这周在我们的雷达上:僵尸和UX Gaffes

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

This week saw the launch of the Raspberry Pi 2, which is billed as being considerably faster than its predecessor, but not the slightest bit pricier. Microsoft somehow managed to get in on the act announcing that it is giving away a free version of Windows 10 for the single-board computer – which is a really smart move, apparently.

本周,Raspberry Pi 2上市了,它的发布速度要比其前代产品快得多 ,但价格丝毫不高 。 微软设法以某种方式参与进来,宣布它正在单板计算机提供免费版本的Windows 10-显然,这是一个非常明智的举动

Elsewhere it seems that Google and Uber could soon become rivals, as Uber announced plans to research self-driving cars, whilst Google is reported to be developing its own Uber competitor. I guess this means Johnny Cabs might be with us sooner than we thought.

在其他地方,随着优步宣布计划研究自动驾驶汽车 ,谷歌和优步似乎很快将成为竞争对手,而据报道谷歌正在发展自己的优步竞争对手 。 我想这意味着Johnny Cabs可能比我们想象的早得多。

Finally, the Pirate Bay is back! But don’t get too excited, it might be a FBI honeypot.

终于, 海盗湾回来了 ! 但是不要太兴奋, 这可能是联邦调查局的蜜罐

合适的工作工具 (The Right Tool for the Job)

Gulp is a build system which can automate the mundane tasks in the development of a website. This beginner-level tutorial walks you through setting it up, then demonstrates how to use it to concatenate files and compile Sass.

Gulp是一个构建系统,可以自动完成网站开发中的日常任务。 本入门级教程将逐步指导您进行设置,然后演示如何使用它来连接文件和编译Sass。

You can also use Gulp (along with Node and Git) to deploy a project to Heroku.


Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, which can also automate repetitive tasks. Here are some ideas for incorporating Grunt into your WordPress development workflow.

Grunt是JavaScript任务运行程序,它也可以自动执行重复任务。 这里有一些将Grunt集成到WordPress开发工作流中的想法。

One of the IO.js lead developers was interviewed on the Changelog podcast last week, where he discussed (amongst other things) the forking of Node and the future of the project.

上周,一位IO.js首席开发人员在Changelog播客接受了采访 ,他在其中(除其他外)讨论了Node的分支和项目的未来。

Meanwhile Joyent launched a Node.js incubator program, as a part of which members will receive $25,000 worth of services. Rather predictably, anyone using IO.js need not apply.

与此同时, Joyent启动了一个Node.js孵化器计划 ,作为该计划的一部分,会员将获得价值25,000美元的服务。 可以预见的是,任何使用IO.js的人都无需申请。

僵尸和设计失误 (Zombies and Design Gaffes)

Bruno Skvorc recently discovered some critical (but easy to fix) UX flaws in a service he tried to sign up for. Rather than groan and be on his way, he wrote them up into a case study which he posted, complete with possible solutions.

Bruno Skvorc最近在他尝试注册的服务中发现了一些关键(但易于修复)的UX漏洞。 他没有吟而走, 而是将它们写到了他发布的案例研究中,并附有可能的解决方案。

What three things do poor user interfaces and zombies have in common? I’m afraid you’ll have to read the article to find out the answer.

可怜的用户界面和僵尸有什么三样共同之处 ? 恐怕您必须阅读文章才能找到答案。

It’s time to change the way we talk about accessibility and stop invoking the internal stereotypes we have about who is disabled.


What would you do if multiple designers ripped off your website (even going so far as to directly copy the code)? This guy took it as a compliment.

如果有多个设计师撕毁您的网站(甚至可以直接复制代码),您该怎么办? 这个家伙称赞它

This walkthrough demonstrates how to use HTML and CSS for wireframing.


Here are 50 free web design resources covering everything from UI kits to icon sets, to web templates.


引导和砌体 (Bootstrap and Masonry)

Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library (popular for photo galleries). This is how you can get Bootstrap and Masonry to play nicely together.

Masonry是一个JavaScript网格布局库(适用于照片画廊)。 这就是让Bootstrap和Masonry一起玩的好方法

Here are nine Bootstrap themes worth checking out (as well as some good advice on where to find more).

这里有9个值得一试的Bootstrap主题 (以及有关在哪里找到更多信息的一些好的建议)。

Not everyone is Bootstrap fan, however. Here are ten lightweight alternatives to this popular front-end framework.

但是,并非所有人都是Bootstrap粉丝。 这是此流行的前端框架的十种轻量级替代方案

Gallerize is a Ruby gem which can be used to create a Masonry style image gallery. Even for non-Rubyists, it is as easy as installing the gem, navigating to a directory containing pictures and entering a single command.

Gallerize是一种Ruby宝石 ,可用于创建石工风格的图像库。 即使对于非Ruby爱好者,也很容易安装gem,导航到包含图片的目录并输入单个命令。

自己动手 (Rolling Your Own)

This is a great post detailing how to make your own screen scraper using a little-known JavaScript console trick.


This is how to install and configure your very own open source, PHP-based URL shortner – because the world doesn’t have enough url shortners.

这是安装和配置自己的开放源码的,基于PHP的URL缩写的方法 ,因为世界上没有足够的url缩写。

RAML stands for RESTful API Modeling Language and provides a structured, unambiguous format for describing a RESTful API. If you understood that, then maybe you want to check out the article.

RAML代表RESTful API建模语言,并提供结构化,明确的格式来描述RESTful API。 如果您了解这一点,那么也许您想看看这篇文章

Remember that talk of automating repetitive web dev tasks earlier? Well, here’s a Grunt plugin to compile RAML to HTML.

还记得前面提到的自动化重复性Web开发任务的话题吗? 好吧, 这是一个Grunt插件,可以将RAML编译为HTML

Smashing magazine ran an interesting article this week about redefining lazy loading using the lazy-load-xt plugin. This technique delays the loading of resources until a user actually needs them and can thus speed up your website considerably.

Smashing杂志本周发表了一篇有趣的文章,内容涉及使用lazy-load-xt插件重新定义延迟加载 。 此技术会延迟资源的加载,直到用户真正需要它们为止,从而可以大大加快您的网站的速度。

Jekyll (everyone’s favorite static site generator) has launched a theme of the month series. They only have two themes so far (what with it being February), so there’s a good chance of getting yours featured.

Jekyll(每个人最喜欢的静态站点生成器)已经启动了本月系列的主题 。 到目前为止,他们只有两个主题(2月是什么),因此很有可能让您的主题成为特色。

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with the news that a company called ConnectX wants to put server farms in space (I guess the desire for abundant, free cooling makes plenty of sense), the announcement that Google Earth Pro has dropped its $399 subscription fee (who cares what it does – it’s free!) and a great website I discovered called the Internet of Useless things (because connected doesn’t mean useful).

我会给您留下一个消息,即一家名为ConnectX的公司希望在空间中放置服务器场 (我想对大量免费冷却的需求很有意义),有关Google Earth Pro宣布降低其399美元订阅费的公告(我在乎它的功能–它是免费的!),我发现一个很棒的网站叫做无用的物联网 (因为连接并不意味着有用)。

So which links caught your attention? Which build tools are you using? Do you have any examples of poor UX design you wish to share? Let us know, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您正在使用哪些构建工具? 您是否想分享一些不良的UX设计示例? 让我们知道,我们很想听听您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-this-week-zombies-and-ux-gaffes/





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