

According to web analytics firm comScore, the audience of the entire Internet for the first time crossed one billion users in December 2008. That’s a pretty huge milestone for the web, though it would still only represent about 15% of the world population. The greatest number of netizens come from the Asia-Pacific region, which accounts for 41% of the world’s Internet population. That region of the world makes up about 61% of the total population.

根据网络分析公司comScore的数据,2008年12月,整个Internet的受众首次超过了10亿用户 。对于网络而言,这是一个非常巨大的里程碑,尽管它仍然只代表世界人口的15%。 网民数量最多的是亚太地区,占全球互联网人口的41%。 该地区约占总人口的61%。

The country with the most web users is now China, with nearly 180 million unique web users in December, followed closely by the United States with 163 million. The most underrepresented region is the Middle East and Africa, which together contributed just 48 million web users — or about 4.8% of the total. That is despite contributing over 14% of the population.

现在,中国是网络用户最多的国家,在12月有近1.8亿独立网络用户,其次是美国,为1.63亿。 人数最多的地区是中东和非洲,它们总共仅贡献了4800万网络用户,约占总数的4.8%。 尽管贡献了14%以上的人口。

(A note on the statistics: I am using comScore for web stats and Wikipedia for world population stats. comScore lumps the Middle East and Africa together, while Wikipedia includes the Middle East with its Asia statistics. Regardless, the conclusion that the Middle East and Africa are among the least connected regions of the globe seems likely to be true.)


“Surpassing one billion global users is a significant landmark in the history of the Internet,” said comScore president and CEO Magid Abraham in a press release. “It is a monument to the increasingly unified global community in which we live and reminds us that the world truly is becoming more flat. The second billion will be online before we know it, and the third billion will arrive even faster than that, until we have a truly global network of interconnected people and ideas that transcend borders and cultural boundaries.”

comScore总裁兼首席执行官Magid Abraham在一份新闻稿中说:“超过10亿的全球用户是Internet历史上的重要里程碑。” “这是我们赖以生存的日益统一的全球社区的丰碑,并提醒我们,世界的确在变得更加平坦。 第二十亿人将在不知不觉中上线,而第三十亿人将以比这更快的速度到达网上,直到我们拥有一个真正的全球性网络,将相互联系的人们和思想超越边界和文化边界。”

For Abraham’s dream to come true, some of the lesser connected areas of the globe need to start getting online.


According to, which draws its statistics from a range of sources, the world passed a billion Internet users some time ago. comScore’s stats are based on “home and work computers” that accessed the Internet by people 15 years of age or older, which doesn’t sound like it necessarily includes mobile web access. That could account for the discrepancy.

根据InternetWorldStats.com的统计数据,该数据来自多种来源,前一段时间,全世界的互联网用户已超过10亿。 comScore的统计数据基于15岁以上的人们访问互联网的“家用和办公计算机”,这听起来不一定包含移动Web访问。 那可以解释差异。

According to’s population penetration numbers, Africans account for just 5.3% of net users. Asia also has a lot of work to do in terms of getting more people online — just 15.3% of Asians are on the Internet. The most connected region in terms of population penetration is North America, where 3/4ths of all people are on the web.

根据InternetWorldStats.com的人口渗透率数据,非洲人仅占净用户的5.3%。 在使更多的人上网方面,亚洲还有很多工作要做–只有15.3%的亚洲人上网。 就人口普及率而言,联系最紧密的地区是北美,那里有3/4的人上网。

The most connected country, says, is the Netherlands, with 90.1% of the population online. Compare that to the most connected African country — Egypt — where just 17% are online.

InternetWorldStats.com表示,联系最紧密的国家是荷兰,在线人口占90.1%。 与此相比,与非洲联系最紧密的非洲国家-埃及-只有17%的网络在线。

So where are the world’s billion net users going once they log on? Not surprisingly, comScore pegs Google’s sites as the most visited. Google attracted 775 million unique visitors last month, or a reach of 77% of the world’s net population. Second on the list was Microsoft, followed by Yahoo!, AOL, Wikimedia, and eBay. The most popular social network in the world is Facebook, with a 22% reach, and the only non-American sites on the list were China’s Tencent and Baidu.

那么,全球十亿净用户登录后会去哪里? 毫不奇怪,comScore认为Google网站是访问量最高的网站。 Google上个月吸引了7.75亿独立访问者,占世界净人口的77%。 排在第二位的是Microsoft,其次是Yahoo!,AOL,Wikimedia和eBay。 全球最受欢迎的社交网络是Facebook,覆盖率达到22%,榜单上唯一的非美国网站是中国的腾讯和百度。






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