New Kobe 9 Shoes Sources- Kevin Loves turnstile defense leaves door open

It is almost inevitable in these situations. A star player lets his team know he wants to be traded, and though just about every team in the league might at least make a phone call, a handful will emerge as the most serious bidders.And, in the process, no matter how much talent that player might have, there will be leaks that hit those of us on the media on just why Team X or Team Y does not think the star player is all he is cut out to be.Thats basic negotiation, of course. You dont walk into a Toyota dealership and announce how much youre dying to own a Prius. You walk in and say gas mileage isnt all that important.MORE: Bulls make Love trade offer| Coach K would trade Wiggins for Love | James wants Love This has been the case with Minnesota star forward Kevin Love. Talk to anyone close to the teams that are considering dealing for Love, and theyll hand out a laundry list of stains on Loves game, magnifying the things he does not do well. Which seems odd for a guy who averaged 26.1 points and 12.5 rebounds last year, adding 4.4 assists and 37.6 percent shooting from New Kobe 9 Shoes 3-point line.There are three areas in which Love is most frequently criticized: health, defense and leadership. Tolook into those areas a little further, SN spoke to four Western Conference officials, including two assistant coaches, a scout and a front-office executive, all of whom work for teams who have had no connection to the Love sweepstakes. Heres how they view Loves weaknessesInjuriesIn all, Love has missed 23.5 percent of his games, and that includes two games in which he was suspended. More than half of those games came in the 2012-13 season, when Love broke his right hand in training camp and seemed unable to get the bones to heal properly for the rest of the season.He played a total of 18 games that year. He also suffered a broken bone in his left hand in 09-10, missing the first 19 games of the year.The most games Love missed besides those connected to hand injuries were the 11 he missed during the lockout year, when he had a bruised rib and a concussion.It is one of those things where you look at the numbers and I think a lot of people might say, Oh, yeah, this guy gets hurt all the time, one assistant coach said. But then you look a little more closely and you see there are just some weird injuries in there, that it is nothing that is really, really scary.The front-office executive concurred.Its not his knee, he said. Its not his back. It is not a foot problem. Those are the ones you worry about because they come back over and over. Hand injuries are flukes, I dont think Chaussure SB Stefan worry about them. The one thing is, a guy like a (Andrew) Bogut, he has a lot of injuries that look like flukes, but they happen so much, you cant see them that way anymore. I dont think Love is at that level, yet.DefenseKevin Love (AP Photo)This is where things get a little dicey for Love. He is actually not a bad individual defender overall, he is rated as Very Good by Synergy Sports, and in post-up situations, he 0.721 points per possession, which is Excellent on Synergys scale.Its when you ask Love to move around, switch and help teammates that trouble comes. He is not particularly long or athletic, which means he can be easily crossed up in pick-and-rolls and struggles to cover ground in the paint.Him and (center Nikola) Pekovic are just a terrible combination for protecting the rim, the other West assistant coach said. Slow, cant jump. They dont put up a lot of resistance down there, and we always felt like they were easy to attack in the middle.Much of the league felt that way, apparently. The Timberwolves allowed 46.1 points in the paint last season, 29th in the NBA. In fact, in Loves six seasons in Minnesota, the Wolves have been 29th, 17th, 26th, 20th, 23rd and 17th in allowing points in the paint.The first time they were 17th was his rookie year, when Love was not a starter. The second time was the year he had the right hand injury and missed 64 games. When Love has been a starter for Minnesota, theyve never finished higher than 20th in allowing points in the paint.I think the pick-and-roll is the problem for him, the scout said. He is not good at guarding it, plain and simple. Some of that is their scheme, they are not very aggressive in attacking those plays, and Ricky Rubio lets too many ballhandlers behind him. But Love has not shown much of a progression on those plays.Indeed, Synergy backs up that assessment: Love allows 0.832 points per possession on the pick-and-roll, which ranks 49th out of 74 big men who were on the floor for 200 possessions against the play.LeadershipThe record that Love has posted in Minnesota is dismal. Hes never been to the postseason, never finished over .500 and his teams have won just 32.1 percent of their games (theyve won 25.0 percent when he has not played).Much of that cant be laid at Loves feet. When Flip Saunders takes over this season, the Wolves will have their fifth coach in the last seven years, and while Rick Adelman was a credible hire, his predecessor, Kurt Rambis, never could mesh with Love or his teammates.And there was general manager David Kahn, whose relationship with Love was never particularly solid especially during contention contract extension negotiations in 2012, when Kahn insisted Love get a four-year extension rather than five years.I dont put any of that on him, the front-office executive said. For a long time, I dont think that front office knew what they were doing. If he didnt respect them, then thats because nobody really did. I cant fault him for that. A lot of what happens in a locker room starts at the top, and there was no reason to have confidence in the top for a while there.Still, as the franchise player, Love bears responsibility for the Wolves chronic disappointment.At some point, it is on the star, the first coach said. Kevin Love is the star. But it is hard to say he is a leader, not when he never sort of grabbed the reins with that team and drove them to be better. He made himself better. But not the team.

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