

Now that domain names have proven resale value, the ‘science’ of valuing a domain name is becoming big business. There are already thirty or more appraisal firms in existence, and many more appearing on the scene, but are their methods really scientific, and is there any common ground in the way that they value names? To try and answer these questions, I challenged the appraisal firms currently operating to put a dollar value on one name, LiquidTrading.com.

如今,域名已被证明具有转售价值,对域名进行估价的“科学”正在成为大生意。 已经存在三十多家或更多的评估公司,并且有更多的评估公司出现在现场,但是他们的方法真的科学吗?在评估名称的方式上是否有共同点? 为了尝试回答这些问题,我挑战了目前运营的评估公司,即在LiquidTrading.com这个名字上加一美元的价值。

I chose LiquidTrading.com because it is not an easy name to appraise, and requires some research in order to fully understand its potential. Please see the article in Wiredâ„¢ March 2000 print edition if you would like to learn more about the concepts behind ‘Liquid Trading’.

我选择LiquidTrading.com是因为它不是一个易于评估的名称,并且需要进行一些研究才能充分了解其潜力。 如果您想了解有关“液体交易”背后概念的更多信息,请参见Wired™2000年3月印刷版中的文章。

The resulting appraisals were a fascinating ‘snapshot’ of the domain name appraisal industry late in the year 2000…


Click here for the chart of valuations for LiquidTrading.com


Click on the dollar value in the chart to view the actual appraisal. Note that in some cases the appraisal points to an external website or a Microsoft Word Document.

单击图表中的美元值以查看实际评估。 请注意,在某些情况下,评估指向外部网站或Microsoft Word文档。

As you can see, the valuations range from $200 to $160,000. Such a range of valuations raise some fundamental issues about the domain appraisal industry. If one name can support such a range of valuations, is the current industry anything more than a lottery?

如您所见,估价从200美元到160,000美元不等。 这样的估值范围引发了有关域名评估行业的一些基本问题。 如果一个名字可以支持这样的估值范围,那么当前行业仅是彩票吗?

变化的原因 (Reasons for the Variation)

Well, before writing the industry off as a whole, let’s look at possible reasons for the huge variation:


1) As mentioned at the top of this article, the name LiquidTrading.com is a particularly subtle one, and can be seen several different ways. If the appraiser had knowledge of the Wiredâ„¢ article that featured the name, they would have naturally seen the name in a more favorable light, as they would have seen the potential of the name for a next-generation trading site.

1)如本文顶部所述,名称LiquidTrading.com是一个特别微妙的名称,可以通过几种不同的方式看到。 如果评估师知道以Wired™商标为特色的文章,他们自然会以更有利的眼光看待该商标,因为他们会看到该商标在下一代交易网站上的潜力。

2) Some appraisers use a database of sale prices of ‘similar’ names in order to help them arrive at a dollar value. However, many of these databases are very small, and will mostly contain names from the domain name auction site, Afternic.com, which routinely publishes sale prices. To be statistically valid, a database really needs to contain several thousand names, as an absolute minimum.

2)一些评估师使用“相似”名称的售价数据库,以帮助他们获得美元价值。 但是,这些数据库中的许多数据库都非常小,并且大多数将包含域名拍卖网站Afternic.com的名称,该网站定期发布销售价格。 为了在统计上有效,数据库实际上需要包含数千个名称,这是绝对最小值。

In addition, the majority of names at Afternic.com are sold well below value, because buyers tend to be resellers rather than end users. Using sale prices at Afternic for comparison is inevitably going to lead to a valuation for resale rather than sale.

此外,Afternic.com上的大多数名称都远低于价值出售,因为购买者往往是转售商,而不是最终用户。 使用Afternic的销售价格进行比较将不可避免地导致转售而不是销售的估值。

Finally, the value of the whole concept of ‘similarity’ must be questionable. Looking at the sale values of names with Liquid or Trading in gives no real indication as to the worth of Liquid Trading. If natural language was that simple to analyse, natural language parsers would have been perfected decades ago. It is the unique and exact combination of the words Liquid and Trading that makes the name interesting. The words in isolation mean little.

最后,整个“相似性”概念的价值值得怀疑。 通过Liquid或Trading in查看名称的销售价值并没有真正表明Liquid Trading的价值。 如果自然语言的分析是如此简单,那么自然语言解析器将在数十年前得到完善。 正是Liquid和Trading这两个词的独特而精确的组合使这个名称变得有趣。 孤立的单词没有什么意义。

3) Some of the appraisals listed above are clearly ‘hand-crafted’ by one or more appraisers. Others appear to have been produced at least partially by applying a generic ”appraisal formula’ in order to derive a final valuation. Although a straightforward formulaic approach might be suitable for simple names, it cannot hope to catch the nuances of natural language, and the often subtle concepts behind the language, and will always be a poor substitute for a carefully researched appraisal by one or more skilled individuals.

3)上面列出的某些评估显然是由一个或多个评估者“手工制作”的。 其他似乎至少部分是通过应用通用的“评估公式”得出最终估值而产生的。 尽管简单明了的公式化方法可能适用于简单的名称,但它不能希望抓住自然语言的细微差别以及该语言背后通常很微妙的概念,并且始终不能替代一个或多个熟练人员进行仔细研究的评估。 。

摘要 (Summary)

It is clear from the range of valuations, and methodologies involved, that the domain name valuation industry is still immature. If domain name appraisals are going be widely accepted, firstly within the domain name industry, and then in the wider financial world, it’s clear that some standards need to be introduced, and the quicker the better.

从评估的范围和所涉及的方法上可以明显看出,域名评估行业仍不成熟。 如果域名评估将被广泛接受,首先是在域名行业内,然后在更广阔的金融世界中,很显然需要引入一些标准,并且越快越好。

In the second and final part of this article, I will take a look at the methodologies used by firms that took part in the article, and suggest some ways in which standards could be introduced.


Don’t stop here! Read Domain Appraising Part II.

不要在这里停下来! 阅读域评估第二部分

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/domain-name-fair-value-game/






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