圣诞节快要来了,可我就是_我圣诞节想要的一切:CodePen Pro


We asked SitePoint authors what developer toys they would want for Christmas, then managed to source them — without relying on Santa.


I’ve been a CodePen user for quite some time, and for most of that time, I’ve been content with using their free plan. That is until I had a chance to look at the benefits of becoming a pro member.

我已经成为CodePen用户已有一段时间了,并且在大部分时间里,我一直对使用他们的免费计划感到满意。 直到我有机会了解成为专业会员的好处。

Not too familiar with CodePen? In short, CodePen is an online internal development environment (IDE), which allows you to write HTML, CSS, and Javascript, while getting a preview of your code in real time.

CodePen不太熟悉? 简而言之,CodePen是一个在线内部开发环境(IDE),允许您编写HTML,CSS和Javascript,同时实时预览代码。

为什么我想要一个专业账户 (Why I wanted a Pro account)

I had wanted a pro account for quite some time, mainly because I really enjoyed using the product, as well as the level of support that comes with it. Alex, Tim, and Chris are very responsive to user feedback, and have even gone so far as to write code for me when I was having trouble adding a feature to The Practice App.

我想要专业帐户已经有一段时间了,主要是因为我非常喜欢使用该产品以及它所提供的支持水平。 亚历克斯(Alex),蒂姆(Tim)和克里斯(Chris)对用户反馈非常敏感,甚至在我无法向The Practice App添加功能时甚至为我编写代码。

Secondly, the prices are straight up ridiculous. A Pro account only costs $9 a month, which is about 1/5th of what I spend for coffee every week.

其次, 价格直线上升是荒谬的 。 Pro帐户每月只需花费$ 9,大约是我每周咖啡花费的1/5。

Of course, one of the more obvious reasons for wanting a pro account was the extra features that come with it.


无限笔 (Unlimited Private Pens)

Need to test out some super top secret code for work or the CIA? No problem! With a Pro account, you can make super secret pens only visible to you, or you can make super secret pens that are only viewable to those who have the super secret link!

是否需要测试工作或中央情报局的一些超级最高机密代码? 没问题! 使用Pro帐户,您可以使超级秘密笔仅对您可见,或者可以使超级秘密笔仅对具有超级秘密链接的用户可见!

即时取景 (Live View)

Writing some code that needs to work on a mobile sized screen? CodePen Pro has you covered with live view! As soon as you save the pen, all other instances of that pen will get updated on the spot!

编写一些需要在移动屏幕上工作的代码? CodePen Pro为您提供实时取景! 保存笔后,该笔的所有其他实例将立即得到更新!

资产托管 (Asset Hosting)

A Pro account gets you 1GB of space to store any type of asset you need. The UI for this feature is particularly useful, especially when you need to pull an asset while you’re in the middle of creating a pen.

专业版帐户可为您提供1GB的空间来存储所需的任何类型的资产。 此功能的UI特别有用,尤其是在您需要在创建笔的过程中拉动资产时。

协作模式 (Collab Mode)

Having the urge to do some good-old-fashioned pair programming with someone who may be 1000 miles away? Collab mode will let you and your pair programming friend edit the same pen in real time!

是否渴望与可能相距1000英里的人进行一些老式的结对编程? 协作模式可让您和您的配对编程朋友实时编辑同一支笔!

教授模式 (Professor Mode)

Professor mode allows a group of people to watch you write code live in a real time classroom. Every character you type, line you select, or setting you change is immediately shown on your viewers’ (students ) screens, as if you were all together looking at the same screen.

教授模式允许一群人在实时教室中实时观看您编写的代码。 您键入,选择的行或更改的每个字符都会立即显示在查看器(学生)的屏幕上,就像大家都在看同一屏幕一样。

100发送到电话留言 (100 Send To Phone Messages)

This is a brilliant idea, and speaks to the amount of thought the CodePen team puts into their product. This feature allows you to send an SMS containing the URL of the pen to you or anyone you’d like. Just enter in the number!

这是一个绝妙的主意,充分说明了CodePen团队对产品的想法。 此功能使您可以将包含笔的URL的SMS发送给您或您想要的任何人。 只需输入数字!

主题化 (Theming)

With a Pro account, CodePen lets you adjust the look and feel of your pen embeds and your CodePen profile!


到目前为止的经验 (The experience so far)

Now that I’ve had a chance to use CodePen as a pro member, I have to say that it’s lived up to it’s hype. I haven’t had a chance to use all of the pro features, but I’m more than satisfied with the ones that I have used. The private pens, asset hosting, and live view features have greatly increased my level of productivity, especially when I need to create a quick demo for a project at work. It’s also nice to have a better chance at one of my pens being featured (which totally happened and was very exciting).

现在,我有机会使用CodePen作为专业会员,我不得不说,它不辜负它的炒作。 我还没有机会使用所有的专业功能,但对使用的功能我感到非常满意。 专用笔,资产托管和实时取景功能极大地提高了我的工作效率,尤其是当我需要为工作中的项目创建快速演示时。 能更好地抓住我的一支笔也很高兴(这完全发生了,非常令人兴奋)。

I’ve been a free and Pro user of CodePen, and I’ll never regret going Pro. The features, design, and usability of a Pro account make it a tool that has become an essential part of my workflow as a web developer.

我是CodePen的免费和专业版用户,而我永远不会后悔使用Pro。 Pro帐户的功能,设计和可用性使它成为一种工具,已成为我作为Web开发人员的工作流中必不可少的一部分。

What would you do with a CodePen Pro account? Answer in the comments, we’ll pick the best three and give away three free yearly Pro accounts to the winners.

您将如何使用CodePen Pro帐户? 在评论中回答,我们将选择最佳的三个,并将三个免费的年度Pro帐户赠送给获奖者。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/want-christmas-codepen-pro/






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