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Vmware server 2.0




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2vmware server 2.0用户文档



详细资料请见vmware server 2.0用户文档中的“Configuring Clustering on Windows Hosts”部分,现摘录相关部分如下:

Creating a Cluster in a Box

With VMware Server, you can create a simple cluster in a box to provide high


The cluster in a box configuration has the following features:

? Consists of multiple virtual machines (nodes) on a single physical machine.

? Supports shared disks without shared SCSI hardware.

? Supports a heartbeat network without an extra physical network adapter.



Figure 13-1. Two-Node Cluster on a Single Physical Machine

The following sections describe how to configure a cluster in a box.

Configuring Virtual Machines for Cluster in a Box

To create a set of clustered virtual machines (a cluster in a box), configure each of them

with the following:

? A primary virtual SCSI host adapter with one virtual SCSI disk.

? Two virtual network adapters:

? A public network adapter bridged to a physical adapter using either VMnet0

or VMnet2 through VMnet8.

? A private network adapter connected to VMnet1 (hostonly) or another

physical adapter (VMnet2 through VMnet8). This is the network adapter that

the clustering service uses to monitor the heartbeat between nodes.

The network selection must match in all virtual machines in a cluster.

? Any other required virtual machine hardware.

In addition, the following are required to share disks:

? A secondary virtual SCSI host adapter.

? One or more preallocated virtual disks that are shared and are attached to the

secondary SCSI host adapter.

Note the following about virtual PCI slots in the virtual machines:

? Each virtual machine by default has six PCI slots available.

? This cluster configuration (two network adapters and two SCSI host bus adapters)

uses four of these slots.

? One more PCI slot is available for a third network adapter if needed. (The sixth slot

is used by the virtual display adapter.)

? If the virtual machine’s boot partition is on an IDE virtual disk, the partition

occupies one of the PCI slots.

Creating a Two-Node Cluster with Microsoft Clustering Services

This section describes how to create a twonode cluster using Microsoft Clustering

Services on a single VMware Server host using the following:

? SQL1 = host name of node 1 of the cluster

? SQL2 = host name of node 2 of the cluster

? SQLCLUSTER = public host name of the cluster

The procedures to create a twonode cluster includes the following highlevel steps:

? Create the base virtual machine with two virtual disks that are shared between the

virtual machines in the cluster. This virtual machine serves as a template for the

second node.

? Clone the base node and use it create the second node.

? Install clustering software on both nodes.

NOTE The virtual disks used to store the operating system and clustering software for

the virtual machines (nodes) in the cluster do not have to be preallocated virtual disks.

To create the base virtual machine that serves as the first node in the cluster(第一个虚拟机)

1 Log in to your VMware Server host as an Administrator user.

2 Create a new virtual machine. Choose the settings you want, such as the size of the

virtual disk and the virtual memory limit, but make sure that you specify:

? Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

as the guest operating system.

? SQL1 as the virtual machine name.

? The correct datastore.

? Bridged networking for the virtual machine.

3 Add a new network adapter that uses either another external adapter or the

VMnet1 hostonly adapter. (For complete isolation from the host, you can also use

any unused virtual Ethernet switch, typically VMnet2 through VMnet7.) For

information, see “Adding a Network Adapter to a Virtual Machine” on page 223.

This adapter is used as the virtual private Ethernet connection for heartbeat


4 Add the two shared virtual disks:

? A shared data disk, for example, data.vmdk

? A shared quorum disk to store transactions before they are committed to the

data disk, for example, quorum.vmdk

For information, see “Adding a Hard Disk to a Virtual Machine” on page 144.

5 Add the following parameters to the virtual machine configuration file

(SQL1.vmx) as described in “Changing Virtual Machine Advanced Settings” on

page 127:

? Set scsi1.sharedBus to virtual

? Set disk.locking to false

This enables SCSI reservation, which is described in more detail in the section

“Using SCSI Reservation to Share Virtual SCSI Disks” on page 288.

You are finished creating the virtual machine for the first node in your cluster.

The next step is to install a guest operating system in the virtual machine.

6 Install the Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

Edition guest operating system as described in “Installing the Guest Operating

System” on page 68.

7 Install VMware Tools in the guest operating system. See “Installing VMware

Tools” on page 76.

To clone the first virtual machine node(第二个虚拟机,通过克隆第一个的方式)

1 Run sysprep.exe, which is available on the Windows CD in the file

\support\tools\ or from the Microsoft Web site.

The sysprep.exe utility removes the security ID assigned to the guest operating

system, resets the machine information, and resets the TCP/IP network


2 Shut down the guest operating system and power off the virtual machine.

3 Create a virtual machine directory named SQL2 in the same datastore as SQL1.

4 Copy the SQL1*.vmdk files to this directory.

5 Use the VMware Virtual Disk Manager to change the name of the virtual disk to

SQL2*.vmdk. At a command prompt, type:(注意的重点)

vmware-vdiskmanager -n SQL1.vmdk SQL2.vmdk

See the VMware technical note about using Virtual Disk Manager.

You are finished cloning the first node.

Next, create the second node in the cluster using the clone.

To create the second node in the cluster from the clone of the first node

1 Log in to your VMware Server host as an Administrator user.

2 Create a new virtual machine. Choose the settings you want, such as the size of the

virtual disk and the virtual memory limit, but make sure that you specify:

? Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

as the guest operating system.

? SQL2 as the virtual machine name.

? The correct datastore.

? To use the existing virtual disk, click Browse and select SQL2.vmdk.

? Bridged networking for the virtual machine.

3 Add a new network adapter that uses either another external adapter or the

VMnet1 hostonly adapter. See “Adding a Network Adapter to a Virtual Machine”

on page 223.

4 Add the two virtual disks (quorum.vmdk and data.vmdk) you previously created.

See “Adding a Hard Disk to a Virtual Machine” on page 144.

You must select Use an Existing Virtual Disk and browse to quorum.vmdk and


5 Add the following parameters to the virtual machine configuration file

(SQL2.vmx) as described in “Changing Virtual Machine Advanced Settings” on

page 127:

? Set scsi1.sharedBus to virtual

? Set disk.locking to false

This enables SCSI reservation, which is described in more detail in “Using SCSI

Reservation to Share Virtual SCSI Disks” on page 288.

You are finished creating the second node.


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