

The Cloud is in, and C-level execs everywhere are rushing to try to take advantage of new capabilities and services – but often without really understanding what they’re getting into. Many companies spend money on cloud solutions they don’t really need as it’s often difficult to determine how many instances are being deployed at once and to compare other economic scenarios.

云已经存在,各地的C级高管都急于尝试利用新功能和服务,但往往没有真正了解他们要进入的领域。 许多公司花钱在他们真正不需要的云解决方案上,因为通常很难一次确定部署多少实例并比较其他经济情况。

A number of new services like UptimeCloud and Cloudability have emerged to monitor cloud services, but startup Cloudyn claims to go further than competitors by showing you the most efficient way to provision your cloud workloads.


According to Cloudyn CEO Sharon Wagner, Cloudyn will “Tell you how to change your provisioning to achieve your results at the lowest possible cost. We look at your use patterns and we look at the pricing of the vendor and bring you a cloud configuration map showing you how to save more.”

Cloudyn首席执行官Sharon Wagner表示,Cloudyn将“告诉您如何更改配置以最低的成本获得成果。 我们查看您的使用模式,查看供应商的价格,并为您带来一个云配置图,向您展示如何节省更多。

Customers register their cloud instances with the system and Cloudyn provides a SaaS dashboard which details all your instances, databases and storage. The environment is monitored, and analytics are provided through the dashboard which help you see where any inefficiencies lie. Statistics on CPU load, memory usage, I/O and networking are tracked and after a week Cloudyn can provide you with optimization scenarios to help you cut costs. The scenarios show where adjustments need to be made, and how much you could save as a result.

客户在系统上注册其云实例,Cloudyn提供了一个SaaS仪表板,该仪表板详细说明了您的所有实例,数据库和存储。 监控环境,并通过仪表板提供分析,以帮助您查看任何效率低下的地方。 跟踪有关CPU负载,内存使用,I / O和网络的统计信息,一周后Cloudyn可以为您提供优化方案以帮助您降低成本。 这些方案显示了需要进行调整的地方以及可以节省多少。

For example if you have a complex environment setup in Amazon’s cloud, with multiple applications on different instances, tracking and analytics may help to show you where one application is being heavily used but the other suffers only minimal load. In that case you might be better off keeping the first in an elastic computing setup and the second provisioned in a less expensive manner.

例如,如果您在Amazon的云中具有复杂的环境设置,并且在不同的实例上具有多个应用程序,则跟踪和分析可能有助于向您显示一个应用程序在哪里被大量使用,而另一个应用程序仅承受最小的负载。 在这种情况下,最好保留第一个处于弹性计算设置中,而第二个以较低的成本进行配置。

It will also provide you with a list of possible actions – combining instances geographically consolidating virtual instances from multiple machines onto a single box to get better performance at lower cost, and so on. Over time usage peaks, bottlenecks and over or under provisioned services can be easily identified through these analytics and your network tightened up to improve performance and reduce costs.

它还将为您提供可能的操作列表–将实例从地理位置上将多台计算机上的虚拟实例合并到一个盒子中,以较低的成本获得更好的性能,依此类推。 随着时间的流逝,可以通过这些分析轻松地识别使用高峰,瓶颈以及预配服务的不足或不足,并加强您的网络以提高性能并降低成本。

Right now, Cloudyn is free, and will be available until 20th of April 2012. After that date, users will be able to look at their dashboard and get some analytics and notifications of usage spikes for free, but other services like cloud optimization, predictive analysis and “proactive projection” will cost between $80 per month and $700 per month depending on the size of your current cloud infrastructure.


Image by ShutterStock.com


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-much-is-your-cloud-costing-you/






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