
Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

Top of the hour this week, is the story that the Pirate Bay has been taken offline following a raid by Swedish police. The last time that happened a lot of people were up in arms and many protests ensued. This time however, no one really seems to care, even when it was reported that they may remain offline for good.

本周最重要的是,故事发生瑞典警察突袭之后, 海盗湾已下线上一次发生的情况是,许多人武装起来,随后发生了许多抗议活动。 但是,这一次, 似乎没有人真正在乎 ,即使有报道称他们可能永远保持离线状态

Staying with illegal activities, the aftermath of the Sony hack continued, with all kinds of things being leaked to the internet. This included, but was not limited to: plans for new movies, celebrity phone numbers, celebrity aliases, embarrassing company emails and the salaries of its executives. Sony has also come in for sharp criticism from security companies for letting this attack happen, an attack that it seems could have been carried out by North Korea.

坚持非法活动,索尼黑客事件的后果继续存在,各种事情都泄漏到了互联网上。 这包括但不限于: 新电影计划名人电话号码名人别名令人尴尬的公司电子邮件其高管的薪水 。 索尼也因让这种攻击发生而受到安全公司的严厉批评,这种攻击看来可能是由朝鲜实施的

Finally, it was announced that the purchase of Bitcoin is not subject to sales tax in the US, which was good news for one company that successfully bid for 48,000 Bitcoins seized from Silk Road earlier this year. Bitcoin Black Friday was hailed a success, Microsoft announced that they now accept Bitcoin, and in the face of rising adoption, we were reminded that there are very tangible benefits to using the cryptocurrency. Bonus link: here’s a infographic highlighting the good, the bad and the future of Bitcoin for business. Yay for infographics!

最后,宣布在美国购买比特币无需缴纳营业税 ,这对一家成功竞标今年早些时候从丝绸之路没收的48,000个比特币的公司来说是个好消息。 比特币黑色星期五获得了成功 ,微软宣布他们现在接受比特币 ,面对采用率的上升,我们被提醒使用这种加密货币有非常明显的好处 。 奖励链接:以下是一个图表,重点介绍了商业比特币的好,坏和未来 。 是的信息图表!

Node.js完美无缺 (Node.js is Well and Truly Forked)

The big news from Node.js land this week is the fact that the project has been forked by a group headed by some of Node’s primary developers. The fork goes by the name of iojs and happened as the group was unhappy with the stewardship of Node’s official sponsor, cloud computing company Joyent.

本周来自Node.js的一个重大新闻是, 该项目已经由一些Node的主要开发人员领导的团队分叉了。 叉因iojs的名字而得名 ,发生在该组织对Node的官方赞助商云计算公司Joyent的管理工作不满意的时候。

Reaction to the forking has been mixed, with some claiming Node’s future is in serious doubt, whilst others are urging people to stay calm and look at the bigger picture.

对分叉的React好坏参半, 有人声称Node的前途令人严重怀疑 ,而另一些人则敦促人们保持冷静,并放眼大局

Oblivious to the fuss, npm (Node’s package manager) released a series of videos detailing how to use npm, how to install and manage packages, fix permissions, and more.


Here’s an insightful article on how to design a RESTful API with Node.js and Restify.

这是一篇有关如何使用Node.js和Restify设计RESTful API的有见地的文章。

Streams are one of the more powerful features of Node. Here’s an introduction to what they are and how to use them.

流是Node的更强大功能之一。 这是关于它们是什么以及如何使用它们的介绍。

If all this talk of Node has made you curious to try it out, here’s a (very) in-depth guide to getting started with the server-side framework, as well as a list, by the same guy, of the top ten mistakes Node developers make.


让我带你去星星 (Let Me Take You to the Stars)

Meteor (the open source platform for building modern web apps in pure JavaScript) recently reached its milestone 1.0 release. Having taken it for a test drive, SitePoint author Ciara Burkett wants to show you nine ways it’ll take you out of this world. I guess she was impressed, then …

Meteor(使用纯JavaScript构建现代Web应用程序的开源平台)最近达到了里程碑1.0版本 。 在进行了试驾之后,SitePoint的作者Ciara Burkett希望向您展示将您带出这个世界的九种方法 。 我想她印象深刻,然后……

A meteor developer decided to scrape all the Meteor apps he could find online and extract some statistics. His findings make for interesting reading.

一名流星开发者决定抓取所有他可以在网上找到的Meteor应用并提取一些统计数据。 他的发现使阅读有趣

In a tip of the hat to the previous set of links, the meteor podcast examined the forking of Node.js and what this means for the meteor community (it could be said that Meteor is to Node what Rails is to Ruby).

在上一组链接的技巧中, 流星播客研究了Node.js的派生以及这对流星社区的意义(可以说,流星是Node,而Rails是Ruby)。

If you want to add comments to your Meteor app, here’s how you can do that.


Here is a good list of pitfalls to avoid when writing a Meteor app as well as a handy list of tips and workarounds.


And something to help you get through your Friday: a tiny drum machine written in Meteor (which I found surprisingly addictive).

还有一些可以帮助您度过星期五的东西: 一台用流星写的小鼓机 (我发现它令人上瘾)。

每周流行语:Page Bloat (Buzzword of the Week: Page Bloat)

Over the past decade and a half, the size of the average web page has ballooned to more than one megabyte. This phenomenon is known as “page bloat” and is primarily caused by images and third party scripts being included willy-nilly by website owners. Page bloat particularly hurts mobile users and users with a slow internet connection.

在过去的十五年中,平均网页大小已膨胀到超过1兆字节。 这种现象称为“页面膨胀”,主要是由网站所有者故意将图片和第三方脚本包含在内。 页面膨胀特别会伤害移动用户和互联网连接速度慢的用户。

One way to combat page bloat is to establish a performance budget for your website. It’s not that complicated to do and in fact, planning for performance can bring all kinds of benefits.

解决网页膨胀的一种方法是为您的网站建立性能预算 。 这样做并不复杂,实际上, 对性能进行计划可以带来各种好处

Planet Performance is publishing one article a day in the run-up to Christmas detailing how you can improve your website’s performance. This article on optimizing images is my favorite so far.

在圣诞节前夕,Planet Performance 每天都会发表一篇文章 ,详细介绍如何改善网站的性能。 到目前为止,我最喜欢这篇关于优化图像的文章

One of the techniques that article mentions is spriting (multiple images combined into a rectilinear grid in one large image). Here’s how to implement CSS Sprites with Sass and Compass.

文章提到的一种技术是拼版(将多个图像组合成一个大图像中的直线网格)。 这是使用Sass和Compass实现CSS Sprite的方法

If JavaScript is more your thing, you might want to check out the following quick JavaScript changes you can make today for better web performance.


Finally, here’s a well-written article offering further tips on how to optimize your website for speed (and explaining why you still should).


CMS善良 (CMS Goodness)

WordPress 4.1 is almost upon us (the release date is currently 16th December) and there seems to be plenty to get excited about. This article on Web Designer Depot gives you the lowdown.

WordPress 4.1即将面世( 发布日期当前为12月16日),似乎有很多令人兴奋的地方。 Web Designer Depot上的这篇文章向您介绍了这一点。

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Google’s reCAPTCHA, well now several plugins have sprung up to help you add it to your WP websites with a minimum of fuss and configuration.

我敢肯定,您都听说过Google的reCAPTCHA ,现在已经出现了几个插件,可以帮助您以最少的麻烦和配置将其添加到WP网站

And while we’re talking about spammers, one of the tricks they employ is to register accounts with disposable email addresses. SitePoint author Agbonghama Collins takes a look at how you can put a stop to that.

当我们谈论垃圾邮件发送者时,他们采用的技巧之一是用可丢弃的电子邮件地址注册帐户。 SitePoint的作者Agbonghama Collins考察了如何停止这种情况

WordPress 4.1 brings with it a new default theme: Twenty Fifteen. If that’s not for you, here’s an article on what else to consider when choosing your next theme.

WordPress 4.1带来了一个新的默认主题:二十五个。 如果不适合您,这是一篇文章,介绍选择下一个主题时还需要考虑的其他事项

WordPress is here, there and everywhere (or so it seems). Here’s a look at what it will take to dethrone the king of CMSs (spoiler: a lot).

WordPress在这里,那里和任何地方(看起来如此)。 这是王位化CMS的王 (破坏者:很多)。

One of WordPress’s weak points is performance. This is why more and more people are turning to static blog generators. Here’s a look at six static blog generators that aren’t Jekyll.

WordPress的弱点之一是性能。 这就是为什么越来越多的人转向静态博客生成器的原因。 这里是不是Jekyll的六个静态博客生成器

Finally, Storytime is Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine. Installing it is a simple as add gem "storytime" to your gemfile (well, almost …)

最后, Storytime是Rails 4+ CMS和博客引擎 。 安装它很简单,只需将gem "storytime" storytime gem "storytime"添加到您的gemfile中(嗯,差不多……)

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with the news that accomplished actor Christopher Lee (who played Saruman in Lord of the Rings) is adding “rock god” to his resumé, with the release of his third heavy metal Christmas single. Elsewhere Barack Obama has become the first ever US president to write a computer program and the stark revelation was made that the Orion spacecraft is no smarter than your phone.

我会给您留下这样的消息:成就卓著的演员克里斯托弗·李(在指环王中饰演萨鲁曼)在他的履历表中加入了“摇滚神”,并发布了他的第三重金属圣诞节单曲 。 在其他地方,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)成为美国有史以来第一位编写计算机程序的总统,并形成了鲜明的启示: “猎户号”飞船并不比手机更聪明

Also, our benevolent overlords at SitePoint HQ recently asked a bunch of SitePoint authors what developer toys they would like for Christmas. They then managed to source them — without relying on Santa. Each of the items that the authors asked for can be won by the best comment in the respective posts. Here’s one of the things I asked for. You can see what the other authors wanted over on the main site.

另外,我们在SitePoint总部的仁慈霸主最近问了一堆SitePoint作者,他们希望圣诞节期间开发商喜欢哪些玩具。 然后,他们设法找到了它们-无需依靠圣诞老人。 作者要求的每个项目都可以通过相应帖子中的最佳评论来赢得。 这是我要的东西之一 。 您可以在主站点上看到其他作者想要的东西。

So which links caught your attention? What do you think about the happenings in Node land? Is page bloat something you’re worried about? Do you have any experience using Storytime? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您如何看待Node领域的情况? 您是否担心页面过大? 您有使用Storytime的经验吗? 无论哪种方式,我们都希望听到您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-node-meteor-website-performance/





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