Troubleshooting Session Administration [ID 805586.1]

In this Document
  Last Review Date
  Instructions for the Reader
  Troubleshooting Details

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 03-Oct-2011***


Applies to:

Information in this document applies to any platform.


The aim of this document is to provide a Troubleshooting Guide for Session Administration, including :

Troubleshooting Details
General Problem Analysis
Session Tracing

Last Review Date

July 28, 2009

Instructions for the Reader

A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Details

 Oracle Session Administration Troubleshooting

Instructions for the Reader
The Oracle Session Administration Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist you in solving Sesssion administration issues in a structured manner. The method is based on Oracle Diagnostic Methodology and the Enhanced Problem Analysis principles and it helps you to avoid trial and error approach. It guides you through a step-by-step method. Diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in the different troubleshooting steps.

Step by step approach


In the issue clarification section it is important to describe the problem as best as possible. What is the problem you need to solve? At the end of the process you should be able to come back to this section to verify if the root cause was found and the solution was provided.

WHAT IS the problem we are looking at?

Examples of problem descriptions:

1. The session hang while trying to connect to the database.
2. Orphan sessions/processes (mismatch between v$session and v$process).
3. Ora-00018 Maximum Number Of Sessions Exceeded


When you have a starting problem description it is time to collect facts in a structured way. First step would be to get an overview of all the facts we have. What information do we have readily available?
The answers to the following Oracle Session administration specific questions can potentially help you to solve the problem: 

Please note that for Session Administration, questions can be more relevant to certain areas, than others. For these reasons the following Key / guidelines can be followed:

What is the problem / what is not a problem?
What are the symptoms?
What are the different errors generated?
What Client and Server platforms reproduce the problem?
What Client and Server platforms work?
What 5-digit version of Oracle software reproduces the problem?
What 5-digit version of Oracle software works?
(For Windows platform. confirm patch number bundle used)
What products reproduce the issue?
What products do not reproduce the issue?
Is this standalone database?
Is this RAC?

When is the problem seen / when is the problem not seen?

Is the problem constant?
Is the problem reported intermittently?
Is there any pattern to the failure?
What resolves the problem?
How long does the problem last?
Has this ever worked or is this a fresh installation / setup?
When did the problem start to fail?

Where is the problem / Where is the problem not?

Is the problem seen when run directly on the server where RDBMS installed? Check bequeath and local connections on the server :

Bequeath example is "sqlplus username/password"
Local example is "sqlplus username/password@net-service-name"

Does it happen for bequeath and/or local connections?
Does it happen for dedicate and/or shared connections?
Does it happen for all users or only for some users?
Does it happen from sqlplus sessions or from any client?
Are there any logon triggers?
If the problem is intermittent, Is there any pattern to the failure ?
Date, time ?
During peak load ?
When a batch job is run ?
When certain SQL statement used ?


The facts listed in the ISSUE VERIFICATION are the starting point for the CAUSE DETERMINATION:
There are 3 main approaches to take here:

Use your experience to list possible causes. List the assumptions which needs to be checked in this case
Start searching for possible causes in My Oracle Support or other Oracle knowledge bases. Use the facts collected above to refine your search criteria.
Analyze the facts on differences between the working situation and non working situation: Depending on the answers from the questioning above and further investigation from the troubleshooting guides you should be able to list what is different, special, unique between the IS and the IS NOT and also see what is changed and when.

What changes happened around time the first failure / problem was reported?

New software installed?
Upgrade done?
New hardware?
Network configuration changes?
What is different between the clients who can connect and those that cannot?
What changed and could have an impact between the working situation and the current situation?
What is different to the working Alias and the non-working Alias?

The output will be a list of potential reasons causing the symptoms: can be a bug, a configuration setting, a conflict with other software, …


Evaluate the causes: check the causes against the facts (the IS and the IS NOT observations). This also includes checking the symptoms of the problem against any bug rediscoveries identifying a problem. List potential assumptions you have made. Determine the most probable cause (often the one with the least assumptions or with the most reasonable assumptions).

For the most probable cause, verify the assumptions and turn them into facts (document them in the Issue Verification part). Some examples:

If bug XXX then we expect an upgrade from version x to y happened before the symptoms started
If the configuration file is wrong on client x, and right on client y, we expect it to work if we copy the file
This looks like same issue as described in note XXX but then we expect also a virus checker installed on the Windows server
If this cause would be true then another sequence of actions would result in a different outcome: let’s test this via an internal test case

If the verification fails, go to the next probable cause and repeat the verification.

If no potential cause stands the justification process, go back to the issue verification and collect more detailed facts. Further diagnostics can be verified. See below in the section Diagnostic Tools)


A brief description of the corrective actions that will remove the cause of the problem: in some cases there is only 1 solution linked to the cause. But in many cases, there are more. Example: install a patch to remove the bug from the system, avoid the problem by working differently, or avoid the problem by setting some parameters.


Explain why the proposed solution solves the problem.

Diagnostic Tools - Session Tracing

 1. The session hang while trying to connect to the database.

Check the alert log file, the OS messages log and get the following traces:  

a. 10046 at level 12 by attaching to the hanging session (
NOTE 1058210.6  "How to Enable SQL_TRACE for Another Session or in MTS Using Oradebug")

b. an OS debugger while trying to connect to the database (
NOTE 110888.1  "How to Trace Unix System Calls")


$ strace -fo  sqlplus user/password

c. get 3 errorstacks fro the hanging session (
NOTE 61552.1  "Diagnosing Database Hanging Issues"). The time interval between two errorstack should be around 90 seconds.

d. get systemstate dump at level 12 while the new session hangs (NOTE 61552.1 "Diagnosing Database Hanging Issues")

e. for local connections only get  

- the sqlnet traces for client/server (
NOTE 219968.1  "SQL*Net, Net8, Oracle Net Services - Tracing and Logging at a Glance")
- os debugger as described in step (b)
- the sqlnet log file: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log  
- the listener log file: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/listener.log  


2. Orphan sessions/processes (mismatch between v$session and v$process).

Normally, Oracle on its own will not create orphan processes. Orphan processes are created when clients either get disconnected by network problems, firewalls closing ports on active connections or by end users exiting applications incorrectly.

a. check the values for PROGRAM/BACKGROUND for the orphan processes:

select addr, spid, username, program, background 
from v$process 
where addr not in (select paddr from v$session) 

b. get 2-3 errorstacks and/or the process state for the orphan processes in order to determine the call stack of the process and the source (e.g. jdbc, odbc, toad, etc.); see
NOTE 61552.1 "Diagnosing Database Hanging Issues".

c.  get the output for

$ ps -ef | grep SID

in order to determine if there is a mismatch between v$process and the OS processes list and to get the parent PID for the orphan process. If the parent process for the orphan process is still active repeat step (b) for the parent in order to determine its source.

d. repeat steps (b) and (c) thrice at an interval of 30 min (To check whether the sessions are disappearing after some time or just staying back)

e. implement Dead Connection Detection DCD

Please note that while Dead Connection Detection is set at the SQL*Net level, it relies heavily on the underlying protocol stack for it's successful execution. For example, you might set SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=1 in the sqlnet.ora file, but it is unlikely that an orphaned server process will be cleaned up immediately upon expiration of that interval.


NOTE 151972.1  "Dead Connection Detection (DCD) Explained"
NOTE 601605.1   "A discussion of Dead Connection Detection, Resource Limits, V$
SESSION, V$PROCESS and OS processes"

Note: On Windows, the DCD implementation could cause additional orphan processes; see
NOTE 462252.1 "Orphaned Processes when DCD is enabled on Windows"

f. if the issue still reproduces, turn on Event 10246 at level 1.

This turns on PMON tracing and we should be able to check to see if PMON 
cleaned up a dead process. The event needs to be set in the init ora file, and the database must be restarted then. Restarting the database will clear the 
problem so we would need to wait for the issue to happen again.
    event = "10246 trace name context forever, level 1"


NOTE 1020720.102  ALTER SYSTEM KILL Session Marked for Killed Forever"
NOTE 107686.1  "Why several Process remain KILLED in V$SESSION"
NOTE 100859.1  "ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION does not Release Locks Killing a Thread on Windows NT"
NOTE 387077.1  "How to find the process identifier (pid, spid) after the corresponding session is killed?" 

Known issues:

NOTE 5362226.8  "Bug 5362226 - PMON may not clean up dead processes"



3. Ora-00018 Maximum Number Of Sessions Exceeded


Error:  ORA 18   
Text:   maximum number of sessions exceeded 
Cause:  An operation requested a resource that was unavailable.
        The maximum number of sessions is specified by the initialization 
        parameter SESSIONS.
        When this maximum is reached, no more requests are processed.
Action: Try the operation again in a few minutes.
        If this message occurs often, shut down Oracle, increase the SESSIONS 
        parameter in the initialization parameter file, and restart Oracle.

a. Usually this is the expected behavior. as described in
NOTE 419130.1  "Ora-00018 Maximum Number Of Sessions Exceeded". For example the number of sessions when error reported from ‘select count(*) from v$session’ is much lesser that the session’s parameter that is set in the database (either set directly by SESSIONS parameter or derived from PROCESSES parameter). The similar issue was raised long back in the bug below but was closed as not a bug. The explanation provided by the development was that this is due to internal recursive calls which are not displayed in the normal v$session view. This v$session view gives only the user session. 


BUG 1528019 "ORA-18 AT 50% OF SESSIONS"


SQL> select count(*) from x$ksuse where bitand(ksspaflg,1) !=0 ; 


SQL> select count(*) from v$session' ; 


The solution in most of the case is to increase the init.ora SESSIONS/PROCESSES parameter value.

The other options is to limit the number of sessions per USER using resource limit profiles (SESSIONS_PER_USER)


Oracle® Database SQL Reference
10g Release 2 (10.2) - CREATE PROFILE

NOTE 1016552.102  "How to use PROFILES to limit user resources"
NOTE 206007.1 "How To Automate Cleanup Of Dead Connections And INACTIVE Sessions"

b. Check if there is any user, application creating excessive sessions. In order to determine the source of a session get the process state as described in NOTE 61552.1  "Diagnosing Database Hanging Issues". Contact the application vendor in order to check why there are so many opened sessions (possibly sessions leak at the application level).


NOTE:100859.1 - ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION does not Release Locks Killing a Thread on Windows NT
NOTE:1020720.102 - ALTER SYSTEM KILL Session Marked for Killed Forever
NOTE:165659.1 - Difference Between Processes, Sessions and Connections
NOTE:387077.1 - How To Find The Process Identifier (pid, spid) After The Corresponding Session Is Killed?


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