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转载 告诫我自己:七成以上的创业者根本不可能突破1-20的企业规模 (转贴)


2008-04-21 18:21:43 87

转载 转贴:最短的路和最快的路


2008-04-19 08:59:48 90

转载 很久不能访问自己的BLOGSPOT了


2007-07-07 22:07:43 131

转载 开始喜欢BLOG了,再次迁移.


2007-03-01 10:48:04 68

转载 [An introduction to SOA]What is service-oriented architecture?


2007-02-27 15:17:03 91

转载 Are you reading for a new job?

转摘:If you're among those thousands of men who want to change jobs in the new year, however, hiring professionals w...

2007-02-26 15:15:14 213

转载 Summary of this year

Today is the last day before the Lunar Spring Festival. Looking back the way I have come this year, the first one ...

2007-02-16 14:21:31 176

转载 十张不能错过的蓝调专辑

  如果真如Public Enemy所说Rap是所有非裔美国人的CNN,他们藉此见到真正的美国,他们藉此见到真相;那蓝调就是所有非裔美国人的教会,他们藉此得到心灵的慰藉,得到在肯定自己及争取自我权力过程中所需的勇气、得到他们应得...

2007-02-14 14:11:42 165

转载 Reuse in Use-Case Models: Extend, Include, and Inheritance

One of your goals during analysis is to identify potential opportunities for reuse, a goal you can work toward as ...

2007-02-13 16:09:30 79

转载 Relationship : the most important concept of database design .

RelationshipA dependency of any kind between tables in a data model is called a relationship.A relationship is a s...

2007-02-07 14:13:30 62

转载 The books that I am reading and am going to read.

Yesterday I tidied up my room and made a list of the books, that I am reading and am going to read.The books I am ...

2007-02-07 10:19:10 164

转载 Vocabulary & Phrase Daily

Daily Phrase :[2007/02/28] You really look sharp today. : 你今天真漂亮。[2007/02/27] I'm really excited to be a new addit...

2007-02-05 12:35:35 153

转载 The difference between TableSpaces and Schema

I always confuse the concept of TableSpaces and Schema. So I make up my mind to understand them today. The followi...

2007-01-29 10:47:16 58

转载 [Our Story] Part Part Three : 2001-11-10

Part Three2001-11-10In life there are very rare chances thatyou’ll meet the person you love and loves you in retur...

2007-01-16 12:54:11 67

转载 Five Simple Rules

-- From <>Five Simple Rules1: Free your heart from hatred.2: Free your mind from worries.3: Live simply.4: G...

2007-01-12 11:41:23 76

转载 SOAP Version 1.2 (W3C Working Draft 9 July 2001)

SOAP Version 1.2W3C Working Draft 9 July 2001英文版: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-soap12-20010709/ 英文版的最后版: http://ww...

2007-01-11 14:02:23 66

转载 [Our Story] Part Two : 2001-10-20 (Second Half)

Part Two2001-10-20 (Second Half)A thousand times or more in quest of one,Who I have concluded, cannot be found;For...

2007-01-10 12:33:09 69

转载 Be Appreciative of their warning in the dream

I had a hideous dream last night. Following is it:“I know there are always some differences of opinion between my ...

2007-01-10 12:29:35 147

转载 [Our Story] Part One : 2001-10-20 (First Half)

Part One2001-10-20 (First Half)Life is like a box of chocolates,You never know what you're gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远...

2007-01-09 10:17:02 76

转载 [Our Story] Preface : 2007-01-06

Our StoryW.P.SS.Preface2007-01-06When you truly care for someone, you don’t look for faults,You don’t look for ans...

2007-01-09 10:15:34 89

转载 Qibao 七宝

It is on the New Year’s Day, Jan. 2nd 2007; we go to the Qibao, a very small town. Because it is raining, a few of...

2007-01-05 09:19:52 92



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