

Commonly we hear that a 1% or 2% CR (Conversion Ratio) is good. This expression means that one or two visitors take the desired action in accordance with the site purpose – perhaps they make a purchase, request further information, or download a file.

通常,我们听到1%或2%的CR(转化率)是不错的选择。 这种表述表示一个或两个访问者根据站点目的采取了所需的操作–也许他们进行了购买,索取更多信息或下载了文件。

Such numbers mean different things to different people. Many sites would be dismayed by a CR of less than ten percent. Still others, particularly those selling high ticket items, may be quite content with a CR of 0.1%. What the CR for your site ought to be depends upon the site purpose. For example, it’s easier to generate leads than to sell product. Thus you would expect a better CR in lead generation than in selling.

这样的数字对不同的人意味着不同的事情。 不到10%的CR会让许多网站感到沮丧。 还有一些,尤其是那些出售高价票的商品,可能会很满意,CR值为0.1%。 您网站的CR应取决于网站目的。 例如,产生销售线索比销售产品容易。 因此,您期望潜在客户产生比销售更好的CR。

CR和新人 (CR And Newcomers)

If you’re new to the Web or have only recently launched a site, you may not have enough visitors or sales to work out what your CR is, or ought to be. The bottom line is that visitors are hard to get, and the task is far more difficult for a new or relatively new site than it is for one that’s established.

如果您是Web的新手,或者刚刚启动一个网站,则可能没有足够的访问者或销售人员来确定您的CR是或应该是CR。 最重要的是,访问者很难获得,对于一个新的站点还是相对较新的站点,任务要比已建立的站点困难得多。

那么您的CR应该是什么? (So What Should Your CR Be?)

As I outlined above, your CR should be a function of your site’s purpose. As an example, assume that you’ve opened a site, and you’re selling an ebook at $20 per copy. Further assume it’s a fantastic book with great content that interests many. And one that over-delivers big time.

正如我上面概述的那样,您的CR应该是您网站目的的功能。 例如,假设您已经打开了一个网站,并且以每本20美元的价格出售一本电子书。 进一步假设这是一本很棒的书,内容丰富,吸引了很多人。 而过度交付大量时间的方法。

In theory, you should be able to generate 1-2 sales per 100 visitors (1% – 2%CR). In practice, however, this may be an unrealistic goal. Why? Because the inconsistencies between groups of only 100 can mislead.

从理论上讲,您应该能够每100位访问者产生1-2次销售(1%– 2%的CR)。 然而,实际上,这可能是不现实的目标。 为什么? 因为只有100组之间的不一致会误导。

一个伟大的网站的气质 (The Makings Of A Great Site)

Let’s assume you’ve taken a practical approach to your site, and that it’s all working well. You have great content that, even now, is beginning to draw traffic. And you have other products, and perhaps an affiliate program or two, besides the ebook.

假设您对网站采取了实用的方法,并且一切正常。 您拥有很棒的内容,即使现在,它也开始吸引流量。 除电子书外,您还有其他产品,也许还有一个或两个会员计划。

Given this model, visits to the site don’t relate directly to the CR for your ebook. You need to look at the visitors to the page that contains the sales presentation for the book, and then consider sales relative to this count.

在这种模式下,对该网站的访问与您的电子书的CR并不直接相关。 您需要查看包含该书销售演示文稿的页面的访问者,然后考虑相对于此计数的销售。

To put this another way, it may require 1000 visits to your site to generate 100 visits to your sales presentation. If these visits bring two sales, your CR is 2%. However, relative to your site, which received 1000 hits in total, ebook sales amount to only 0.2% of total visits.

换句话说,可能需要1000次访问您的网站才能产生100次访问您的销售演示。 如果这些访问带来了两次销售,则您的CR为2%。 但是,相对于您的网站(总共获得了1000次点击),电子书的销量仅占总访问量的0.2%。

1000个唯一访客? 好多啊! (1000 Unique Visitors? That’s A Lot!)

You bet it is. And if you’re new to the Web, you may not yet have received this many visits in total. Growing targeted traffic is the most difficult task there is in doing business online. It takes time, a lot of learning, and above all, patience.

你打赌它是。 如果您是Web的新手,那么您可能还没有总共收到这么多的访问。 不断增长的目标流量是在线开展业务中最困难的任务。 这需要时间,需要大量学习,最重要的是要有耐心。

So what can you do in the meantime?


Continuously examine all aspects of your site, with the goal of directing more visitors down paths to sales. Ask youself:

不断检查您网站的各个方面,以引导更多的访客进行销售。 问自己:

  • Does your content at least indirectly point to a path which leads to a sale?

  • Can your sales presentations be improved?

  • Is there a product that can be dropped that would increase the sales of others, by bringing a sharper focus to your range?


While the above pointers seem to be clear cut, it’s very difficult to measure the effectiveness of any change you might make to your site. That is, given a change, 100 visits to a sales presentation may yield 3 sales rather than 2, but this still requires a lot of guesswork. In fact, a good improvement in the presentation may result in a drop to only 1 sale in the next 100 visits. With so few visits, results are inconclusive. If you are convinced your new page is better, you may decide to keep it regardless, and worry about the CR over a longer time period.

尽管上述指示很明确,但是很难衡量您可能对网站进行的任何更改的效果。 也就是说,进行更改后,对一次销售演示的100次访问可能会产生3次销售,而不是2次,但这仍然需要大量的猜测。 实际上,演示文稿的良好改进可能会导致接下来的100次访问中只有1次销售下降。 造访次数很少,结果尚无定论。 如果您确信自己的新页面更好,则可以决定保留该页面,而不必担心较长时间的CR。

您可以期待多少次访问? (How Many Visits Can You Expect?)

When a new site is launched, visits come from the Webmaster and their friends. While you build content, submit to search engines, improve sales presentations and get involved in everything else that’s required to grow a site, you’ll be busy. Unique Visitor counts will climb, but slowly. And sales will rise even more slowly.

启动新站点时,网站管理员及其朋友将进行访问。 当您构建内容,提交给搜索引擎,改进销售演示并参与发展网站所需的其他一切时,您会很忙。 唯一身份访问者人数会增加,但会缓慢增加。 而且销售将更加缓慢地增长。

While there are those who have the experience to generate massive visit counts in a short timeframe, even the most determined newbie may need to be content with something between 2000 and 4000 total visits in the first year. Translate this to only a few sales of a $20 ebook, and it’s easy to see why so many ebusinesses fail to hold on – even for 12 months.

虽然有些人具有在短时间内产生大量访问量的经验,但即使是最有决心的新手,在第一年中也可能需要满足2000至4000次总访问量。 将其翻译成只有几本售价20美元的电子书,就很容易理解为什么这么多电子商务未能坚持下去-甚至持续了12个月。

The good news for the persistent types is that a growth rate of ten percent per month is not out of reach. And this produces double the visit rate in 7.5 months. The secret? Hang in and make it happen!

对于持久性类型的好消息是,每月10%的增长率并非遥不可及。 这将在7.5个月内产生两倍的访问率。 秘密? 坚持并实现它!

它需要很多命中 (It Takes A Lot Of Hits)

Until you generate two to three hundred visits per day, testing is not likely to "prove" the effectiveness (or failure) of changes. In fact, even at 1000 visits per day, there will always be a need to evaluate results. In some cases, you must ignore what the numbers appear to say.

在每天产生两三百次访问之前,测试不可能“证明”变更的有效性(或失败)。 实际上,即使每天访问1000次,也始终需要评估结果。 在某些情况下,您必须忽略数字显示的内容。

To put this another way, suppose you’re up to 1000 visits per day. If you put up a new sales presentation and your CR jumps from 2% to 4%, and stays there, there’s really no choice. Stick with the new version. However, you may decide to do so even if the CR drops a little. Why? Because results from even 1000 visits per day can be circumstantial, a function of the traffic that happened by. The new page may be determined to be good, so long as there is not a significant drop. In taking this choice, the hope is in gains over time.

换句话说,假设您每天最多访问1000次。 如果您提出一个新的销售演示文稿,而您的CR从2%跃升至4%并停留在那里,那么实际上别无选择。 坚持使用新版本。 但是,即使CR稍有下降,您也可以决定这样做。 为什么? 由于每天甚至有1000次造访的结果可能是间接的,因此取决于所发生的流量。 只要没有明显的下降,就可以确定新页面是好的。 采取这种选择会随着时间的流逝而获得希望。

那会留在哪里? (Where Does That Leave You?)

In the end, it’s always a matter of judgement. If you receive only a few visits, then you may have nothing else to go by, other than your instinct. Given a lot of visits, you’ll not only have better foundations on which to make your judgements, but you’ll also benefit from greater experience. So for now, as in the future, you may need to act upon your sense of things, rather than numbers.

最后,这始终是一个判断问题。 如果您只拜访几次,那么除了本能之外,您别无其他。 进行大量访问后,您不仅将有更好的判断依据,而且还将受益于丰富的经验。 因此,就目前而言,就像在将来一样,您可能需要根据自己的事物而不是数字来行动。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ratio-takes-lot-visitors/






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