

WHO? (Who?)

September 30th marked the stepping down of Timothy Boronczyk, Phpmaster's long time editor. He leaves behind a legacy of awesome: countless high quality articles, a fantastic and well formed writers pool, and a reputation one cannot easily catch up with.

9月30日标志着Phpmaster长期编辑Timothy Boronczyk的辞职。 他留下了令人敬畏的遗产:无数高质量的文章,出色而富于形式的作家群体,以及难以轻易追上的声誉。

I started out as a PHP hobbyist many years ago. After being thrown into the fire on my first real job and being forced to learn a huge and broken enterprise Zend app in two weeks, my cherry was popped. I realized PHP's true potential for rapid application development, and branched out on my own. The following several years consisted entirely of experimentation, failures and endless StackOverflow trips. Finally, I applied to write an article for PHPMaster in July 2012. This was my first commercial article. I continued to write for SitePoint and other platforms, but always strived to deliver my best work here – on the very site that gave me so many excellent tutorials which made me who I was. More than a year later, I was asked to step in for Tim as the new PHP editor, and I couldn't be more humbled and honored.

多年前,我刚开始是一名PHP爱好者。 在我的第一份真正的工作中被火烧了,被迫在两周内学习了一个庞大而破败的企业Zend应用程序之后,我的樱桃被爆了。 我意识到了PHP在快速应用程序开发方面的真正潜力,因此我自己进行了分支。 接下来的几年完全由实验,失败和无尽的StackOverflow跳闸组成。 最后,我于2012年7月申请为PHPMaster写一篇文章。这是我的第一篇商业文章。 我继续为SitePoint和其他平台撰写文章,但一直努力在这里交付自己最好的作品-在这个网站上,我获得了许多出色的教程,这些使我成为了我。 一年多以后,我被要求加入Tim担任新PHP编辑器,对此我感到无比谦卑和荣幸。

I am Bruno Škvorc (pronounced Sh + Quartz), a web developer from Croatia, and I'm a semi-regular author on SitePoint and other websites and a freelance developer focusing on new and potentially experimental technologies. I do quite a bit of open source development and I'm a big fan of Google+ where I get all my news from a relatively narrow high quality circle of hand picked industry leaders and clever people. You can learn more about me via the links on my author page.

我是来自克罗地亚的Web开发人员BrunoŠkvorc(发音为Sh + Quartz),是SitePoint和其他网站半正式作者 ,也是致力于新技术和潜在实验技术的自由开发人员。 我从事了大量的开源开发工作,而且我是Google+的忠实拥护者 ,我从一个相对狭窄的,高质量的,精挑细选的行业领导者和聪明的人那里得到了所有新闻。 您可以通过我的作者页面上的链接了解有关我的更多信息。

下一步是什么? (What's next?)

So what's next under my "regime"? First and foremost, we'll need to re-brand. Phpmaster effectively no longer exists. While the moniker will most likely remain among us writers due to nostalgia and the fact that it's shorter to say and write than "SitePoint PHP", the channel really is, effectively, SitePoint's PHP channel and should be addressed as such.

那么,我的“政权”下的下一步是什么? 首先,我们需要重塑品牌。 Phpmaster实际上不再存在。 虽然由于怀旧和说和写的时间比“ SitePoint PHP”短,所以这个名字很可能仍会留在我们的作者中,但实际上,该渠道实际上是SitePointPHP渠道,因此应这样解决。

Quality wise, the channel will only improve. Not that quality was lacking before, but I intend to do my best to bring it up another notch. We'll be focusing on specific problems, concrete examples, and production worthy code. We'll be producing fewer and fewer articles that end with "this code should not be used in production" and more and more articles that end with "this code is safe enough to be used in production – in fact, it's safer than most of what you can find out there". We fully intend to give other sites a run for their money.

质量方面,渠道只会有所改善。 并非以前没有这种品质,但我打算尽我所能提高品质。 我们将专注于特定问题,具体示例和有价值的代码。 我们将越来越少出现以“此代码不应在生产中使用”结尾的文章,而越来越多以“此代码的安全性足以在生产中使用”结尾的文章-实际上,它比大多数您在那里可以找到什么”。 我们完全打算让其他网站抢钱。

如何为SitePointPHP频道做出贡献 (How you can contribute to SitePoint's PHP channel)

To make the PHP channel even better, we need your help. If you'd like to contribute (and maybe even get paid for doing so), we'd love to have you on board.

为了使PHP通道更好,我们需要您的帮助。 如果您想捐款(甚至为此而获得报酬),我们很乐意邀请​​您加入。

写作 (Writing)

If you feel confident about a topic, or would like to research a technology you're unfamiliar with and get paid for it, please, get in touch. If your English is at a near-native or higher level and you love PHP, definitely get in touch. If you're just starting out and would like to share the pitfalls and plights with the public – you guessed it – get in touch. There's a lot of inspiration around us, and a plethora of topics up for grabs. Ping me on Google+ or via email and we'll have a chat.

如果您对某个主题有信心,或者想研究不熟悉的技术并为此付费,请联系。 如果您的英语水平接近或更高,并且您喜欢PHP,那么请务必与我们联系。 如果您只是刚起步,并想与公众分享陷阱和困境,您会猜到,那就联系上。 我们周围有很多灵感,还有很多主题可供选择。 在Google+上或通过电子邮件与我联系,我们将进行聊天。

There are no prerequisites – you can have a PhD in PHP or you can be a total newbie, writing for us will – and I guarantee this – help you become everything you want to be (as long as everything you want to be is a PHP professional ;) ).

没有任何先决条件–您可以拥有PHP博士学位,或者可以成为新手,为我们写书将–并且我保证–帮助您成为想要成为的一切(只要您想要成为的就是PHP)专业的 ;) )。

建议主题 (Suggesting topics)

Are you curious about something? Did you develop something and would like someone else to review it, maybe even give out some licenses to readers if the software is commercial? Did you hear about a technology but lack the expertise to test it and determine if it's the right thing for you? Anything goes – if you have an idea for a PHP related article you'd absolutely love to read, let me know.

您对某事感到好奇吗? 您是否开发了某些产品并希望其他人进行审查,如果该软件是商业软件,甚至可能向读者颁发了一些许可? 您是否听说过一项技术,但缺乏测试该技术的专业知识并确定它是否适合您? 一切皆有可能-如果您对与PHP相关的文章有自己的想法,而您绝对希望阅读,请告诉我。

社会方面–广为传播 (Social aspect – spread the word)

Finally, if you're just an eager reader, help out by spreading the word. SitePoint's PHP channel will from now on have a very active Google+ counterpart through the SitePoint PHP Google+ page. Join us on Google+, add the page to your circles and reshare the news we'll be posting. I'll personally make sure I write an elaborate post announcement every time we publish a new article. The channel is nothing without its fantastic readers, and we want to actively acknowledge this.

最后,如果您只是一个热心的读者,请通过传播帮助达成共识。 从现在开始,SitePointPHP频道将通过SitePoint PHP Google+页面拥有非常活跃的Google+对应对象。 在Google+上加入我们,将页面添加到您的圈子中,然后转发我们将要发布的新闻。 我个人将确保每次发布新文章时都写一篇详尽的公告。 如果没有出色的读者,这个频道将是什么,我们要积极承认这一点。

}最后{ (} finally {)

Excuse the conclusion pun, it was too hard to resist. Please join me in once again extending my gratitude to Tim who left me with a truly high quality foundation. SitePoint's PHP Channel (SPC?) won't be the same without him, but we'll do our best to maintain and overcome the standards he set. Welcome to the new era of "Phpmaster"!

得出结论双关语,很难抗拒。 请再次加入我,向蒂姆(Tim)表示感谢,他给我留下了真正高品质的基础。 没有他,SitePointPHP频道(SPC?)就不会一样,但是我们会尽力维护和克服他设定的标准。 欢迎来到“ Phpmaster”新时代!







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