
Huge Web Design Trends for 2014
Huge Web Design Trends for 2014

Huge Web Design Trends for 2014


The Internet is one of the most fluid mediums in the world. This fluidity translates into the fact that it’s constantly changing, constantly evolving and constantly growing. This means that web development & web design are constantly changing, constantly evolving and constantly growing right along side the Internet.

互联网是世界上流动性最强的媒体之一。 这种流动性转化为以下事实:它不断变化,不断发展并不断增长。 这意味着,随着Internet的发展,Web开发和Web设计正在不断变化,不断发展和不断增长。

So how do you, as a web designer, keep your footing in this uncertain and constantly shifting terrain? Well, for one thing, by predicting the trends and the way it’s going to change in the near future. The trends for web design can be anticipated pretty accurately over the course of one year. In fact, half of all the work any designer worth his salt does is the anticipation and prediction of such changes in trend and direction.

那么,作为一名网页设计师,您如何在这个不确定且不断变化的领域中立于不败之地? 好吧,一方面,通过预测趋势和在不久的将来它将改变的方式。 可以在一年的时间内非常准确地预测Web设计的趋势。 实际上,任何值得他精打细算的设计师所做的全部工作中,有一半是对趋势和方向变化的预期和预测。

“If there’s one thing you learn by working on a lot of different websites, it’s that almost any design idea -no matter how appallingly bad- can be made usable in the right circumstances, with enough effort.”-Steve Krug

“如果您通过在许多不同的网站上工作而学到的东西,那么几乎所有的设计想法-无论多么糟糕的-都可以在适当的情况下,通过足够的努力使它可用。” -史蒂夫·克鲁格

We’ve been known to anticipate and discuss trends in the past and, in fact, it’s one of the larger focuses of this blog. That’s because we think it’s important for you to know what’s coming next in order for you to be prepared for it and to stay on top of the game. Knowledge is power, goes the old adage. This is especially true in the ever-shifting sands of the web.

我们已经知道可以预测和讨论过去的趋势,实际上,这是此博客的重点之一。 这是因为我们认为对您来说重要的是要知道接下来会发生什么,以便为您做好准备并保持领先地位。 古老的谚语就是知识就是力量。 在不断变化的网砂中尤其如此。

That’s why we’ve built this list of trends that you can expect to see growing in influence in web design over the following year. We’ll take a look at them shortly, but first we’d like to discuss what the most important trends of 2013 were. So, without further ado, we give you…

这就是为什么我们建立了这一趋势列表的原因,您可以期望在接下来的一年中,这些趋势在Web设计中的影响力会不断增长。 我们将在短期内进行介绍,但首先我们想讨论一下2013年最重要的趋势是什么。 因此,事不宜迟,我们给您…

2013年最大的网页设计趋势 (The Biggest Web Design Trends of 2013)

1.响应式布局 (1. Responsive Layouts)

Responsive Layouts

Responsive Layouts

What 2013 has seen is an explosion of Responsive Web Design (RWD) and that’s quite understandable. With more and more Internet using being done on mobile devices, be they smartphones or tablet PCs, Android or iOS, it’s obvious that the traditional solution of the mobile landing page just doesn’t cut it anymore. Users want the full functionality of the site regardless of the device they’re accessing it on.

2013年看到的是响应式Web设计(RWD)的爆炸式增长,这是可以理解的。 随着越来越多的互联网在移动设备(无论是智能手机还是平板电脑,Android还是iOS)上的使用,很明显,传统的移动目标网页解决方案已不再适用。 用户希望获得网站的全部功能,而无论他们使用的设备是什么。

That’s why RWD was one of the biggest trends of 2013. You should definitely expect to see more of it too over the following year, as mobile internet browsing isn’t going anywhere but up!


2.大照片背景 (2. Large Photo Backgrounds)

Large Photo Backgrounds

Large Photo Backgrounds

This trend has built up over the past year and is one of the more aesthetically pleasing trends of the year. Working well with the overall minimalist trend we’ve seen over the past few years in web design, it can look splendid if done right. If not, well, that’s another story altogether.

在过去的一年中,这种趋势已经形成,并且是当年美学上更令人愉悦的趋势之一。 与过去几年在网页设计中看到的总体极简主义趋势很好地配合,如果做得对,它看起来会很棒。 如果不是,那完全是另一回事了。

3.极简主义 (3. Minimalism)



This is another trend that has been highly influential over more than the past year. Minimalism gives websites a crisp, aired out feel. It makes them look elegant and luxurious. Combined with the large photo backgrounds we discussed at the previous point, it’s extremely effective in creating beautiful websites that impress the user.

这是比过去一年影响深远的另一个趋势。 极简主义给网站带来清脆,醒目的感觉。 它使它们看起来优雅而豪华。 结合我们之前讨论的大型照片背景,它在创建能打动用户的精美网站方面非常有效。

4.社交媒体徽章 (4. Social Media Badges)

Social Media Badges

Social Media Badges

This is yet another trend that has flourished what with the huge growth of social media marketing in the online world. Badges are essential for the dissemination of your website and their absence can now ruin your websites success, what with social media being such a big part of the online world these days.

随着网络世界中社交媒体营销的巨大增长,这是又一个蓬勃发展的趋势。 徽章对于网站的传播至关重要,而徽章的缺失现在可能会破坏网站的成功,而如今社交媒体已成为在线世界的重要组成部分。

5.无限滚动 (5. Infinite Scrolling)

Infinite Scrolling

Infinite Scrolling

While this has been around for a few years at least, infinite scrolling has really come to the forefront of web design options this year. With websites such as Tumblr and Pinterest promoting it, it was pretty hard for infinite scrolling not to become one of the biggest and most influential trends of the year.

尽管这种情况已经存在了至少几年,但今年无限滚动确实成为了Web设计选项的最前沿。 随着Tumblr和Pinterest等网站的推广,无限滚动很难成为一年中最大,最有影响力的趋势之一。

While there’s so much more to talk about in the web design trends of 2013, we’ll call it a day here and get on with what you’re actually interested in, the biggest trends we can expect to see in the following year.


我们期望在2014年看到什么? (What Can We Expect to See in 2014?)

1.平面设计 (1. Flat Design)

Flat Design

Flat Design

We’ve already seen this pick up in 2013, but we can definitely expect it to gain more steam over the following year as people become more and more accustomed to Windows 8 and its interface and as more and more people run into it in their daily web browsing.

我们已经在2013年看到了这一趋势,但是随着人们越来越习惯于Windows 8及其界面,并且每天都有越来越多的人使用它,我们可以肯定地期望它会在第二年得到更多的支持。网页浏览。

So be sure you’re on top of this one: flat websites are where it’s at and you need to be at the forefront of that movement.


2.交互式信息图表 (2. Interactive Infographics)

Interactive Infographics

Interactive Infographics

We’ve seen infographics explode into a huge internet presence in 2013. In 2014, the next big thing will be the interactive infographic. That is to say, infographic viewers will start to have higher and higher standards for their design and their content. Not only will they have to be informative, but interactivity that will help the user get the most information possible out of them will be all the rage. So get cracking and start working on your interactive infographic models. Be one of the first to jump on this train and watch your notoriety grow!

我们已经看到,信息图表在2013年激增到巨大的互联网影响力。在2014年,下一个重要事件将是交互式信息图表。 也就是说,信息图表查看者将开始对其设计和内容具有越来越高的标准。 它们不仅需要提供信息,而且可以帮助用户从他们那里获得尽可能多的信息的交互性非常流行。 因此,开始研究并开始使用交互式信息图模型。 成为第一个跳上这列火车并看着自己的臭名昭著的人之一!

3.视差滚动 (3. Parallax Scrolling)

Parallax Scrolling

Parallax Scrolling

If in 2013 we saw infinite scrolling as the hip design option, 2014 will bring with it a new, more story-oriented scrolling method. That is, of course, parallax scrolling. Why? Well, it’s a great way to dynamically present content while engaging the user. It really brings a website to life and, if you’re unsure on how to get this effect yet, you should definitely learn before the end of the year!

如果在2013年我们将无限滚动作为髋关节设计选项,那么2014年将带来一种新的,更注重故事的滚动方法。 当然,就是视差滚动。 为什么? 好吧,这是在吸引用户的同时动态呈现内容的好方法。 它确实使网站栩栩如生,如果您不确定如何获得这种效果,则一定要在年底之前学习!

4.视频背景 (4. Video Backgrounds)

Video Backgrounds

Video Backgrounds

This is the spiritual successor of the large photo background trend we’ve seen in 2013. While we can expect large photo backgrounds to continue catching steam, the next big thing is definitely the video background, giving desktop and mobile users alike a feel that smartphone and tablet users have had ever since the introduction of the live wallpaper.


5.移动优先布局 (5. Mobile First Layouts)

Mobile First Layouts

Mobile First Layouts

This is a consequence of RWD. Since mobile browsing is the big thing these days, more and more websites will be designed with the mobile user in mind. The good news is that this works well with the general minimalist trend we’ve had over the past few years. Large buttons are in. Menus are out. So we can expect to see more and more websites that are rather designed for touching, swiping, mobile gestures and less for a mouse and cursor interaction model

这是RWD的结果。 由于如今移动浏览已成为一件大事,因此越来越多的网站在设计时就考虑到了移动用户。 好消息是,这与过去几年中的总体极简主义趋势相得益彰。 大按钮进入。菜单退出。 因此,我们可以期望看到越来越多的网站专门为触摸,滑动,移动手势而设计,而更少的鼠标和光标交互模型

That sums up our list of the largest web design trends we’ve seen in 2013 and those we can expect to see in 2014. What are your predictions? Please let us know in the comments section below!

总结了我们在2013年和2014年可以看到的最大的网页设计趋势列表。您对此有何预测? 请在下面的评论部分告诉我们!

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/huge-web-design-trends-for-2014/





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