
As we’re rapidly coming up on the end of the year, I figured I’d go digging through the blog archives and put together a calendar of some memorable moments from 2010 on the SitePoint tech blog.


January: Version 1.4 of everyone’s favorite JavaScript library was released, and we all cheered. YouTube and Vimeo added support for HTML5 video. In my post on the news, I was critical of their choice of the H.264 codec—little did we know at the time that Google would be doing good things with HTML5 video in the not-too-distant future.

一月: 每个人都喜欢JavaScript库的1.4版发布了,我们大家都很高兴。 YouTube和Vimeo添加了对HTML5视频的支持。 在我的新闻帖子中,我批评他们选择H.264编解码器 -当时我们几乎不知道Google在不远的将来会用HTML5视频做得很好。

February: February was a month of good news for web developers, at least on the browser front: Microsoft rolled out the “browser ballot” in Europe, asking Windows users to choose which browser they’d like to use, and Google dropped IE6 support from Google Apps.

2月: 2月对于Web开发人员来说是一个好消息,至少在浏览器方面是一个好消息: 微软在欧洲推出了“浏览器投票” ,要求Windows用户选择他们想要使用的浏览器,而Google放弃了对IE6的支持。来自Google Apps

March: Prompted by a tweet by Elliott Jay Stocks, we discussed whether whether web designers should know how to code, both on the podcast and in the blog. Also, we added ePub and Mobi versions of most of our books, available as part of a digital pack with the PDF.

3月:Elliott Jay Stocks的一条推文的提示下我们讨论了Web设计人员是否应该在播客博客中都知道如何编码。 此外,我们还为大多数书籍添加了ePub和Mobi版本,这些版本可作为PDF的数字包装的一部分提供。

April: Microsoft dropped the Trident rendering engine from Internet Explorer, and Google implemented “predictive” searching. Oh wait, it was April. I get it. In the real world, SitePoint courses were born, with our very own Kevin Yank’s JavaScript Live as the first offering.

四月:微软从Internet Explorer删除了Trident渲染引擎谷歌实施了“预测性”搜索 。 哦,等等,那是四月。 我知道了。 在现实世界中, SitePoint课程诞生了 ,我们自己的Kevin Kevin的JavaScript Live作为第一个产品。

May: In many ways 2010 was the year of web type, not least thanks to the launch of the Google font directory. In other Google news, the company open-sourced the VP8 video codec and announced the WebM HTML5 video format. Also, Opera is faster than a potato.

5月:从许多方面来说,2010年是网络打字的一年,这尤其要归功于Google字体目录的发布 。 在其他Google新闻中,该公司开源了VP8视频编解码器,并宣布了WebM HT​​ML5视频格式 。 而且, 歌剧比马铃薯快

June: WordPress 3.0 was released, with tons of new goodies for developers, and PHP celebrated its fifteenth birthday.

6月: WordPress 3.0发布 ,为开发人员提供了许多新功能,PHP庆祝了其15岁生日

July: Craig ran down a list of the 10 most common mistakes made by novice web developers, and quite a few of you chimed in with your opinions on the topic. Speaking of vocal disagreement, Craig also blogged about Brendain Eich’s suggestion that the function keyword be ditched from JavaScript.

7月: Craig列出了新手Web开发人员犯下10个最常见错误的清单,其中相当一部分人对此发表了意见。 说到声音上的分歧,克雷格(Craig)还在博客中谈到了布伦丹·艾希(Brendain Eich)的建议,即function关键字应与JavaScript分开

August: Our new designer Mark Cipolla took to the blogs with a guide to WordPress’s custom write panels, and some tips for front-end optimization.

8月:我们的新设计师Mark Cipolla带着有关WordPress自定义编写面板指南以及一些前端优化技巧进入博客。

September: September is the ninth month of the year, and this year it was all about nines: PostgreSQL 9.0 was released, as was the beta version of IE9. We also discussed whether you should close your PHP code tags, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the number nine.

9月: 9月是一年中的第九个月,而今年大约是九月: PostgreSQL 9.0发行了IE9的beta版 也发布 。 我们还讨论了是否应关闭PHP代码标记 ,该标记与数字9无关。

October: The jQuery team released an alpha version of jQuery mobile, a set of cross-platform UI components for mobile web apps. Craig had a look at the BBC website’s published coding standards for CSS, and Alex wrote up a great technique for making cross-browser, image-free glossy buttons in CSS.

10月: jQuery团队发布了jQuery mobile的Alpha版本 ,这是用于移动Web应用程序的一组跨平台UI组件。 克雷格(Craig)看了BBC网站发布CSS编码标准 ,而亚历克斯(Alex)提出了一种很棒的技术,可以在CSS中制作跨浏览器,无图像的光泽按钮

November: This was a month for controversy on the blogs, with both Craig’s post on common MySQL mistakes made by PHP developers, and my post on HTML5’s looser syntax requirements sparking vigorous debate in the comments.

11月:这是博客上一个有争议的月份, Craig撰写的有关PHP开发人员常见MySQL错误的帖子 ,以及我有关HTML5宽松的语法要求的帖子都引发了激烈的辩论。

December: December’s not quite halfway done, but already we’ve talked about the release of Android 2.3, new features in Firebug 1.6, not to mention the return of our fan-favorite Christmas Countdown Sale.

12月: 12月还没有完成一半,但是我们已经讨论过Android 2.3发布, Firebug 1.6的新功能,更不用说我们最喜欢的圣诞节倒计时促销了

2010 also saw the release of some great SitePoint books (if I do say so myself): jQuery: Novice to Ninja, Create Stunning HTML Email That Just Works!, Photography for the Web, Host Your Web Site in the Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy, The SEO Business Guide, and Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes.

2010年还发布了一些出色的SitePoint书籍(如果我自己也这么说的话): jQuery:Ninja的新手创建效果不错HTML电子邮件! ,网络摄影,将 您的网站托管在云中:Amazon Web Services轻松实现SEO业务指南以及构建自己的邪恶WordPress主题

All in all it’s been a great year at SitePoint and on the Web at large. Here’s hoping that 2011 is all that and more.

总而言之,对于SitePoint和整个Web来说,这是非常棒的一年。 希望2011年不仅如此。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/2010-the-year-that-was-at-sitepoint/





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