
Building an online community can be quite a challenge — especially in those early days when you’re just getting off the ground.


All the cool software and groovy avatars in the world won’t turn lurkers into users — or get users to post. And without posts, your members won’t have a reason to return, and your community will fail.

世界上所有出色的软件和常规化身都不会将潜伏者变成用户,也不会吸引用户发布。 而且,如果没有帖子,您的成员将没有理由返回,并且您的社区将失败。

Recently we got together and came up with our top 5 hot tips to encourage guests to join your membership, and elicit posts from forum members on your boards.


1.欢迎和帮助新会员 (1. Welcome and Help New Members)

Some popular forums seem to be not so newbie-friendly — and in some instances, new members are automatically given a virtual hazing. "Hi I’m new!" posts are considered spam in some forums, and are therefore given cold treatment, or are subjected to a huge flaming.

一些受欢迎的论坛似乎对新手并不友好-在某些情况下,新成员会自动受到虚拟的困扰。 “嗨,我是新来的!” 在某些论坛中,帖子被视为垃圾邮件,因此会受到冷处理,或者遭受极大的煽动。

But it’s only natural that users will want to introduce themselves, and get to know others in the community.


That’s why an "Introduction" forum is such a good idea. Not only does it help break the ice and make newcomers feel welcome, but it also keeps repetitive "Hi I’m new!" posts from popping up in random places across your forums. (Andryanv)

这就是为什么“简介”论坛是一个好主意的原因。 它不仅有助于打破僵局,使新来的人感到受欢迎,而且还可以重复出现“嗨,我是新人!” 各个论坛中随机出现的帖子。 ( Andryanv )

For lurkers and new members, it provides a way to test the waters without having to post in an established thread. The lower the perceived "risk" of making a post (and, potentially, making a fool of yourself!) the more likely you’ll be to post. Even a "Lurkers Introduce Yourself" thread can draw in many new members, and is a great way to push users over the hurdle of signing up to the community.

对于潜伏者和新成员,它提供了一种测试水域的方法,而无需发布已建立的线程。 发帖(并可能自欺欺人)的“风险”越低,发帖的可能性就越大。 即使是“潜伏者自我介绍”线程也可以吸引许多新成员,这也是使用户摆脱注册社区障碍的一种好方法。

Also, be sure to respond to any newbie posts within 2-4 hours — make this a standard across your site, and ensure your forum staff carry the policy out. Let’s face it, when we contribute to a conversation we want to be acknowledged. It’s the kiss of death to ignore the first post of a new poster: who wants to risk being ignored a second time? (Mfarmerhi)

另外,请务必在2-4小时内回复所有新手帖子-将其作为整个网站的标准,并确保论坛工作人员能够执行该政策。 让我们面对现实吧,当我们为对话做出贡献时,我们希望得到认可。 忽略新海报的第一条帖子,真是令人垂涎:谁想冒第二次被忽略的风险? ( Mfarmerhi )

And it doesn’t end there! Treat newbie questions with respect and attention. In many mailing lists, especially, there is a "Didn’t you read page 633 of the manual?" attitude that isn’t any fun at all. Make your new members feel comfortable and at ease, answer their questions in a fast, polite, and friendly way, and they’ll be more likely to post again. (Samsm)

它并没有就此结束! 尊重和关注对待新手问题。 特别是在许多邮件列表中,都有“您不阅读手册的第633页吗?”。 一点都不有趣的态度。 让您的新成员感到舒适和放松,以快速,礼貌和友好的方式回答他们的问题,他们将更有可能再次发布。 ( )

2.与会员保持联系 (2. Stay in Touch With Your Members)

Unless you have a big announcement (like a giveaway) you might refrain from emailing all members (unless it’s a list they knowingly signed up for). You don’t want people to think you’re spamming them: nothing will kill your community faster.

除非您有重大公告(例如赠品),否则您可能不向所有成员发送电子邮件(除非这是他们明知签署的名单)。 您不希望别人认为您是在向他们发送垃圾邮件:没有什么能更快杀死您的社区。

There’s a VBulletin hack that lets you send out a "community bulletin" each week. It lists the most active threads, birthdays, new members, forum activity, etc. That’s something else to consider. (Kilcher)

有一个VBulletin黑客,可让您每周发送一次“社区公告”。 它列出了最活跃的主题,生日,新成员,论坛活动等。这是要考虑的其他事项。 ( Kilche r )

But no matter what forums software you use, email communications can be an effective way to generate fresh interest in your forums.


It’s not difficult to send out an alert that tells members what topics are currently being discussed, or (if your message boards allow you to post a poll), to let users know about current polls. Something is bound to pique you community members’ interest. Include alongside each topic a link to that particular thread, so it’s easy for members to give an opinion on-the-spot. (Palmer)

发送警报以告知成员当前正在讨论哪些主题,或者(如果您的留言板允许您发布民意调查)以让用户知道当前民意调查,这并不难。 一定会激起您社区成员的兴趣。 在每个主题旁边都包含指向该特定主题的链接,因此成员可以轻松地在现场发表意见。 ( 帕尔默 )

Consider, too, creating a little "enewsletter" into your updates — a quick, relevant editorial can help you draw attention to important news, while building a more personal, friendly atmosphere around your community.


3.举办比赛 (3. Run a Contest)

A contest to encourage posting can be a good idea, but watch out — there are a few snags involved!


Any contest that rewards people for a number of posts is going to encourage people to post pointlessly just to get the prize. Remember at the end of the day the quality of your forum will bring in new members. Every new community wants posts, but you want them to be quality posts! (Cloughie)

任何奖励许多职位的人们的竞赛都会鼓励人们毫无意义地发表帖子,只是为了获得奖励。 请记住,一天结束时,您论坛的质量将吸引新成员。 每个新社区都希望发布帖子,但您希望它们成为优质帖子! ( 科洛菲 )

Here’s a case in point:


"A couple of years ago someone wanted to promote his forums and came to me. I made the same mistake you make now: I organised a contest where there would be 3 prizes for 3 different types of winners: we had a big prize for the member who posted the most in one month, a random drawing, and a prize for the most original post (as voted by forum moderators) .


The results? Because of the first contest, someone posted 2500 messages in 3 weeks. I had written an extensive post with the rules and the conditions as to what constituted a ‘valid post’, but people didn’t care. They thought we wouldn’t check them." (Bruno Delpierre)

结果? 由于第一次比赛,有人在3周内发布了2500条消息。 我写了一篇关于“有效职位”的规则和条件的广泛文章,但是人们不在乎。 他们认为我们不会检查它们。” ( Bruno Delpierre )

So what’s the secret to running a good competition? Provide good prizes that are relevant to your audience and forum topic, and award the prizes on the quality, not the quantity, of members’ posts.

那么,进行良好比赛的秘诀是什么? 提供与您的受众和论坛主题相关的良好奖项,并根据会员职位的质量而不是数量对其进行奖励。

One idea that might spark your imagination is to theme your contest around a particular hot topic that attracts a lot of attention in your forums. Offer sponsorship to providers of products and services that are related to the topic of discussion — these sponsors provide the prizes and, in return, are allocated advertising space on your site or in your newsletters.

一个可能激发您的想象力的想法是,将您的比赛围绕一个特定的热门主题进行主题,该主题在您的论坛中引起很多关注。 为与讨论主题相关的产品和服务的提供者提供赞助-这些赞助者提供奖品,作为回报,在您的网站或新闻通讯中分配了广告空间。

Once your community becomes more established, you might be able to augment this kind of approach with "guest appearances". Ask the sponsor company if one of their experts can make guest appearances in your forums to answer user questions and add to discussion for the duration of the competition. Maybe the expert will be willing to judge the contest results and award prizes, too. Again, this can add to the personal, friendly feel of your forums, and spark valuable member interest and posts.

一旦您的社区建立起来,您就可以通过“访客外观”来增强这种方法。 询问赞助商公司,他们的专家之一是否可以在您的论坛中做客,以回答用户问题并增加比赛期间的讨论量。 也许专家也愿意判断比赛结果和奖项。 同样,这可以增加您论坛的个性化和友善感,并激发出有价值的成员兴趣和帖子。

4.使用对话启动器 (4. Use Conversation Starters)

If it’s a slow day in the forums, so why not seed a few discussions?


Of course, you don’t want your entire board swamped by chatter — you need good posts that are related to the subject of your Website.


But you also want you users to talk about other issues. When they begin to talk about their favorite movies, songs, or books, they start to make online friends and form relationships. And relationships are really the key to a strong community. (Pgowder)

但是,您也希望用户谈论其他问题。 当他们开始谈论自己喜欢的电影,歌曲或书籍时,他们开始结交在线朋友并建立关系。 关系确实是建立强大社区的关键。 ( )

So, create a couple of fake accounts and seed the board with interesting topics. By baiting the users, you encourage activity — they’ll starting to post more frequently.

因此,创建几个假帐户,并为董事会添加有趣的主题。 通过诱饵用户,您可以鼓励活动-他们将开始更频繁地发布。

You can actually buy books of questions and conversation starters. Select a few interesting questions and post them in your forum, then mention them in your newsletter and on the front page of your site. (Divamissx)

您实际上可以购买问题书和初学者。 选择一些有趣的问题并将其发布在您的论坛中,然后在您的时事通讯和网站的首页中提及它们。 ( Divamissx )

Of course, target the questions toward your audience… younger posters might not be easily baited with politics, older posters won’t care as much about video games. (Samsm)

当然,将问题针对您的听众……年轻的海报可能不容易被政治吸引,老海报则不太关心视频游戏。 ( )

The controversy card works. Not only does it get members to chime in with their own opinion, but it proves to your members that the board is used a lot, and gives them an incentive to start their own threads! (Gladding)

争议卡有效。 它不仅可以使成员们听取自己的意见,而且可以向您的成员证明董事会的使用率很高,并且可以激励他们开始自己的话题! ( 正面 )

5.使会员成为必须 (5. Make Membership a Must-Have)

There are many ways to tap into the immediacy of community — ways to convince lurkers to bite the bullet and spend a few moments signing up and getting on board.


For instance, consider adding the last 5 posts from the forums to your site’s main page. This way, every time someone surfs to your site he or she is confronted by the postings from the forum. As they encounter something they find interesting, they click through… and what happens? They want to react and start posting! Instant membership! (Bruno Delpierre)

例如,考虑将论坛的最后5条帖子添加到您网站的主页上。 这样,每次有人浏览您的网站时,他或她都会遇到来自论坛的帖子。 当他们遇到有趣的事物时,他们会点击…,然后会发生什么? 他们想做出React并开始发布! 即时会员! ( 布鲁诺·德尔皮埃尔 )

Or, if you’re using vBulletin, there’s a hack at vbulletin.org that will allow you to display ads to guests but not members. Next to the ad there’s a message that says "register now to remove this ad". It’s an easy way to provide a "member benefit" that’s real, tangible, and appeals to the vast majority of today’s Web users. (Kilcher)

或者,如果您使用的是vBulletin,则vbulletin.org上存在一个骇客 ,可让您向访客(而非成员)展示广告。 广告旁边有一条消息,提示“立即注册以删除此广告”。 这是提供真实,有形并吸引当今绝大多数Web用户的“成员利益”的简便方法。 ( 基尔彻 )

打开那个潜伏者! (Turn that Lurker!)

Lurkers are a lot like "the new kid in school" — they’re standing around on the sidelines, watching how their classmates interact, and trying to find a place where they’ll fit in and have fun.


Of course, each time they approach a group, the new kid risks the threat of rejection, and "seeming dumb". Online, lurkers can watch from a more distant perspective, but the basic dynamics are the same.

当然,每当他们接近一个小组时,新孩子都有遭受拒绝和“愚蠢”威胁的危险。 在网上,潜伏者可以从更遥远的角度观看,但是基本动力是相同的。

You have to show lurkers that your forums are a great place to be, that this is the spot where they will have their questions answered, and be welcomed and respected. Once you’ve achieved this, you might need to kick-start them with a few incentives that make them take the time to sign up. And of course, be sure to have a good strategy in place to encourage repeat posting: once you’ve got those valuable members, you’ll want to hang onto them!

您必须向潜伏者展示您的论坛是一个理想的地方,这是他们回答问题并受到欢迎和尊重的地方。 一旦做到这一点,您可能需要通过一些激励措施来启动他们,从而使他们花时间注册。 当然,一定要有一个好的策略来鼓励重复发帖:一旦有了这些有价值的成员,您就想抓住他们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/turn-lurkers-posters/





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