

When building my new site, I wanted a professional solution for my ad management. I wanted to do more than just AdSense ads, as well as combining ad units into topic based bundles for better targeting.

建立新网站时,我想为广告管理提供专业的解决方案。 我不仅想做AdSense广告,还想将广告单元组合到基于主题的捆绑广告中,以实现更好的定位。

I’d heard of DoubleClick for Publisher (DFP) before. DFP, bought by Google in 2008, is free if you’re serving less than 90 million impressions per month. You are then using the Small Business edition, and that version is used for this tutorial.

我以前听说过DFP广告管理系统(DFP)。 如果您每月投放不到9000万次展示,则DFP广告管理系统(以下简称DFP)是Google在2008年购买的,它是免费的。 然后,您使用的是Small Business版本,该版本用于本教程。

My site is built on WordPress, and integrating it requires a few steps for it to work. That is, if you want to get the same method of targeting I used on my own site. I will first explain what I tried to achieve, and in a screencast I will show you how it’s done.

我的网站是基于WordPress构建的,集成它需要一些步骤才能工作。 也就是说,如果您希望获得与我自己的网站相同的定位方式。 我将首先解释我试图实现的目标,并在一个截屏视频中向您展示它是如何完成的。

这个主意 (The idea)

My site is divided into several different topics, like security officer jobs or passenger service agent jobs. It’s a so-called niche site. For most topics I have both a job description page, and a separate page with vacancies. I wanted these two pages to allow the same targeted ads.

我的网站分为几个不同的主题,例如安全员职位或乘客服务代理职位。 这是一个所谓的利基网站。 对于大多数主题,我既有职位描述页面,又有一个带有职位空缺的单独页面。 我希望这两页都允许使用相同的定位广告。

I also put up an article series for air hostess jobs (have a look to see what I mean), consisting of five pages. The whole series should have the same targeting possibilities. The article targeting allows for in-content ads (468×60) and a large 300×600 unit in the sidebar, and there are also two run-of-site ad units (728×90 header and 300×250 sidebar) set up around the content.

我也提出了对空姐工作的系列文章( 看看 ,看看我的意思),由五个页面。 整个系列应具有相同的定位可能性。 文章定位可以在侧边栏中添加内容内广告(468×60)和300×600大型单元,还可以设置两个现场运行的广告单元(728×90标头和300×250侧边栏)围绕内容。

Have a look at the linked pages to get the idea. In the screenshot below you can see the ROS ads outlined in red, and the targeted ads outlined in blue.

查看链接的页面以了解主意。 在下面的屏幕快照中,您可以看到以红色概述的ROS广告和以蓝色概述的目标广告。

DFP for WP

The little marks in the left corner with the size displayed within are generated by the Google Publisher Toolbar, which will be shown in the screencast.


实现 (The realisation)

So far the idea seems pretty clear and easy, but there are a few hurdles to overcome:


  • For optimal reporting, each targeted ad needs it’s own unit in Google DFP.

    为了获得最佳报告,每个定位广告都需要在Google DFP广告管理系统中拥有自己的单元。
  • Every targeted unit on a page needs to be combined with the other units on that page into an ad zone.

  • Ad code needs to be implemented within the content, something WordPress isn’t too fond of.

  • For the sidebar ads to be targeted you need to be able to add custom sidebars.

  • The header ad is something which is built-in in most templates. If not, this needs to be coded in (not included in this tutorial).

    标头广告是大多数模板中内置的。 如果不是,则需要对此进行编码(本教程中未包括)。
  • Google DFP uses a lot of code for each ad unit, some of which needs to be inserted into the of each page.

    Google DFP广告管理系统为每个广告单元使用了大量代码,其中一些代码需要插入每个页面的中。

The following screencast will take you through all these steps. I will show you how to:

以下截屏视频将带您完成所有这些步骤。 我将向您展示如何:

  1. Generate ad units in Google DFP, and combine these into ad placements

    在Google DFP广告管理系统中生成广告单元,然后将它们合并到广告展示位置中
  2. Generate Google DFP tags (ad code), and implement this in the body of your site (in-content, sidebars and header)

    生成Google DFP广告管理系统代码(广告代码),并在您的网站正文(内容内,侧边栏和标头)中实施
  3. Insert the relevant code into the each section

    将相关代码插入每个 部分

截屏 (The screencast)

资源 (The resources)

In this screencast, I made use of the following theme, plugins and services:




Plugins WordPress:


  • Code Insert Manager: Used for inserting code in the head of a page

    代码插入管理器 :用于在页面顶部插入代码

  • Custom Fields Shortcode: Used for inserting code in the body of a page

    自定义字段简码 :用于在页面正文中插入代码

  • Custom Sidebars: To be used if your template doesn’t allow you to add custom sidebars. Not used in this tutorial

    自定义补充工具栏:如果您的模板不允许您添加自定义补充工具栏,则可以使用。 本教程未使用

  • Duplicate Widget: Used to set up Run of Site ad code in one sidebar widget, and use the same code in other sidebars. This way you only need to change one widget

    Duplicate Widget :用于在一个侧边栏小部件中设置“网站运行”广告代码,并在其他侧边栏中使用相同的代码。 这样,您只需要更改一个小部件

Plugins Chrome:


Ad manager:


Demo site:


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/integrating-doubleclick-for-publishers-into-wordpress/






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