Hiring the President's Spouse

Idaho's State Board of Education is trying to reverse an antinepotism law that bars the state's public universities from hiring presidential spouses, the Associated Press reports. Board members worry that the law will make it tougher for Idaho's public universities to recruit A line Applique Lace Wedding Dressand retain top leaders, many of whom have spouses in academe.
A case in point: Laura Vailas, a Ph.D. nutritionist married to the president of Idaho State University, Arthur Vailas, recently had to forgo applying for an $85,000 post at the university, lest she find herself in violation of the law, Mark Browning, a spokesman for the board, told Idaho lawmakers. Browning also pointed out that academic job opportunities for presidential spouses at nearby institutions are pretty scant thanks to the remote location of Idaho's public four-year universities. And according to the AP, the Idaho law is stricter than similar laws in states such as Missouri, Nevada, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, all of which permit their public universities to hire presidential spouses, but have rules in place to prevent conflicts of interest. It's certainly not uncommon for universities to lure academics with the promise Chanel Black SnakeSkinof a spousal hire.
Opponents of the proposed change, like Idaho House Rep. Bob Nonini, worry that "the link would still be too cozy. For instance, would the dean of a college at an Idaho university really be willing to discipline a president's spouse?," the AP writes.
What's your institution's policy on presidential spousal hires? Do you think it's kosher for a university to hire a president's spouse?
There are at least a couple more factors to consider:
1. If the president's spouse receives some benefits from the president's employment, such as use of a car, meals, and so on, those benefits are subject to pretty strict IRS rules if the spouse is not an employee of the institution. I don't know if anyone's gotten in trouble over this sort of thing, but it's a real issue.
2. If the institution, board, etc., expect the president's spouse to be a de facto part of the team, entertaining, being present at social events that are really business events, etc., then the institution should figure out how to compensate the spouse. The old model, where the Louis Vuitton Omaha
president (male) had a wife who trailed along and provided the amenities for his career should be defunct. One way to ensure that is to compensate the spouse for his or her work on behalf of the college.
As for academic positions for the spouse, those are a real challenge....

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