

Because of the nature of comparison-based sorting, it’s mathematically impossible to improve much beyond O(nlogn), like with merge sort and quick sort. Instead, we can be a bit more clever and avoid comparisons all together to get something closer to O(n * m).

由于基于比较的排序的本质,从数学O(nlogn) ,无法像O(nlogn)那样进行很大的改进,例如合并排序快速排序 。 取而代之的是,我们可以更聪明一些,避免在一起进行比较,以使结果更接近O(n * m)

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

A basic understanding of Big O Notation is essential to think about radix sort relative to other algorithms.

Big O表示法的基本理解对于考虑相对于其他算法的基数排序至关重要。

概念 (Concept)

Radix sort, also known as bucket sort, is one of the oldest sorting algorithms and even pre-exists computers. It was used to sort punched cards back in the 1880s.

基数排序,也称为存储桶排序,是最古老的排序算法之一,甚至是预先存在的计算机。 它在1880年代曾用于对打Kong卡进行分类。

It’s based on the idea of having a sub-array, or bucket, for each type of data we need to compare, like A-Z or in our case 0-9. We take the first character/digit in each item, add the whole item to it’s corresponding bucket, then put them back into an array while retaining their new order.

它基于为我们需要比较的每种数据类型(如AZ或本例中为0-9)设置一个子数组或存储桶的想法。 我们在每个项目中采用第一个字符/数字,将整个项目添加到其相应的存储桶中,然后将它们放回数组中,同时保留其新顺序。

We can then move on to the next character/digit and repeat the process. When an item runs out of characters/digits we’ll add it to the first bucket, since everything else is obviously larger/longer. When we’ve done this as many times as the number of digits/characters of the largest item, our array will have been completely sorted without making any pesky comparisons.

然后,我们可以继续下一个字符/数字并重复该过程。 当某项用完字符/数字用完后,我们会将其添加到第一个存储桶中,因为其他所有内容显然都更大/更长。 当我们完成此操作的次数达到最大项目的位数时,我们的数组将被完全排序,而不会进行任何令人讨厌的比较。

Graphic/Animation thanks to VisuAlgo.net


实践数据 (Practice Data)

Since numbers are much simpler, we can practice with an array of them from 1 to 50.


const unsortedArr = [31, 27, 28, 42, 13, 8, 11, 30, 17, 41, 15, 43, 1, 36, 9, 16, 20, 35, 48, 37, 7, 26, 34, 21, 22, 6, 29, 32, 49, 10, 12, 19, 24, 38, 5, 14, 44, 40, 3, 50, 46, 25, 18, 33, 47, 4, 45, 39, 23, 2];

实用工具 (Utilities)

Since we’re working with numbers, we want to start with the smallest number place and work up, so we’ll need a way to get each number at an index starting from the right.


The most intuitive way I’ve found is to take the number we want, convert it into a string, and select from it as an array with a negative index. If a number’s not at that index we can just return a zero so it’ll be placed in the front of our sorted array.

我发现的最直观的方法是获取所需的数字,将其转换为字符串,然后从中选择带有负索引的数组。 如果数字不在该索引处,我们可以返回一个零,以便将其放置在已排序数组的前面。

const getNum = (num, index) => {
  const strNum = String(num);
  let end = strNum.length - 1;
  const foundNum = strNum[end - index];

  if (foundNum === undefined) return 0;
  else return foundNum;

console.log(getNum(4353, 2));

Because we’re working back one digit at a time we need the algorithm to run as many times as the longest number, so if we have an item with 8 digits, it needs to be ran 8 times. Radix sort’s average complexity is O(n * m) because it’s the amount of items times the amount of times it needs to be ran.

因为我们一次要回一位数,所以我们需要算法运行最长数字的次数,因此,如果我们有一个8位数字的项目,则需要运行8次。 基数排序的平均复杂度为O(n * m)因为它是项目数乘以需要运行的次数。

To get how many times it should run we can search through the array for the largest number, then return its length.


const largestNum = arr => {
  let largest = "0";

  arr.forEach(num => {
    const strNum = String(num);

    if (strNum.length > largest.length) largest = strNum;

  return largest.length;

基数排序 (Radix Sort)

Implementation is pretty straight-forward, for every digit place we can use Array.from to create 10 empty buckets. For every item they’ll be placed in the corresponding bucket, when that’s done we’ll flatten the array of buckets into a single array to start over with the next character place. When we’ve reached the end of our longest digit our fully sorted array can be returned.

实现非常简单,对于每个数字位,我们都可以使用Array.from创建10个空存储桶。 对于每个项目,它们将被放置在相应的存储桶中,完成后,我们会将存储桶数组展平为单个数组,以从下一个字符开始。 当我们到达最长位数的末尾时,可以返回完全排序的数组。

const radixSort = arr => {
  let maxLength = largestNum(arr);

  for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
    let buckets = Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => []);

    for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
      let num = getNum(arr[j], i);

      if (num !== undefined) buckets[num].push(arr[j]);
    arr = buckets.flat();
  return arr;


结论 (Conclusion)

While playing around with this, I tried it on an array of 5,000 items, to my utter amazement it was done in only 23 milliseconds! I don’t know about you, but I think that’s an incredible improvement over the other algorithms we’ve covered so far.

在玩这个游戏的时候,我尝试了5,000个项目,仅用23毫秒就完成了! 我不了解您,但是我认为这是迄今为止我们所介绍的其他算法的不可思议的改进。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/js-radix-sort


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