java 判断视频是否损坏_内容研究(或如何判断您的内容是否损坏)

java 判断视频是否损坏

您的内容效果如何? (How well is your content working?)

In the age of data-worship, most site owners answer that question by turning to their site analytics package. Pageviews, bounces, conversions, goals – these are the vital statistics by which most assess their content’s health.

在数据匮乏的时代,大多数网站所有者通过转向其网站分析软件包来回答该问题。 网页浏览量,跳出率,转化次数,目标-这些都是最重要的统计数据,大多数人通过这些统计数据来评估其内容的健康状况。

But if you publish or manage content in almost any form – from a simple sales website to a full-blown digital publication like SitePoint – sooner or later you’ll want more information than this.


Much more.


Little man on a scribble-filled pad.

Photo: Rafael Peñaloza


You don’t just want to know what works to achieve an end-goal. You want to understand how users are actually using the content you’re providing.

您不只是想知道实现最终目标的方法。 您想了解用户实际上是如何使用您提供的内容的。

I found this recently with a support site I write and manage. I didn’t want to know about ad conversions or video shares and leave it at that.

我最近在我编写和管理的支持网站上发现了这一点。 我不想知道广告转换或视频共享,而只留这些。

What I wanted to know were things like:


  • Were those print buttons we put on each help article a waste of space?

  • Did people think the presenters in our videos were entertaining, friendly, professional, or annoying?

  • How much of each article were people reading?


My questions didn’t stop with the digital experience, though. Content research, I’ve found, is the ultimate can of worms. The more you know, the more you want to know.

但是,我的问题并不仅限于数字体验。 我发现,内容研究是蠕虫的终极解决方案。 您知道的越多,想知道的越多。

Soon I found myself asking what role our content played in the bigger picture of problem-solving that our users face as they use our software. What were the gaps – and how could we best help to fill them? And so on (and on).

不久,我发现自己在问我们的内容在用户使用我们的软件时所面对的更大的问题解决方案中所起的作用。 差距是什么?我们如何最好地帮助弥补差距? 依此类推(等等)。

These kinds of questions can easily be recast for other content-heavy sites, where you want to know if people make it to the end of the content, if they feel good about your stuff, and if, dare I say it, their lives are enriched or made easier somehow by what your site offers.

这些问题很容易在其他内容丰富的网站上重述,您想在这里知道人们是否将其放到内容的结尾,他们是否对您的东西感到满意,以及,如果我敢说 ,他们的生活是通过您的网站提供的内容丰富或简化。

Your analytics package won’t tell you all that. This is where content research comes in.

您的分析软件包不会告诉您所有这些信息。 这就是内容研究的目的。

什么是内容研究? (What is content research?)

Tracks in the snow.

Photo: gregorywass


When I first had these problems, I didn’t know the answer to that question. All I knew was that I had content – most of which I hadn’t created – and I wanted to understand more about how that content actually worked for users.

当我第一次遇到这些问题时,我不知道该问题的答案。 我所知道的是,我不得不内容-其中大部分我没有创造-我想了解更多关于如何这些内容实际上是用户的工作

So I needed to research my content. Simple, right?!

所以我需要研究我的内容。 简单吧?

Well, sort of.


There is a plethora of tools and techniques out there, so you’ll want to pick the right tool for the job. The good news is that there’s probably more than one capable tool for any one job. The bad news is that if you use that tool poorly, you’ll get low-quality information – and possibly even be completely mislead by it.

那里有很多工具和技术,因此您需要为工作选择合适的工具。 好消息是,对于一项工作,可能有不止一种功能强大的工具。 坏消息是,如果您对该工具的使用不当,将会获得质量低下的信息,甚至有可能完全误导它。

So, put simply, content research is the process of finding out the best answers you can to the questions you have about how your content works for the people who are using it.


It’s about digging deeper than the stats we all know and love to ask non-standard questions in ways that enable you to understand, trust, and act on the answers you get.


你为什么要这么做? (Why would you do it?)

From where I’m standing, having embarked on the content research path, it’s easy to see the benefits. For me, the question is, “Why wouldn’t you do it?”

从我的立场出发,走上了内容研究之路,很容易看到好处。 对我来说,问题是:“你为什么这样做?”

But if you’re basically happy with what your analytics are telling you, there are probably quite a few reasons not to bother.


Chief among them is the fact that there aren’t any benchmarks here – we’re talking about bespoke research designed by you, to answer your questions about your content. For some, that’ll be both intimidating and time-consuming.

其中最主要的事实是这里没有任何基准-我们正在谈论由您设计的定制研究,以回答您对内容的问题。 对于某些人来说,这既令人生畏又耗时。

Then there’s the fact that this kind of research forces you to challenge your own perceptions of how your users approach your content, consume it, and act on it.


In my case, I was deeply certain that those print buttons on my articles were a complete waste of space, a distraction. So deeply certain, in fact, that this was something I probably wouldn’t have questioned unless I’d actually witnessed real users using them as part of some other content research I was doing.

就我而言,我深信文章上的那些打印按钮完全浪费了空间,分散了注意力。 如此非常确定的是,实际上,除非我真的目睹了真实用户将我的用户用作我正在进行的其他内容研究的一部分,否则我可能不会对此提出质疑。

Another likely objection is the cost. Because if you’re thinking along traditional digital content lines, you’re probably thinking I’m talking about UX-style user research, and that costs big bucks, right?

另一个可能的反对意见是费用。 因为如果您沿着传统的数字内容路线思考,那么您可能会以为我在谈论UX风格的用户研究,而这需要花费大量金钱,对吗?

In fact, we’re not talking about UX-style user research. And the things we did to understand how our content was performing for our users didn’t cost us much – most of them were free.

实际上,我们并不是在谈论UX风格的用户研究。 而且,我们为了解用户的内容效果如何所做的事情并没有花多少钱,大多数都是免费的。

But the content research we completed has already delivered a great deal:


  • We understand our users, and the place our content has in their lives, much better.

  • We’ve been able to quash internal stereotypes and misperceptions of the kinds of people who use the site, and what they’re doing there.

  • My team has exploded its own long-held, subconscious perceptions of how “people” use “content” “online”.

  • Perhaps most unexpectedly, we’ve avoided making several mistakes that would have reduced the usefulness of the content – and by extensions, the site – for our users.


So, if you’re at least curious about content research, let’s have a look at the process of creating a rough research plan that might start to help you get a better handle on how your content works.


制定研究计划 (Creating a research plan)

Three things prompted me to start researching our content.


The first was that I kept coming up against ingrained, company-centric perceptions of the site’s users that, as an outsider, I was skeptical of. The stories about users varied greatly depending on who I spoke to. Surely they couldn’t ALL be right?!

首先是,我一直坚持以公司为中心的,根深蒂固的观念,即作为局外人,我对此持怀疑态度。 有关用户的故事因我与谁交谈而异。 他们肯定不能全部正确吗?

At the same time, I understood that the people my content was serving knew the product and the industry far better than I did. It was nice for me to add content to a topic section on the site, and assign it a location in a content hierarchy … but I had to rely on others to tell me if that location was right.

同时,我了解到我的内容所服务的人们比我更了解产品和行业。 我很高兴将内容添加到网站上的主题部分,并在内容层次结构中为其分配位置……但是我不得不依靠其他人来告诉我该位置是否正确。

It felt like I needed to understand the processes explained in, and people using, the content much better.


Finally, I thought I had a basic understanding of how people used our content, based on my broader understanding of how users generally use any web content. But there were a few gaps I thought I needed to fill.

最后,我以对用户通常如何使用任何Web内容的广泛理解为基础,对人们如何使用我们的内容有了基本的了解。 但是我认为我需要填补一些空白。

So I started writing down the stories I heard about the site’s users from different parts of the business. I started writing down questions about tagging, hierarchy and categorization, page layouts and pageflow logic. I started writing down the things I thought needed to change, based on my understandings and assumptions.

因此,我开始写下我从业务的不同部门听到的有关网站用户的故事。 我开始写下有关标记,层次结构和分类,页面布局和页面流逻辑的问题。 根据我的理解和假设,我开始写下我认为需要改变的事情。

So I had a list of questions. That was step 1.

所以我有一个问题清单。 那是第一步

Step 2 was to work out how I could find answers to those questions. This was a long and convoluted process that this series of articles hopes to shorten for you.

步骤2是弄清楚如何找到这些问题的答案。 这是一个漫长而复杂的过程,本系列文章希望为您简化。

Checkout clerk looking unimpressed.

photo credit: Consumerist Dot Com

照片来源: Consumerist Dot Com

The thing to understand here, though, is that you won’t get the answers you seek from any one stats product or testing service.

不过,这里要理解的是, 您不会从任何一项统计产品或测试服务中获得所需的答案

You can’t farm this thinking out to on-demand, prepackaged services. It’s like asking a supermarket checkout clerk for cooking tips. They just aren’t set up to answer those types of questions.

您无法将这种想法用于按需的预包装服务。 这就像向超市结帐员索要烹饪技巧。 他们只是没有回答这些类型的问题。

You have to get creative, and you have to be prepared to change tack – and tools – as you find out new things.


Step 3 is to put together a loose plan that outlines what you’ll do to answer the questions you have. We didn’t start big. In the beginning, I really only had three questions that I wanted answers to:

第3步是制定一个松散的计划,概述您将如何回答所遇到的问题。 我们没有开始大。 刚开始时,我实际上只想回答三个问题:

  • Which, if any, of the many landing page layouts on our site was most effective?

  • Users didn’t need that tag cloud in the right-hand side of the article page, right? It was so 2001.

    用户不需要文章页面右侧的标签云,对吗? 就这样 2001年。

  • No one was ever going to click on our FAQ panels, which show 10 topic-relevant FAQs randomly selected from pools as large as 20, were they? Surely we could ditch that, couldn’t we?

    没有人会单击我们的FAQ面板,该面板显示从多达20个池中随机选择的10个与主题相关的FAQ,是吗? 当然,我们可以抛弃它,不是吗?

Looking at these questions, we thought the quickest way to answer them was to get some good click tracking software installed and have a look at what it told us.


You’re probably thinking, that is one heck of a “loose plan”. That’s my point: to kick off your content research adventure, you just need a few useful questions, and a decision on how you’ll try to get the answers.

您可能在想,这是“宽松计划”的绝妙方法。 这就是我的观点:开始您的内容研究历程,您只需要几个有用的问题,并决定如何尝试获得答案。

That’s where the magic begins…


Next week, we’ll look at click tracking tools. We’ll see what click tracking is good for, and learn its limits. I’ll also show you how it answered our questions … and posed a few others.

下周,我们将介绍点击跟踪工具。 我们将了解点击跟踪的优点,并了解其局限性。 我还将向您展示它如何回答我们的问题……并提出其他一些问题。

But in the meantime, let us know in the comments what kinds of content research you’ve done – and on which kinds of sites.



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