_parameters;
select * from pa_segment_value_lookup_sets;

--Diagram4: Bill Rates null
select * from pa_labor_multipliers
select * from pa_job_bill_rate_overrides
select * from pa_bill_rates_all

--Diagram5: Multiple Invoice format null
select * from pa_invoice_formats

--Diagram6: Project and task Definition
select * from pa_projects_all;
select * from pa_project_players;
select * from pa_project_role_types;
select * from pa_tasks;
select * from pa_percent_completes;--null
select * from pa_project_customers;--null;
select * from pa_project_options;
PA_PROJECT_OPTIONS stores navigation options available for each
project template. Only projects that are templates have rows in this

select * from pa_options;
PA_OPTIONS stores all available navigation options for a project
template. The options are used by the Projects window. Options can be
at (a) project level, (b) project and task level, or (c) task level only. The
Options are stored in a multi–level hierarchy using OPTION_CODE
and PARENT_OPTION_CODE. Oracle Projects predefines all values.

select * from pa_project_classes;--null
select * from pa_project_statuses;
select * from pa_project_status_controls;
select * from pa_class_codes;--null
select * from pa_project_copy_overrides;
select * from pa_project_contacts;--null
select * from pa_distribution_rules;
select * from pa_proj_type_distributions_all;--null
select * from pa_billing_cycles;--null
select * from pa_std_bill_rate_schedules_all;--null

--Diagram7: Budget --null
select * from pa_budget_acct_lines;
select * from pa_budget_lines;

--Diagram8: Funding null
select * from pa_agreement_types
select * from pa_project_fundings

--Diagram9:Pre-Approved Expenditures Entry and Costing
select * from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all;
select * from pa_expenditure_items_all;
PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL stores the smallest categorized
expenditure units charged to projects and tasks.

select * from pa_expenditure_groups_all;
PA_EXPENDITURE_GROUPS_ALL stores groups or batches of
pre–approved expenditures entered by a user. Oracle Projects creates
expenditure groups for supplier invoices transferred from Oracle
Payables. These expenditure groups have a status of ’RECEIVED’.

select * from pa_expenditure_types;
PA_EXPENDITURE_TYPES stores the most detailed
implementation–defined classifications of expenditures charged to
projects and tasks.

select * from pa_expenditure_comments;
PA_EXPENDITURE_COMMENTS stores text comments associated with
expenditure items that describe the work performed for those items.
Oracle Projects supports a single–line comment for expenditure items
entered by either the pre–approved or the online method of expenditure

select * from pa_expend_item_adj_activities;
PA_EXPEND_ITEM_ADJ_ACTIVITIES stores audit records of actions
chosen by users in any of the Oracle Projects expenditure adjustment
windows that may cause adjustments to the cost, revenue, and/or
invoice amounts of an expenditure item.

select * from pa_non_labor_resource_orgs;--null
select * from pa_non_labor_resources;--null
select * from pa_expenditure_batches_all;--null

--Diagram10: Online Expenditures Entry and Costing
select * from pa_expenditure_items_all
select * from pa_expenditure_comments
select * from pa_expend_item_adj_activities
select * from pa_routings;
PA_ROUTINGS stores the sequential steps in the approval cycles of
online timecards and expense reports from Oracle Personal Time and

select * from pa_expenditures_all
select * from pa_expenditure_types
select * from pa_expenditure_categories
select * from pa_system_linkages
select * from pa_expend_typ_sys_links
select * from pa_transaction_controls
select * from pa_projects_all
select * from pa_tasks

--Diagram11: Burdening Implementation
select * from pa_ind_rate_schedules_all_bg;--null
select * from pa_ind_cost_codes;--null
select * from pa_ind_cost_multipliersk--null

--Diagram12: Burden Transaction Processing

--Diagram13: Capital Projects
select * from pa_project_asset_lines_all
select * from pa_projects_all
select * from pa_project_assets_all
select * from fa_mass_additions
select * from fa_additions_b
select * from fa_additions_e
select * from fa_asset_invoices
select * from fa_additions_b
select * from pa_project_asset_line_details
select * from pa_tasks
select * from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all
select * from pa_project_asset_assignments

--Diagram14: Revenue and invoices--null
select * from pa_draft_revenues_all
select * from pa_events
select * from pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all

--Diagram15: Auditability--null

--Diagram16: Cost Transfer Auditability
--Diagram17: Resources and Summarization
select * from pa_resource_list_assignments
select * from pa_resource_list_uses
select * from pa_resource_txn_attributes
select * from pa_resource_formats
select * from pa_resource_format_ranks
select * from pa_resources
select * from pa_txn_accum
select * from pa_resource_types
select * from pa_resource_maps--null
select * from pa_project_accum_actuals
select * from pa_project_accum_budgets
select * from pa_txn_accum_details
select * from pa_commitment_txns
select * from pa_cost_distribution_lines_all
select * from pa_project_accum_headers

--Diagram18: Billing Extensions
select * from pa_project_types_all
select * from pa_billing_messages--null
select * from pa_billing_assignments_all
select * from pa_events--null
select * from pa_billing_extensions

--Diagram19: Allocations
select * from pa_alloc_source_lines
select * from pa_alloc_run_sources
select * from pa_alloc_runs_all
select * from pa_alloc_rules_all
select * from pa_alloc_resources
select * from pa_alloc_missing_costs
select * from pa_alloc_run_basis_det
select * from pa_alloc_target_lines
select * from pa_alloc_gl_lines
select * from pa_alloc_run_targets
select * from gl_auto_alloc_batches
select * from gl_auto_alloc_sets
select * from gl_auto_alloc_set_history
select * from gl_auto_alloc_batch_history
select * from pa_periods_all

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### 回答1: SAP HR模块是SAP系统中的人力资源管理模块,提供了包括员工管理、薪资管理、绩效管理等在内的多项功能。在SAP HR模块中,常用有以下几种: 1. PA0001:员工主数据。这是SAP HR模块中最重要的之一,用于存储员工的基本信息,包括员工编号、姓名、工资范围等。 2. PA0002:个人就业关系。这个存储了员工在公司内的就业关系信息,包括雇佣日期、雇佣类型、组织单位等。 3. PA0008:工资基础。这个用于存储员工的薪资相关信息,包括薪资等级、薪资起始日期等。 4. PA0009:通信地址。这个用于存储员工的通信地址信息,包括家庭地址、公司地址等。 5. PA0014:薪资数值。这个用于存储员工的薪资数值信息,包括薪资、津贴、补贴等。 6. PRPS:WBS元素。这个用于存储项目系统中的WBS元素(工作分解结构),方便对员工的项目相关工作进行管理。 7. PCL1:绩效评估准则库。这个用于存储绩效评估的准则和相关信息。 除了以上提到的几种常用外,SAP HR模块还有很多其他格和数据库可以存储和管理与人力资源相关的数据。这些格和数据库的使用可以根据不同的需求和业务场景进行配置和定制,以满足企业对人力资源管理的各种需求。 ### 回答2: SAP HR模块是SAP企业资源规划(ERP)系统中的一个关键模块,用于管理人力资源相关的业务流程。在SAP HR模块中,有许多常用用于存储和管理不同的数据信息。 以下是一些SAP HR模块中常用: 1. PA0001:这是员工主数据,用于存储员工的基本信息,如姓名、员工号、性别、出生日期等。 2. PA0002:这是员工雇佣数据,用于存储员工的雇佣相关信息,如雇佣日期、工资、薪资等级等。 3. PA0003:这是员工组织分配,用于存储员工所属的组织单位和职位信息。 4. PA0021:这是员工的员工委派,用于存储员工在不同时间范围内的职务、岗位、职级等变动信息。 5. PA0105:这是员工联系地址,用于存储员工的住址、电话、邮箱等联系信息。 6. PA0024:这是员工薪资数据,用于存储员工的薪资组、薪资项目及相关薪资信息。 除了以上列举的,SAP HR模块还包括许多其他常用,如员工教育背景PA0022)、员工福利数据PA0108)、员工工时数据PA2001)等。这些被广泛应用于人力资源管理的各个方面,包括人员招聘、员工发展、薪资管理、组织管理等。 总之,SAP HR模块中的常用是用于存储和管理与人力资源相关的数据信息,能够帮助企业实现高效的人力资源管理。




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