
Episode 169 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of 3 of our 4 our regular hosts, Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy) and Kevin Dees (@kevindees).

SitePoint Podcast的第169集现已发布! 本周小组由我们的4位常规主持人中的3位组成,分别是Louis Simoneau( @rssaddict ),Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy )和Kevin Dees( @kevindees )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #169: Web Intents (MP3, 41:27, 39.8MB)

    SitePoint播客#169:Web意图 (MP3,41:27,39.8MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

The panel discuss topics such as the statistic that around 50% of popular websites link to Facebook, an online retailer introduces an Internet Explorer 7 tax and more.

该小组讨论的话题包括诸如统计数据,约50%的流行网站链接到Facebook,在线零售商介绍了Internet Explorer 7税等等。

Here are the main topics covered in this episode:


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Louis: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Sitepoint podcast. We’re back with a little news and commentary show this week. With me on the panel are Patrick O’Keefe and Kevin Dees . Hi, guys.

路易斯:您好,欢迎收看Sitepoint播客的另一集。 这周我们会回来播新闻和评论节目。 陪同我的是Patrick O'Keefe和Kevin Dees。 嗨,大家好。

Patrick: Howdy, howdy.


Kevin: Hey, Louis.


Louis: What’s been up? I haven’t spoken with you guys in a while. I missed last week’s show.

路易斯:最近怎么了? 我有一段时间没和你们说话了。 我错过了上周的演出。

Patrick: Kevin, you were away last week too. What have you been up to?

帕特里克:凯文,你上周也去了。 你最近都在做什么?

Kevin: OK. I was helping out at a youth camp, where kids go into the community and do repair work on homes and go into nursing homes and do little drama skits and stuff. That was really cool, so I volunteered to do that and helped journal that experience for the campers, as they went throughout the week.

凯文:好的。 我在一个青年营中提供帮助,那里的孩子们进入社区,在房屋中进行修理工作,然后进入疗养院,做一些戏剧性的短剧和其他东西。 那真是太酷了,所以我自愿参加了这项活动,并帮助他们在整个一周的活动中记录了露营者的经历。

Louis: Very nice.


Patrick: Wow, that sounds great and makes me look like a selfish piece of crap. Because I just released a book. I didn’t do anything to help other people.

帕特里克:哇,听起来不错,让我看起来像个自私的废话。 因为我刚出版一本书。 我没有做任何帮助别人的事情。

Louis: Well in fairness, the book is free, so it somewhat selfless, right?


Patrick: Right, it is a free book. It’s called “Monetizing Online Forums,” and it’s about monetizing online forums in the right way, in a way that respects the community and balances out the need for a great member experience, with the need to generate revenue. Though it is focused at forums, it’ll be for people who are looking to monetize website in general as well. There’s a lot you can pick up, and we cover all the methods in a detailed manner, with a lot of information based on real life experiences, and just a really detailed guide. I’ve been managing online forums for 12 years, and nothing out there that’s really like it, so I wrote it.

帕特里克:对,这是一本免费的书。 这就是所谓的“通过在线论坛货币化”,它是指以正确的方式通过在线论坛货币化的方式,这种方式尊重社区并平衡对出色会员体验的需求和创收的需求。 尽管它专注于论坛,但也将适合那些希望通过网站获利的人。 您可以选择很多东西,我们以详细的方式介绍了所有方法,并提供了许多基于现实生活经验的信息,以及一份非常详尽的指南。 我已经管理在线论坛已有12年了,没有什么是真正喜欢的,所以我写了它。

Kevin: Very cool.


Louis: Awesome. I had a quick look at the website. The whole design is really sleek, I like it.

路易斯:太好了。 我快速浏览了该网站。 整个设计真的很时尚,我喜欢它。

Patrick: Yeah, as you know, as you might guess, I can take no credit for that. Skim Links sponsored the project, and basically that’s why I’m able to offer it for free, because they paid me. I had full independence though, I had full editorial control over the work, and that’s how I made my money, was from them paying me. They get value from being associated with the work and from the resulting coverage. But the design was totally them. They have a great designer, Barbara Sunlai. Hopefully I’m getting her last name right, but she did a great job with the book and with the cover. I love the cover. She took some phrases that I came up with, and I’m sure all designers can relate to this, for what the work represents. Then she made this really nice visual interpretation of those ideas. Basically it took my pile of nonsense and turned it into something beautiful.

帕特里克:是的,如您所知,您可能会猜到,对此我无可否认。 Skim Links赞助了该项目,基本上这就是为什么我能够免费提供它的原因,因为他们付了我钱。 但是我有完全的独立性,对作品有完全的编辑控制权,这就是我赚钱的方式,是由他们付钱给我的。 他们从与作品的关联以及由此产生的报道中获得价值。 但是设计完全是它们。 他们有一个伟大的设计师,芭芭拉·孙莱。 希望我能正确地使用她的姓氏,但她在这本书和封面上做得很好。 我喜欢封面。 她采用了一些我想出的词组,并且我确信所有设计师都可以与之相关联,以表达作品的意义。 然后,她对这些想法进行了非常好的视觉解释。 基本上,这把我的废话变成了美丽。

Louis: I’m speechless. I guess it’s just Skype calls, you don’t expect when the end of something is going to come. It’s not like talking to someone face to face, so you get like . . .

路易斯:我无语。 我想这只是Skype的电话,您不希望什么时候结束。 这不像与某人面对面交谈,所以您变得像。 。 。

Kevin: You don’t get that face to see “hey,” wink.


Patrick: Anyway, that’s enough about that. If you want to download it you can go to

帕特里克:无论如何,这就足够了。 如果要下载它,可以转到

Louis: Very nice.


Kevin: Yeah. I’m actually looking forward to reading the book, Patrick. Because I have a blog that I’m wanting to start up, and I might want to advertise on that. That might be a good resource for learning how to do that.

凯文:是的。 我实际上很期待阅读这本书,帕特里克。 因为我有一个想要启动的博客,所以我可能希望以此做广告。 那可能是学习如何做的好资源。

Patrick: Excellent. I hope so.

帕特里克:太好了。 但愿如此。

Kevin: Awesome.


Louis: All right, I’ve been away for a while, so I’m itching to get into it. I might kick off the first story. The thing that caught my eye this week, something that actually happened a little while ago, but I only saw it mentioned recently, is the arrival of Web Intents API in Google Chrome. The latest version of Google Chrome is version 18, which was released in mid-May. It includes an experimental support for a new specification called the Web Intents API. Kevin and Patrick, have you heard of Web Intents at all?

路易斯:好的,我已经离开了一段时间,所以我很想进入。 我可能会开始第一个故事。 本周引起我注意的事情(实际上是在不久前发生的,但最近才提到的事情)是Google Chrome浏览器中的Web Intents API的到来。 Google Chrome的最新版本是18版,该版本已于5月中旬发布。 它包括对称为Web Intents API的新规范的实验性支持。 凯文(Kevin)和帕特里克(Patrick),您是否完全听说过网络意图?

Kevin: I heard of it just today.


Louis: From me?


Patrick: I heard of it just now.


Louis: Was it from me, Kevin?


Kevin: Yes, it was.


Louis: OK. All right.

路易斯:好的。 行。

Patrick: You know, you are responsible for the outreach for Web Intents. Most of the people who know about it, at least on this call, know about it because of you.

帕特里克:您知道,您应对网络意图负责。 至少在这次电话会议上,大多数了解此事的人都因为您而知道。

Louis: I think that is a statistically accurate statement. Let me try and break it down a little bit. The idea is that you know how when, in your desktop operating system, when you come to open a type of file, basically your operating system prompts you and asks you what application you want to use to open the file, right?

路易斯:我认为这是一个统计上准确的陈述。 让我尝试将其分解。 这个想法是,您知道如何在桌面操作系统中何时打开某种文件,基本上您的操作系统会提示您并询问您要使用哪个应用程序打开文件,对吗?

Kevin: Correct.


Patrick: Yes.


Louis: Right. Web Intents is a way to do the same thing for web applications. If I have let’s say a photo sharing service like Flickr, I can provide an intent that says I can accept a shared image. If I’m building a website and I want to integrate with Flickr, I can just code my thing and say, “here’s a button and you click to share the image.” All it does is send a copy of the image, and then the other application hooks up with some simple JavaScript API as a way to receive that. If I’m visiting Flickr, then it will give me the option to install an application in my browser that allows me to share my photos. Then any other website on the Internet that uses the Web Intents functionality to allow people to share photos can share them to an application of the user’s choice.

路易斯:对。 Web Intent是一种对Web应用程序执行相同操作的方法。 如果我有一个像Flickr这样的照片共享服务,我可以提供一个意图,说我可以接受共享的图像。 如果要建立网站并希望与Flickr集成,我可以编写代码并说:“这是一个按钮,您单击以共享图像。” 它所做的只是发送图像的副本,然后其他应用程序连接一些简单JavaScript API作为接收图像的一种方式。 如果我正在访问Flickr,那么它将为我提供在浏览器中安装应用程序的选项,该应用程序允许我共享照片。 然后,Internet上任何其他使用Web Intents功能允许人们共享照片的网站都可以将其共享给用户选择的应用程序。

When you first click that share button on my web app, it pops up a little dialogue saying, “What do you want to share this to?” I might have an application installed that shares it to Flickr. This gets around the issue of currently, if you want to do this work flow now, if I have a photo on one web service and I want to upload it to another web service to put a meme on it or whatever, I have to go, right click it, save it to my desktop in a temporary folder, and then go back, click “choose file,” upload the thing. The idea is that creating a language for the web applications to talk to each other around some common parameters like picking a file or sharing a link or things like that, that could talk to each other without necessarily knowing each other before hand, and provide a more integrated experience for users. Did that make sense?

当您第一次单击我的Web应用程序上的共享按钮时,它会弹出一个小对话框,说:“您要与之共享什么?” 我可能安装了与Flickr共享的应用程序。 这可以解决当前的问题,如果您现在要执行此工作流程,如果我在一个Web服务上有照片,并且想将其上传到另一个Web服务上以添加模因或其他内容,则必须,右键单击它,将其保存到我的桌面的临时文件夹中,然后返回,单击“选择文件”,上传该文件。 这个想法是为Web应用程序创建一种语言,使它们可以围绕一些常用参数彼此对话,例如选择文件或共享链接或类似的东西,它们可以彼此对话而不必事先彼此了解,并提供一种为用户提供更多的集成体验。 那有意义吗?

Patrick: Yes, it did. The news is that it’s integrated into Chrome 18, correct?

帕特里克:是的。 消息是它已集成到Chrome 18中,对吗?

Louis: Yeah. Are either of you using Chrome at the moment?

路易斯:是的。 你们目前都在使用Chrome吗?

Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: Not at the moment. I have it downloaded, I have it on my desktop and I use it occasionally.

帕特里克:目前不行。 我已经下载了它,将其放在桌面上,并且偶尔使用它。

Louis: Kevin is, so this is cool. Add This, do you guys know Add This?

路易斯:凯文(Kevin),所以这很酷。 添加此,你们知道添加吗?

Kevin: Yes.


Patrick: Yes.


Louis: Add This has already added support for Web Intents to their service. What I’m going to do, I’m going to send you guys a link. Here we go. Kevin, if you just go to that page.

路易斯:添加这已经在其服务中添加了对Web意图的支持。 我要做的是,我将向您发送链接。 开始了。 凯文(Kevin),如果您转到该页面。

Kevin: All right, live demoing, I like it.


Louis: Live demoing, exactly. You just go to that page. This is Add This is overview page about their Web Intents support. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you’ll see a list of share buttons. There’s a Facebook icon, a Twitter icon, then there’s that weird concentric circles icon, between the Twitter and the email.

路易斯:现场演示。 您只需转到该页面。 这是添加这是有关其Web意图支持的概述页。 如果您向下滚动到页面底部,将会看到共享按钮列表。 在Twitter和电子邮件之间有一个Facebook图标,一个Twitter图标,然后是一个奇怪的同心圆图标。

Kevin: Stumble Upon, right? I believe it’s Stumble Upon.

凯文:绊倒吧? 我相信这是偶然的。

Louis: It’s not Stumble Upon. Maybe we’re not looking at the same thing?

路易斯:这不是偶然的。 也许我们不在看同一件事?

Kevin: You have Twitter, Stumble Upon, Facebook.


Louis: Hold on a second. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

路易斯:等一下。 向下滚动到页面底部。

Kevin: OK. It says, “I found this article helpful, I did not find this article helpful,” and then . . .

凯文:好的。 它说:“我发现这篇文章很有帮助,但对这篇文章没有帮助。”,然后。 。 。

Patrick: I think I found what you’re talking about, Louis. I really want to work this. I have it.

帕特里克:我想我找到了你在说什么,路易斯。 我真的很想工作。 我有

Kevin: Oh, the four icon group. OK. Got you.

凯文:哦,四个图标组。 好。 知道了

Louis: Right. That second one there, what it says is this demo has the config Web Intents set to true. A browser without native Web Intents support would simply ignore the field. Then it shows you the three icons, what you would see if your browser didn’t have Web Intents support. If you click on that little concentric circle icon.

路易斯:对。 那里的第二个,它说的是此演示将config Web Intents设置为true。 没有本机Web Intent支持的浏览器将完全忽略该字段。 然后,它会向您显示三个图标,如果您的浏览器不支持Web Intent,您会看到什么。 如果您单击该小同心圆图标。

Kevin: OK.


Louis: You should get a little pop-up window in Chrome where it’s suggesting apps from the Chrome web store that can be used to handle web sharing content.


Kevin: Very cool.


Louis: Now, if you already had one installed, it would just have that at the top, “Would you like to use this application?” It’s because you don’t have any installed it’s just saying, “Here’s some suggestions of some apps that can handle this kind of intent.” If you want to install them, you can share them directly through that. Obviously there’s not a lot of stuff in there at the moment. There’s a share link to Twitter app, there’s a share to Gmail app. There’s an Add This app. Obviously this has only been in the wild for about a month, and it’s only in one browser, so the amount of apps out there to handle this is pretty limited, but it’s a really interesting step for the web I think, of being able to have our web apps more seamlessly integrate with each other and provide ways to communicate, without necessarily having to maintain. If I have a photo sharing site, I don’t have to know about oh, I have to integrate with Flickr and integrate with Instagram and integrate with Facebook. I just say look, I can handle photo sharing, so all I have to do is write a short piece of code that says my website handles photo sharing. Then anyone that wants to share, when they come to click, if my app is installed then they can do that.

路易斯:现在,如果您已经安装了该应用程序,它将位于顶部,“您要使用此应用程序吗?” 这是因为您没有安装任何软件,只是在说:“这是一些可以处理这种意图的应用程序的一些建议。” 如果要安装它们,可以直接通过它们共享它们。 显然,目前那里没有很多东西。 有到Twitter应用程序的共享链接,有到Gmail应用程序的共享。 有一个添加此应用程序。 显然,这只流行了一个月左右,而且只在一个浏览器中,因此处理此问题的应用程序数量非常有限,但是对于我来说,这是网络上真正有趣的一步,它能够使我们的网络应用程序之间更加无缝地集成,并提供通信方式,而不必进行维护。 如果我有照片共享网站,则不必知道哦,我必须与Flickr集成,与Instagram集成,再与Facebook集成。 我只是说看,我可以处理照片共享,所以我所要做的就是编写一小段代码,说我的网站可以处理照片共享。 然后,想要共享的任何人都可以单击它们(如果安装了我的应用程序)。

Kevin: That’s very cool.


Louis: It’s a really interesting direction I think for the web to take. Now, if you go to, this is pretty much spearheaded by Google at the moment, although Mozilla’s also involved. Currently Mozilla’s working on it only in Boot to Gecko and not in their actual Firefox browser, but once they’ve got a stable implementation of it it’s likely they’ll move that across to Firefox and we could start seeing it elsewhere. There is currently a JavaScript shim that lets you give similar functionalities to users on Internet Explorer 8 and 9, Firefox 3 and up, and Safari. Also older versions of Chrome, but really, who has an older version of Chrome?

路易斯:我认为这是网络发展的一个非常有趣的方向。 现在,如果您访问 ,虽然Mozilla也参与其中,但目前这是Google的带头人。 目前,Mozilla仅在Boot to Gecko中而不是在其实际的Firefox浏览器中进行处理,但是一旦他们实现了稳定的实现,则很可能会将其转移到Firefox,我们可能会在其他地方看到它。 当前有一个JavaScript填充程序,可让您为Internet Explorer 8和9,Firefox 3及更高版本以及Safari上的用户提供类似的功能。 还有旧版的Chrome,但实际上,谁拥有旧版的Chrome?

Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: They’re not allowed to.


Kevin: I have all 18 versions.


Patrick: You have a special app that’s on your computer that’s like, “Google Chrome tester,” where you can pull up Google Chrome 1 and see how your website looks.

帕特里克:您的计算机上有一个特殊的应用程序,例如“ Google Chrome测试器”,您可以在其中拉起Google Chrome 1并查看网站的外观。

Louis: Yeah, hopefully that icon is not the final icon that represents Web Intents, because that was a little hard to identify with the action of sharing.

Louis:是的,希望该图标不是代表Web Intent的最终图标,因为通过共享操作很难识别该图标。

Patrick: Is it a bullseye?


Louis: I don’t know what it is. Obviously if you’re connecting this on your website you can use whatever link or icon format you want, so.

路易斯:我不知道那是什么。 显然,如果要在网站上进行连接,则可以使用所需的任何链接或图标格式。

Kevin: I say we use the HTML5 shield. That would be awesome.

凯文:我说我们使用HTML5防护罩。 那将是真棒。

Louis: Don’t get me started on the HTML5 shield. If people want to check it out, there’s also, if you really want to get a good, more in-depth overview of how the functionality works, and what the code is to make it work and how you can start using it straight away, there was a really great presentation given at Google IO just a few days ago by Paul Kinlan, who’s one of the editors of the specification, and James Hawkins, who’s the dev lead for the Chrome team. Some people who’ve been working on this gave a good presentation at Google IO, explaining it in a lot of detail and giving you examples of how to build an app that would use it. I will post a link to that in the show notes.

路易斯:不要让我开始使用HTML5防护罩。 如果人们想检查一下它,那么,如果您真的想获得对该功能如何工作以及使它起作用的代码是什么以及如何立即开始使用的更好,更深入的概述,几天前,规范的编辑之一保罗·金兰(Paul Kinlan)和Chrome团队的开发负责人詹姆斯·霍金斯(James Hawkins)在Google IO上做了一个非常出色的演讲。 一些从事此工作的人在Google IO上做了很好的介绍,对它进行了很多详细的解释,并提供了有关如何构建可使用它的应用程序的示例。 我将在展示笔记中发布指向该链接的链接。

Patrick: This looks very cool.


Louis: If anyone listening uses Android as their personal phone operating system, you’ll be familiar with this, or has ever done development on an Android, for that matter. This is very similar to the way that Android handles interaction between applications, so I think the people at Google just saw the potential for extending that into the web. I think it really does make sense for the web, given that there’s all these applications out there and right now the ways of interacting between them are pretty kludgy. Copy/paste a link from one application to another, or we’ll download a photo to a temporary directory like I was talking about earlier, and then re-upload it to another thing. When really, if we just create a language that allows the services to say, “Hey, I want to share a link”, and this other application’s like, okay, cool, I can handle link sharing. Here we go, we’re all good.” It would really make a lot more sense for users.

路易斯:如果有人在使用Android作为他们的个人电话操作系统,那么您将对此很熟悉,或者曾经在Android上进行过开发。 这与Android处理应用程序之间的交互的方式非常相似,因此我认为Google员工刚刚看到了将其扩展到网络中的潜力。 我认为这确实对Web有意义,因为存在所有这些应用程序,并且现在它们之间的交互方式相当繁琐。 将链接从一个应用程序复制/粘贴到另一个应用程序,或者像我之前提到的那样将照片下载到一个临时目录,然后将其重新上传到另一件事。 实际上,如果我们只创建一种允许服务说“嗨,我想共享链接”的语言,那么这个其他应用程序就像,好吧,很酷,我可以处理链接共享。 我们走了,我们都很好。” 对于用户而言,这确实更有意义。

Patrick: Good deal.


Kevin: I have a link, and it’s more of a story on the development of jQuery. In fact it is on jQuery the blog, and if you go over there they talk about the future of jQuery, which includes the release of 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0. I’ll start with 1.8 and move on from there. The reason I want to talk about this is they’re making some significant changes that you may need to be aware of, just because of the popularity of jQuery. In fact, in their blog post they mention that jQuery is now powering about half of all major websites on the Internet. It more than likely applies to who ever’s listening now, our avid listeners. Part of jQuery 1.8 is the ability to modulize the components in jQuery that you want, to cut down on the size. Which I’m really excited about. However, it appears that they only have it as a command line tool for you to be able to that. It’s not quite like Modernizer, where you can go in and nicely select each of the boxes and the components that you want to test against. That’s really good news for the jQuery community, and there’s a lot of different things going on there. However, the more important news, which I’d like to get some of your feedback, Louis and Patrick, is on the 1.9 and beyond. Which is basically the jQuery team saying in 2.0, they’re going to drop support for IE 8, 6, and 7, or in order, six, seven and eight.

凯文:我有一个链接,它更多是关于jQuery开发的故事。 实际上,它在jQuery博客上,如果您去那儿,他们会谈论jQuery的未来,其中包括1.8、1.9和2.0版本。 我将从1.8开始,然后从那里继续。 我想谈一谈的原因是,由于jQuery的普及,它们正在做出一些可能需要注意的重大更改。 实际上,在他们的博客文章中,他们提到jQuery现在为Internet上所有主要网站的大约一半提供了动力。 它很可能适用于现在正在听的人,我们的狂热听众。 jQuery 1.8的一部分是能够对所需的jQuery组件进行模块化,以减小其大小。 我真的很兴奋。 但是,看来他们只是将其作为命令行工具使您能够做到这一点。 它与Modernizer不太一样,您可以在其中输入并仔细选择要测试的每个框和组件。 对于jQuery社区来说,这确实是个好消息,并且那里发生了很多不同的事情。 但是,更重要的消息是Louis和Patrick,我想得到您的一些反馈,是1.9及更高版本。 基本上是jQuery团队在2.0中说的,他们将放弃对IE 8、6和7的支持,或者依次减少对6、7和8的支持。

Louis: Or even further out of order, seven, eight and six.


Kevin: Correct, but that’s only the 2.0 release. Their thought process behind the browser support is that in 2.0, they’ll give you the choice to basically not support older versions of IE. If you need that support, you can use 1.9.

凯文:对 ,但这只是2.0版本。 他们对浏览器支持的思考过程是,在2.0中,他们将为您提供基本不支持IE较早版本的选择。 如果需要该支持,则可以使用1.9。

The reason why I wanted to talk about this too is there’s been a little bit of confusion in the community as to what that really means. Because some people were confused as to, jQuery’s not going to support IE anymore? What’s going on? They even had to do a follow-up blog post to that, but I think this is really exciting. They gave some examples of what you can do with the power of this, so you can use, for example, conditional comments to detect if you’re less than IE 9, to just serve up jQuery 1.9. If it’s greater than IE 9, then of course you can use jQuery 2.0. This is really big news for the jQuery community, because it’s going to give you the ability to create more streamlined plugins. Obviously jQuery itself is going to be lighter weight. The list just goes on and on and on, about the benefits of this. However, the support for that, right? You have to have two branches, which they will be working on, 1.9 and 2.0 at the same time. So they’ll have the same features set.

我也想谈论这一点的原因是,社区中对于这到底意味着什么有些困惑。 因为有些人对此感到困惑,所以jQuery不再支持IE了吗? 这是怎么回事? 他们甚至不得不为此撰写后续博客,但是我认为这确实令人兴奋。 他们给出了一些示例,说明了如何使用此功能,因此可以使用例如条件注释来检测您是否小于IE 9,从而仅提供jQuery 1.9。 如果大于IE 9,那么您当然可以使用jQuery 2.0。 对于jQuery社区来说,这确实是个大新闻,因为它将使您能够创建更多简化的插件。 显然,jQuery本身的重量将会减轻。 这个好处的清单不胜枚举。 但是,对此的支持对吗? 您必须有两个分支,它们将同时工作,分别为1.9和2.0。 因此,它们将具有相同的功能集。

Louis: I guess one of things that that means is they have to maintain a totally compatible API in jQuery 1.9 and 2.0. As bug fixes are rolled in, they really have to make sure that they’re completely parallel branches so that you can have the same code that can rely on either jQuery 1.9 or 2.0. Other than that, I think that’s a great idea. Obviously I can only imagine, I haven’t read the jQuery code in great detail. I’ve seen snippets of it, and even in the little bits that I’ve seen, you have a function that’s 50 lines long, and of that 30 are dealing with weird regressions and bugs in older versions of Internet Explorer. The ability to make it much lighter weight, and potentially faster also, if it’s not dealing with all these conditionals and looking up to see if features exist and working around old, weird properties. It could potentially give most users who are on modern browsers at this point a much faster experience and a quicker download.

路易斯:我想这意味着,他们必须在jQuery 1.9和2.0中维护一个完全兼容的API。 随着漏洞修复程序的推出,它们确实必须确保它们是完全并行的分支,以便您可以拥有可以依赖jQuery 1.9或2.0的相同代码。 除此之外,我认为这是个好主意。 显然,我只能想象,我还没有详细阅读jQuery代码。 我已经看到了它的片段,甚至在我看到的一点点上,您都有一个功能,该功能长50行,其中30行正在处理旧版本Internet Explorer中的怪异的回归和错误。 如果不处理所有这些条件并查找功能是否存在并在旧的,怪异的属性周围工作,则可以使其重量更轻,并且可能更快。 这可能会为目前使用现代浏览器的大多数用户带来更快的体验和更快的下载。

Kevin: I think so, especially for apps, right? Because you’re only going to use specific parts. With the release of 1.8, you can modelize that, and then when 2.0 comes out you can get rid of all the IE cruft that comes with it. In most cases if you’re running a hardcore app or something like that, maybe on an intranet or something like that, where you’re distributing it within a closed network, you can really see speed improvements in there. You won’t have to worry about as much code bloat and security.

凯文:我认为是这样,尤其是对于应用程序,对吗? 因为您将只使用特定的部分。 在1.8版中,您可以对其进行建模,然后在2.0版发布时,您可以摆脱它随附的所有IE组件。 在大多数情况下,如果您正在运行一个核心应用程序或类似的应用程序,例如在Intranet上或类似的应用程序中,您将其分布在一个封闭的网络中,那么您确实可以在其中看到速度的提高。 您无需担心太多的代码膨胀和安全性。

Louis: Absolutely.


Patrick: Have they said how soon 1.9 is coming out?


Kevin: Right. The plan is for this release to come out in early 2013. Of course, open source code is developed by a community, so sometimes the timelines can be shuffled around a little bit. That’s their goal. Going into the early part of 2013, just after, not long after 1.9, they’re going to try to release jQuery 2.0.

凯文:对。 该版本计划于2013年初发布。当然,开源代码是由社区开发的,因此有时时间表可能会有所变动。 那是他们的目标。 进入2013年初,即1.9之后不久,他们将尝试发布jQuery 2.0。

Louis: Right. jQuery’s been really good with their release schedules thus far. In terms of, as far as open source projects go they’ve pretty much nailed their deadlines pretty regularly. I’d be really looking forward to that.

路易斯:对。 到目前为止,jQuery的发布时间表非常好。 就开源项目而言,他们已经非常定期地确定了截止日期。 我真的很期待。

Kevin: It helps that they have a vibrant community.


Patrick: It’s all about the community.


Kevin: It is.


Louis: It is. Yeah, it’d be very, very interesting to see, and I think it’s a good direction for jQuery to take. You can keep working on adding features and adding features, but at some point you want to make sure that the speed and the size are commensurate with what people want, and this is a good way of doing that. If you realize that a significant percentage of your code base is dealing with what constitutes maybe less than 10% of the user base of most websites, then maybe it’s a good idea to start stripping that away, and giving people the option if they need it, but really focusing on the majority of users.

路易斯:是的。 是的,看到它会非常非常有趣,我认为这是jQuery的一个很好的方向。 您可以继续添加功能和添加功能,但是在某些时候您要确保速度和大小与人们想要的相称,这是一种很好的方法。 如果您意识到自己的代码库中有很大一部分正在处理的内容可能不足大多数网站的用户基数的10%,那么最好剥离掉它,并在需要时为人们提供选择是一个好主意,但确实专注于大多数用户。

Kevin: Yeah. They have a lot of really cool other things in here that I didn’t mention that you should go check out on the blog, such as animations and vendor pre-fixed CSS properties that you should know about as well.

凯文:是的。 在这里,他们还有很多其他很酷的东西,我没有提到您应该去博客查看,例如动画和供应商预先固定CSS属性,您也应该了解。

Louis: Nice. We will link to both of these blog posts. One of them is about the release of jQuery 1.8 beta, covering the modularity and other new features. Then there’s another blog post, which is detailing the road map for the future and the split between jQuery 1.9 and 2.0. Definitely post the link to both of those in the show notes.

路易斯:很好。 我们将链接到这两个博客文章。 其中之一是关于jQuery 1.8 beta的发布,涵盖了模块化和其他新功能。 然后还有另一篇博客文章,详细介绍了未来的路线图以及jQuery 1.9和2.0之间的分歧。 绝对在展示笔记中发布指向这两个链接的链接。

Patrick: Pingdom published some statistics on the web hosting industry, and specifically where websites are hosted. Drilling down to the top one million websites in the world according to Alexa. They were only able to measure about, let me get the exact number here. It was 935,472 out of the top one million websites in the world. Not a million, but close enough. Using that data, they looked at where the sites were hosted. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. was far and away the leader in web hosting countries, with 431,000 of those sites. Coming in second place, I don’t know if this is a surprise or not, is Germany with 82,152. If you put together all of Europe, Europe as a whole comes in at 313,252. All of Europe is about 120,000 less sites than the United States. Australia, relevant to this podcast, comes in at 15th, with 6,769 sites. I don’t know if there’s a huge discussion topic here, but I thought it was interesting to look at this list, and the data that Pingdom usually puts out is usually interesting to stare at and ponder, and think about. I don’t know. Reflections?

帕特里克: Pingdom发布了有关虚拟主机行业的一些统计数据,特别是网站托管位置。 根据Alexa的说法,该网站可追溯到全球前一百万个网站。 他们只能测量一下,让我在这里获取确切的数字。 在全球排名前100万的网站中,共有935,472。 不是一百万,但是足够接近。 他们使用这些数据查看了网站的托管位置。 毫不奇怪,美国是网络托管国家的领先者,拥有431,000个网站。 排在第二位的我不知道这是否令人惊讶,德国是82152。 如果将整个欧洲汇总在一起,整个欧洲的总收益为313,252。 全欧洲的站点比美国少约120,000。 与该播客相关的澳大利亚排名第15,拥有6,769个站点。 我不知道这里是否有很大的讨论主题,但是我认为查看此列表很有趣,而Pingdom通常发布的数据通常值得关注和思考。 我不知道。 思考?

Louis: Yeah. I mean, it’s interesting. First of all, it’s a really obvious paralleled distribution, like you see. The drop off is very quick as you mentioned, even at number 15, Australia’s only about 6,000 sites. Although it is interesting to note that this is where the sites are hosted and not so much where the users are coming from, or where the owners of the sites are located, for example., for example. The entire business is run from within Australia, but our sites are hosted in the United States. Why? Because most of our visitors are in the U.S., because Amazon Web Services is in the U.S. So I guess there’s some questions about, are a lot of the sites that are in the United States actually run by overseas companies? It would also be interesting to see how this progresses over time, as well. I’d love to see, the number in China is pretty high, it’s number three on the list, and I’d imagine that’s been growing pretty quickly. It would be cool to see a time progression. Just as it stands, I think it’s a more skewed distribution than I would have expected. If you just asked me to quickly jot down some numbers of where I thought sites were hosted, it probably would have been a bit more balanced than this. It is interesting to see Germany so high.

路易斯:是的。 我的意思是,这很有趣。 首先,就像您所看到的,这是一个非常明显的并行分布。 正如您所提到的,这种下降非常Swift,即使在第15位,澳大利亚也只有约6,000个站点。 尽管有趣的是注意到这是网站的托管地,而不是用户的来源或网站所有者的所在地。 例如 。 整个业务都在澳大利亚境内运营,但我们的网站托管在美国。 为什么? 因为我们的大多数访问者都在美国,因为Amazon Web Services在美国,所以我猜想有一些问题,美国境内的很多网站实际上是由海外公司运营的吗? 同样,很有趣的是,随着时间的推移,这种情况如何发展。 我很高兴看到,中国的数字很高,在名单上排名第三,我想它的增长速度很快。 看到时间进展会很酷。 就目前情况而言,我认为它的分布比我预期的更偏斜。 如果您只是要求我快速记下一些我认为站点托管的位置,则可能会比这更加平衡。 看到德国如此之高很有趣。

Patrick: Right. I don’t know what it means, but it’s interesting.

帕特里克:对。 我不知道这是什么意思,但是很有趣。

Louis: Yeah, exactly.


Patrick: You make a good point, because I am based in the U.S., but I host my sites in Kuwait, which is 86th on the list.


Louis: Really?


Patrick: Not really. No, not really. Yeah, no. I host my sites in the US, too.

帕特里克:不是。 不,不是。 是的不 我也在美国托管我的网站。

Louis: I don’t know whether maybe you had to host them in Guyana or something because of your domain.


Patrick: Oh yeah, yeah. I do own, for some maybe URL shortener in the future. No, the top five in this list are the U.S., Germany, China, United Kingdom and France. The bottom five on this list of the top 100 are Belize, Syria, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, and San Marino, coming in with 48 to 51 of the top million sites, respectively. It’s a fun list.

帕特里克:哦,是的。 我确实拥有,以便将来使用某些URL缩短程序。 不,此列表中的前五名是美国,德国,中国,英国和法国。 在前100个网站中,排名前5位的国家是伯利兹,叙利亚,尼日利亚,波多黎各和圣马力诺,在前100万个网站中分别排名第48至51。 这是一个有趣的清单。

Louis: San Marino, that’s pretty high. San Marino’s not that big, is it?

路易斯:圣马力诺,那很高。 圣马力诺不是那么大,是吗?

Patrick: The only Marino I know is Dan Marino, so I’m not sure.


Louis: Oh boy. I think it’s a very, very small country.

路易斯:天哪。 我认为这是一个非常非常小的国家。

Patrick: Yeah, San Marino is a very small country that is according to this map I’m looking at, it appears to be surrounded by Italy?


Louis: Yes.


Patrick: It’s in the middle of Italy.


Louis: Yeah, that’s right. It’s one of the micro-states.

路易斯:是的,是的。 这是微状态之一。

Patrick: The population, according to the CIA World Fact Book is 32,140 people in the country in July 2011, and that’s an estimate.


Louis: Also worth noting, I’m getting this from the Wikipedia page. Just because I love interesting facts, San Marino is the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world, as the continuation of a monastic community that was founded on September third, 301. Huh? Huh?

路易斯:同样值得注意的是,我是从Wikipedia页面上获得的。 仅仅因为我喜欢有趣的事实,圣马力诺是世界上现存最古老的主权国家和立宪共和国,这是建立于301年9月3日的修道院社区的延续。 ??

Patrick: San Marino’s holding it down.


Louis: Kicking it old school.


Patrick: No wonder. If they’ve been around that long, they must have been on the web early.

帕特里克:怪不得。 如果他们已经存在了那么长时间,那么他们一定很早就上网了。

Louis: Right. Allowed them to get a foot hold, and despite having a population of only 30,000 people, still hosts 50 of the top million websites in the world. Which I think is actually the most interesting statistic in this whole thing. I think San Marino coming up on this list, very impressive.

路易斯:对。 让他们立足,尽管人口只有30,000,但仍然托管着全球前100万个网站中的50个。 我认为实际上这是整个过程中最有趣的统计信息。 我认为圣马力诺(San Marino)跻身该名单,令人印象深刻。

Patrick: I ran across what I thought was an interesting story. That’s how it always starts. At the The Next Web by Martin Bryant. The story is titled, “Twitter Should “Memorialize” Our Accounts When We Die.” The crux of the story is that Christian Payne, received a DM from a friend who died four years earlier, and it was a spam DM as you would imagine. He blogged about that and suggested that Twitter should be able to do something about this. In this article, Martin Bryant talks about how Facebook has a section of their site where you can submit proof a person’s death and lock the account down. It won’t send out app notifications or any other sort of activity that might upset people. But people can still remember that person via their status updates and via their account.

帕特里克:我遇到了我认为很有趣的故事。 这就是它总是开始的方式。 在马丁·布莱恩特的《下一个网站》上。 这个故事的标题是“ Twitter在我们死后应该“记住”我们的帐户。” 故事的症结在于,克里斯蒂安·佩恩(Christian Payne)从一位四年前去世的朋友那里收到了一份DM,这就像您想像的那样是垃圾邮件DM。 他在博客上发表了有关此事的建议,并建议Twitter应该对此有所作为。 在本文中,马丁·布莱恩特(Martin Bryant)讨论了Facebook如何在其网站的一部分上提供您的死亡证明并锁定帐户。 它不会发出应用通知或任何其他可能使人不高兴的活动。 但是人们仍然可以通过状态更新和帐户来记住该人。

To be fair, Bryant in this article talks about the challenges for Twitter in doing that. Twitter accounts are not as tied to one person often times as a Facebook account is. It’s not an easy task for them to tackle. But to me it brought to mind, do we have a responsibility in developing services, to account for this? Do we have a responsibility to account for death on our platforms, and if so, how should we go about doing that and executing it in a way that we can actually manage? Some of us are small timers or one man shops or small teams. How much can people expect of us in this area? Louis, what do you think?

公平地说,科比在本文中谈到了Twitter在这样做方面所面临的挑战。 Twitter帐户不像Facebook帐户那样与一个人联系在一起。 对于他们来说,这不是一件容易的事。 但是在我看来,我们是否有责任在服务开发方面对此负责? 我们是否有责任说明平台上的死亡情况,如果是这样,我们应该如何去做并以我们可以实际管理的方式执行它? 我们中有些人是小型计时器,或者是一个人商店或小型团队。 人们在这方面对我们有多少期望? 路易斯,您怎么看?

Louis: Yeah, that’s a really interesting point. I can totally see and I’m very impressed by the work Facebook has done in this area. I think their approach of turning the page into a memorial page is really good. And I think as we move in the direction where a lot of our lives are online and it’s our primary way of communicating with a lot of people. I see myself hugely, having been in Australia for about three years now, most of my communication with any of my friends back home is on Facebook and Twitter. Given that we live in these online worlds, instead of the traditional communities we used to live in, then I guess there probably is some shifts that need to take place in the way we think about other phases of life. Death is obviously the hardest one, because you can’t choose how to present your own death online. I know there are services out there that are focused on this, but for most people it’s not something you think about.

路易斯:是的,这确实很有趣。 我完全可以看到,Facebook在这方面所做的工作给我留下了深刻的印象。 我认为他们将页面转换为纪念页面的方法非常好。 我认为,随着我们朝着许多生活都在线的方向发展,这是我们与许多人交流的主要方式。 我在澳大利亚已经有大约三年的时间了,我与自己的许多朋友的大部分交流都来自Facebook和Twitter,这让我印象深刻。 考虑到我们生活在这些在线世界中,而不是我们曾经生活的传统社区中,那么我想我们在思考生活的其他阶段时可能需要进行一些转变。 死亡显然是最难的一种,因为您无法选择如何在线呈现自己的死亡。 我知道那里有针对此的服务,但是对于大多数人来说,这不是您想的。

Whereas you might think about how you want to announce your engagement or the birth of your children on Twitter or Facebook and you can frame that in a way that you’re happy with, it’s different for your death, because you’re not around to do it. So it’s a much harder challenge for the designers of social software to deal with that in a respectful way, especially when you’re dealing with services that obviously include an appeal to people of so many different cultural and religious backgrounds. Which may have completely different views of death and how memorial services should take place. It’s something, especially when you get to the size of Facebook or Twitter, where you’re dealing with, I don’t want to do the statistics to find out, on Facebook’s user base, how many of those people die every day. But I’m sure there’s a number every day, because it’s just that big statistically. So you’re getting the point where it’s something you really have to deal with and it’s going to come up. I don’t think it’s something that necessarily every community or every piece of social software needs to deal with, because a lot of times, if you’re not that important to people’s lives, and we want to overvalue our own applications, but people usually don’t spend their entire lives inside of our applications.

尽管您可能会想想如何宣布自己在Twitter或Facebook上的订婚或孩子的出生,并且可以以自己满意的方式进行构架,但死亡的方式却有所不同,因为您不在身边做吧。 因此,对于社交软件设计者而言,以一种尊重的方式应对这一挑战将是一个更大的挑战,尤其是当您处理的服务显然具有吸引众多不同文化和宗教背景的人们时,尤其如此。 对于死亡以及追悼会的方式可能有完全不同的看法。 尤其是当您要处理的是Facebook或Twitter的规模时,我不想进行统计以在Facebook的用户群中找出每天有多少人死亡。 但我敢肯定每天都会有一个数字,因为从统计上来说,它是如此之大。 因此,您已经意识到了必须真正解决的问题,并且它即将出现。 我认为这并不是每个社区或每个社交软件都必须处理的事情,因为很多时候,如果您对人们的生活不那么重要,并且我们想高估我们自己的应用程序,那么人们通常不会在我们的应用程序中花费全部生命。

Whereas Facebook and Twitter, that’s almost the case for some people. It’s more important for them. For the rest of us, I think that if that page just goes away, then it’s not as big a deal. Obviously in this case I can imagine it can be terrible to suddenly start getting spam messages from someone who passed away four years previous. I think with the way we usually deal with spam accounts or hacked accounts, which is to suspend them, or take them offline. In most cases that’s fine for this situation, except if you’re the size of Twitter or Facebook. I don’t know. Kevin, what do you think?

而Facebook和Twitter,对于某些人来说几乎就是这种情况。 对他们来说更重要。 对于我们其他人,我认为如果该页面消失了,那就没什么大不了的了。 显然,在这种情况下,我可以想象突然开始收到四年前去世的某人的垃圾邮件是很糟糕的。 我认为我们通常使用的处理垃圾邮件帐户或被黑帐户的方法是暂停它们或使它们脱机。 在大多数情况下,适合这种情况,除非您只有Twitter或Facebook大小。 我不知道。 凯文,你怎么看?

Kevin: I actually have a personal experience with this. I think online services should create the inputs for the community to decide what they want to do, as far as friends and family online. For example, like you were saying, a lot of people may just live in the online space, and they may have very deep and personal connections to people through the online medium, their looking glass into people’s lives. Versus the more physical interaction that you might have going to physical locations and events, meeting friends, that kind of thing. That could be due to disabilities, anything. People can escape online. My personal experience with this was one of my very good friend passed away, and he was in an online multiplaying game with me. It’s called City of Heroes. We played that for a good many years and we created a lot of friendships online, with people who we called over the phone, traded emails with, shared personal information, all that kind of stuff. When he passed away, it really impacted a lot of people. You can look on the outside and say “that’s kind of weird,” but it really was a group of friends just getting together to hang out, and it happened to be video games. So, I think in the same space like Twitter and this, those things can happen. In fact in the online game, we decided, there was 50 people who were really good friends. We had an online memorial service for my friend, and it was emotional for everybody. It was really interesting. Things like Twitter and these larger communities that have this network, where connections are made and where people’s lives are influenced, I think it’s important for them to recognize that that might be their only interaction with that person, whether it’s through Twitter, or through Facebook. There needs to be an outlet for those people to get their closure.

凯文:我实际上对此有个人经验。 我认为在线服务应该为社区(包括亲朋好友)提供输入,以决定他们想做什么。 例如,就像您说的那样,很多人可能只是生活在在线空间中,他们可能通过在线媒体与人们建立了非常深厚的个人联系,从而窥视了人们的生活。 与您可能在物理位置和事件,结识朋友等方面进行的更多物理交互相比。 那可能是由于残疾造成的。 人们可以在线逃脱。 我的个人经历是我一个非常好的朋友去世的,他和我一起在在线多人游戏中。 它被称为英雄之城。 我们玩了很多年,并且在网上建立了很多友谊,我们与通过电话打电话,与他们交换电子邮件,共享个人信息的人之类的东西。 当他去世时,这确实影响了很多人。 您可以看着外面说“这很奇怪”,但实际上是一群朋友聚在一起闲逛,碰巧是电子游戏。 因此,我认为在类似Twitter这样的领域中,这些事情可能会发生。 实际上,在网络游戏中,我们决定有50个人是非常好的朋友。 我们为我的朋友提供了一个在线追悼会,这对每个人都是激动的。 真的很有趣。 Twitter之类的事物以及拥有此网络的较大社区,建立联系和影响人们生活的地方,我认为对他们来说很重要的一点是,认识到这可能是他们与该人的唯一互动,无论是通过Twitter还是通过Facebook 。 需要为这些人提供关闭渠道。

Louis: Yeah, that’s a really good point. I guess it’s definitely something that any kind of forum or online community or online software needs to at least think about a little bit.

路易斯:是的,这确实很不错。 我想这绝对是任何类型的论坛,在线社区或在线软件都至少需要考虑的一点。

Patrick: I think it’s good for communities to just be open to the idea of this, and be flexible in how they apply it. Someone at Facebook’s level, obviously they can create a forum, like you said, they have this happening to a substantial number of people every single day. Whereas a lot of communities that may not be the case, or may not be as important to people on that community. Contact forums, just paying attention to people and listen. Often times a community, it’s large, but not so large where you’re totally out of touch with what people are talking about. Often times there will be areas that are dedicated to, unfortunately, death or death notices or people dying, and people will grieve in their own way. In those cases, you can do things with the account, lock the account, some kind of online tribute with the account. The tricky thing I think is confirmation in some cases, right? Because let’s face it, we live in a sick world. And people would try to do something to an account they don’t like or to a person they don’t like. That brings me to the next thought I want to share with this, was brought up in the article, was the Twitter account @Martin. The author of the article, his name again is Martin, so he had thought about trying to get it but it belonged to someone who passed away, and it was clear from the account, apparently. Someone else got a hold of it somehow, through Twitter’s inactive name process, whatever it is. That made me think about the logistics of this, and how long someone’s entitled to a username. Does locking down the account mean that the user name stays with it, or is the user name just a trinket? We pass on, we have this property, this property gets sold, it goes into other hands. Is the user name just like another piece of property? There’s no right answer here, but I thought it was an interesting subplot to this whole discussion. This user name was this person’s, they passed away, now someone else took it.

帕特里克(Patrick):我认为对社区持开放态度并保持灵活运用方式对社区有益。 在Facebook级别的某个人,显然他们可以创建一个论坛,就像您所说的那样,他们每天都在大量人员中发生这种情况。 然而,许多社区可能并非如此,或者对于该社区中的人们而言可能不那么重要。 联系论坛,只关注别人并听。 通常,社区很大,但社区却没有那么大,以至于您与人们谈论的内容完全失去联系。 不幸的是,经常会有一些地区专门致力于死亡或死亡通知或人们死亡,人们会以自己的方式感到悲伤。 在这种情况下,您可以使用该帐户进行操作,锁定该帐户,以及对该帐户进行某种形式的在线致敬。 我认为棘手的事情在某些情况下是对的,对吗? 因为我们面对现实,所以我们生活在一个生病的世界中。 人们会尝试对他们不喜欢的帐户或不喜欢的人进行操作。 在这篇文章中提到的,是我想与我分享的下一个想法,即Twitter帐户@Martin。 文章的作者,他的名字再次是Martin,所以他曾想过要得到它,但它属于一个已去世的人,从帐目上显然可以看出。 不管是什么,其他人都可以通过Twitter的无效名称流程以某种方式掌握它。 这让我考虑了这方面的后勤工作,以及某人有权使用一个用户名的时间。 Does locking down the account mean that the user name stays with it, or is the user name just a trinket? We pass on, we have this property, this property gets sold, it goes into other hands. Is the user name just like another piece of property? There's no right answer here, but I thought it was an interesting subplot to this whole discussion. This user name was this person's, they passed away, now someone else took it.

Louis: Yeah. I guess that’s really tricky, right? I guess that’s a limitation of Twitter’s application structure, that it places so much emphasis on user names. Whereas for most other services, you have a display name that’s customized, and then the hard link to your account is your email address, so it’s less of a problem, right? Twitter is an edge case with regards to that, because the Twitter user name is a type of real estate. Obviously that’s challenging for them, but for the rest of the web it almost feels like, I don’t know, it feels like that’s a bad structure. It’s a limitation of Twitter that came out of the fact that they were trying to make it work over SMS, and if you had any other kind of application it wouldn’t work that way, and it wouldn’t place that much impact on the user name. Although I guess Facebook does have user names in terms of getting your custom URL, but it seems like less of an issue.

路易斯:是的。 I guess that's really tricky, right? I guess that's a limitation of Twitter's application structure, that it places so much emphasis on user names. Whereas for most other services, you have a display name that's customized, and then the hard link to your account is your email address, so it's less of a problem, right? Twitter is an edge case with regards to that, because the Twitter user name is a type of real estate. Obviously that's challenging for them, but for the rest of the web it almost feels like, I don't know, it feels like that's a bad structure. It's a limitation of Twitter that came out of the fact that they were trying to make it work over SMS, and if you had any other kind of application it wouldn't work that way, and it wouldn't place that much impact on the user name. Although I guess Facebook does have user names in terms of getting your custom URL, but it seems like less of an issue.

Patrick: Right. I’m Patrick O’Keefe, and you’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead, oh, wait. That doesn’t work here. I don’t know. The Sitepoint forums better not give away iFroggy if anything should happen to me. I’m just saying that now, I’ve had it for a number of years. Don’t auction it off or give it away to anybody.

帕特里克:对。 I'm Patrick O'Keefe, and you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead, oh, wait. That doesn't work here. 我不知道。 The Sitepoint forums better not give away iFroggy if anything should happen to me. I'm just saying that now, I've had it for a number of years. Don't auction it off or give it away to anybody.

Louis: Going to spotlights now, my spotlight this week is a blog post written by Lucas, who is our dev ops guy here at Flippa. It’s a bit of a recap of how he and Chris, who’s the dev manager, dealt with the AWS outage that happened over the weekend. Anyone who was not aware of this, there was a pretty major power outage. Which caused an outage at Amazon Web Services over the weekend. It caused some major, major services to be unavailable, including Netflix, Pintrest, Instagram, and I just wanted to try and mention us in the same breath.

Louis: Going to spotlights now, my spotlight this week is a blog post written by Lucas, who is our dev ops guy here at Flippa. It's a bit of a recap of how he and Chris, who's the dev manager, dealt with the AWS outage that happened over the weekend. Anyone who was not aware of this, there was a pretty major power outage. Which caused an outage at Amazon Web Services over the weekend. It caused some major, major services to be unavailable, including Netflix, Pintrest, Instagram, and . I just wanted to try and mention us in the same breath.

Patrick: Flippa’s moving on up, man. Facebook is going to make a bid tomorrow.

Patrick: Flippa's moving on up, man. Facebook is going to make a bid tomorrow.

Louis: I just wanted to try and slide that in there. But nonetheless, they spent most of the day trying to deal with recovering. Basically what happened was it affected our database server, and we were trying to get access to it. We brought it back up but we couldn’t read from it. When we finally did get access to it, we did have an EDS snapshot of the database server at Amazon. But that snapshot was about 40 minutes old, so we were missing about 40 minutes of writes. If your service is fairly active, that’s a pretty significant chunk of data, and you definitely don’t want to restore to an old backup. What this blog post goes into is the basic message that they were trying to work on recovering separately, based on our mySQL logs, which were stored somewhere else, and replaying those on top of the EBS snapshot, to get our recovery going instead of just waiting for Amazon. Because in this case, it turned out that we got our data back before Amazon reactivated our database server, so we were able to bring up a separate database instance, and have all the data back before we would have gotten it from Amazon. Having redundancy plans and working on your own recovery, even if Amazon says that they’re going to recover it, you might still be able to beat them to the punch if you’ve got a couple of backups and you’ve got options. It’s just some quick thoughts that he jotted down about the outage, and it was pretty interesting to me. I love this kind of postmortem stuff, as anyone who listens to the podcast regularly will know. Check that out, it’s on tumblr, and I’ll post the link in the show notes.

Louis: I just wanted to try and slide that in there. But nonetheless, they spent most of the day trying to deal with recovering. Basically what happened was it affected our database server, and we were trying to get access to it. We brought it back up but we couldn't read from it. When we finally did get access to it, we did have an EDS snapshot of the database server at Amazon. But that snapshot was about 40 minutes old, so we were missing about 40 minutes of writes. If your service is fairly active, that's a pretty significant chunk of data, and you definitely don't want to restore to an old backup. What this blog post goes into is the basic message that they were trying to work on recovering separately, based on our mySQL logs, which were stored somewhere else, and replaying those on top of the EBS snapshot, to get our recovery going instead of just waiting for Amazon. Because in this case, it turned out that we got our data back before Amazon reactivated our database server, so we were able to bring up a separate database instance, and have all the data back before we would have gotten it from Amazon. Having redundancy plans and working on your own recovery, even if Amazon says that they're going to recover it, you might still be able to beat them to the punch if you've got a couple of backups and you've got options. It's just some quick thoughts that he jotted down about the outage, and it was pretty interesting to me. I love this kind of postmortem stuff, as anyone who listens to the podcast regularly will know. Check that out, it's on tumblr, and I'll post the link in the show notes.

Patrick: Yeah, this is a really interesting story, obviously playing at a level that I don’t fathom because I don’t have this quantity of data coming in. It’s interesting to me, he calls it dumpster diving, a dumpster dive through the mySQL activity as you discussed, the replica, and extract the last 40 minutes of data from the bin logs. That’s pretty good then. At least you had that I guess, to be able to go back to. Someone should be patted on the back for that bit of redundancy.

Patrick: Yeah, this is a really interesting story, obviously playing at a level that I don't fathom because I don't have this quantity of data coming in. It's interesting to me, he calls it dumpster diving, a dumpster dive through the mySQL activity as you discussed, the replica, and extract the last 40 minutes of data from the bin logs. That's pretty good then. At least you had that I guess, to be able to go back to. Someone should be patted on the back for that bit of redundancy.

Louis: Yeah, absolutely. One of the reasons we keep an off-site mySQL replica is for this reason. Nonetheless, Amazon did eventually get the same data back online, but it’s possible that they mightn’t have been able to and we would’ve been stuck with 40 minutes of data loss. Which, depending on your application, may or may not be a big deal. Because we deal with auctions it is a big deal, because if someone had won a site in the past 40 minutes and suddenly they didn’t because we don’t have that data anymore, that’s a big deal. Being able to recover that is huge. Just some ideas here about trying not to put all your stuff in the same baskets, and trying to be prepared for all kinds of different possibilities. That includes keeping copies of your data outside of AWS, and just being prepared.

路易斯:是的,绝对。 One of the reasons we keep an off-site mySQL replica is for this reason. Nonetheless, Amazon did eventually get the same data back online, but it's possible that they mightn't have been able to and we would've been stuck with 40 minutes of data loss. Which, depending on your application, may or may not be a big deal. Because we deal with auctions it is a big deal, because if someone had won a site in the past 40 minutes and suddenly they didn't because we don't have that data anymore, that's a big deal. Being able to recover that is huge. Just some ideas here about trying not to put all your stuff in the same baskets, and trying to be prepared for all kinds of different possibilities. That includes keeping copies of your data outside of AWS, and just being prepared.

Patrick: As I always like to say, don’t trust the cloud.

Patrick: As I always like to say, don't trust the cloud.

Kevin: In the tone of being prepared, I have a link here that might help people. Which is this Swatchbook thing. If your site goes down, and obviously you’re going to be serving up 404 pages, you should have something at least somewhat sexy. This Swatchbook could be a nice little tidbit that you could throw on there to keep people distracted from your downtime. That’s an awful segue, I know. You can make fun of me. But it’s actually pretty cool CSS transition and jQuery technique, being used.

Kevin: In the tone of being prepared, I have a link here that might help people. Which is this Swatchbook thing. If your site goes down, and obviously you're going to be serving up 404 pages, you should have something at least somewhat sexy. This Swatchbook could be a nice little tidbit that you could throw on there to keep people distracted from your downtime. That's an awful segue, I know. You can make fun of me. But it's actually pretty cool CSS transition and jQuery technique, being used.

Louis: All right, let’s have a look. Hey, swatches. Nice swatches.

Louis: All right, let's have a look. Hey, swatches. Nice swatches.

Kevin: It’s very sexy.

Kevin: It's very sexy.

Louis: What are the things I do? Oh, I click on them, there we go. Yeah, I like it. The idea is you can use this as a menu I guess, is that the idea?

Louis: What are the things I do? Oh, I click on them, there we go. 是的,我喜欢它。 The idea is you can use this as a menu I guess, is that the idea?

Kevin: I hope not.

Kevin: I hope not.

Louis: It sounds like a terrible idea if someone actually does.

Louis: It sounds like a terrible idea if someone actually does.

Patrick: You looked at it the wrong way, Louis. You looked at it wrong. It’s not a menu, stop.

Patrick: You looked at it the wrong way, Louis. You looked at it wrong. It's not a menu, stop.

Louis: Well they look to have set it up like a menu, right?

Louis: Well they look to have set it up like a menu, right?

Kevin: Right. They have, in the example, set it up as a menu. Do what you will with it.

凯文:对。 They have, in the example, set it up as a menu. Do what you will with it.

Louis: I really hope no one ever does that.

Louis: I really hope no one ever does that.

Kevin: Right. If you really need to navigate a site, this would be a great example of what not to do, but.

凯文:对。 If you really need to navigate a site, this would be a great example of what not to do, but.

Patrick: What are you talking about? I always like to wait half a second for my menu options to display in front of me.

Patrick: What are you talking about? I always like to wait half a second for my menu options to display in front of me.

Louis: You can’t even see them while it’s closed. It would be a lot of frustrated clicking, but nonetheless, definitely looks cool.

Louis: You can't even see them while it's closed. It would be a lot of frustrated clicking, but nonetheless, definitely looks cool.

Kevin: Yeah, great for a 404 page. It really would be.

Kevin: Yeah, great for a 404 page. It really would be.

Louis: If you have a look behind the scenes though, and look at the way these things are done, it’s pretty interesting, all done with rotate transforms in CSS. Very nice way to have a look at these techniques being used and get a feel for them. If you’re not familiar with using the rotates and all that.

Louis: If you have a look behind the scenes though, and look at the way these things are done, it's pretty interesting, all done with rotate transforms in CSS. Very nice way to have a look at these techniques being used and get a feel for them. If you're not familiar with using the rotates and all that.

Patrick: Cool stuff, Kevin. Well, my spotlight, short and to the point, is the new album from Chester French. Which is band, it’s a duo featuring an acquaintance of mine, DA Wallach. They just released their new album, “Music for Teenagers.” You can pick it up at They’re not really a genre, they play a lot of different types of music. I know that doesn’t really mean much, but it’s free to listen on Spotify, of course, if you have that, and other platforms. Go to their website, listen, check it out. Maybe you like it, maybe you don’t, but me personally I like it a lot. No discussion needed.

Patrick: Cool stuff, Kevin. Well, my spotlight, short and to the point, is the new album from Chester French. Which is band, it's a duo featuring an acquaintance of mine, DA Wallach. They just released their new album, “Music for Teenagers.” You can pick it up at . They're not really a genre, they play a lot of different types of music. I know that doesn't really mean much, but it's free to listen on Spotify, of course, if you have that, and other platforms. Go to their website, listen, check it out. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't, but me personally I like it a lot. No discussion needed.

Louis: I guess not, right? Because I can’t comment on it without hearing it. Always good to have some off-topic spotlights, and Patrick is Mr. Off-topic Spotlight.

Louis: I guess not, right? Because I can't comment on it without hearing it. Always good to have some off-topic spotlights, and Patrick is Mr. Off-topic Spotlight.

Patrick: That’s right.

Patrick: That's right.

Louis: I will definitely check it out. I’ve been Rdio a lot lately. It’s my new thing.

Louis: I will definitely check it out. I've been Rdio a lot lately. It's my new thing.

Patrick: That’s cool as well. The thing about DA is he’s actually artist in residence at Spotify. They created the position for him, and he’s an intermediary between artists and Spotify and making sure artists are represented. The funny thing is though, I like Rdio too, and I hope there’s room for both of them to succeed. Because Adam Pacelli, who was a staff member on the Sitepoint forums, won a couple Sitepoint forum awards, is a designer at Rdio and does a lot of their work. I’m conflicted on that whole Spotify, Rdio thing, and want everyone to be happy and successful.

Patrick: That's cool as well. The thing about DA is he's actually artist in residence at Spotify. They created the position for him, and he's an intermediary between artists and Spotify and making sure artists are represented. The funny thing is though, I like Rdio too, and I hope there's room for both of them to succeed. Because Adam Pacelli, who was a staff member on the Sitepoint forums, won a couple Sitepoint forum awards, is a designer at Rdio and does a lot of their work. I'm conflicted on that whole Spotify, Rdio thing, and want everyone to be happy and successful.

Louis: Yeah. It’s an accident of circumstances that I do end up using Rdio. It came out of, Rdio was available in Australia about a month before Spotify was.

路易斯:是的。 It's an accident of circumstances that I do end up using Rdio. It came out of, Rdio was available in Australia about a month before Spotify was.

Patrick: There we go.

Patrick: There we go.

Louis: When Spotify was first released in Australia, I had a look and their Android app was really, really crap. They’ve since completely redone it from the ground up and it’s gorgeous and it’s faster than the Rdio app, but at the time it wasn’t, so I just started using Rdio because it was available first and it had a good app first. At least in my corner of the world. Then stuck with it. I’ll definitely try and check this album out, although obviously the issue with all these streaming services is you’ve got these holes in the catalog that hopefully as they become more popular get ironed out.

Louis: When Spotify was first released in Australia, I had a look and their Android app was really, really crap. They've since completely redone it from the ground up and it's gorgeous and it's faster than the Rdio app, but at the time it wasn't, so I just started using Rdio because it was available first and it had a good app first. At least in my corner of the world. Then stuck with it. I'll definitely try and check this album out, although obviously the issue with all these streaming services is you've got these holes in the catalog that hopefully as they become more popular get ironed out.

Patrick: Yeah. In this case, this album is being released independently, I think. I’m not sure if that helps or hurts, sometimes it’ll help, sometimes it won’t. Who knows. The funny thing about Adam, and I just pulled up It’s almost like an Easter egg, but his name is actually on the homepage and his photo, if you go there and look. He probably designed this page, and it’s just a further example that the Sitepoint tentacles run deep. He was on the forum staff when he was a teenager actually, and now he designs for Rdio. You never know when you run into a Sitepoint forums member.

帕特里克:是的。 In this case, this album is being released independently, I think. I'm not sure if that helps or hurts, sometimes it'll help, sometimes it won't. 谁知道。 The funny thing about Adam, and I just pulled up It's almost like an Easter egg, but his name is actually on the homepage and his photo, if you go there and look. He probably designed this page, and it's just a further example that the Sitepoint tentacles run deep. He was on the forum staff when he was a teenager actually, and now he designs for Rdio. You never know when you run into a Sitepoint forums member.

Louis: That’s really interesting. I’m trying to find, where on the page?

Louis: That's really interesting. I'm trying to find, where on the page?

Patrick: OK. You know how the page is three tone, white photo, and then blue?

帕特里克:好。 You know how the page is three tone, white photo, and then blue?

Louis: Yeah.


Patrick: OK. The photo, the first photo is a guy on the couch with his laptop?

帕特里克:好。 The photo, the first photo is a guy on the couch with his laptop?

Louis: Yeah.


Patrick: If you look, he’s got the window open. I don’t know if you can see the laptop screen, and it’s the browser window and it’s got an Rdio website music player in that. Can you see that?

Patrick: If you look, he's got the window open. I don't know if you can see the laptop screen, and it's the browser window and it's got an Rdio website music player in that. 你看到了吗?

Louis: Yeah.


Patrick: OK. If you look at the right side of that screen under “network,” the first face and name is Adam Pacelli.

帕特里克:好。 If you look at the right side of that screen under “network,” the first face and name is Adam Pacelli.

Louis: Right, there you go. That’s your friends or the people you’re following.

Louis: Right, there you go. That's your friends or the people you're following.

Patrick: Exactly.


Louis: In the sample screen shot. I’ve got you. All right, very cool. Well, I think that is a perfect place to wrap it up on the Sitepoint podcast this week.

Louis: In the sample screen shot. I've got you. All right, very cool. Well, I think that is a perfect place to wrap it up on the Sitepoint podcast this week.

Kevin: Yes. I am Kevin Dees at, and at @KevinDees on Twitter.

凯文:是的。 I am Kevin Dees at, and at @KevinDees on Twitter.

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy network. I blog at Find me on Twitter @iFroggy.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe of the iFroggy network. I blog at Find me on Twitter @iFroggy.

Louis: Awesome. You can follow Sitepoint on Twitter @Sitepointdotcom. If you go to that is the place to find all of our past episodes, you can subscribe, and you can leave a comment if you want to let us know what you thought of the show. You can also email us,, and you can find us on iTunes as well. I’m Louis Simoneau and you can find me on Twitter @rssaddict. By for now and thanks for listening.

路易斯:太好了。 You can follow Sitepoint on Twitter @Sitepointdotcom . If you go to that is the place to find all of our past episodes, you can subscribe, and you can leave a comment if you want to let us know what you thought of the show. You can also email us, , and you can find us on iTunes as well. I'm Louis Simoneau and you can find me on Twitter @rssaddict . By for now and thanks for listening.

The podcast is produced by Karn Broad.

The podcast is produced by Karn Broad.

Audio Transcription by Speechpad.

Audio Transcription by Speechpad.

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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