

One of my favorite cable television networks has a show called "Flip that House." The concept is as simple as the work is hard. You buy a house that needs work, do the work, and sell it for a profit. We can do the same thing with web sites, without getting our hands dirty, or risking as much of our precious capital resources. You’ll find it possible to make an investment of well under a thousand dollars and, with a little conceptualization and time, use that investment to achieve a rate of return that’s unheard of in other industries.

我最喜欢的有线电视网络之一是一个名为“翻转那个房子”的节目。 这个概念很简单,工作很辛苦。 您买了需要工作的房屋,进行工作,然后将其出售以获利。 我们可以在网站上做同样的事情,而不会弄脏我们的手,也不会冒险使用我们尽可能多的宝贵资本资源。 您会发现,进行不到一千美元的投资是可能的,并且只需一点​​点概念化和时间,就可以使用该投资来实现其他行业闻所未闻的回报率。

It’s like playing a game — a game that has the potential of enormous profits, sure, but it’s always been the thrill of the chase that keeps me interested. Ever since I started buying and selling web sites about four years ago, one fact has remained constant: web sites are undervalued assets. Trends have seen a rise in site values across the board, which is somewhat comparable to the US housing market up until last year — online property will naturally increase in value over time, so if you simply buy a property, and hold onto it for a while, we should be able to sell it for more than we paid. But, if we add value, we can flip the property for a quick capital gain.

就像玩游戏一样-当然,这是一种具有巨大获利潜力的游戏,但这始终是追逐让我感兴趣的追逐刺激。 自大约四年前我开始买卖网站以来,一个事实一直保持不变:网站是被低估的资产。 趋势显示,整个网站的地价都有所上升,这在去年之前可与美国房地产市场相提并论。随着时间的流逝,在线房地产的价值自然会上升,因此,如果您只是购买并持有房地产,同时,我们应该能够以高于付款的价格出售它。 但是,如果我们增加价值,我们可以翻转该物业以获得快速的资本收益。

Flipping a site involves the following steps:


  1. Identify a property to purchase.

  2. Evaluate, negotiate, and complete the sale.

  3. Add value to the property.

  4. Find a buyer and sell the property.

识别要购买的财产 (Identify a Property to Purchase)

Before you start to look at specific sites for sale, it’s helpful to come up with some sort of specialization to narrow your focus. Is there a particular type of website that you know best? For example, I’ve worked a lot with forums, so I find it easier to evaluate a forum than an ecommerce site at a glance. You might focus on content sites, or blogs, or sites that sell a digital product like an ebook. Web-based services are good types of sites to look at, as are sites that sell physical products. Forums and other types of communities can also offer a lot of opportunities. Sites that defy categorization might also be good places to look.

在开始查看特定的待售站点之前,提出一些专门化的建议来缩小您的关注范围会很有帮助。 是否有您最了解的特定类型的网站? 例如,我在论坛上进行了很多工作,因此我发现评估一个论坛要比电子商务站点一目了然。 您可能专注于内容网站,博客或销售数字产品(如电子书)的网站。 基于Web的服务以及出售物理产品的网站都是不错的网站类型。 论坛和其他类型的社区也可以提供很多机会。 违反分类的网站也可能是不错的选择。

It’s also helpful to narrow down your search by a particular market vertical. So, instead of just looking at one type of site (e.g. content sites), you might look at any type of site on a given subject (e.g. fly fishing sites, including forums, online stores, etc.). Choose a specific vertical, and own it. For the sake of argument, let’s say you’re looking at the meat processing industry — unusual, I know, but let’s use our imaginations! Now, choose one or more niches within the vertical — let’s say you choose bologna, hot dogs, and sausages. Fire up your favorite search engine and go to work. Look for ecommerce sites selling bologna. Look for a site focused on a groundbreaking method of making hot dogs, which sells this revolutionary information packaged up in an ebook. Look for a content site about sausage making techniques and recipes.

缩小特定市场范围的搜索范围也很有帮助。 因此,您不仅可以查看一种类型的站点(例如,内容站点),还可以查看给定主题上的任何类型的站点(例如,飞钓站点,包括论坛,在线商店等)。 选择一个特定的行业,并拥有它。 为了争辩起见,假设您正在查看肉类加工行业-我知道这很不寻常,但是请利用我们的想象力! 现在,在垂直区域内选择一个或多个壁ni-假设您选择博洛尼亚,热狗和香肠。 启动您最喜欢的搜索引擎,然后开始工作。 寻找销售博洛尼亚的电子商务网站。 寻找一个专注于开创性的制作热狗方法的站点,该站点出售打包在电子书中的革命性信息。 查找有关香肠制作技术和食谱的内容站点。

Before I become interested in buying a site, that site must have some compelling factors, and a problem. When you’re looking at a site, keep one key question in mind: where’s the hidden value here? For example, a site might have good traffic. Look at its Alexa rank — is it in the top hundred thousand? Perhaps the site seems to have traffic, but it doesn’t look as if the owner has monetized the site very well. Maybe the site offers a good product or service, but hasn’t gained traction in its marketplace. Is the offering something that isn’t easily reproduced, and that can allow you to make a decent profit margin? Perhaps it provides some really unique and valuable content, but hasn’t been marketed and isn’t attracting the kind of traffic you think it potentially could attract.

在我对购买网站感兴趣之前,该网站必须具有一些令人信服的因素和一个问题。 当您查看站点时,请记住一个关键问题:这里的隐藏价值在哪里? 例如,一个站点可能具有良好的流量。 看看它的Alexa排名-排名前十万吗? 该网站似乎流量不错,但看起来所有者似乎并没有很好地利用该网站获利。 也许该网站提供了不错的产品或服务,但尚未在其市场中获得吸引力。 提供的产品不容易复制,可以使您获得可观的利润率吗? 也许它提供了一些真正独特且有价值的内容,但尚未投放市场,也没有吸引您认为可能吸引的流量。

Every site has compelling factors and problems. Find the compelling factor about the web site you’re considering, and formulate a plan to take advantage of that factor. Buying a fixer-upper of a site isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t have the skills or resources necessary to solve the problem. Buying a web site with so much traffic that the owner can’t handle it only makes sense if you can move it onto a new server that can handle the traffic, and then properly monetize it. Buying a site that sells a script or a digital service is no good if you’re not prepared to support it, which may include fixing any bugs in the scripting.

每个站点都有令人信服的因素和问题。 找到有关您正在考虑的网站的令人信服的因素,并制定计划以利用该因素。 如果您没有解决问题所必需的技能或资源,那么在网站上购买修复程序将无济于事。 购买一个网站的流量如此之多以致所有者无法处理的网站只有在您可以将其移至可以处理该流量的新服务器上并随后通过其获利的情况下才有意义。 如果您不准备支持脚本或数字服务,那么购买一个出售脚本或数字服务的网站是不好的,这可能包括修复脚本中的所有错误。

Now you know the primary assessments we must make on sites we’re considering for purchase. Just to recap, here are the tasks we’ve completed in this section:

现在,您知道了我们必须在考虑购买的网站上进行的主要评估。 回顾一下,这是我们在本节中完成的任务:

  • Identify your specialization.

  • Find web sites with hidden value.

  • Know how you can capitalize on that value.


Finding a Site to Buy


There are numerous strategies you could incorporate into your quest to find good web sites to flip. You can sink a lot of time into the selection process, but this process is necessary. I might look at several hundred web sites before I make a decision to buy one. For every good deal, there are dozens of duds. And, out of a dozen good deals, you might find that only one makes good sense to you.

您可以将许多策略纳入寻找优秀网站的探索中。 您可以在选择过程中花费大量时间,但是此过程是必需的。 在决定购买一个网站之前,我可能会查看数百个网站。 对于每笔交易,都有几十个哑巴。 而且,在一打好的交易中,您可能会发现只有一个对您有意义。

The Flippa Marketplace really stands out in terms of reducing the amount of noise you have to block out to find the deals with potential. By implementing fees for listing sites for sale, SitePoint weeded out a lot of the bad deals from its boards. Naturally, you need to do as much due diligence here as you would elsewhere, but if you’re a novice getting into this game, I’d recommend watching the SitePoint Marketplace first.

Flippa Marketplace确实在减少您必须屏蔽才能找到潜在交易的噪音方面表现突出。 通过对列出要出售的网站收取费用,SitePoint消除了董事会中的许多不良交易。 自然,您需要像在其他地方一样进行尽职调查,但是,如果您是入门该游戏的新手,建议您先看一下SitePoint市场。

A number of other webmaster forums that now include sections for web sites for sale — Digitalpoint and Namepros to name a couple. When SitePoint instituted fees, many of the lesser deals ended up at places like these. A big time saver, which was recently launched, is BizMP, which aggregates a number of the marketplace listings from webmaster forums. Once you’re comfortable with the nature of these listings, you could rely more on this service than on directly visiting several forums each day. I have BizMP bookmarked and visit it several times a day.

其他一些站长论坛,目前包括网站销售部分- DigitalpointNamepros命名一对夫妇。 当SitePoint收取费用时,许多次要的交易最终都落在了这些地方。 BizMP是最近推出的一种节省时间的重要方法,它可以汇总网站站长论坛上的许多市场清单。 一旦您对这些列表的性质感到满意,就可以更多地依靠此服务,而不是每天直接访问多个论坛。 我将BizMP标记为书签,每天访问几次。

There are other marketplaces, but I’d consider them more difficult to use than the ones I mentioned above. Ebay, for example, offers many hundreds of listings at any given time. However, it’s the biggest time waster I’ve found. It’s very difficult to find anything worth bidding on there. However, there are a few tricks I use when looking at Ebay to help locate the odd good deal among the rubbish. For example, I’ll scroll through and pick out any site that has attracted two or more bids. Another thing that might help is to perform a search for a term that might be important (for example, if your strategy is to pick up sites that have an established membership, you might search for "members," being sure to check the "Search title and description" box), then sort by price to see what’s in the middle. If the search shows ten pages of results, look through pages three to seven, for example.

还有其他市场,但是我认为它们比我上面提到的更难使用。 例如,Ebay在任何给定时间提供数百个列表。 但是,这是我发现的最大浪费时间。 在那很难找到值得竞标的东西。 但是,在查看Ebay时,我有一些技巧可以帮助您找到垃圾中的奇特商品。 例如,我将滚动浏览并选择吸引了两个或更多出价的任何网站。 另一件事可能会有所帮助,就是搜索可能很重要的字词(例如,如果您的策略是选择拥有已建立成员资格的网站,则可以搜索“成员”,请务必选中“搜索”标题和说明”框),然后按价格排序以查看中间价。 如果搜索显示十页结果,请翻阅第三页至第七页。

Some other marketplaces that might be worth your time are BizBuySell, WebsiteBroker, and WebHostingTalk. The offerings at BizBuySell will tend to be more expensive, but if your strategy is focused on ecommerce, a search here might turn up some interesting possibilities. WebsiteBroker has a lot of silly listings, but is quick to check and I’ve seen a couple of interesting deals there. WebHostingTalk is primarily a forum for hosting companies, but I’ve found some of my best deals there.

BizBuySellWebsiteBrokerWebHostingTalk可能是值得您花费时间的其他一些市场。 BizBuySell的产品价格往往会更高一些,但是,如果您的策略专注于电子商务,那么在此处进行搜索可能会发现一些有趣的可能性。 WebsiteBroker列表中有很多愚蠢的内容,但是可以快速查看,并且在那里看到了一些有趣的交易。 WebHostingTalk主要是托管公司的论坛,但是我在那找到了一些我最好的交易。

Where I’ve spent the most time, though, and found the most deals, is by hunting for sites using search engines. For example, for a couple hundred dollars I bought a content-based site that I found through a search engine. The person who built the site was an expert on the topic, and he build a web site that offered about twenty pages of tips and how-to type articles, and had simply put a "This Web Site is For Sale" sign on the top of the site. The site had virtually no traffic, and no revenue whatsoever.

不过,我花了最多时间并找到最多交易的地方是通过使用搜索引擎寻找网站。 例如,我花了几百美元买了一个通过搜索引擎找到的基于内容的网站。 该网站的构建者是该主题的专家,他构建了一个网站,该网站提供了约20页的提示和操作方法文章,并在顶部放置了“此网站正在出售”标志该网站。 该站点几乎没有流量,也没有任何收入。

My goal was to rewrite the pages with specific keywords in mind, in an attempt to optimize the site for search engine traffic. I researched appropriate keywords for each page, and made some simple modifications such as changing the article (and page) titles. I had the site listed in a couple of relevant directories, and obtained some other back-links from important industry web sites. The traffic didn’t skyrocket, but it showed a nice gradual upturn, and was receiving over a thousand pageviews a day when I sold it. Between AdSense revenues and the sponsorships I sold directly to ecommerce businesses within the vertical, the web site was pulling about $250 a month by this time. I sold it for $3,500 to a buyer I had worked with in the past. Not bad, considering I’d put maybe eight hours of work into refurbishing the web site.

我的目标是重写带有特定关键字的页面,以尝试针对搜索引擎流量优化网站。 我研究了每个页面的适当关键字,并进行了一些简单的修改,例如更改文章(和页面)标题。 我在几个相关目录中列出了该网站,并从重要的行业网站获得了一些其他反向链接。 流量并没有激增,但显示出逐渐好转的趋势,当我出售它时,每天的浏览量超过一千。 在AdSense收入和我直接出售给垂直行业的电子商务企业的赞助之间,到这个时候,该网站每月的收入约为250美元。 我以3500美元的价格将它卖给了过去与我合作过的一位买家。 不错,考虑到我可能要花八个小时的时间来翻新网站。

Now you know where to look for sites for sale, but here’s an at-a-glance list for your reference:


评估,协商并完成销售 (Evaluate, Negotiate, and Complete the Sale)

The most traditional mechanism for evaluating a deal to purchase a web site is to use a multiple of the monthly revenues the site is generating. This may make great sense to you, but it’s not always applicable. Typically, for small web site deals, you can expect to see prices that equate to ten to twenty times the monthly revenues. Now, even that’s a tricky number. For example, last week I saw a site for sale in the SitePoint Marketplace that I liked, but it turned out that of the $1,000 monthly revenues the site made, the net profit was only $100 tops. While a purchase price of $4,600 might seem like a good deal at first glance, when you see net margins like that, you know the one making the good deal is the seller. Be sure about the numbers before you start talking in multiples of revenue.

评估购买网站交易的最传统的机制是使用该网站每月产生的收入的倍数。 这对您来说很有意义,但并不总是适用。 通常,对于小型网站交易,您可以期望看到的价格等于每月收入的十到二十倍。 现在,即使是一个棘手的数字。 例如,上周我在我喜欢的SitePoint市场上看到了一个要出售的网站,但事实证明,该网站每月的收入为$ 1,000,净利润仅为$ 100。 乍看之下,4,600美元的购买价似乎是一笔不错的交易,但是当您看到这样的净利润时,您就会知道做得好的交易者是卖方。 在开始讨论收入的倍数之前,请先确定数字。

More often than not, the kinds of sites that I look at don’t easily lend themselves to a purchase price that’s based on a multiple of monthly earnings. If the site’s not making any revenues, for example, I find it helpful to try to find a suitable figure by estimating how much I think I could be making off the site in its current condition. If the primary source of revenues would be AdSense, for example, and you know the approximate eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions) for the site, you need only know the traffic figures in order to work out your revenue projections. You can reach an eCPM by knowing the CTR (clickthrough rate) and multiplying that by the projected average earnings per click.

通常,我浏览的网站种类不容易使购买价格基于月收入的倍数。 例如,如果该站点未获得任何收入,那么通过估计我认为在当前条件下可以从该站点中摆脱多少收益,尝试找到合适的数字会有所帮助。 例如,如果主要收入来源是AdSense,并且您知道该网站的近似eCPM(有效每千次展示费用),则只需知道访问量数字即可得出收入预测。 您可以通过了解CTR(点击率)并将其乘以预计的平均每次点击收入来获得eCPM。

Verify everything the seller tells you — do your "due diligence." Make sure you know, understand, and are comfortable with the sources of the traffic the site receives if you’re buying a web site based on its traffic. Look at AdSense screenshots, and see if they make sense when you cross-reference them with the traffic stats. If it’s an affiliate site, find out if you can speak to the affiliate manager about the site, and verify its income if that’s an important factor. If you’re buying a site for the content, verify the copyright, and make sure you’re comfortable with it. The same goes for the products you’re going to be selling if it’s an ecommerce site. If it’s a drop-ship site, verify the relevant details with the drop-shipper. If you don’t verify, and you are defrauded, you only have yourself to blame.

验证卖方告诉您的所有内容-进行“尽职调查”。 如果您要根据网站流量购买网站,请确保您了解,理解并熟悉该网站收到的流量来源。 查看AdSense屏幕截图,看看将它们与流量统计信息进行交叉引用是否有意义。 如果它是会员网站,请确定您是否可以与会员经理讨论该网站,并确认这是一个重要因素,以确认其收入。 如果您要购买内容网站,请验证版权,并确保自己满意。 如果是电子商务网站,您将要销售的产品也是如此。 如果是托运站点,请与托运人确认相关详细信息。 如果您不验证,并且被骗了,那就只能怪自己了。

If you do find a good deal, act quickly. On a number of occasions, I’ve had the rug pulled out from under me by someone who’s moved faster. And, on some occasions, I’ve been there to pounce. There have also been a few times where I’ve pounced on a deal, only to have the party who missed out on it contact me, and I’ve been able to turn the site around within a few hours for a healthy profit.

如果您发现有很多建议,请Swift采取行动。 在很多情况下,我都被走得更快的人从我下面拉下地毯。 而且,在某些情况下,我去过那里突袭。 我也有几次要达成协议,只是想让错过该交易的一方与我联系,而且我能够在几个小时内将网站改好以赚取可观的利润。

When you’ve identified web sites you’re interested in purchasing, get in touch with the owners. It’s easy enough to send them an email, but you could also consider calling them on the phone. I usually email first. I’ve found that the majority of people will have no interest in selling their web site. However, my success rate is much higher doing this, than by looking in the forums and marketplaces. The key here is that you’re moving ahead of your competition. In the marketplaces, you’re one of dozens of buyers ready to buy. While you may not be the only one who has contacted the web site owner about selling, your chances at getting a deal (assuming there will be a deal) are far higher if you go to them directly.

确定了您有兴趣购买的网站后,请与所有者联系。 给他们发送电子邮件很容易,但是您也可以考虑通过电话给他们打电话。 我通常首先发送电子邮件。 我发现大多数人对出售他们的网站没有兴趣。 但是,与在论坛和市场中查看相比,我的成功率要高得多。 关键是您要在竞争中领先。 在市场上,您是准备购买的数十个买家之一。 尽管您可能不是唯一联系过网站所有者的出售事宜的人,但是如果直接与他们联系,则达成交易的机会(假设会达成交易)要高得多。

That first contact is, of course, something you don’t want to mess up. Firstly, if you offend the owners, there’s not going to be a deal. But, secondly, this is an industry that you’ve chosen to be a player in, and even if you don’t end up making a deal on a specific web site, you could end up forging relationships that will affect your ability to do business in the industry. Offend enough people, and you can sour the industry against you. Forge positive relationships, and you may have found new partners, customers, or service providers if not a deal to buy a web site.

当然,第一次联系是您不想弄乱的事情。 首先,如果您冒犯了业主,那将不会达成协议。 但是,第二,这是一个您选择参与其中的行业,即使您最终没有在特定网站上达成交易,也可能最终建立起会影响您做事能力的关系行业中的业务。 得罪了足够多的人,您就可以对这个行业不利。 建立积极的关系,您可能会找到新的合作伙伴,客户或服务提供商(如果不是购买网站的交易)。

I recommend taking a somewhat straightforward approach, but without tipping your hand. You can mention how you found the site, what you like about it, and that you’d be interested in purchasing it. I do whatever I can to get the web site owners to offer their asking price first. The reason I do that is to avoid hurt feelings. I might be thinking that a particular web site is worth a few thousand dollars, but the owner might think it’s worth a hundred thousand. If I offer a few thousand, I risk offending the owners. Even when I don’t make a deal, I don’t want to hurt the owners’ feelings. Burnt bridges are bad for business karma. If the web site owner tells me he wants a hundred thousand, then I can graciously exit the negotiations without him knowing that I think he’s overvaluing his website by a factor of fifty. If the web site owner comes back with a more reasonable asking price, then the dance begins.

我建议您采取一种简单明了的方法,但不要动手。 您可以提及如何找到该网站,喜欢它的地方以及对购买它感兴趣的地方。 我会尽一切努力让网站所有者首先提供要价。 我这样做的原因是为了避免受到伤害。 我可能会认为一个特定的网站价值几千美元,但是所有者可能认为它价值十万美元。 如果我出价几千,我就有冒犯业主的风险。 即使我不达成协议,也不想伤害业主的感觉。 桥梁被烧毁对商业业障是不利的。 如果该网站的所有者告诉我他想要十万,那么我可以在他不知道我认为他高估自己的网站价值五十倍的情况下退出谈判。 如果网站所有者以更合理的要价回来,那么舞蹈就开始了。

The key points to rememeber as you evaluate, negotiate, and complete the sale are:


  • Learn to value web sites.

  • Verify documentation.

  • Act quickly.

  • Be exceptionally courteous.

  • Let the owner name the price.

为物业增值 (Add Value to the Property)

You’ve acquired a new web site, now what? Occasionally you can flip it immediately — as I mentioned above, sometimes, I’ve resold a web site after just a few hours or days. Perhaps you already had a buyer in mind, or you sell to someone who happened upon a site-for-sale listing after you had already purchased. But more often, you probably now own a site that’s broken or imperfect in some way. It’s up to you to fix it.

您已经获得了一个新网站,现在呢? 有时您可以立即将其翻转-就像我上面提到的那样,有时,我在几个小时或几天后就转售了一个网站。 也许您已经有了买家的想法,或者您将购买的商品卖给了发生在要出售网站上的某人。 但是更常见的是,您现在可能拥有一个以某种方式损坏或不完善的网站。 由您自己解决。

If you’ve been paying attention, you already have your improvement strategy in place. You’re going to increase the site’s revenue or traffic, or rebuild the site in some other way. I can’t cover every possible situation, but there are a couple of typical examples I can briefly detail to give you an idea of what you can expect.

如果您一直在关注,那么您已经制定了改进策略。 您将增加网站的收入或流量,或以其他方式重建网站。 我无法涵盖所有​​可能的情况,但是我可以简要地列举几个典型的例子,以使您对期望的想法有所了解。

I purchased a forum that had been around for a couple of years. I liked the topic, and the forum seemed to have been active at one time, but the owner seemed to have given up on it. I contacted the owner directly; he had started it as a high-school student, and had lost interest in the site, and was too busy now that he was in college. The forum used phpBB and the default forum skin. The owner was happy to sell it, as he had been planning to let the domain expire. I gave him $100 for it. The site received decent traffic — about 500 visits a day — but the forum was overwhelmed by spam. I upgraded it to vBulletin, made a nice skin for it, installed vbAdvanced (a CMS add-on on for vBulletin), removed all the spam, and sent out a note to all the former members. Once people saw that some care was being put into the site, it didn’t take long for the forums to become active again. I kept it for a while, placing some discreet AdSense and text ads through the pages to build up a revenue stream. I sold it last year for around $5,000.

我购买了一个已经存在两年的论坛。 我喜欢这个话题,这个论坛似乎曾经很活跃,但是所有者似乎已经放弃了。 我直接与所有者联系; 他是从一个高中生开始的,对这个网站失去了兴趣,现在他正上大学就太忙了。 该论坛使用了phpBB和默认的论坛皮肤。 所有者很乐意出售它,因为他一直在计划让该域过期。 我为此给了他100美元。 该网站获得了可观的访问量-每天大约有500次访问-但论坛被垃圾邮件淹没了。 我将其升级到vBulletin ,为其做了漂亮的皮肤,安装了vbAdvanced (vBulletin的CMS附件),删除了所有垃圾邮件,并向所有以前的成员发送了便条。 一旦人们看到对该站点进行了一些维护,很快就可以使该论坛再次活跃起来。 我保留了一段时间,在页面上放置了一些谨慎的AdSense和文字广告,以建立收入来源。 去年,我以5,000美元左右的价格出售了它。

The improvements you make to the site you purchase could be easier than these, or harder. Sometimes it’s simply enough to redesign the site. You can take advantage of existing traffic, for example, with a clever redesign that makes more efficient use of ad space. You can get a fully coded template for your site for as little as $200 by running a contest in the SitePoint Contests forum. I’ve seen AdSense earnings increase by as much as 500% when I simply moved ads around and used different ad sizes. If you have time, you can experiment with ad locations and sizes, and try blending them with the content and design of the site.

您对购买的网站所做的改进可能比这些更容易或更难。 有时,足以重新设计站点。 您可以利用现有流量,例如,通过巧妙的重新设计来更有效地利用广告空间。 通过在SitePoint竞赛论坛中进行竞赛,您可以以200美元的低价获得网站的完整编码模板。 当我移动广告并使用不同的广告尺寸时,我发现AdSense收入增长了500%。 如果有时间,您可以尝试广告的位置和尺寸,然后尝试将其与网站的内容和设计融合在一起。

Other common ways to improve site revenues include the use of text link ads, affiliate programs, and advertising networks. Having the site sponsored directly is a great way to boost revenues too, and it opens up the possibility of selling the site directly to the sponsor when it comes time to sell. There are so many other ways to increase the value of the site — you’ll see many of the methods I mention used over and over again. They’re time tested, and they work well, but it’s often the unconventional that produce the most explosive results.

其他提高网站收入的常见方式包括使用文字链接广告,会员计划和广告网络。 直接对网站进行赞助也是增加收入的一种好方法,并且开辟了在销售时将网站直接出售给赞助商的可能性。 还有很多其他方法可以提高网站的价值-您会一遍又一遍地看到我提到的许多方法。 他们经过了时间的考验,并且运作良好,但是通常非常规的方法会产生最爆炸性的结果。

Whatever your path to improved revenues, make sure you:


  • Have a plan in place.

  • Look for an immediate flip.

  • Redesign and rebuild.

  • Test ad placements.

  • Try different revenue formats.

寻找买家并出售物业 (Find a Buyer and Sell the Property)

Sometimes, it’s almost no effort at all to sell a site. You’ll do fine, for instance, selling your finished web sites in the SitePoint Marketplace. There is now enough of an established buyer base to drive each sale to an honest purchase price. Be sure to use the auction setting, and don’t set your Buy It Now price too low. Before you list your site on the SitePoint Marketplace, take a moment to review the two following documents:

有时,出售网站几乎是毫不费力的。 您会做得很好,例如,在SitePoint市场中出售已完成的网站。 现在已经有足够的建立的购买者基础,可以推动每笔交易达到诚实的购买价格。 确保使用拍卖设置,并且不要将“立即购买”价格设置得太低。 在SitePoint Marketplace上列出站点之前,请花一点时间查看以下两个文档:

Being active in this marketplace has opened a lot of doors for me. Last summer I picked up a forum that was listed at a popular domain marketplace for $1,200. Before I had a chance to do much of anything to improve its value, I had a serious inquiry. The prospective buyer contacted me through a private message on SitePoint, knowing that I had purchased the forum, and that I’m in the business of buying and selling web sites. Within a couple of weeks of buying it, I’d sold the web site for $3,000.

活跃于这个市场为我打开了很多门。 去年夏天,我花了1200美元在一个受欢迎的域名市场上开设了一个论坛。 在我有机会做很多事情以提高其价值之前,我进行了认真的询问。 潜在买家通过SitePoint上的私人消息与我联系,知道我已经购买了该论坛,并且我从事买卖网站的业务。 在购买它的几周内,我以3000美元的价格卖出了该网站。

Just in case I’m painting a too rosy picture here, I must add that flipping sites isn’t necessarily a breeze. Three years back, I purchased a forum for $2,000. It seemed to be thriving, the topic was right up my alley, and everything seemed on the up and up. Within a week of taking over the forum, the former owner disappeared, and the administrator started up a competing forum and got most of the moderators and top members to defect to his new forum. The community never really recovered, and while I make $50 to $100 a month off the site, I doubt I’d be able to make the $2,000 back if I put this forum up for sale. I’d say that one in every ten sites I buy turns out to be a dud. And some of those that do make me a profit create huge headaches along the way.

以防万一我在这里画的太乐观了,我必须补充一点,翻转网站不一定是一件容易的事。 三年前,我以2,000美元的价格购买了一个论坛。 它似乎很兴旺,这个话题就在我的小巷上,一切似乎都在不断上升。 在接手该论坛的一周内,该前所有者失踪了,管理员启动了一个竞争论坛,并让大多数主持人和高级成员投奔了他的新论坛。 社区从未真正恢复过,虽然我每个月能从该站点赚取50至100美元,但我怀疑如果将这个论坛出售,我是否能够收回2,000美元。 我想说的是,我购买的每十个站点中就有一个是过时的。 其中一些确实使我获利的方法在发展过程中造成了巨大的麻烦。

Among the documents that you should be prepared to share with a potential buyer are screen shots of the site statistics (I generally use either AW Stats or Google Analytics) and proof of revenue (which might include screen shots of the Adsense, Text Link Ads, PayPal, and others). You’ll want to show that you own the domain outright and that it’s qualified for transfer. You’ll need to disclose any liabilities that will be transferred with the web site. Also, if you’ve hired anyone to help with the site, the new owner may need that information as well.

您应该准备与潜在买家共享的文档包括网站统计信息的屏幕截图(我通常使用AW统计信息或Google Analytics(分析))和收入证明(可能包括Adsense,文本链接广告, PayPal等)。 您需要证明自己完全拥有该域并且可以转让。 您需要披露将随网站转移的所有债务。 另外,如果您雇用了任何人来帮助该网站,则新所有者也可能需要该信息。

Generally, I’d recommend that you are as detailed as possible when you list your site. However, there are certainly instances when it may not be prudent to disclose all information in public. For example, if you’re concerned that certain details may make it too easy for other parties to copy the success of your site, those details are best left in private and only disclosed to the most serious of buyers.

通常,建议您在列出网站时尽可能详细。 但是,在某些情况下,公开披露所有信息可能并不明智。 例如,如果您担心某些细节可能使其他方很难复制您的网站的成功,那么这些细节最好私下保存,只透露给最认真的买家。

Don’t forget:


  • Sell at SitePoint.

  • Price it right.

  • Prepare your documentation.

  • Be careful about what you disclose.

网站交易入门 (Getting Started in Site Trading)

This is an exciting and growing market with tons of room for new people to jump in and make a success. Start small. Don’t put more money into a site than you can afford to lose, and build upon your successes. Network with others in the industry, and pass along information on deals that you’re not taking — it’s as much of a community as a marketplace. Enjoy it, and let me know how you do.

这是一个令人兴奋且不断发展的市场,有大量的空间供新人加入并取得成功。 从小开始。 不要在网站上投入太多的钱,而要承受损失并继续成功。 与行业中的其他人建立联系,并传递有关您不接受的交易的信息-这既是社区,也是市场。 享受它,让我知道您的工作方式。







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