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It’s important to have a good grasp of what your web hosting needs are before committing to a specific web hosting provider. You need to consider whether that provider can handle what you have to deliver, along with the possibility that their services are far more complex and expensive than what you need. There are a few questions an individual or organization should ask themselves before making this decision and investment. Let’s review the most important.

在致力于特定的虚拟主机提供商之前,重要的是要掌握您的虚拟主机需求。 您需要考虑该提供商是否可以处理您必须交付的内容,以及他们的服务比您所需的服务复杂得多,成本更高的可能性。 在做出此决定和投资之前,个人或组织应该问几个问题。 让我们回顾最重要的。

您需要投入多少资金来托管您的网站? (How much money do you have to invest in hosting your web presence?)

Many individuals and newly-born organizations considering their first website only think about achieving a quick, inexpensive launch. This can land many in a very common trap. Many will choose the cheapest option, or go for services that make a lot of promises for nothing. Unfortunately, big promises, low prices and unbelievable deals often lead to unreliable service, poor support plus a huge waste of time and money.

考虑他们的第一个网站的许多个人和新生组织仅考虑实现快速,廉价的发布。 这可能会使许多人陷入非常普遍的陷阱。 许多人会选择最便宜的选择,或者选择无所作为的服务。 不幸的是,巨大的承诺,低廉的价格和令人难以置信的交易通常会导致服务不可靠,支持不力以及大量时间和金钱的浪费。

The financial, intellectual and creative investment involved in producing your website should be followed up with a careful choice of host. For example, an automobile collector doesn’t purchase an expensive and rare vehicle only to park it on a busy city street or next to a cliff known for falling rocks. Obviously, instead he’ll garage the vehicle where his investment will be protected and allowed to maintain it’s beauty for many years to come. Don’t sacrifice a major investment by not intelligently investing in your hosting. Your first step should be to research reliable and reputable hosting companies that can meet not only your budget but also your technical needs to make sure your investment is not wasted.

在制作您的网站时要进行财务,智力和创意方面的投资,并应谨慎选择主机。 例如,汽车收藏家不会购买昂贵且稀有的车辆,而只是将其停放在繁忙的城市街道上或在以掉落的岩石而闻名的悬崖旁边。 显然,相反,他将把汽车停放在那里,以保护他的投资并在未来很多年内保持其美观。 不要通过不明智地投资于主机来牺牲大量投资。 您的第一步应该是研究可靠且信誉良好的托管公司,这些公司不仅可以满足您的预算,还可以满足您的技术需求,以确保您的投资不会浪费。

您需要哪种类型的网络托管? (What type of web hosting do you need?)

Not all websites demand the same level of performance and requirements from a hosting company because all do not see the same traffic, contain the same content and serve the same audience. You must evaluate your website’s purpose, expected performance and level of traffic before investigating the hosting options currently available. Web hosting providers usually offer a few choices of servers depending on your website’s need.

并非所有网站都要求托管公司提供相同级别的性能和要求,因为它们不会看到相同的流量,包含相同的内容并服务于相同的受众。 在调查当前可用的托管选项之前,您必须评估网站的目的,预期性能和流量水平。 Web托管提供商通常会根据您网站的需求提供几种服务器选择。

The most affordable and common web hosting server is the “Shared Server”. This option allows the hosting provider to house many websites on one server. This may be a good choice for individuals that author small websites with very few demands, but they will come with very few administrative resources.

最实惠,最常见的网络托管服务器是“共享服务器”。 该选项允许主机提供商在一个服务器上容纳许多网站。 对于创作需求很少的小型网站的个人来说,这可能是一个不错的选择,但是他们将拥有很少的管理资源。

A “Dedicated Server” may be a better option for those wishing to have a more dependable service, albeit at a higher budget. The bandwidth of expense can vary due to the servers feature set and amount of resources so an investment can be between hundreds to thousands of dollars each month.

对于那些希望获得更可靠服务的人来说, “专用服务器”可能是一个更好的选择,尽管预算更高。 费用的带宽可能会因服务器功能集和资源量而异,因此每月的投资可能在数百到数千美元之间。

Lastly, a “Virtual Private Server” or a VPS, often used by larger websites that require more services, doesn’t give you as wide a range of resources as a dedicated server does, but insures that no interruptions or outages will be caused by other websites that may overly demand resources. The cost of a VPS is usually somewhere in-between the Shared and Dedicated options.

最后,通常需要较大服务的大型网站使用的“虚拟专用服务器”或VPS不会像专用服务器那样为您提供广泛的资源,但要确保不会由于以下原因而造成中断或中断其他可能过度需要资源的网站。 VPS的成本通常介于“共享”选项和“专用”选项之间。

您需要什么样的管理控制? 托管服务提供商可以给您一个选择吗? (What kind of administrative controls do you need? Does the hosting provider give you an option?)

It’s strongly advised to choose a web hosting provider that offers a control panel to its clients for handling the web site’s administrative functionality. A common control panel called cPanel is one many web hosting providers offer so their clients can easily make modifications to their web site. Whichever control panel is offered, research that the application is reputable, stable and clearly supported. This could have a major impact on the functionality and stability of your web site’s performance.

强烈建议选择一个为客户提供控制面板的Web托管提供商,以处理该网站的管理功能。 许多网站托管提供商都提供了一个称为cPanel的通用控制面板,因此其客户可以轻松地对其网站进行修改。 无论提供哪种控制面板,都应研究应用程序的信誉,稳定性和明确支持。 这可能会对网站性能的功能和稳定性产生重大影响。

虚拟主机应提供什么级别的技术支持和客户服务? (What level of Technical Support and Customer Service should a web host offer?)

Reputable customer service that works in concert with a responsive and dependable technical support team is an important consideration, especially for those who depend on the website to generate their primary source of income. A web hosting company that offers 24/7 technical support is always your best bet. Many offer multiple channels – email, IM, live chat or phone – to contact support staff. Generally, hosting companies that give multiple options for technical support aren’t afraid to communicate and help their clients.

与响应Swift且可靠的技术支持团队协同工作的信誉良好的客户服务是重要的考虑因素,尤其是对于那些依靠网站来产生其主要收入来源的客户而言。 提供24/7全天候技术支持的网络托管公司永远是您最好的选择。 许多提供了多种渠道(包括电子邮件,即时消息,实时聊天或电话)来联系支持人员。 通常,提供多种技术支持选项的托管公司不会害怕沟通和帮助他们的客户。

这个网络托管公司是否有良好的声誉? 他们是否收到客户的好评? (Does this web hosting company have a good reputation? Have they received good reviews from their clients?)

Every web hosting company makes promises, claims to be the best and most reliable, and says they will never let you down, but the truth rises to the top through the experiences of their existing clientele. It’s very important to research the web host that could potentially be caring for your investment. Search for reviews online that are posted by actual customers, reputable hosting industry experts or technical publications that can give an accurate and honest assessment of their experiences with the service. Remember, some reviews may contain links to an affiliate of the hosting provider you’re researching, so be careful.

每个网络托管公司都会做出承诺,声称是最好的和最可靠的,并表示他们永远不会让您失望,但事实是,通过其现有客户的经验,他们的想法达到了顶峰。 研究可能会照顾您的投资的网络主机非常重要。 搜索由实际客户,著名的托管行业专家或技术出版物发布的在线评论,这些评论可以准确,诚实地评估他们的服务体验。 请记住,某些评论可能包含您正在研究的托管服务提供商的会员的链接,因此请当心。

结论 (Conclusion)

It’s extremely important to remember that a house designed with the investment of ideas, creativity, time and many other precious resources should not be built on sand. Placing the home you love on a foundation of rock is and will always be the best plan. The web hosting provider you choose should mirror the rock foundation you visualize. Make sure it’s capable, stable, well grounded, big enough to support you correctly, and well-regarded. Make the correct choice now to move forward into a productive and profitable future.

要记住,极其重要的一点是,不应将用思想,创造力,时间和许多其他宝贵资源投资的房屋建造在沙滩上。 将您喜欢的房屋放在岩石的根基上是而且永远是最好的计划。 您选择的虚拟主机提供商应反映您可视化的岩石基础。 确保其功能强大,稳定,接地良好,足够大以正确支撑您并且备受推崇。 立即做出正确的选择,以迈向一个生产性和盈利的未来。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-choose-your-web-hosting-provider/






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