

In the internet age, technological innovation has largely been driven by a community of software engineers, web developers, and hardware hackers. Until recently, acclaimed startup accelerator Y Combinator only accepted founding teams with technical backgrounds. Furthermore, the most valuable companies of today are tech-enabled, so there’s been a focus on tech talent for future-proofing economies. Coding education provider Lambda School has raised close to $50M to close this skills gap and there are many other courses teaching the next generation to code.

在互联网时代,技术创新很大程度上是由软件工程师,Web开发人员和硬件黑客组成的社区推动的。 直到最近,广受赞誉的启动加速器Y Combinator仅接受具有技术背景的创始团队。 此外,当今最有价值的公司都是技术驱动型的,因此,针对面向未来的经济体一直关注技术人才。 编码教育提供商Lambda School已筹集了近5000万美元,以弥补这一技能差距,并且还有许多其他课程可教下一代编码。

But what if coding was no longer vital to success in tech? Enter the world of no-code development platforms (NCDPs).

但是,如果编码对于技术的成功不再至关重要,该怎么办? 进入无代码开发平台(NCDP)的世界。

Over the past couple of years, the rise of the no-code movement has started to change the landscape of tech. Ironically, Lamdba School itself is a product of the no-code movement, building its MVP (that has served 3,000 students) using a combination of tools such as Typeform, Airtable, and Retool. The no-code movement has also been called low code or visual development. The makers of no-code platforms are still discussing the best label for the movement but for now, I will stick with ‘no-code’.

在过去的几年中,无代码运动的兴起已开始改变技术的面貌。 具有讽刺意味的是,Lamdba学校本身就是无代码运动的产物,它使用Typeform,Airtable和Retool等工具组合来建立其MVP(已为3,000名学生提供服务)。 无代码运动也被称为低代码或视觉开发。 无代码平台的制造商仍在讨论机芯的最佳标签,但就目前而言,我将坚持使用“无代码”。

John Everhard summarizes no-code software on Forbes as a visual integrated development environment (IDE). “Within this environment, users (aka the citizen developer) drag-and-drop application components, connect them together and create a mobile or web app. Using this software, staff can design and build powerful applications that can scale for any organization—without writing any code.” All in all, users don’t need to understand code to be able to create an app and therein lies its power.

John Everhard将《福布斯》上的无代码软件概括为可视化集成开发环境(IDE)。 “在这种环境下,用户(又名公民开发人员)拖放应用程序组件,将它们连接在一起并创建移动或Web应用程序。 使用该软件,员工可以设计和构建功能强大的应用程序,而无需编写任何代码即可为任何组织扩展。” 总而言之,用户无需了解代码即可创建应用程序,而其强大之处就在于此。

无代码的好处 (Benefits of No-Code)

When we were in the thick of product development for CloudPeeps, I remember how frustrating it was for our developers (and me!) when I needed to make any updates to our marketing pages or funnels. While I can happily edit HTML, having a custom-built platform meant deploying changes was limited to the devs. Prioritizing feature development alongside bug fixes and tweaks was a challenge. Progress was slow. We tried numerous A/B testing tools and moving some pages to popular CMSs, but the user experience started to suffer. While tools like Webflow existed then, they weren’t touted as mainstream solutions so we lacked the awareness to implement them.

当我们忙于CloudPeeps的产品开发时,我记得当我需要对我们的营销页面或渠道进行任何更新时,这对我们的开发人员(以及我!)来说是多么沮丧。 虽然我可以愉快地编辑HTML,但是拥有定制的平台意味着部署更改仅限于开发人员。 优先考虑功能开发以及错误修复和调整是一个挑战。 进展缓慢。 我们尝试了许多A / B测试工具,并将某些页面移至流行的CMS,但是用户体验开始受到影响。 尽管当时存在诸如Webflow之类的工具,但它们并未被吹捧为主流解决方案,因此我们缺乏实现它们的意识。

Since then, the rise of no-code tools has changed the game forever – not only for tasks like marketing pages but also for full-stack apps, which people can now build end-to-end. In 2014, if you wanted to build a marketplace, you had to develop it from scratch. After that, offerings like Sharetribe came along with standard marketplace software in a box with an ongoing price tag. Now, you can build whatever marketplace set-up you like using no-code tools.

从那时起,无代码工具的兴起永久改变了游戏-不仅适用于营销页面之类的任务,而且适用于人们现在可以端到端构建的全栈应用程序。 在2014年,如果您想建立市场,就必须从头开始开发。 之后,Sharetribe之类的产品与标准市场软件一起包装在一个带有持续价格标签的盒子中。 现在,您可以使用无代码工具构建所需的任何市场设置。

Evidently, saving time and money are two crucial benefits of no-code. Co-founder of Tiny product studio and indie investment fund Andrew Wilkinson recently tweeted: “I used to spend $25k-$100k building an app over 3-6 months. It was frustrating, expensive, and slow. Then I started using NoCode tools like Webflow, Bubble, Zapier, and Airtable. Suddenly I was able to build my app idea in days instead of months, at a fraction of the cost. Craziest of all, I could tweak and maintain it myself instead of hiring expensive devs.”. He likens ‘native-code’ to being a bulldozer: great to use when you need to build something sizeable and commercial grade. He compares ‘no-code’ to a pickup truck: powerful enough to help you get most simple and intermediate projects done.

显然,节省时间和金钱是无代码的两个关键优势。 Tiny产品工作室和独立投资基金安德鲁·威尔金森(Andrew Wilkinson)的共同创始人最近在推特上写道 :“我过去在3到6个月的时间里花了$ 25k- $ 100k来构建应用。 它令人沮丧,昂贵且缓慢。 然后,我开始使用NoCode工具,例如Webflow,Bubble,Zapier和Airtable。 突然间,我能够在几天而不是几个月的时间内建立我的应用程序创意,而费用却是其一小部分。 最疯狂的是,我可以自己调整和维护它,而不必雇用昂贵的开发人员。” 他将“本机代码”比作推土机:当您需要建造大型商业级产品时非常有用。 他将“无代码”与皮卡车进行了比较:功能强大,足以帮助您完成最简单和中间的项目。

为什么现在? (Why Now?)

The tech industry has been increasingly criticized over the past decade for its lack of diversity and inclusion. Silicon Valley has bred a generation of founders who look like each other, talk like each other, and solve similar problems – and as these people gather further wealth through exits and investments, the cycle of sameness repeats. Teaching people to code and funding different founders is creating slow change, but the no-code movement has the potential to exponentially change the face of tech. If you no longer need access to engineers or capital to launch a product, anyone can have a crack at their idea. Perhaps it is the demand for the democratization of tech that has catapulted the no-code movement into the now.

在过去的十年中,技术行业因缺乏多样性和包容性而受到越来越多的批评。 硅谷孕育了一代相貌相仿,彼此交谈,解决相似问题的创始人–随着这些人通过退出和投资积累更多的财富,相同的循环不断重复。 教导人们编码和资助不同的创始人正在创造缓慢的变化,但是无编码运动有可能以指数方式改变技术的面貌。 如果您不再需要工程师或资金来启动产品,那么任何人都可以理解他们的想法。 也许是对技术民主化的要求推动了无代码运动进入现在。

In November 2019, following its $72M Series A round led by Accel, Webflow hosted a No Code Conference. Geared towards “people creating the future of the web, design, and software,” the event showed interest in the no-code movement is growing rapidly. Like many no-code platforms, Webflow was founded in the 2012-213 era and nearly went bankrupt before breaking out in recent years. One of the reasons I believe the no-code movement is hitting the zeitgeist is due to the target user evolving. Originally, visual development was helpful for designers and front-end developers to speed up their work. However, the market soon showed it was much bigger and actually applicable to everyone.

2019年11月,在由Accel领导的7200万美元A轮融资之后,Webflow举办了无代码会议 。 该活动面向“创造网络,设计和软件未来的人们”,该活动表明对无代码运动的兴趣正在Swift增长。 像许多无代码平台一样,Webflow成立于2012-213年代,在近几年爆发之前几乎破产了。 我相信无码攻击正在冲击时代精神的原因之一是由于目标用户的发展。 最初,视觉开发有助于设计师和前端开发人员加快工作速度。 但是,市场很快显示出它更大,并且实际上适用于所有人。

Another popular no-code tool that was also founded in 2012, Bubble, took advantage of the no-code movement’s popularity raising a round of $6.25M in 2019. Bubble is a point-and-click programming tool for web and mobile where no prior coding experience is required. Bubble is used by one-person operations right through to large-scale organizations such as McKinsey & Company – showing the vast application of no-code tools.

另一个也于2012年成立的流行无代码工具Bubble,利用了无代码运动的盛行,在2019年筹集了625万美元的资金。Bubble是针对Web和移动的点击编程工具,以前没有需要有编码经验。 一站式运营一直到麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Company)之类的大型组织都在使用Bubble,这显示了无代码工具的广泛应用。

Of course, you could also ask why platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace haven’t been renowned as the leaders of the no-code movement considering they’ve been enabling anyone to build a website for years. For me, the reason lies in the flexibility in the customization they provide: sure you can build a content website or even add an e-commerce plug-in, but can you create a mobile app with unique features? They are of the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) era – focused on systems that allow content to be edited – not features in the visual integrated development environment era.

当然,您还可以问为什么WordPress,Wix和Squarespace等平台没有成为无代码运动的领导者,因为它们已经使任何人都可以建立网站多年了。 对我而言,原因在于它们提供的自定义灵活性:确保您可以构建内容网站,甚至添加电子商务插件,但是您可以创建具有独特功能的移动应用程序吗? 它们属于“所见即所得”(WYSIWYG)时代-专注于允许编辑内容的系统-而不是视觉集成开发环境时代的功能。

教无编码器– Makerpad的故事 (Teaching No-coders – the Makerpad Story)

In 2019, Product Hunt created a Golden Kitty award for the No-Code Product of The Year and the inaugural winner was Makerpad – an education platform and community that makes it easier to build and operate businesses without code. And yes, Makerpad practices what it preaches by building with no-code tools like Webflow, Airtable, Zapier, and Memberstack. Its founder, Ben Tossell, even hosts online tutorials showing how he builds Makerpad. I recently asked Ben some questions on his journey and the movement.

在2019年,Product Hunt为“年度无代码产品”创造了Golden Kitty奖,首位获奖者是Makerpad ,这是一个教育平台和社区,可让您更轻松地建立和运营没有代码的企业。 是的,Makerpad通过使用无代码工具(例如Webflow,Airtable,Zapier和Memberstack)进行构建来实践所讲的内容。 它的创始人Ben Tossell甚至主持了在线教程,展示了他如何构建Makerpad。 我最近问了本有关他的旅程和运动的一些问题。

您是如何想到Makerpad的? (How did you get the idea for Makerpad?)

By accident. I was trying so hard to come up with my ‘big idea’ but I couldn’t code, so I was creating versions of those ideas with no-code tools and connecting them to feel like ‘real’ software. I tried to launch a bunch but none stuck. What did stick was that every time I was building them, people would ask me how I did it. Only then did I realize no one cared about my ‘big ideas’ but that I was already doing one that people did care about.

意外地。 我一直在努力想出自己的“大想法”,但我无法编写代码,因此我使用无代码工具创建了这些想法的版本,并将它们连接起来就像是“真实的”软件。 我试图发射一堆,但没有卡住。 坚持的是,每次我建造它们时,人们都会问我如何做到的。 直到那时,我才意识到没有人关心我的“大想法”,但是我已经在做一个人们确实关心的想法。

您为什么对无代码运动充满热情? (Why are you passionate about the no-code movement?)

So many reasons! It removes the barrier for everyone who has wanted to build something but was told they need to learn to code or find a CTO. There’s something like 1 in 300 people who can code. So now the rest of us can launch our ideas, the creativity that unlocks is huge.

这么多原因! 它为所有想要构建东西但被告知需要学习编码或寻找CTO的人消除了障碍。 每300人中就有1人会编码。 因此,现在我们其他人都可以发起我们的想法,释放的创造力是巨大的。

用无代码构建的一些可伸缩产品是什么? (What are some scalable products that have been built with no-code?)

I heard of one recently that has processed $1BN through their platform which was built on Bubble. No-code isn’t a new concept but it’s getting more attention these days: why now? Now it’s technically way more powerful. You can actually build something that looks and works like Airbnb with Glide and a Google Sheet. Building in the browser is now a much more common thing.

我听说最近有一个公司通过其基于Bubble的平台处理了10亿美元。 无代码不是一个新概念,但近来越来越受到关注:为什么现在呢? 现在,它在技术上更强大。 实际上,您可以构建具有外观和功能的东西,例如带有Glide的Airbnb和Google表格。 现在,在浏览器中进行构建已变得更加普遍。

您认为无代码运动的最大影响是什么? (What do you think is the greatest impact of the no-code movement?)

It enables anyone to be able to build a project. Whether that’s a small family app, side business or bigger goal. Now the building part is not the barrier.

它使任何人都可以构建项目。 无论是小型家庭应用程序,副业还是更大的目标。 现在,建筑部分不再是障碍。

无代码的局限性 (Limitations of No-code)

If no-code tools are the pickup trucks for building software as Andrew mentioned above – when should we move to the bulldozer? How long can a business ‘no-code’ it for? And what does it mean for technical talent? Makerpad’s Ben suggests changing our thinking around the debate and understanding what kind of company you’re building first. If you’re trying to create the next Uber or Airbnb, no-code tools are great for the early validation phase — then when revenue is established and growing, you can go on to custom build and raise money. He believes 90% of indie businesses (smaller teams turning over less than $10M/year) can be built and operated on no-code entirely.

如果像安德鲁所说的那样,无码工具是用于构建软件的皮卡车–我们什么时候应该搬到推土机上? 一家公司可以“不编码”多长时间? 对技术人才意味着什么? Makerpad的Ben建议您改变辩论的思路,并了解您最先建立的公司类型。 如果您要创建下一个Uber或Airbnb,则无代码工具非常适合早期验证阶段-然后,当收入建立并增长时,您可以继续进行自定义构建并筹集资金。 他认为90%的独立企业(年营业额低于1000万美元的小型团队)可以完全以无代码形式建立和运营。

If the future involves anyone being able to build technical products, where does that leave programmers? For starters, technical teams will still be needed for building the no-code tools. Additionally, Webflow’s co-founder and CEO, Vlad Magdalin, believes the no-code movement doesn’t replace coders and will create much more demand for great coders.

如果未来涉及能够开发技术产品的任何人,那么程序员将离开哪里呢? 首先,仍然需要技术团队来构建无代码工具。 此外,Webflow的联合创始人兼首席执行官弗拉德·马格达林(Vlad Magdalin)认为,无代码运动不会取代编码器,并且会给优秀的编码器带来更多需求。

He suggests: “The no-code movement unlocks the power of software creation to at least 10 times as many people as are writing code today. It’s the fastest way to bring that kind of accessibility to a very valuable skill, and will mean tons more people making a living via creating software.”

建议 :“无代码运动将软件创建的能力释放给当今编写代码的人至少十倍。 这是将这种可访问性带入一项非常有价值的技能的最快方法,并且将意味着无数人通过创建软件来谋生。”

Webflow counts large companies such as Adobe, design agency IDEO, and even NASA among its customer base. Obviously, these companies didn’t lay off their entire engineering departments with the advent of no-code: they’ve just got more options when it comes to building digital products.

Webflow的客户群中包括Adobe,设计机构IDEO甚至NASA等大型公司。 显然,这些公司并没有随着无代码的出现而解雇整个工程部门:在构建数字产品方面,他们只有更多选择。

And what about security woes or platform stability issues? If companies are handing over their data and building on top of third-party platforms, how secure are they? In the age of GDPR and the recent California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), it’s getting harder to customize the management of your user’s data and keep up with global regulation. Technology journalist Joel Shore writes: “A common assumption is that NCDPs are more vulnerable to security threats as these apps are often built by non-technical business users. In reality, custom code is often a greater security risk than platform code which has been validated by its consistent use across multiple applications.”

那么安全问题或平台稳定性问题又如何呢? 如果公司要移交其数据并在第三方平台之上构建,它们的安全性如何? 在GDPR和最近的《加州消费者隐私法案》(CCPA)时代,定制用户数据的管理并遵守全球法规变得越来越困难。 科技记者乔尔·肖尔(Joel Shore)写道:“一个普遍的假设是,NCDP更容易受到安全威胁的影响,因为这些应用程序通常是由非技术业务用户构建的。 实际上,自定义代码通常比平台代码面临更大的安全风险,而平台代码已通过在多个应用程序中的一致使用而得到验证。

For now, the majority of no-code software providers are rather-stable, newly-minted entities, that will continue to offer their products for years to come. This means people can build using them with relative confidence. However, there is always the risk that comes with building on top of another platform that your business could go under if the platform shutters. The same is said for startups built on top of Facebook, Twitter, Google, or the like – a booming business today can be slaughtered overnight with changes to the algorithm or API.

目前,大多数无代码软件提供商都是相当稳定的,新近开发的实体,它们将在未来几年内继续提供其产品。 这意味着人们可以相对自信地使用它们。 但是,始终存在在另一个平台之上构建的风险,如果平台关闭,您的业务可能会倒闭。 对于建立在Facebook,Twitter,Google或类似公司之上的初创公司来说,情况也是如此-如今,随着算法或API的变化,蓬勃发展的企业可以一夜之间被屠杀。

Can you afford to put all your eggs in one basket? We saw this last year with one of the biggest beauty launches of all-time: YouTubers Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson launched a collaboration to millions of would-be buyers to find their site down for hours due to problems with Shopify.

你能负担得起把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里吗? 去年,我们看到了有史以来最大规模的美容发布会:YouTubers Jeffree Star和Shane Dawson发起了一项合作,与数百万潜在购买者合作,以寻找因Shopify问题而停工数小时的网站。

下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

So, where to from here? We’re still getting started with the no-code movement and will continue to see an influx of products and services in the area. I’m personally excited about evolving the female founder accelerator, Atto.VC, into a no-code school. Too much of the startup ecosystem has become focused on fundraising, investment, and networking – and the no-code movement helps bring it back to the sheer joy of making things again.

那么,从这里到哪里呢? 我们仍在开始无代码运动,并将继续看到该地区的产品和服务涌入。 我对将女创始人加速器Atto.VC演变成无码学校感到非常兴奋。 太多的启动生态系统已将重点放在筹款,投资和联网上,而无代码移动有助于将其带​​回重新制造事物的纯粹乐趣。







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