



2.vim scripts 不知道如何调试,我最后只能单步跟踪执行.



  1. \" vim:filetype=vim foldmethod=marker textwidth=78
  2. \" ==========================================================================
  3. \" File: visSum.vim (global plugin)
  4. \" Last Changed: 2012-07-17
  5. \" Maintainer: Erik Falor
  6. \" Version: 1.0
  7. \" License: Vim License
  8. \"
  9. \" A great big thanks to Christian Mauderer for providing a patch for
  10. \" floating-point support!
  11. \"
  12. \" ________ __ __
  13. \" /_ __/ /_ ____ _____ / /_______/ /
  14. \" / / / __ \\/ __ `/ __ \\/ //_/ ___/ /
  15. \" / / / / / / /_/ / / / / ,< (__ )_/
  16. \" /_/ /_/ /_/\\__,_/_/ /_/_/|_/____(_)
  17. \"
  18. \" This plugin will work whether or not your Vim is compiled with support for
  19. \" floating-point numbers. If your Vim doesn\'t has(\'float\'), we\'ll just
  20. \" ignore whatever comes after the decimal point.
  21. \"
  22. \" Due to the way Vim parses floating-point numbers, the only valid separtator
  23. \" between the whole and fractional parts of the number is a period. Vim
  24. \" won\'t accept a comma, even if that\'s your locale\'s preference. This
  25. \" plugin follows that convention.
  26. \" ==========================================================================
  27. \" Exit quickly if the script has already been loaded
  28. let s:this_version = \'1.0\'
  29. if exists(\'g:loaded_visSum\') && g:loaded_visSum == s:this_version
  30. finish
  31. endif
  32. let g:loaded_visSum = s:this_version
  33. \"Mappings {{{
  34. \" clean up existing key mappings upon re-loading of script
  35. if hasmapto(\'SumNum\')
  36. nunmap \\su
  37. vunmap \\su
  38. nunmap SumNum
  39. vunmap SumNum
  40. endif
  41. \" Key mappings
  42. nmap su SumNum
  43. vmap su SumNum
  44. if has(\'float\')
  45. \" Call the floating-point version of the function
  46. nmap
  47. vmap
  48. command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call SumNumbers_Float(\"\")
  49. else
  50. \" Call the integer version of the function
  51. nmap
  52. vmap
  53. command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call SumNumbers_Int(\"\")
  54. endif
  55. \"}}}
  56. function! SumNumbers_Float(...) range \"{{{
  57. let l:sum = 0.0
  58. let l:cur = \"\"
  59. if visualmode() =~ \'\\cv\'
  60. let y1 = line(\"\'<\")
  61. let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
  62. while y1 <= y2
  63. let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
  64. if l:cur == \"\"
  65. let l:cur = \"0\"
  66. endif
  67. let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
  68. let y1 += 1
  69. endwhile
  70. elseif visualmode() == \"\\\"
  71. let y1 = line(\"\'<\")
  72. let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
  73. \"modify by lfree
  74. let x1 = col(\"\'<\") - 1
  75. let len = col(\"\'>\") - x1 -1
  76. if len == 0
  77. let let = 1
  78. endif
  79. while y1 <= y2
  80. \"let line = getline(y1)
  81. \"let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
  82. \"let l:cur = matchstr( chunk, \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
  83. let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len ), \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
  84. if l:cur == \"\"
  85. let l:cur = \"0\"
  86. endif
  87. let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
  88. let y1 += 1
  89. endwhile
  90. else
  91. echoerr \"You must select some text in visual mode first\"
  92. return
  93. endif
  94. \"Drop the fractional amount if it\'s zero
  95. \"TODO: When scientific notation is supported, this will need to be changed
  96. if abs(l:sum) == trunc(abs(l:sum))
  97. let l:sum = float2nr(l:sum)
  98. endif
  99. redraw
  100. \"echo \"sum = \" l:sum
  101. \"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
  102. \"into the register specified by the user
  103. \"let b:sum = l:sum
  104. \"if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
  105. \" execute \"let @\" . a:1 . \" = printf(\'%g\', b:sum)\"
  106. \"endif
  107. let @p = \"sum = \" . string(l:sum)
  108. endfunction \"}}}
  109. function! SumNumbers_Int(...) range \"{{{
  110. let l:sum = 0
  111. let l:cur = 0
  112. if visualmode() =~ \'\\cv\'
  113. let y1 = line(\"\'<\")
  114. let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
  115. while y1 <= y2
  116. let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), \'-\\{-}\\d\\+\' )
  117. let l:sum += l:cur
  118. let y1 += 1
  119. endwhile
  120. elseif visualmode() == \"\\\"
  121. let y1 = line(\"\'<\")
  122. let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
  123. let x1 = col(\"\'<\") - 1
  124. let len = col(\"\'>\") - x1
  125. while y1 <= y2
  126. let line = getline(y1)
  127. let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
  128. let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len ), \'-\\{-}\\d\\+\' )
  129. let l:sum += l:cur
  130. let y1 += 1
  131. endwhile
  132. else
  133. echoerr \"You must select some text in visual mode first\"
  134. return
  135. endif
  136. redraw
  137. echo \"sum = \" l:sum
  138. \"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
  139. \"into the register specified by the user
  140. let b:sum = l:sum
  141. if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
  142. execute \"let @\" . a:1 . \" = b:sum\"
  143. endif
  144. endfunction \"}}}
  145. \"Test Data \"{{{
  146. \" The winter of \'49
  147. \" The Summer of \'48
  148. \" 123
  149. \" 123
  150. \"1.5 123
  151. \"-2 123.0
  152. \"3.1 123.1
  153. \"-4.2 123.2
  154. \"+5.9 123.3
  155. \"-6.0
  156. \"7
  157. \"8
  158. \"8.2
  159. \"9.
  160. \"10.
  161. \"-11.
  162. \"+12.
  163. \"
  164. \"The pedant in me wants to make these numbers work as well;
  165. \"but if I\'ve learned anything, it\'s that the perfect is the
  166. \"enemy of the good.
  167. \"Avogadro 6.0221415e23
  168. \"Planck 6.626068E-34 m^2 kg / s
  169. \"Borh Radius 5.2917721092e鈭?1 m
  170. \"}}}

1.SumNumbers_Int 我没有修改,正常都支持浮点,不会调用这个模块.
4.修改了输出,原来在提示行输出,我修改为保存在register p,然后直接在下面输出结果.

set virtualedit=all


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