

HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9
HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9

HTML5 Game Development – Lesson 9 Today we continue the series of articles on game development in HTML5 using canvas. For today I have prepared new game. I have updated our lesson 4 and added fireballs, enemies and collision detection. So, now our dragon can cast fireballs and kill enemies (plus, we have scores now). Now this game is much more interactive. Our previous article you can read here: Developing Your First HTML5 Game – Lesson 8.

HTML5游戏开发–第9课今天,我们继续使用画布在HTML5中进行游戏开发的系列文章。 今天,我准备了新游戏。 我更新了第4课,并添加了火球,敌人和碰撞检测。 因此,现在我们的龙可以投掷火球并杀死敌人(而且,我们现在有了得分)。 现在这个游戏更具互动性。 您可以在此处阅读上一篇文章: 开发您的第一个HTML5游戏–第8课

Here are our demo and downloadable package:



Ok, download the example files and lets start coding !


步骤1. HTML (Step 1. HTML)

As the first – our basic html code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9 | Script Tutorials</title>
        <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <!--[if lt IE 9]>
          <script src=""></script>
        <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
        <script src="js/script.js"></script>
        <header tabindex="0">
            <h2>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9</h2>
            <a  href="" class="stuts">Back to original tutorial on <span>Script Tutorials</span></a>
        <div class="container">
            <canvas id="scene" width="1000" height="600" tabindex="1"></canvas>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9 | Script Tutorials</title>
        <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <!--[if lt IE 9]>
          <script src=""></script>
        <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
        <script src="js/script.js"></script>
        <header tabindex="0">
            <h2>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 9</h2>
            <a  href="" class="stuts">Back to original tutorial on <span>Script Tutorials</span></a>
        <div class="container">
            <canvas id="scene" width="1000" height="600" tabindex="1"></canvas>

步骤2. CSS (Step 2. CSS)

Here are used CSS styles.


css / main.css (css/main.css)

I won’t publish styles today – it is page layout styles, nothing interesting. Always available in package.

我今天不会发布样式-它是页面布局样式,没什么有趣的。 始终以包装形式提供。

步骤3. JS (Step 3. JS)

js / script.js (js/script.js)

// inner variables
var canvas, ctx;
var backgroundImage;
var iBgShiftX = 100;
var dragon, enemy = null; // game objects
var balls = [];
var enemies = [];
var dragonW = 75; // dragon width
var dragonH = 70; // dragon height
var iSprPos = 0; // initial sprite frame
var iSprDir = 0; // initial dragon direction
var iEnemyW = 128; // enemy width
var iEnemyH = 128; // enemy height
var iBallSpeed = 10; // initial ball speed
var iEnemySpeed = 2; // initial enemy speed
var dragonSound; // dragon sound
var wingsSound; // wings sound
var explodeSound, explodeSound2; // explode sounds
var laughtSound; // wings sound
var bMouseDown = false; // mouse down state
var iLastMouseX = 0;
var iLastMouseY = 0;
var iScore = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// objects :
function Dragon(x, y, w, h, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.image = image;
    this.bDrag = false;
function Ball(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Enemy(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// get random number between X and Y
function getRand(x, y) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*y)+x;
// draw functions :
function drawScene() { // main drawScene function
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); // clear canvas
    // draw background
    iBgShiftX += 4;
    if (iBgShiftX >= 1045) {
        iBgShiftX = 0;
    ctx.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0 + iBgShiftX, 0, 1000, 940, 0, 0, 1000, 600);
    // update sprite positions
    if (iSprPos >= 9) {
        iSprPos = 0;
    // in case of mouse down - move dragon more close to our mouse
    if (bMouseDown) {
        if (iLastMouseX > dragon.x) {
            dragon.x += 5;
        if (iLastMouseY > dragon.y) {
            dragon.y += 5;
        if (iLastMouseX < dragon.x) {
            dragon.x -= 5;
        if (iLastMouseY < dragon.y) {
            dragon.y -= 5;
    // draw dragon
    ctx.drawImage(dragon.image, iSprPos*dragon.w, iSprDir*dragon.h, dragon.w, dragon.h, dragon.x - dragon.w/2, dragon.y - dragon.h/2, dragon.w, dragon.h);
    // draw fireballs
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                ctx.drawImage(balls[key].image, balls[key].x, balls[key].y);
                balls[key].x += balls[key].speed;
                if (balls[key].x > canvas.width) {
                    delete balls[key];
    // draw enemies
    if (enemies.length > 0) {
        for (var ekey in enemies) {
            if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                ctx.drawImage(enemies[ekey].image, enemies[ekey].x, enemies[ekey].y);
                enemies[ekey].x += enemies[ekey].speed;
                if (enemies[ekey].x < - iEnemyW) {
                    delete enemies[ekey];
                    // play laught sound
                    laughtSound.currentTime = 0;
    // collision detection
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                if (enemies.length > 0) {
                    for (var ekey in enemies) {
                        if (enemies[ekey] != undefined && balls[key] != undefined) {
                            if (balls[key].x + balls[key].w > enemies[ekey].x && balls[key].y + balls[key].h > enemies[ekey].y && balls[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h) {
                                delete enemies[ekey];
                                delete balls[key];
                                // play explode sound #2
                                explodeSound2.currentTime = 0;
    // draw score
    ctx.font = '16px Verdana';
    ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
    ctx.fillText('Score: ' + iScore * 10, 900, 580);
    ctx.fillText('Plese click "1" to cast fireball', 100, 580);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// initialization
    canvas = document.getElementById('scene');
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    var width = canvas.width;
    var height = canvas.height;
    // load background image
    backgroundImage = new Image();
    backgroundImage.src = 'images/hell.jpg';
    backgroundImage.onload = function() {
    backgroundImage.onerror = function() {
        console.log('Error loading the background image.');
    // 'Dragon' music init
    dragonSound = new Audio('media/dragon.wav');
    dragonSound.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Laught' music init
    laughtSound = new Audio('media/laught.wav');
    laughtSound.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Explode' music inits
    explodeSound = new Audio('media/explode1.wav');
    explodeSound.volume = 0.9;
    explodeSound2 = new Audio('media/explosion.wav');
    explodeSound2.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Wings' music init
    wingsSound = new Audio('media/wings.wav');
    wingsSound.volume = 0.9;
    wingsSound.addEventListener('ended', function() { // loop wings sound
        this.currentTime = 0;;
    }, false);;
    // initialization of empty ball
    var oBallImage = new Image();
    oBallImage.src = 'images/fireball.png';
    oBallImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of empty enemy
    var oEnemyImage = new Image();
    oEnemyImage.src = 'images/enemy.png';
    oEnemyImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of dragon
    var oDragonImage = new Image();
    oDragonImage.src = 'images/dragon.gif';
    oDragonImage.onload = function() {
        dragon = new Dragon(400, 300, dragonW, dragonH, oDragonImage);
    $('#scene').mousedown(function(e) { // binding mousedown event (for dragging)
        var mouseX = e.layerX || 0;
        var mouseY = e.layerY || 0;
        if(e.originalEvent.layerX) { // changes for jquery 1.7
            mouseX = e.originalEvent.layerX;
            mouseY = e.originalEvent.layerY;
        bMouseDown = true;
        if (mouseX > dragon.x- dragon.w/2 && mouseX < dragon.x- dragon.w/2 +dragon.w &&
            mouseY > dragon.y- dragon.h/2 && mouseY < dragon.y-dragon.h/2 +dragon.h) {
            dragon.bDrag = true;
            dragon.x = mouseX;
            dragon.y = mouseY;
    $('#scene').mousemove(function(e) { // binding mousemove event
        var mouseX = e.layerX || 0;
        var mouseY = e.layerY || 0;
        if(e.originalEvent.layerX) {
            mouseX = e.originalEvent.layerX;
            mouseY = e.originalEvent.layerY;
        // saving last coordinates
        iLastMouseX = mouseX;
        iLastMouseY = mouseY;
        // perform dragon dragging
        if (dragon.bDrag) {
            dragon.x = mouseX;
            dragon.y = mouseY;
        // change direction of dragon (depends on mouse position)
        if (mouseX > dragon.x && Math.abs(mouseY-dragon.y) < dragon.w/2) {
            iSprDir = 0;
        } else if (mouseX < dragon.x && Math.abs(mouseY-dragon.y) < dragon.w/2) {
            iSprDir = 4;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && Math.abs(mouseX-dragon.x) < dragon.h/2) {
            iSprDir = 2;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && Math.abs(mouseX-dragon.x) < dragon.h/2) {
            iSprDir = 6;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && mouseX < dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 5;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && mouseX > dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 7;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && mouseX < dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 3;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && mouseX > dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 1;
    $('#scene').mouseup(function(e) { // binding mouseup event
        dragon.bDrag = false;
        bMouseDown = false;
        // play dragon sound
        dragonSound.currentTime = 0;;
    $(window).keydown(function(event){ // keyboard alerts
        switch (event.keyCode) {
            case 49: // '1' key
                balls.push(new Ball(dragon.x, dragon.y, 32, 32, iBallSpeed, oBallImage));
                // play explode sound #1
                explodeSound.currentTime = 0;
    setInterval(drawScene, 30); // loop drawScene
    // generate enemies randomly
    var enTimer = null;
    function addEnemy() {
        var randY = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
        enemies.push(new Enemy(canvas.width, randY, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
        var interval = getRand(5000, 10000);
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop drawScene

// inner variables
var canvas, ctx;
var backgroundImage;
var iBgShiftX = 100;
var dragon, enemy = null; // game objects
var balls = [];
var enemies = [];
var dragonW = 75; // dragon width
var dragonH = 70; // dragon height
var iSprPos = 0; // initial sprite frame
var iSprDir = 0; // initial dragon direction
var iEnemyW = 128; // enemy width
var iEnemyH = 128; // enemy height
var iBallSpeed = 10; // initial ball speed
var iEnemySpeed = 2; // initial enemy speed
var dragonSound; // dragon sound
var wingsSound; // wings sound
var explodeSound, explodeSound2; // explode sounds
var laughtSound; // wings sound
var bMouseDown = false; // mouse down state
var iLastMouseX = 0;
var iLastMouseY = 0;
var iScore = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// objects :
function Dragon(x, y, w, h, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.image = image;
    this.bDrag = false;
function Ball(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Enemy(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// get random number between X and Y
function getRand(x, y) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*y)+x;
// draw functions :
function drawScene() { // main drawScene function
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); // clear canvas
    // draw background
    iBgShiftX += 4;
    if (iBgShiftX >= 1045) {
        iBgShiftX = 0;
    ctx.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0 + iBgShiftX, 0, 1000, 940, 0, 0, 1000, 600);
    // update sprite positions
    if (iSprPos >= 9) {
        iSprPos = 0;
    // in case of mouse down - move dragon more close to our mouse
    if (bMouseDown) {
        if (iLastMouseX > dragon.x) {
            dragon.x += 5;
        if (iLastMouseY > dragon.y) {
            dragon.y += 5;
        if (iLastMouseX < dragon.x) {
            dragon.x -= 5;
        if (iLastMouseY < dragon.y) {
            dragon.y -= 5;
    // draw dragon
    ctx.drawImage(dragon.image, iSprPos*dragon.w, iSprDir*dragon.h, dragon.w, dragon.h, dragon.x - dragon.w/2, dragon.y - dragon.h/2, dragon.w, dragon.h);
    // draw fireballs
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                ctx.drawImage(balls[key].image, balls[key].x, balls[key].y);
                balls[key].x += balls[key].speed;
                if (balls[key].x > canvas.width) {
                    delete balls[key];
    // draw enemies
    if (enemies.length > 0) {
        for (var ekey in enemies) {
            if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                ctx.drawImage(enemies[ekey].image, enemies[ekey].x, enemies[ekey].y);
                enemies[ekey].x += enemies[ekey].speed;
                if (enemies[ekey].x < - iEnemyW) {
                    delete enemies[ekey];
                    // play laught sound
                    laughtSound.currentTime = 0;
    // collision detection
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                if (enemies.length > 0) {
                    for (var ekey in enemies) {
                        if (enemies[ekey] != undefined && balls[key] != undefined) {
                            if (balls[key].x + balls[key].w > enemies[ekey].x && balls[key].y + balls[key].h > enemies[ekey].y && balls[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h) {
                                delete enemies[ekey];
                                delete balls[key];
                                // play explode sound #2
                                explodeSound2.currentTime = 0;
    // draw score
    ctx.font = '16px Verdana';
    ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
    ctx.fillText('Score: ' + iScore * 10, 900, 580);
    ctx.fillText('Plese click "1" to cast fireball', 100, 580);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// initialization
    canvas = document.getElementById('scene');
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    var width = canvas.width;
    var height = canvas.height;
    // load background image
    backgroundImage = new Image();
    backgroundImage.src = 'images/hell.jpg';
    backgroundImage.onload = function() {
    backgroundImage.onerror = function() {
        console.log('Error loading the background image.');
    // 'Dragon' music init
    dragonSound = new Audio('media/dragon.wav');
    dragonSound.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Laught' music init
    laughtSound = new Audio('media/laught.wav');
    laughtSound.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Explode' music inits
    explodeSound = new Audio('media/explode1.wav');
    explodeSound.volume = 0.9;
    explodeSound2 = new Audio('media/explosion.wav');
    explodeSound2.volume = 0.9;
    // 'Wings' music init
    wingsSound = new Audio('media/wings.wav');
    wingsSound.volume = 0.9;
    wingsSound.addEventListener('ended', function() { // loop wings sound
        this.currentTime = 0;;
    }, false);;
    // initialization of empty ball
    var oBallImage = new Image();
    oBallImage.src = 'images/fireball.png';
    oBallImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of empty enemy
    var oEnemyImage = new Image();
    oEnemyImage.src = 'images/enemy.png';
    oEnemyImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of dragon
    var oDragonImage = new Image();
    oDragonImage.src = 'images/dragon.gif';
    oDragonImage.onload = function() {
        dragon = new Dragon(400, 300, dragonW, dragonH, oDragonImage);
    $('#scene').mousedown(function(e) { // binding mousedown event (for dragging)
        var mouseX = e.layerX || 0;
        var mouseY = e.layerY || 0;
        if(e.originalEvent.layerX) { // changes for jquery 1.7
            mouseX = e.originalEvent.layerX;
            mouseY = e.originalEvent.layerY;
        bMouseDown = true;
        if (mouseX > dragon.x- dragon.w/2 && mouseX < dragon.x- dragon.w/2 +dragon.w &&
            mouseY > dragon.y- dragon.h/2 && mouseY < dragon.y-dragon.h/2 +dragon.h) {
            dragon.bDrag = true;
            dragon.x = mouseX;
            dragon.y = mouseY;
    $('#scene').mousemove(function(e) { // binding mousemove event
        var mouseX = e.layerX || 0;
        var mouseY = e.layerY || 0;
        if(e.originalEvent.layerX) {
            mouseX = e.originalEvent.layerX;
            mouseY = e.originalEvent.layerY;
        // saving last coordinates
        iLastMouseX = mouseX;
        iLastMouseY = mouseY;
        // perform dragon dragging
        if (dragon.bDrag) {
            dragon.x = mouseX;
            dragon.y = mouseY;
        // change direction of dragon (depends on mouse position)
        if (mouseX > dragon.x && Math.abs(mouseY-dragon.y) < dragon.w/2) {
            iSprDir = 0;
        } else if (mouseX < dragon.x && Math.abs(mouseY-dragon.y) < dragon.w/2) {
            iSprDir = 4;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && Math.abs(mouseX-dragon.x) < dragon.h/2) {
            iSprDir = 2;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && Math.abs(mouseX-dragon.x) < dragon.h/2) {
            iSprDir = 6;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && mouseX < dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 5;
        } else if (mouseY < dragon.y && mouseX > dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 7;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && mouseX < dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 3;
        } else if (mouseY > dragon.y && mouseX > dragon.x) {
            iSprDir = 1;
    $('#scene').mouseup(function(e) { // binding mouseup event
        dragon.bDrag = false;
        bMouseDown = false;
        // play dragon sound
        dragonSound.currentTime = 0;;
    $(window).keydown(function(event){ // keyboard alerts
        switch (event.keyCode) {
            case 49: // '1' key
                balls.push(new Ball(dragon.x, dragon.y, 32, 32, iBallSpeed, oBallImage));
                // play explode sound #1
                explodeSound.currentTime = 0;
    setInterval(drawScene, 30); // loop drawScene
    // generate enemies randomly
    var enTimer = null;
    function addEnemy() {
        var randY = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
        enemies.push(new Enemy(canvas.width, randY, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
        var interval = getRand(5000, 10000);
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop drawScene

In the beginning I added two new objects: Ball (or fireball) and Enemy. Each object has own attributes set (like position, size, image, speed). After, I added drawing balls and enemies for our ‘drawScene’ function. Plus, at the bottom of this function you can see collision detection method:

在开始时,我添加了两个新对象:“球”(或“火球”)和“敌人”。 每个对象都有自己的属性集(例如位置,大小,图像,速度)。 之后,我为“ drawScene”功能添加了绘画球和敌人。 另外,在此功能的底部,您可以看到碰撞检测方法:

    // collision detection
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                if (enemies.length > 0) {
                    for (var ekey in enemies) {
                        if (enemies[ekey] != undefined && balls[key] != undefined) {
                            if (balls[key].x + balls[key].w > enemies[ekey].x && balls[key].y + balls[key].h > enemies[ekey].y && balls[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h) {
                                delete enemies[ekey];
                                delete balls[key];
                                // play explode sound #2
                                explodeSound2.currentTime = 0;

    // collision detection
    if (balls.length > 0) {
        for (var key in balls) {
            if (balls[key] != undefined) {
                if (enemies.length > 0) {
                    for (var ekey in enemies) {
                        if (enemies[ekey] != undefined && balls[key] != undefined) {
                            if (balls[key].x + balls[key].w > enemies[ekey].x && balls[key].y + balls[key].h > enemies[ekey].y && balls[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h) {
                                delete enemies[ekey];
                                delete balls[key];
                                // play explode sound #2
                                explodeSound2.currentTime = 0;

And finally, we have to add our enemies periodically (randomly):


    // generate enemies randomly
    var enTimer = null;
    function addEnemy() {
        var randY = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
        enemies.push(new Enemy(canvas.width, randY, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
        var interval = getRand(5000, 10000);
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop drawScene

    // generate enemies randomly
    var enTimer = null;
    function addEnemy() {
        var randY = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
        enemies.push(new Enemy(canvas.width, randY, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
        var interval = getRand(5000, 10000);
        enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop drawScene

步骤4.自定义文件 (Step 4. Custom files)

images / dragon.gif,images / enemy.png,images / fireball.png,images / hell.jpg (images/dragon.gif, images/enemy.png, images/fireball.png, images/hell.jpg)
媒体/dragon.wav,媒体/explode1.wav,媒体/explosion.wav,媒体/laught.wav,媒体/wings.wav (media/dragon.wav, media/explode1.wav, media/explosion.wav, media/laught.wav, media/wings.wav)

All these files available in our package



结论 (Conclusion)

Are you like our new updated game? :-) I will be glad to see your thanks and comments. Good luck!

您喜欢我们的新更新游戏吗? :-)很高兴看到您的感谢和评论。 祝好运!







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


