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转载 中国排名前100的IT公司
给想找工的朋友做个参考[@more@]中国排名前100的IT公司 排序 单位名称 软件收入 1 华为技术有限公司 622360 2 中兴通讯股份有限公司 601331 3 海信集团有限公司 448641 4 UT斯达康通讯有限公...
2010-03-30 21:38:57 40072
转载 oracle复制软件排名『复制技术系列』
[@more@] 排名 名称 厂商 特点 1 DDS DDS 双向复制、SQL转换、图形监控 2 iReflect DataMirror Oracle认证、图形界面 3 goldengate goldengate 双向复制...
2009-11-09 10:29:05 138
转载 Exp時遭遇 EXP-00008 ORA-00942 EXP-00024 EXP-00000
Exp時遭遇 EXP-00008 ORA-00942 EXP-00024 EXP-00000 Exp時遭遇 EXP-00008 ORA-00942 EXP-00024 EXP-00000About to export spec...
2008-08-22 10:01:50 146
转载 无干扰无线网络:用交换机控制AP
无线网络连接方便的特性可谓众所周知,但对于去除无线信号间的干扰并保障多个接入点网络间的无缝切换,一直以来还是一个鲜有人提及的话题。然而,现在,这种解决方案诞生了。 信号无干扰、网络无缝切换,有一种无线网络的连接方...
2008-05-28 10:44:24 344
转载 Troubleshooting SCSI issues
To begin troubleshooting, check the following top issues. If your issue is listed, select the link, otherwise proc...
2008-05-14 14:47:20 148
转载 IBM Tapetool
The IBM Tapetool (tape-tool) contains diagnostic utilities and applications, device drivers, user's and operator's...
2008-05-14 14:39:03 218
转载 Troubleshooting Hard drive (HDD) issues
Note: Diagnostics must be completed and any error codes or messages noted prior to hard disk drive replacement. No...
2008-05-14 14:22:04 369
转载 Troubleshooting ServeRAID controller issues
Note: ServeRAID controllers in cluster or fault-tolerant environments require additional troubleshooting technique...
2008-05-14 14:19:39 93
转载 ServeRAID mismatched software levels can result in system problems
SymptomMismatched ServeRAID software levels can result in system problems. Mismatched version levels are not teste...
2008-05-14 14:12:26 98
转载 Troubleshooting POST error codes
This document is intended for trained servicers who are familiar with IBM Personal Computer products. Use this doc...
2008-05-14 13:14:49 220
转载 ServeRAID disk drive error recovery
The demand for very large drive capacities has created the need to group many physical disks together in the form ...
2008-05-14 11:08:36 136
转载 Troubleshooting ServeRAID
To begin troubleshooting, check the following top issues. If your issue is listed, select the link, otherwise proc...
2008-05-12 09:50:51 251
转载 PCI,PCI-E,PCI-X 64位,AGP等总线带宽的参数
总线是一组进行互连和传输信息(指令、数据和地址)的信号线。主要参数有总线位宽、总线时钟频率和总线传输速率。[@more@]PCI PCI是Peripheral Component Interconnect(外设部件互连标准)...
2008-04-29 09:44:57 1060
转载 10G光纤规范
2008-04-28 12:13:17 883
转载 Cisco常见路由器密码和版本恢复方法探讨
2007-08-01 16:04:52 105
转载 制作rootvg镜像标准步骤
2007-08-01 15:48:54 263
转载 Cisco路由器IOS映像恢复及升级方法
由于历史原因,Cisco公司的路由器产品丰富且繁杂,Cisco路由器的专用操作系统IOS映像也同时存在多个版本,以下就分别针对两类加载不同版本的IOS映像文件的Cisco路由器做讨论。[@more@]一、Cisco 1000,1...
2007-08-01 15:09:45 436
转载 Cisco路由器与交换机口令回复步骤
交换机口令恢复的步骤⒈连接交换机的console口到终端或PC仿真终端。用无Modem的直连线连接PC的串行口到交换机的console口。路由器口令恢复步骤 ⒈连接路由器的console口到终端或PC仿真终端。用无Modem的直...
2007-08-01 15:00:57 148
转载 RHEL4上安装oracle9i-
2007-08-01 14:15:34 148
转载 oracle9.2.0在RHEL中建库使用裸设备
2007-08-01 14:09:43 150
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹