
During their annual keynote at the MacWorld conference in San Francisco today, Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing Phil Schiller announced a beta of iWork.com, their cloud-based productivity suite that was rumored last week. iWork.com allows Apple iWork users to upload documents to a web based version of the application for collaboration with other parties — including Windows users.
在今天在旧金山举行的MacWorld会议上的年度主题演讲中,苹果公司全球产品营销高级副总裁Phil Schiller宣布了iWork.com的Beta版,该产品是基于云的生产力套件, 据传于上周发布 。 iWork.com允许Apple iWork用户将文档上传到该应用程序的基于Web的版本,以便与包括Windows用户在内的其他各方进行协作。
Once uploaded, documents retain their visual integrity and can be edited or revised on the site by any number of users.
For now, iWork.com will be offered a free, closed beta, but eventually it will become a pay service.
We’ll update this post when more information becomes available, but right now, it appears that Apple is taking a similar approach to web applications as Microsoft. iWork 09 + iWork.com feels a lot like Microsoft’s client + cloud vision, in which desktop software is complimented by an online version of the application that allows for cross platform collaboration and web based storage.
当有更多信息可用时,我们将更新这篇文章,但现在看来,苹果公司正在采用与Microsoft类似的方法来处理Web应用程序。 iWork 09 + iWork.com感觉很像Microsoft的客户端+云愿景,在该愿景中,桌面软件与该应用程序的在线版本互为补充,该版本允许跨平台协作和基于Web的存储。

Update: Apple’s iWork.com site is now up, and on second glance it appears that iWork.com competes more with services like Adobe Share or Microsoft Office Live Workspace than it does with Google Docs. iWork.com is not a full fledged software as a service suite of productivity applications. There are no web app versions of Pages, Numbers, or Keynote as part of iWork.com.
更新: Apple的iWork.com网站现已启动 ,乍一看,看来iWork.com与Adobe Share或Microsoft Office Live Workspace等服务的竞争比与Google Docs的竞争要多。 作为生产力应用程序的服务套件,iWork.com 并非完整的软件。 作为iWork.com的一部分,没有页面,数字或主题演讲的Web应用程序版本。
Instead, what Apple has created is a service built into the 2009 release of the desktop version of iWork that allows users to share documents via a web interface with other users. Documents can be downloaded in iWork format, Microsoft Office format, and PDF, and users can leave comments on shared items than can be downloaded as part of the shared document by the original author.
相反,Apple创建的是2009版iWork桌面版本中内置的一项服务,该服务允许用户通过Web界面与其他用户共享文档。 可以以iWork格式,Microsoft Office格式和PDF格式下载文档,并且用户可以在共享项上留下评论,而原始作者可以将其作为共享文档的一部分进行下载。
There is no full online editing feature of iWork.com, however. So it doesn’t compete with Google Docs — at least not yet. For now, iWork.com is a software + services play that specifically focuses on very basic sharing and collaboration. It’s a nice addition to iWork, but nothing that will really set the world on fire.
但是,iWork.com没有完整的在线编辑功能。 因此,它没有与Google文档竞争-至少现在还没有。 目前,iWork.com是一个软件+服务公司,专门致力于非常基本的共享和协作。 这是对iWork的很好补充,但没有什么能真正点燃世界。
When it was initially announced, iWork.com sounded like something that could potentially be very cool. But upon closer examination, it’s actually not all that exciting.
最初宣布时,iWork.com听起来可能很酷。 但是仔细检查,实际上并没有那么令人兴奋。
Update 2: Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit also announced a software + services release today at MacWorld. “Microsoft said it would now be easier for Office for Mac users to work with SharePoint and Office Live Workspaces. From within Office for Mac, users will soon be able to upload and download documents they are collaborating on via SharePoint and Office Live Workspaces,” writes Microsoft watching blogger Joseph Tartakoff.
更新2:微软的Mac业务部门今天还在MacWorld上宣布了软件和服务版本 。 “微软表示,Mac用户的Office现在可以更轻松地与SharePoint和Office Live Workspaces一起使用。 从Mac版Office内,用户很快就能通过SharePoint和Office Live Workspaces上传和下载正在协作的文档。”微软观看博主Joseph Tartakoff写道。
In other words, Office for Mac will more or less match iWork’s new iWork.com feature.
换句话说,Office for Mac将或多或少地与iWork的新iWork.com功能相匹配。
Update 3: Via a comment from SitePoint’s own Kevin Yank:
更新3:通过SitePoint自己的Kevin Kevin的评论:
“As announced during the keynote, iWork.com actually includes integration with Google Docs. You can send a document from iWork.com to Google Docs for editing. Along with new support for Flickr and Facebook in iPhoto ’09, this is an encouraging sign of a new willingness within Apple to participate in the Open Web ecosystem, rather than maintaining building a collection of closed services and file formats that only work with Apple products.”
“正如在主题演讲中宣布的那样,iWork.com实际上包括与Google Docs的集成。 您可以将文档从iWork.com发送到Google文档进行编辑。 加上iPhoto '09中对Flickr和Facebook的新支持,这是一个令人鼓舞的信号,表明苹果公司内部愿意加入开放Web生态系统,而不是维护仅适用于Apple产品的封闭服务和文件格式的集合。”
However, because iWork.com requires iWork, followed by an additional service fee, and at present includes no online editing component, I’m still going to call this one a disappoint for now.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/apple-announces-google-docs-competitor-iworkcom/