
HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 10
HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 10

HTML5 Game Development – Lesson 10 Finally we can continue the series of articles on game development in HTML5 using canvas. Today I have prepared a new game – SkyWalker. Basically – this is a flight simulator with a plane and multiple enemies. Our goal – to get to the finish line. There are next key features: using sprites for the plane and explosions, possibility to press multiple keys (as example – you can move and attack at the same time), a certain level length, enhanced collision detections (now enemies can damage our plane), life and scores params. Our previous article you can read here: Developing Your First HTML5 Game – Lesson 9.

HTML5游戏开发–第10课最后,我们可以继续使用画布在HTML5中进行游戏开发的系列文章。 今天,我准备了一个新游戏-SkyWalker。 基本上-这是一架有飞机和多个敌人的飞行模拟器。 我们的目标–到达终点。 接下来的主要功能是:使用精灵进行平面和爆炸,可以按下多个键(例如,您可以同时移动和攻击),一定的水平长度,增强的碰撞检测能力(现在敌人可以破坏我们的飞机) ,生活和分数参数。 您可以在此处阅读我们以前的文章: 开发您的第一个HTML5游戏–第9课

Now you can check our demo and download the sources:







[/ sociallocker]

If you are ready – let’s start coding !


步骤1. HTML (Step 1. HTML)

As usual (for all canvas-based demos) we have a basic html markup:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="author" content="Script Tutorials" />
        <title>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 10 (SkyWalker) | Script Tutorials</title>
        <!-- add styles -->
        <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <!-- add scripts -->
        <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
        <script src="js/script.js"></script>
        <div class="container">
            <canvas id="scene" width="700" height="700" tabindex="1"></canvas>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="author" content="Script Tutorials" />
        <title>HTML5 Game Development - Lesson 10 (SkyWalker) | Script Tutorials</title>
        <!-- add styles -->
        <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <!-- add scripts -->
        <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
        <script src="js/script.js"></script>
        <div class="container">
            <canvas id="scene" width="700" height="700" tabindex="1"></canvas>

第2步:JS (Step 2. JS)

Now, please create an empty file ‘script.js’ (in ‘js’ folder) and put this code inside (this is full JS code of our SkyWalker game). I will explain the main functionality below this code.

现在,请创建一个空文件'script.js'(在'js'文件夹中)并将此代码放入其中(这是我们的SkyWalker游戏的完整JS代码)。 我将在此代码下方解释主要功能。

js / script.js (js/script.js)

// inner variables
var canvas, ctx;
// images
var backgroundImage;
var oRocketImage;
var oExplosionImage;
var introImage;
var oEnemyImage;
var iBgShiftY = 9300; //10000 (level length) - 700 (canvas height)
var bPause = true; // game pause
var plane = null; // plane object
var rockets = []; // array of rockets
var enemies = []; // array of enemies
var explosions = []; // array of explosions
var planeW = 200; // plane width
var planeH = 110; // plane height
var iSprPos = 2; // initial sprite frame for plane
var iMoveDir = 0; // move direction
var iEnemyW = 128; // enemy width
var iEnemyH = 128; // enemy height
var iRocketSpeed = 10; // initial rocket speed
var iEnemySpeed = 5; // initial enemy speed
var pressedKeys = []; // array of pressed keys
var iScore = 0; // total score
var iLife = 100; // total life of plane
var iDamage = 10; // damage per enemy plane
var enTimer = null; // random timer for a new enemy
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// objects :
function Plane(x, y, w, h, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.image = image;
    this.bDrag = false;
function Rocket(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Enemy(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Explosion(x, y, w, h, sprite, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.sprite = sprite;
    this.image = image;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// get random number between X and Y
function getRand(x, y) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*y)+x;
// Display Intro function
function displayIntro() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    ctx.drawImage(introImage, 0, 0,700, 700);
// Draw Main scene function
function drawScene() {
    if (! bPause) {
        iBgShiftY -= 2; // move main ground
        if (iBgShiftY < 5) { // Finish position
            bPause = true;
            // draw score
            ctx.font = '40px Verdana';
            ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
            ctx.fillText('Finish, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 50, 200);
        // process pressed keys (movement of plane)
        // clear canvas
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
        // draw background
        ctx.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0, 0 + iBgShiftY, 700, 700, 0, 0, 700, 700);
        // draw plane
        ctx.drawImage(plane.image, iSprPos*plane.w, 0, plane.w, plane.h, plane.x - plane.w/2, plane.y - plane.h/2, plane.w, plane.h);
        // draw rockets
        if (rockets.length > 0) {
            for (var key in rockets) {
                if (rockets[key] != undefined) {
                    ctx.drawImage(rockets[key].image, rockets[key].x, rockets[key].y);
                    rockets[key].y -= rockets[key].speed;
                    // if a rocket is out of screen - remove it
                    if (rockets[key].y < 0) {
                        delete rockets[key];
        // draw explosions
        if (explosions.length > 0) {
            for (var key in explosions) {
                if (explosions[key] != undefined) {
                    // display explosion sprites
                    ctx.drawImage(explosions[key].image, explosions[key].sprite*explosions[key].w, 0, explosions[key].w, explosions[key].h, explosions[key].x - explosions[key].w/2, explosions[key].y - explosions[key].h/2, explosions[key].w, explosions[key].h);
                    // remove an explosion object when it expires
                    if (explosions[key].sprite > 10) {
                        delete explosions[key];
        // draw enemies
        if (enemies.length > 0) {
            for (var ekey in enemies) {
                if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                    ctx.drawImage(enemies[ekey].image, enemies[ekey].x, enemies[ekey].y);
                    enemies[ekey].y -= enemies[ekey].speed;
                    // remove an enemy object if it is out of screen
                    if (enemies[ekey].y > canvas.height) {
                        delete enemies[ekey];
        if (enemies.length > 0) {
            for (var ekey in enemies) {
                if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                    // collisions with rockets
                    if (rockets.length > 0) {
                        for (var key in rockets) {
                            if (rockets[key] != undefined) {
                                if (rockets[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && rockets[key].x > enemies[ekey].x && rockets[key].x + rockets[key].w < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w) {
                                    explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
                                    // delete enemy, rocket, and add +1 to score
                                    delete enemies[ekey];
                                    delete rockets[key];
                    // collisions with plane
                    if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                        if (plane.y - plane.h/2 < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && plane.x - plane.w/2 < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w && plane.x + plane.w/2 > enemies[ekey].x) {
                            explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
                            // delete enemy and make damage
                            delete enemies[ekey];
                            iLife -= iDamage;
                            if (iLife <= 0) { // Game over
                                bPause = true;
                                // draw score
                                ctx.font = '38px Verdana';
                                ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
                                ctx.fillText('Game over, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 25, 200);
        // display life and score
        ctx.font = '14px Verdana';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
        ctx.fillText('Life: ' + iLife + ' / 100', 50, 660);
        ctx.fillText('Score: ' + iScore * 10, 50, 680);
// Process Pressed Keys function
function processPressedKeys() {
    if (pressedKeys[37] != undefined) { // 'Left' key
        if (iSprPos > 0) {
            iMoveDir = -7;
        if (plane.x - plane.w / 2 > 10) {
            plane.x += iMoveDir;
    else if (pressedKeys[39] != undefined) { // 'Right' key
        if (iSprPos < 4) {
            iMoveDir = 7;
        if (plane.x + plane.w / 2 < canvas.width - 10) {
            plane.x += iMoveDir;
// Add Enemy function (adds a new enemy randomly)
function addEnemy() {
    var randX = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
    enemies.push(new Enemy(randX, 0, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
    var interval = getRand(1000, 4000);
    enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop
// Main Initialization
    canvas = document.getElementById('scene');
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    // load background image
    backgroundImage = new Image();
    backgroundImage.src = 'images/levelmap.jpg';
    backgroundImage.onload = function() {
    backgroundImage.onerror = function() {
        console.log('Error loading the background image.');
    introImage = new Image();
    introImage.src = 'images/intro.jpg';
    // initialization of empty rocket
    oRocketImage = new Image();
    oRocketImage.src = 'images/rocket.png';
    oRocketImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of explosion image
    oExplosionImage = new Image();
    oExplosionImage.src = 'images/explosion.png';
    oExplosionImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of empty enemy
    oEnemyImage = new Image();
    oEnemyImage.src = 'images/enemy.png';
    oEnemyImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of plane
    var oPlaneImage = new Image();
    oPlaneImage.src = 'images/plane.png';
    oPlaneImage.onload = function() {
        plane = new Plane(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height - 100, planeW, planeH, oPlaneImage);
    $(window).keydown(function (evt){ // onkeydown event handle
        var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
        if (! pk) {
            pressedKeys[evt.keyCode] = 1; // add all pressed keys into array
        if (bPause && evt.keyCode == 13) { // in case of Enter button
            bPause = false;
            // start main animation
            setInterval(drawScene, 30); // loop drawScene
            // and add first enemy
    $(window).keyup(function (evt) { // onkeyup event handle
        var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
        if (pk) {
            delete pressedKeys[evt.keyCode]; // remove pressed key from array
        if (evt.keyCode == 65) { // 'A' button - add a rocket
            rockets.push(new Rocket(plane.x - 16, plane.y - plane.h, 32, 32, iRocketSpeed, oRocketImage));
        if (evt.keyCode == 37 || evt.keyCode == 39) {
            // revert plane sprite to default position
            if (iSprPos > 2) {
                for (var i = iSprPos; i >= 2; i--) {
                    iSprPos = i;
                    iMoveDir = 0;
            } else {
                for (var i = iSprPos; i <= 2; i++) {
                    iSprPos = i;
                    iMoveDir = 0;
    // when intro is ready - display it
    introImage.onload = function() {
        displayIntro(); // Display intro once

// inner variables
var canvas, ctx;
// images
var backgroundImage;
var oRocketImage;
var oExplosionImage;
var introImage;
var oEnemyImage;
var iBgShiftY = 9300; //10000 (level length) - 700 (canvas height)
var bPause = true; // game pause
var plane = null; // plane object
var rockets = []; // array of rockets
var enemies = []; // array of enemies
var explosions = []; // array of explosions
var planeW = 200; // plane width
var planeH = 110; // plane height
var iSprPos = 2; // initial sprite frame for plane
var iMoveDir = 0; // move direction
var iEnemyW = 128; // enemy width
var iEnemyH = 128; // enemy height
var iRocketSpeed = 10; // initial rocket speed
var iEnemySpeed = 5; // initial enemy speed
var pressedKeys = []; // array of pressed keys
var iScore = 0; // total score
var iLife = 100; // total life of plane
var iDamage = 10; // damage per enemy plane
var enTimer = null; // random timer for a new enemy
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// objects :
function Plane(x, y, w, h, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.image = image;
    this.bDrag = false;
function Rocket(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Enemy(x, y, w, h, speed, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.speed = speed;
    this.image = image;
function Explosion(x, y, w, h, sprite, image) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.sprite = sprite;
    this.image = image;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// get random number between X and Y
function getRand(x, y) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*y)+x;
// Display Intro function
function displayIntro() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
    ctx.drawImage(introImage, 0, 0,700, 700);
// Draw Main scene function
function drawScene() {
    if (! bPause) {
        iBgShiftY -= 2; // move main ground
        if (iBgShiftY < 5) { // Finish position
            bPause = true;
            // draw score
            ctx.font = '40px Verdana';
            ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
            ctx.fillText('Finish, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 50, 200);
        // process pressed keys (movement of plane)
        // clear canvas
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
        // draw background
        ctx.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0, 0 + iBgShiftY, 700, 700, 0, 0, 700, 700);
        // draw plane
        ctx.drawImage(plane.image, iSprPos*plane.w, 0, plane.w, plane.h, plane.x - plane.w/2, plane.y - plane.h/2, plane.w, plane.h);
        // draw rockets
        if (rockets.length > 0) {
            for (var key in rockets) {
                if (rockets[key] != undefined) {
                    ctx.drawImage(rockets[key].image, rockets[key].x, rockets[key].y);
                    rockets[key].y -= rockets[key].speed;
                    // if a rocket is out of screen - remove it
                    if (rockets[key].y < 0) {
                        delete rockets[key];
        // draw explosions
        if (explosions.length > 0) {
            for (var key in explosions) {
                if (explosions[key] != undefined) {
                    // display explosion sprites
                    ctx.drawImage(explosions[key].image, explosions[key].sprite*explosions[key].w, 0, explosions[key].w, explosions[key].h, explosions[key].x - explosions[key].w/2, explosions[key].y - explosions[key].h/2, explosions[key].w, explosions[key].h);
                    // remove an explosion object when it expires
                    if (explosions[key].sprite > 10) {
                        delete explosions[key];
        // draw enemies
        if (enemies.length > 0) {
            for (var ekey in enemies) {
                if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                    ctx.drawImage(enemies[ekey].image, enemies[ekey].x, enemies[ekey].y);
                    enemies[ekey].y -= enemies[ekey].speed;
                    // remove an enemy object if it is out of screen
                    if (enemies[ekey].y > canvas.height) {
                        delete enemies[ekey];
        if (enemies.length > 0) {
            for (var ekey in enemies) {
                if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                    // collisions with rockets
                    if (rockets.length > 0) {
                        for (var key in rockets) {
                            if (rockets[key] != undefined) {
                                if (rockets[key].y < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && rockets[key].x > enemies[ekey].x && rockets[key].x + rockets[key].w < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w) {
                                    explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
                                    // delete enemy, rocket, and add +1 to score
                                    delete enemies[ekey];
                                    delete rockets[key];
                    // collisions with plane
                    if (enemies[ekey] != undefined) {
                        if (plane.y - plane.h/2 < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && plane.x - plane.w/2 < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w && plane.x + plane.w/2 > enemies[ekey].x) {
                            explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
                            // delete enemy and make damage
                            delete enemies[ekey];
                            iLife -= iDamage;
                            if (iLife <= 0) { // Game over
                                bPause = true;
                                // draw score
                                ctx.font = '38px Verdana';
                                ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
                                ctx.fillText('Game over, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 25, 200);
        // display life and score
        ctx.font = '14px Verdana';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
        ctx.fillText('Life: ' + iLife + ' / 100', 50, 660);
        ctx.fillText('Score: ' + iScore * 10, 50, 680);
// Process Pressed Keys function
function processPressedKeys() {
    if (pressedKeys[37] != undefined) { // 'Left' key
        if (iSprPos > 0) {
            iMoveDir = -7;
        if (plane.x - plane.w / 2 > 10) {
            plane.x += iMoveDir;
    else if (pressedKeys[39] != undefined) { // 'Right' key
        if (iSprPos < 4) {
            iMoveDir = 7;
        if (plane.x + plane.w / 2 < canvas.width - 10) {
            plane.x += iMoveDir;
// Add Enemy function (adds a new enemy randomly)
function addEnemy() {
    var randX = getRand(0, canvas.height - iEnemyH);
    enemies.push(new Enemy(randX, 0, iEnemyW, iEnemyH, - iEnemySpeed, oEnemyImage));
    var interval = getRand(1000, 4000);
    enTimer = setInterval(addEnemy, interval); // loop
// Main Initialization
    canvas = document.getElementById('scene');
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    // load background image
    backgroundImage = new Image();
    backgroundImage.src = 'images/levelmap.jpg';
    backgroundImage.onload = function() {
    backgroundImage.onerror = function() {
        console.log('Error loading the background image.');
    introImage = new Image();
    introImage.src = 'images/intro.jpg';
    // initialization of empty rocket
    oRocketImage = new Image();
    oRocketImage.src = 'images/rocket.png';
    oRocketImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of explosion image
    oExplosionImage = new Image();
    oExplosionImage.src = 'images/explosion.png';
    oExplosionImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of empty enemy
    oEnemyImage = new Image();
    oEnemyImage.src = 'images/enemy.png';
    oEnemyImage.onload = function() { }
    // initialization of plane
    var oPlaneImage = new Image();
    oPlaneImage.src = 'images/plane.png';
    oPlaneImage.onload = function() {
        plane = new Plane(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height - 100, planeW, planeH, oPlaneImage);
    $(window).keydown(function (evt){ // onkeydown event handle
        var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
        if (! pk) {
            pressedKeys[evt.keyCode] = 1; // add all pressed keys into array
        if (bPause && evt.keyCode == 13) { // in case of Enter button
            bPause = false;
            // start main animation
            setInterval(drawScene, 30); // loop drawScene
            // and add first enemy
    $(window).keyup(function (evt) { // onkeyup event handle
        var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
        if (pk) {
            delete pressedKeys[evt.keyCode]; // remove pressed key from array
        if (evt.keyCode == 65) { // 'A' button - add a rocket
            rockets.push(new Rocket(plane.x - 16, plane.y - plane.h, 32, 32, iRocketSpeed, oRocketImage));
        if (evt.keyCode == 37 || evt.keyCode == 39) {
            // revert plane sprite to default position
            if (iSprPos > 2) {
                for (var i = iSprPos; i >= 2; i--) {
                    iSprPos = i;
                    iMoveDir = 0;
            } else {
                for (var i = iSprPos; i <= 2; i++) {
                    iSprPos = i;
                    iMoveDir = 0;
    // when intro is ready - display it
    introImage.onload = function() {
        displayIntro(); // Display intro once

In the main initialization the script loads all necessary images (level map, intro screen, rocket, explosion sprite, enemy and plane sprite). Then, in order to handle with multiple pressed keys we have to use Array (pressedKeys) to keep all pressed keys (then, during rendering of the main scene, we will use this array to manipulate with our plane), and finally, once the Intro page is loaded – we display intro screen. One of important moments – handling of multiple pressed keys, look at this code:

在主初始化中,脚本会加载所有必需的图像(关卡地图,简介屏幕,火箭,爆炸精灵,敌人和飞机精灵)。 然后,为了处理多个按下的键,我们必须使用Array(pressedKeys)保留所有按下的键(然后,在渲染主场景期间,我们将使用此数组来操纵平面),最后,一旦简介页面已加载-我们显示简介屏幕。 重要时刻之一–处理多个按下的键,请看以下代码:

var pressedKeys = []; // array of pressed keys
$(window).keydown(function (evt){ // onkeydown event handle
    var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
    if (! pk) {
        pressedKeys[evt.keyCode] = 1; // add all pressed keys into array
$(window).keyup(function (evt) { // onkeyup event handle
    var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
    if (pk) {
        delete pressedKeys[evt.keyCode]; // remove pressed key from array

var pressedKeys = []; // array of pressed keys
$(window).keydown(function (evt){ // onkeydown event handle
    var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
    if (! pk) {
        pressedKeys[evt.keyCode] = 1; // add all pressed keys into array
$(window).keyup(function (evt) { // onkeyup event handle
    var pk = pressedKeys[evt.keyCode];
    if (pk) {
        delete pressedKeys[evt.keyCode]; // remove pressed key from array

This technique allows us to handle multiple keys. Well, during rendering of the main scene we draw next objects: level background, the main plane, rockets (of our plane), enemies and explosions. Once we hit an enemy – we draw explosion sprite at the last place of the enemy. And finally, our opponents are not harmless, as soon as they touch our plane – they explode and cause damage to our aircraft. And, if our life value is under zero – game over. To implement collisions and explosions, I used the following code:

这种技术使我们可以处理多个键。 好吧,在渲染主场景期间,我们绘制了下一个对象:关卡背景,主平面,(我们飞机的)火箭,敌人和爆炸。 击中敌人后,我们会在敌人的最后一个位置绘制爆炸精灵。 最后,我们的对手一旦碰到我们的飞机就不会受到伤害-爆炸并损坏我们的飞机。 而且,如果我们的生活价值低于零,那就结束游戏。 为了实现碰撞和爆炸,我使用了以下代码:

if (plane.y - plane.h/2 < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && plane.x - plane.w/2 < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w && plane.x + plane.w/2 > enemies[ekey].x) {
    explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
    // delete enemy and make damage
    delete enemies[ekey];
    iLife -= iDamage;
    if (iLife <= 0) { // Game over
        bPause = true;
        // draw score
        ctx.font = '38px Verdana';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
        ctx.fillText('Game over, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 25, 200);

if (plane.y - plane.h/2 < enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h/2 && plane.x - plane.w/2 < enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w && plane.x + plane.w/2 > enemies[ekey].x) {
    explosions.push(new Explosion(enemies[ekey].x + enemies[ekey].w / 2, enemies[ekey].y + enemies[ekey].h / 2, 120, 120, 0, oExplosionImage));
    // delete enemy and make damage
    delete enemies[ekey];
    iLife -= iDamage;
    if (iLife <= 0) { // Game over
        bPause = true;
        // draw score
        ctx.font = '38px Verdana';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
        ctx.fillText('Game over, your score: ' + iScore * 10 + ' points', 25, 200);

步骤3.自定义图形 (Step 3. Custom graphics)

敌人.png,爆炸.png,intro.jpg,水平图.jpg,飞机.png,火箭.png (enemy.png, explosion.png, intro.jpg, levelmap.jpg, plane.png, rocket.png)

All used images are available in our package



结论 (Conclusion)

Are you like our new SkyWalker game? :-) I will be glad to see your thanks and comments. Good luck!

您喜欢我们的新SkyWalker游戏吗? :-)很高兴看到您的感谢和评论。 祝好运!


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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


