

A captivating online presence is paramount these days, regardless of whether you’re a local doctor, an international law firm, or a global news outlet. The music industry is no exception to this rule. In fact, with CD and digital download sales continuing to decline in the wake of free music streaming services, a compelling online presence is a mandate for musicians.

无论您是本地医生,国际律师事务所还是全球新闻媒体,如今,吸引人的在线业务都至关重要。 音乐界也不例外。 实际上,随着免费音乐流媒体服务的出现,CD和数字下载的销售持续下降,对于音乐人来说,令人信服的在线形象是必须的。

Luckily, musicians have WordPress at their disposal. WordPress has made it possible for even the least tech-savvy of musicians to create a website that shows off their talents and opens up a whole new online audience.

幸运的是,音乐家可以使用WordPress。 WordPress使即使是最不懂技术的音乐家也可以创建一个网站,展示自己的才华并开拓全新的在线观众。

The standard toolkit that a WordPress install provides is more than enough to get any musician off to a flying start. But, to really make your website sing (pun intended!), to create a website that makes people want to stay longer, buy your music, go to your gigs, and leave glowing reviews, these WordPress plugins could be your new best friend.

WordPress安装提供的标准工具包足以使任何音乐家快速入门。 但是,要真正使您的网站唱歌(双关语!),创建一个使人们想要停留更长的时间,购买音乐,浏览演出并留下热烈评论的网站,这些WordPress插件可能是您最好的朋友。

用于管理巡回日期的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins For Managing Tour Dates)

The bread and butter of any musician is live performance. It is often one of the main reasons that musicians become musicians — for the love of the stage, and performing to a crowd. So, it should be no surprise that we start our list with WordPress plugins designed to help manage tour dates and events.

任何音乐家的生硬都是现场表演。 通常,音乐家成为音乐家的主要原因之一是出于对舞台的热爱以及对人群的表演。 因此,我们从旨在帮助管理游览日期和事件的WordPress插件开始我们的列表就不足为奇了。

活动组织者 (Event Organiser)

While this is a broader event management plugin, not specifically designed for bands and musicians, it can still be used for gig management. It is a highly comprehensive event management tool, which enables users to create and maintain events. It operates by using the in-built ‘custom post type’ in WordPress, which gives events the same functionality as posts, but with additional features. By using this plugin, you can repeat events (using complex custom schedules), assign venues to events, sync with iCal, add discount codes, and more.

尽管这是一个范围更广的事件管理插件,但不是专门为乐队和音乐家设计的,但仍可以用于演出管理。 它是一种高度综合的事件管理工具,使用户能够创建和维护事件。 它通过使用WordPress中内置的“自定义帖子类型”进行操作,该功能为事件提供与帖子相同的功能,但具有附加功能。 通过使用此插件,您可以重复事件(使用复杂的自定义时间表),为事件分配场所,与iCal同步,添加折扣代码等。

Event Organiser plugin
Event Organiser plugin

There is also Event Organiser Pro, a paid premium add-on, which offers booking management functionality, payment gateways via PayPal, event search shortcode, venue custom fields and more. Prices start from £40 per site.

还有Event Organizer Pro,这是一个付费的高级附加组件,它提供预订管理功能,通过PayPal的付款网关,事件搜索简码,场地自定义字段等。 价格从每个站点40英镑起。

If it’s the numbers that you’re into, then this the Event Organiser plugin for you — over half a million downloads in its lifetime, 30,000 of which are currently active. And, it has a 4.7 star rating from more than 80 reviews. Not a bad hit rate there.

如果这是您关注的数字,那么这个为您提供的Event Organizer插件-在其生命周期内有超过一百万次下载,其中30,000当前处于活动状态。 而且,它获得了80多个评论中的4.7星评级。 那里的命中率还不错。

GigPress (GigPress)

If you tour regularly or play gigs, you should really look at adding GigPress to your WordPress repertoire. Launched in 2007, GigPress allows you to manage upcoming and past performances from within the WordPress admin panel, and display them live on your website using the GigPress website, PHP template tags, or simple shortcodes.

如果您定期巡回演出或参加演出,您应该真正考虑将GigPress添加到WordPress曲目中。 GigPress于2007年启动,可让您从WordPress管理面板中管理近期和过去的表现,并使用Gi​​gPress网站,PHP模板标签或简单的短代码在您的网站上实时显示它们。


This plugin is incredibly easy to use and you can create the look you want using HTML or CSS. You can manage multiple artists within GigPress, and display them either as a combined listing, or grouped by artist — great if you operate a live menu venue. The plugin even includes iCalendar feeds, as well as downloadable Google Calendar and iCal links for individual shows. If you’re a touring muso, your website definitely needs to include all the details or your concerts or tour dates, and this is an easy way to set one up.

该插件非常易于使用,您可以使用HTML或CSS创建想要的外观。 您可以在GigPress中管理多个演出者,并将它们显示为组合列表或按演出者分组-如果您经营现场菜单场地,那就太好了。 该插件甚至包括iCalendar供稿,以及可用于个别节目的可下载Google日历和iCal链接。 如果您是个巡回演出,您的网站上肯定需要包含所有详细信息或音乐会或巡演日期,这是一种简单的设置方法。

With over 260,000 downloads (20,000+ currently active) and a 4.7 star rating, this is definitely the most popular tour management plugin.


MF Gig日历 (MF Gig Calendar)

This is quite a simple event calendar, which was initially created by a musician, with musicians in mind. A New York based jazz pianist, Matthew Fries (that’s where the MF in MF Gig Calendar comes from) developed the plugin because he was after a flexible calendar for his own music website.

这是一个非常简单的事件日历,最初是由音乐家创建的,并考虑到了音乐家。 来自纽约的爵士钢琴演奏家Matthew Fries(这是MF Gig Calendar中的MF的来源)开发了该插件,因为他是在为自己的音乐网站设置灵活的日历。

MF Gig Calendar
MF Gig Calendar

It’s features include support for multiple-day events, the ability to include styled text, images, links, and a range of other media within event listings, a super easy to use event duplicate function, and shortcode variables so that users can customize the output. Plus, it enables you to place an event calendar on any page or post that you like, in multiple locations. It’s stats aren’t quite as impressive as GigPress though — 20,000 downloads (3,000 active).

它的功能包括支持多日活动,能够在事件列表中包含样式化的文本,图像,链接和一系列其他媒体的功能,超级易用的事件重复功能以及短代码变量,以便用户可以自定义输出。 此外,它还使您可以将事件日历放置在任意位置的任意页面或帖子上,并且位于多个位置。 但是,它的统计数据并不像GigPress那样令人印象深刻-20,000次下载(有效3,000次)。

演出日历 (Gigs Calendar)

This plugin is a little more advanced than MF Gig Calendar (which admits that it is meant to be simple and flexible). It is aimed at musicians and bands who want to be able to include a calendar of their live performances on their WordPress website.

这个插件比MF Gig Calendar(承认它简单,灵活)要先进一些。 它面向希望能够在其WordPress网站上包含其现场表演日历的音乐家和乐队。

Gigs Calendar

It’s designed to be as easy as to use for both musician and fan alike. It can even manage venue data, including location mapping and links to purchase tickets. It’s had a few more downloads at 70,000 for all-time, and 3,000 currently active.

它的设计既易于使用,又适合音乐家和歌迷。 它甚至可以管理场所数据,包括位置映射和购买票证链接。 它的下载次数一直达到70,000次,目前有3,000次下载。

用于管理乐队照片的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins For Managing Band Photos)

At some point you’re likely want to show of photos of yourself, or your entire your band. Perhaps you had some great publicity shots done, or maybe you’ve got a batch of great photos from your latest gig. Whatever the case may be, your fans will want to scroll thorugh your shots in the easiest, most engaging way possible. These image plugins should help with exactly that.

在某个时候,您可能想显示自己或整个乐队的照片。 也许您做了一些出色的宣传拍摄,或者您从最新的演出中获得了一批出色的照片。 无论是什么情况,您的粉丝都希望以最简单,最引人入胜的方式来滚动拍摄。 这些图像插件应该可以帮助您实现这一目标。

下一代 (NextGen)

The NextGEN image gallery is, according to its creators, the most comprehensive WordPress image gallery plugin available today. This Plugin comes in a free and pro version. The pro version will set you back $39 and it’s probably only worth forking out the money if you are the type of band that uploads a lot of photos. The pro version gives you the option of getting a bit more creative with your photos — you can even create full-width photos and slideshows.

根据其创建者的说法,NextGEN图像库是当今可用的最全面的WordPress图像库插件。 该插件有免费和专业版。 专业版的价格为39美元,如果您是上传大量照片的乐队,那可能只值得花钱了。 专业版为您提供了使照片更具创意的选项-您甚至可以创建全角照片和幻灯片。

NextGen Gallery

There are also loads of extensions that add every type of functionality imaginable. If your photos are a crucial part of your marketing, then NextGen is a great option for you. With over 14 million downloads ever, 1 million of which are still active, it’s safe to say this is a reliable image management tool.

也有许多扩展添加了各种可以想象的功能。 如果您的照片是行销的关键部分,那么NextGen是您的理想选择。 迄今为止,下载量已超过1400万,其中100万仍处于活动状态,可以肯定地说这是可靠的图像管理工具。

If this image plugin doesn’t tickle your fancy, then take a look at out recent article on 8 WordPress Plugins to Create Awe-Inspiring Image Effects.


用于在您的网站上播放音乐的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins For Playing Music on Your Site)

If you want to offer fans a sneak peak into your music, what better way than to include live previews on your website? There are plenty of plugins that enable you to do this easily, and with a minimum of fuss.

如果您想让粉丝们对您的音乐有所了解,还有什么比在网站上包含实时预览更好的方法? 有很多插件可以使您轻松完成此任务,而不必大惊小怪。

HTML5 jQuery音频播放器 (HTML5 jQuery Audio Player)

This is probably the best option out there if you’re looking to add a quality music plugin to your WordPress site. With this plugin you can upload songs and allow your audience to listen to them whenever they feel like it. It is mobile friendly, meaning they can also listen on the go.

如果您要向WordPress网站添加优质的音乐插件,那么这可能是最好的选择。 使用此插件,您可以上传歌曲,并让听众听他们喜欢的歌曲。 它对移动设备友好,这意味着他们也可以随时随地收听。

HTML5 jQuery Audio Player

The best part about this plugin is that you can place it anywhere you like throughout a page. You can include it on your shop page and with the pro version you can even include ‘buy now’ buttons next to each track. Your site has to show off your music, and this is the best way to do it.

关于此插件最好的部分是您可以将其放置在整个页面中任何您喜欢的位置。 您可以将其包含在商店页面中,而使用专业版,甚至可以在每首曲目旁边添加“立即购买”按钮。 您的网站必须炫耀您的音乐,这是最好的方式。

Spotify大师 (Spotify Master)

The Spotify Master for WordPress enables bands and musicians you to display music, playlists and even entire albums via the music network Spotify. It does not use JavaScript (but is coded in HTML instead) and is an error free extension. As a result, it ensures fast page load speeds.

Spotify Master for WordPress使乐队和音乐家可以通过音乐网络Spotify显示音乐,播放列表,甚至整个专辑。 它不使用JavaScript(而是用HTML编码),并且是没有错误的扩展名。 结果,它确保了快速的页面加载速度。

Spotify Master

It works quite well on both pages and pages and can be inserted via a widget or shortcode. Plus, it’s fully mobile responsive. Its stats aren’t too bad (given the age of Spotify) — it’s had over 27,000 downloads.

它在页面和页面上都可以很好地工作,并且可以通过小部件或简码插入。 另外,它具有完全的移动响应能力。 考虑到Spotify的时代,它的统计数据还算不错-它已经下载了超过27,000次。

SoundCloud Master (SoundCloud Master)

Alternatively, if you’re a SoundCloud user (instead of Spotify), you can opt for this plugin. Similar to the plugin above, and made by the same people (TechGasp) — this just supports the SoundCloud platform instead! It’s had 59,000 downloads, with over 5,000 still active.

另外,如果您是SoundCloud用户(而不是Spotify),则可以选择此插件。 与上面的插件类似,并且是由同一人(TechGasp)制作的-它仅支持SoundCloud平台! 它已经下载了59,000次,但仍有5,000多个活动。

SoundCloud Master

WordPress插件可帮助与粉丝建立联系 (WordPress Plugins to Help Connect with Your Fans)

For any musician, the more successful you become, the less time you’ll have to connect with your fans one-on-one. Chances are, you won’t have time to respond to every email, to every blog post comment, to every tweet. Luckily, there are a couple of WordPress plugin that can help you automate these processes. They might not replace the truly personalized response, but at least they’re better than no response at all.

对于任何音乐家而言,您越成功,与一对一联系的时间就越少。 很有可能,您将没有时间回复每封电子邮件,每篇博客文章评论或每条推文。 幸运的是,有几个WordPress插件可以帮助您自动化这些过程。 它们可能不会替代真正的个性化响应,但至少它们总比没有响应要好。

晚点再谢我 (Thank Me Later)

This is the best way to ensure you reach out to your fans and well wishers without having to spend all day glued to your computer. You can create an automated response that is posted at a designated time after a visitor has left a comment on your website.

这是确保您与粉丝和心愿者保持联系的最佳方法,而不必花费一整天的时间黏在计算机上。 您可以创建自动回复,并在访问者对您的网站发表评论后的指定时间发布。

Thank Me Later

So, you can set it to post a reply 5 minutes, an hour, or even immediately after your fans comment. Your fans will really appreciate the personal touch, and you can spend more time composing your next masterpiece. The stats: 164,000 downloads, 7,000 of which are still active.

因此,您可以将其设置为在粉丝发表评论后的5分钟,一个小时甚至立即发布回复。 您的粉丝会非常欣赏您的个人风格,您可以花更多的时间来创作下一部杰作。 统计:下载164,000次,其中7,000个仍处于活动状态。

评论重定向 (Comment Redirect)

This is a more automated way of connecting with your fans than the approach offered by ‘Thank Me Later’. Instead of posting a reply, this plugin redirects your visitor to a page of your choice as soon as they leave a comment.

与“感谢我以后”提供的方法相比,这是一种与粉丝联系更加自动化的方法。 该插件无需发布回复,而是在访客发表评论后立即将其重定向到您选择的页面。

Comment Redirect

You can direct them to your ‘music’ page and leave a note saying something like, ‘Thanks so much for your comment. Check out our free music samples here’. Alternatively, you could direct them to your ‘tour’ page to let them know where and when your next show is.

您可以将他们定向到“音乐”页面,并留下一条注释,例如:“非常感谢您的评论。” 在此处查看我们的免费音乐样本”。 或者,您可以将他们定向到“游览”页面,以使他们知道您的下一场演出的时间和地点。

重力形式 (Gravity Forms)

Connecting with fans and other musicians is the best way to build up your profile and create a network. Your website is often the key way that fans and fellow musos will try and connect with you so you need to make it as easy as possible. There are plenty of free contact form plugins around but if you want something a little more impressive, you should consider Gravity Forms.

与粉丝和其他音乐家联系是建立个人资料并建立人脉的最佳方式。 您的网站通常是粉丝和其他同伴尝试与您建立联系的关键方式,因此您需要使其变得尽可能简单。 周围有很多免费的联系表单插件 ,但是如果您想要一些更令人印象深刻的东西,则应考虑使用Gravity Forms。

Gravity Forms

There you have it, a round-up of some of the most important WordPress plugins for a band or musician. If you have any suggestions of your own, feel free to pop them in the comments section below.

在那里,它为乐队或音乐家提供了一些最重要的WordPress插件。 如果您有自己的建议,请随时在下面的评论部分中将其弹出。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/must-have-wordpress-plugins-for-musicians/


喜欢音乐的朋友们,一定非常期望有一款专属于自己博客的“个性音乐播放器”吧…… 最近为wordpress音乐插件 Flash Media player 设计了一款黑白主题皮肤,如下图 效果预览 / 下载地址 Flash Media player是一款专门用于Wordpress、bo-blog等主流博客平台的集成flash+xml+js技术的在线音乐播放器插件。 其功能强大且方便: 1、可播放Mp3和Flv文件; 2、可实时显示播放进度和下载进度; 3、可调节音量; 4、可设置“单曲循环”和“所有循环”播放模式; 5、可选择播放列表; 6、用XML文件配置播放文件列表; 安装方法: 1.将下载的压缩包解压缩。 2.用“记事本”编辑播放器首页:Index.html。找到<h1></h1>标签,将里面的大标题和链接都替换掉。 3.编辑曲目表:playlist.xml。格式如下: <track> <title>音乐名</title> <location>音乐的http地址(注意:音乐质量最好控制在3M以内,1是能保证访客的下载速度,2是节约你的空间和流量。如果你直接到“百度”里“扒”MP3地址,另当别论。)</location> </track> 想再添加一首新歌,只需要循环复制以上内容即可。 4.编辑完曲目表,将整个文件夹上传至网站根目录。 5.直接修改你的wordpress模板,在导航条里加入新链接后,上传即可, (例如:起名叫“音乐”,链接地址为:http://www.ueui.com.cn/mp3) 由于考虑到用户体验,我建议将Flash Media player新开一个页面(_blank)。这样做有这么个好处: 不会因为博客中的日志链接频繁跳转,而导致音乐常常被中断播放。(记得我常常浏览某人的blog,其每篇日志的侧边栏都导入同一个音乐插件。结果是,当我每次新开一篇文章时,就会重新听一遍他博客上第一首歌的前奏……当我看完他的所有日志后,甚至连第一首歌后半段是什么都不知道,可这首歌的前奏背的已经滚瓜烂熟……囧rz。据我所知,按这种方式使用音乐插件的人还不在少数,汗!)
到别人的博客中装有MP3播放器,是否感到很酷,把自己喜欢的歌曲都加入到在MP3播放器中,与访客分享,你是否有这样的想法呢?呵呵,如果你有这个想法的话,那么,就来看看今天介绍的WordPress插件吧。不得不佩服WordPress插件功能,只要能想到的功能,就会有WordPress爱好者去开发这些插件,flash-mp3-player插件也是如此,一个简单而实用MP3播放插件,不需要太多的操作。 Flash-Mp3-Player插件安装: 1.下载flash-mp3-player插件,然后上传插件到/wp-content/plugins/下的文件夹。 2.到wp管理后台插件页面,激活插件,激活插件后,在"Appearance"--->"Widgets",把“MP3 Player ”添加到侧栏中。 3.点击“Settings”---->“MP3 Player”进入页面设置相关内容,具体见下图: 在上图中,点击Add New添加新的歌曲,title输入标题,URL中输入地址,这里建议在WordPress根目录中建一个audio的目录,把你希望播放的歌曲放在里面,然后,在URL地址中输入这些歌曲的URL地址(这些歌曲用英文来命名,笔者测试时,MP3中文名格式不能播放),当然,你也可以到网上找到这些歌曲的URL地址,如果网络加载慢的话,会影响歌曲的播放速度,效果不是很好。 既然可以添加,当然也可删除了,选中不需要的歌曲,然后点击“Delete All Checked”,进行删除,添加或删除歌曲后,点击“Save Changes”保存设置。




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