
This article was sponsored by Creative Market. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible.

本文由Creative Market赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

You know what it’s like. You’re close to finishing a project you’ve worked on for months, but there’s something lacking. The basic elements are in place, and you’re happy with the design, but it’s missing something.

你知道那是什么感觉。 您已经接近完成已经工作了几个月的项目,但是还缺少一些东西。 基本元素已经准备就绪,您对设计感到满意,但是却缺少了一些东西。

There are plenty of places to find assets to take your site to the next level — font repositories, stock image sites and places to grab free graphics. But for projects that demand something a bit more hand-crafted than what a Flickr Creative Commons search turns up, you really need more of a connection with the designers themselves, and that usually costs you a bit of cash.

有很多地方可以找到资产,使您的网站更上一层楼—字体库,图片站点和获取免费图形的地方。 但是,对于那些需要比Flickr Creative Commons搜索多一些手工制作的项目,您确实需要与设计师本身更多的联系,并且通常会花一些钱。

Or, to take it from the other side: you’re a designer, typographer or theme developer, and in your time off from work you create your own stuff for fun. But then you realize that this stuff is worth putting out into the world. So you’re looking for a creative platform where you can display your wares, keep control of your work, and know you’ll be treated fairly.

或者,换个角度来看:您是设计师,印刷商或主题开发人员,在您下班休息的时间里,您会自己制作一些有趣的东西。 但是随后您意识到这些东西值得向世界推广。 因此,您正在寻找一个创意平台,可以在其中展示商品,控制工作并知道您会受到公平对待。

If either of those scenarios sound familiar to you, consider opting for a better option: a marketplace. Creative Market, to be specific.

如果您对这两种情况都感到熟悉,请考虑选择一个更好的选择:市场。 创意市场,具体来说。

Creative Market is a place for web developers to find the assets and design resources they need and for designers, photographers, typographers and theme developers to share their work and get paid.



There are plenty of fonts, graphics, stock photos and themes, available from as little as $2. The site also offers monthly bundles, worth at least $1000, available for $39 (more on that below).

有很多字体,图形,图片和主题,价格低至2美元。 该网站还提供每月捆绑包,价值至少1000美元,可用价格为39美元(详情请见下文)。

Creative Market takes care of credit card fees and delivery logistics, but doesn’t interfere with your work by reviewing your products. You’ll keep 70% of each sale.

Creative Market负责支付信用卡费用和送货物流,但不会通过检查产品来干扰您的工作。 您将保留每笔交易的70%。

You can also become a partner, and earn 10% of any purchases made by customers you refer to the site.


More than 700,000 creatives are part of the community, which extends beyond commerce into vibrant discussions, with designers sharing their stories.


创意市场的2月大礼包 (Creative Market’s February Big Bundle)

Creative Market’s February Big Bundle is massive, with 62 products worth more than $1200 available for $39. It’s available from February 10 to 17, and features cool stuff like the various products below.

Creative Market的February Big Bundle规模巨大,有62种产品的价值超过1200美元,售价为39美元。 该产品将于2月10日至17日上市,其特色包括以下各种产品。

HIPSTER SET Vol. 1 — 36 High-resolution images of various hipster essentials.

HIPSTER SET Vol. 1 — 36 High-resolution images of various hipster essentials.

时髦集卷 1 — 36各种时髦必需品的高分辨率图像。

Grandma's Recipes Branding Kit — Just like grandma used to make

Grandma’s Recipes Branding Kit — Just like grandma used to make


For more information or to grab the bundle for yourself, check out the Big Bundle on Creative Market’s site.

有关更多信息或自己获取捆绑包, 请访问Creative Market网站上的Big Bundle

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/find-awesome-assets-help-site-shine-creative-market/





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