新版火狐 拖 功能_Firefox 33的新功能

新版火狐 拖 功能

Almost six weeks after version 32, Mozilla’s Firefox is back again with a new update. You can grab the new update by either waiting for the auto-update, choosing About Firefox from the menu, or downloading the new installer manually from Firefox.com.

从32版开始将近六周,Mozilla的Firefox又回来了,并进行了新的更新。 您可以通过等待自动更新,从菜单中选择“ 关于Firefox ”或从Firefox.com手动下载新安装程序来获取新更新。

We’ve checked out the new features for end users and developers, who are all in for some treats in v33. Let’s have a look.

我们已经为最终用户和开发人员签出了新功能,这些新功能在v33中都可以使用。 我们来看一下。


If you’ve played around with the Firefox developer tools or Firefox OS apps before, you’ve probably have had a look at WebIDE when it was still in Alpha stage or earlier (Nightly). WebIDE replaces the Firefox OS App Manager, including some additional deployment and debugging tools. It now features a code editor based on CodeMirror and the tern.js framework.

如果您以前曾使用过Firefox开发人员工具或Firefox OS应用程序,那么您可能在WebIDE仍处于Alpha或更早阶段(夜间)时就已经对其进行了研究。 WebIDE取代了Firefox OS App Manager,包括一些其他的部署和调试工具。 现在,它具有基于CodeMirror和tern.js框架的代码编辑器。


Applications can be deployed on a real Firefox OS device across USB or WiFi, or on a simulator. Even easier for developers, WebIDE now provides boilerplate code based on various templates. It currently has support for Firefox OS 1.3, 1.4, and 2.0.

应用程序可以通过USB或WiFi部署在真实的Firefox OS设备上,也可以部署在模拟器上。 对于开发人员而言,WebIDE现在更加轻松,它现在可以基于各种模板提供样板代码。 当前,它支持Firefox OS 1.3、1.4和2.0。

As mentioned in the Mozilla Hacks blog post:

Mozilla Hacks博客文章所述

You can use a simple API which allows external editors to access all the advanced functionality of the tool – its runtime management, pushing applications to different devices and connecting Firefox Developer Tools. You can turn off our internal editor and leave WebIDE with a simple, clean interface for managing runtimes and validating applications. We want to make it easy for users of any code editor to sling their code around to various devices.

您可以使用一个简单的API,该API允许外部编辑器访问该工具的所有高级功能-运行时管理,将应用程序推送到不同的设备并连接Firefox Developer Tools。 您可以关闭我们的内部编辑器,并为WebIDE提供一个简单,干净的界面,用于管理运行时和验证应用程序。 我们希望使任何代码编辑器的用户都能轻松地将其代码悬挂到各种设备上。

Firefox 33 is the first stable version which includes the option to turn on WebIDE, so if you haven’t checked it out yet, you definitely should now.

Firefox 33是第一个稳定的版本,其中包括可打开WebIDE的选项,因此,如果您尚未将其签出,则绝对可以使用。

Note: You can enable WebIDE in Firefox 33 by changing a preference: Visit about:config, find the preference called devtools.webide.enabled and set it to true.

注意:您可以通过更改首选项来在Firefox 33中启用WebIDE:访问about:config ,找到名为devtools.webide.enabled的首选项并将其设置为true

事件监听器弹出窗口 (Event Listener Popup)

Various new features have found their way into Firefox 33. One of them is the event listener popup. Any node with a JavaScript event listener attached to it will now have an ev icon next to it in the Inspector. Clicking the icon will open a list of all the event listeners attached to that element. The Debugger’s ‘pause’ icon also leads to the popup, where you can debug the element further yourself.

Firefox 33中发现了各种新功能。 事件侦听器弹出窗口是其中之一。 现在,任何附加了JavaScript事件侦听器的节​​点在检查器中都将在其旁边带有一个ev图标。 单击该图标将打开一个附加到该元素的所有事件侦听器的列表。 调试器的“暂停”图标也会导致弹出窗口,您可以在其中进一步调试元素。


@media侧边栏 (@media sidebar)

A new sidebar has been added to the Style Editor. The @media sidebar displays a list of shortcuts to every @media rule in the stylesheet (or Sass source) currently being edited. This works well, especially when paired with the Responsive Design View (Opt+Cmd+M / Ctrl+Shift+M).

新的边栏已添加到样式编辑器。 @media侧栏显示了当前正在编辑的样式表(或Sass源)中每个@media规则的快捷方式列表。 这很好用,尤其是与响应式设计视图( Opt + Cmd + M / Ctrl + Shift + M )配对时。


编辑关键帧 (Edit keyframes)

With the new version, any @keyframes rules associated with the currently selected element are now displayed in the Rules section of the Inspector, and are also editable. This is a great addition when inspecting and debugging CSS animations, as it makes the whole process much more efficient.

在新版本中,与当前选定元素关联的任何@keyframes规则现在都显示在检查器的“规则”部分中,并且也可以编辑。 在检查和调试CSS动画时,这是一个很好的补充,因为它使整个过程更加高效。


三次贝塞尔曲线编辑器 (Cubic bezier editor)


Highly useful in the creation and editing of easing animations, a cubic bezier editor for CSS animations is available for all CSS tinkerers now. It can be accessed by the icon next to an animation timing function in a CSS rule.

现在,用于创建和编辑缓动动画的立方贝塞尔曲线编辑器在所有CSS修补匠中都非常有用,可用于创建和编辑缓动动画。 可以通过CSS规则中的动画计时功能旁边的图标来访问它。

开发人员工具中的其他更改: (Other changes in developer tools:)

  • Add new rule

  • Transform highlighter

  • Persistent disable cache

  • New Commands

  • Editor preferences

  • Edit selectors

  • Black-boxed minified sources

  • Custom viewport dimensions


网站兼容性更改 (Site compatibility changes)

As with so many releases, minor site compatibility changes are also included. You can find them in this handy guide on Mozilla Developer Network

与许多版本一样,还包括较小的站点兼容性更改。 您可以在Mozilla开发人员网络上的此便捷指南中找到它们


最终用户功能 (End user features)

  • OpenH264 support (sandboxed)

  • Slimmer and faster JavaScript strings

  • Improved reliability of the session restoration

  • Connect to HTTP proxy over HTTPS

  • New CSP (Content Security Policy) backend

  • Improved search experience through the location bar

  • Search suggestions on the Firefox Start Page (about:home)

  • Azerbaijani [az] locale added


Apart from some further WebRTC experimentation, an improved search experience and enhanced tiles, Firefox 33 has no major additional features which would interest the average Joe.

除了进一步的WebRTC实验,改进的搜索体验和增强的图块之外,Firefox 33还没有让Joe感兴趣的主要附加功能。

勤劳的狐狸 (A hard-working fox)

With its 10th anniversary approaching, Firefox is styling itself as a proper hub for web developers, with more and more open-source tools available, while still serving end users loyally.


The WebIDE and WebRTC features are especially exciting. If done right, they could give Firefox a much-needed push to set itself apart.

WebIDE和WebRTC功能特别令人兴奋。 如果做得对,它们可以为Firefox带来与众不同的推动力。

You can find the official release notes here and the new changes for developers here.


What do you think of the new additions? Are you looking forward to trying them? Let us know in the comments!

您如何看待这些新增功能? 您是否希望尝试它们? 让我们在评论中知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-firefox-33/

新版火狐 拖 功能





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