
Calypso是WordPress的桌面应用程序,适合管理多个WordPress网站。它允许用户直接在桌面应用中编辑和创建帖子,查看统计信息,轻松切换站点。尽管存在如不能直接管理插件的局限性,但其速度和便捷性使其成为多站点管理者的好帮手。通过安装Jetpack Manage,可以解决一些功能限制,同时提供备份、垃圾邮件防护等额外服务。

I use WordPress for most of my work. Whether I’m building WordPress websites for clients, or I’m writing blog posts and developing content for my own sites. Everything I do tends to involve WordPress. However, I don’t like always having to do things in the browser. Trust me, I have enough tabs open as it is. That’s why I was excited to hear about Calypso, WordPress’ desktop app for writing and editing blog posts. I’ve been wanting a separate desktop app for a long time, so I decided to try it out.

我的大部分工作都使用WordPress。 无论是为客户构建WordPress网站,还是为自己的网站编写博客文章并开发内容。 我所做的一切都倾向于涉及WordPress。 但是,我不喜欢总是在浏览器中执行操作。 相信我,我已经打开了足够多的选项卡。 这就是为什么我很高兴听到有关Calypso的信息,Calypso是WordPress的用于编写和编辑博客文章的桌面应用程序。 很长时间以来,我一直想要一个单独的桌面应用程序,所以我决定尝试一下。

Calypso WordPress Desktop App

您是否正在管理多个WordPress网站? (Are You Managing Multiple WordPress Sites?)

Calypso is perfect for you! All you need to do is download the desktop apps from and enable management from the dashboard of each site (or Jetpack for self hosted sites). Then, you can edit posts as needed, updating them with new content. You can also create new posts. You can go to the icon of your profile and go down to the bottom right section where it says to add a WordPress site. Imagine not having to log in and out of every WordPress site you own. You can simply log into the Calypso interface and make a site active for adding or editing posts.

Calypso非常适合您! 您需要做的就是从WordPress.com下载桌面应用程序,并从每个站点的仪表板(或对于自托管站点的Jetpack )进行管理。 然后,您可以根据需要编辑帖子,并使用新内容对其进行更新。 您也可以创建新帖子。 您可以转到个人资料的图标,然后转到右下角显示添加WordPress网站的位置。 想象一下,不必登录和退出您拥有的每个WordPress网站。 您可以简单地登录Calypso界面,并使站点处于活动状态以添加或编辑帖子。

Adding sites

在Calypso中使用多个帐户 (Working with Multiple Accounts in Calypso)

After you’ve entered the credentials for all of your sites, you can click on ‘My Sites’ in the top left corner of the app, and you’ll see a stats page for the most recent site selected. You’ll see information about the number of visits you’ve received, where they are from and their search terms, and what posts and pages they have visited. You’ll also see the top referring sites that are sending visitors to your website.

输入所有站点的凭据后,您可以单击应用程序左上角的“我的站点”,然后您会看到一个最新页面的统计页面。 您将看到有关收到的访问次数,访问者来自何处,搜索条件以及访问过哪些帖子和页面的信息。 您还将看到将访问者吸引到您网站的热门推荐网站。

In the bar graph, the most recent day is highlighted in orange, but you can click on any of the other bars to see that date’s stats. This is extremely handy if you saw a spike in traffic on a particular day and want to investigate the origin.

在条形图中,最近的日期以橙色突出显示,但是您可以单击其他任何条以查看该日期的统计信息。 如果您在特定日期看到流量激增并想调查来源,这将非常方便。

To switch to a different site, click the back arrow that is labeled ‘Switch Sites’ in the top left portion of the app.


Post and pages

在Calypso中处理帖子和页面 (Working with Posts and Pages in Calypso)

For any of the websites you manage, you can view, edit and create new posts and pages. In the example, I clicked on the blog posts menu, and it shows a list of posts and their featured images. From here, you can click edit, to edit posts, adding more content, or you can click the trash icon to delete them. What I like about Calypso is that it gives you stats on how many views each of your posts has received, one by one.

对于您管理的任何网站,您都可以查看,编辑和创建新的帖子和页面。 在示例中,我单击了博客帖子菜单,它显示了一个帖子列表及其特色图像。 在这里,您可以单击编辑,以编辑帖子,添加更多内容,也可以单击垃圾桶图标将其删除。 我喜欢Calypso的原因在于,它可以为您统计每个帖子收到的观看次数,一一列出。

Calypso statistics

One stand out feature I like is that when you click on stats under each post, it breaks down views of that post by individual days. This is a great way to see how different posts are doing on your site.

我喜欢的一个突出功能是,当您单击每个帖子下的统计信息时,它会按天细分该帖子的视图。 这是查看网站上不同帖子的效果的好方法。

When you’re looking at your overall stats for a particular site, it will also give you more detailed information. If you click on the insights tabs, it will show you your most popular post day and time, as well as what percentage of views it has. It will also show you who is following your site and recent commenters.

当您查看特定网站的总体统计信息时,它还会为您提供更详细的信息。 如果单击“见解”选项卡,它将显示您最受欢迎的帖子的日期和时间,以及该帖子的观看次数百分比。 它还将向您显示谁在关注您的网站和最近的评论者。

status updates

状态更新 (Status Updates)

If something is happening on one of your WordPress sites, you can see it and manage it all from one interface. For example, if you are seeing an unusual spike in traffic, it will say that your site’s stats are booming. It will also mention any recent comments left on your site. This makes it easy to manage keeping up with multiple sites and numerous comments across the board.

如果您的一个WordPress网站上发生了某些事情,您可以通过一个界面查看并管理所有内容。 例如,如果您看到不寻常的流量激增,则说明您网站的统计数据正在蓬勃发展。 它还会提及您网站上留下的任何近期评论。 这使得管理多个站点和全面的评论变得容易。

局限性 (Limitations)

One drawback that I can see with the Calypso app is that you can’t manage plugins for each site unless you install Jetpack Manage. Depending on how your theme is built, sometimes Jetpack can cause conflicts with your site. This is only in isolated circumstances, though. However, I still don’t like the idea of adding another plugin to my site to enable managing functionality in a desktop app.

我可以通过 Calypso应用看到的一个缺点是,除非安装了Jetpack Manage,否则您无法管理每个站点的插件。 根据主题的构建方式,有时Jetpack可能会与您的网站发生冲突。 但是,这仅在孤立的情况下。 但是,我仍然不喜欢在网站上添加另一个插件来启用桌面应用程序功能的想法。


附加功能 (Extras)

It’s not built into the application, but some of the added features you can tack on at a reasonable price are site backups, spam protection and site restoration. This is a big deal to most site owners, because regular backups mean that your site can be restored if something goes wrong. Spam protection means you won’t be battling spam comments, which even with Akismet, can seem like a constant battle. Security scans will help keep your site clean and clear from malware. I just recently worked on a client’s site who’s mobile traffic was being redirected to malware and spam websites. It was a chore to diagnose and clean up, so having that added security may be worth it to you in the long run.

它不是内置在应用程序中,但是您可以以合理的价格使用的一些附加功能包括站点备份,垃圾邮件保护和站点还原。 对于大多数网站所有者来说,这很重要,因为定期备份意味着在出现问题时可以还原您的网站。 垃圾邮件防护意味着您将不会与垃圾邮件评论作斗争,即使使用Akismet,这也似乎是一场持续的战斗。 安全扫描将有助于保持您的网站干净整洁,免受恶意软件的侵扰。 我最近刚在一个客户的网站上工作,该客户的移动流量已被重定向到恶意软件和垃圾邮件网站。 诊断和清理工作很繁琐,因此从长远来看,增加安全性可能值得您这样做。

结论 (Conclusion)

The Calypso WordPress desktop app can be a great tool in the arsenal of anyone running one or more WordPress sites. The app performs well, seemingly running faster than the actual back end of a WordPress site. My thoughts are that this is due to the fact that it isn’t running in the browser, but natively on the desktop. If you are someone who likes to look at the stats of posts and analyze the traffic of each WordPress site in depth, Calypso may be a good choice for you. You can hop from site to site, saving time when managing your blogging empire.

对于运行一个或多个WordPress网站的任何人,Calypso WordPress桌面应用程序都是一个不错的工具。 该应用程序运行良好,似乎比WordPress网站的实际后端运行得更快。 我的想法是,这是由于它不在浏览器中运行,而是在桌面上本地运行。 如果您是喜欢查看帖子统计信息并深入分析每个WordPress网站流量的人,那么Calypso可能是您的理想选择。 您可以在站点之间跳转,从而节省了管理博客帝国的时间。

Have you used the Calypso app? What are your thoughts?

您是否使用过Calypso应用程序? 你觉得呢?你有没有什么想法?






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