flash 接口_Flash接口设计变得简单

flash 接口

Many people have tried to create interfaces in Flash, but have become overwhelmed by the whole process and never come back to it. That’s a real shame. This article outlines tips and methodologies for creating Flash interfaces using graphics applications, good planning and simple logic.

许多人试图在Flash中创建接口,但整个过程不知所措,再也没有回到过。 真是可惜。 本文概述了使用图形应用程序,良好的计划和简单的逻辑创建Flash接口的技巧和方法。

The Flash drawing tools have been around since the earliest versions of the software, and have not progressed a great deal over the past few years. The creation of an effective interface using only the tools in Flash can be painstaking, difficult and downright frustrating for newbies and hardened professionals. This is why most people tend to develop their graphics in external graphics packages and then import them into Flash for fine-tuning.

Flash绘图工具自最早的软件版本以来就已经存在,并且在过去几年中没有取得很大进步。 仅使用Flash中的工具来创建有效的界面对于新手和刚入门的专业人员而言可能是艰苦,艰辛和彻底的挫败。 这就是为什么大多数人倾向于在外部图形包中开发其图形,然后将其导入Flash进行微调的原因。

Interface design for any end medium can be a tricky business; finding an effective balance between usability, functionality and aesthetics is the Holy Grail for designers. There are several different platforms for which you might create a design, but none is as tricky to design for as the Flash Player.

任何终端介质的接口设计都是一件棘手的事情。 在可用性,功能和美观之间找到有效的平衡是设计师的圣杯。 您可以为几种不同的平台创建设计,但是没有哪个平台像Flash Player那样设计复杂。

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a good concept let down by poor execution and hap-hazard interface planning, but both issues can easily be remedied if you follow a few simple rules of thumb. These rules aren’t set in stone, but they will help you along the path to designing effective interfaces in Flash.

我不知道有多少次我因良好的执行力和偶然的界面规划而失望了一个好的概念,但是如果您遵循一些简单的经验法则,就很容易解决这两个问题。 这些规则并不是一成不变的,但是它们会帮助您在Flash中设计有效的界面。

I’ve packaged up the files we’ll use in the tutorial — download the working files here.

我已经打包了将在本教程中使用的文件- 在此处下载工作文件

规划界面 (Planning the Interface)

There’s an old maxim that my father used to tell me: ‘Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance’. It’s so true! If your interface design is poorly planned (or largely unplanned), it will take much longer to create, and you’ll undoubtedly introduce flaws that will require additional work to fix. If you take time to plan the interface — the way it looks and the way it will function — you are already most of the way to an effective design.

父亲曾经告诉我一个古老的格言:“事先计划可以防止绩效不佳”。 是真的! 如果您的界面设计计划不周(或者很大程度上是计划外),那么将需要更长的时间来创建,并且无疑会引入一些缺陷,而这些缺陷将需要额外的工作来进行修复。 如果您花时间计划接口(外观和功能),那么您已经是实现有效设计的大部分方法。

What’s the simplest way to plan out a design? Well, for me, its either old fashioned paper and pencil or, if I’m at my computer, my tablet and pen. I usually start by sketching out the interface, its components, menu system and content areas. I then create extra sketches for each section, as can be seen below.

计划设计的最简单方法是什么? 好吧,对我来说,它要么是老式的纸和铅笔,要么,如果我在电脑旁,则是我的平板电脑和笔。 我通常首先勾勒出界面,其组件,菜单系统和内容区域。 然后,我将为每个部分创建额外的草图,如下所示。

This process may take several iterations before I’m happy with the plans, but, being a bit of a hoarder, I never throw anything away. This way, I can always refer to interface ideas and sketches I made years ago (though my office does tend to become a bit of a maelstrom of paper during my design p

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