

Ho, Ho, Ho! and welcome to the Christmas edition of On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

哈哈哈! 并欢迎收看圣诞节版的《我们的雷达》,该杂志每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

In the news this week, the fallout from the Sony hack continued. Although doubts are starting to emerge about North Korea’s involvement, the country has been hit by two giant DDoS attacks in the past couple of days that have caused widespread internet blackouts. At the center of the controversy is a film entitled “The Interview”, which Sony had originally intended to pull, before changing their minds and announcing that it will be released online after all.

在本周的新闻中,索尼黑客事件的影响仍在继续。 尽管人们开始怀疑朝鲜的介入 ,但朝鲜在过去几天受到两次大规模DDoS攻击的打击 ,造成广泛的互联网中断。 争议的中心是一部电影“ The Interview”,该电影原本是索尼打算在改变主意并宣布将在网上发行之前拍摄的。

While North Korea struggled to stay online, South Korea was causing headlines of its own with prosecutors in Seoul issuing an indictment against Uber CEO Travis Kalanick for running an illegal taxi service. This technically makes him an international fugitive and could see him slapped with an $18,000 fine, or face two years in jail.

在朝鲜努力保持在线状态的同时,韩国也引起了头条新闻, 首尔的检察官针对Uber首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)开非法出租车服务提出了起诉 。 从技术上讲,这使他成为国际逃犯,并可能被罚款18,000美元,否则将面临两年监禁

Elsewhere, a new contender emerged for the city with the fastest internet speed in the world. Move over Zurich, Tokyo, and New York City – here comes Minneapolis. Yup, you heard that right!

在其他地方,互联网速度最快的城市出现了新的竞争者。 越过苏黎世,东京和纽约市- 明尼阿波利斯 。 是的,你没听错!

文字编辑器 (Text Editors)

Choice of text editor is something that people (especially programmers) tend to get rather passionate about – they are an integral part of your workflow and can be tweaked almost endlessly to boost productivity.


That’s why I was very interested to read a recent article by SitePoint author Abder-Rahman Ali. He spoke to 100 Rubyists (including Matz and DHH) and asked them which editor they prefer. His findings make for some interesting reading.

这就是为什么我很感兴趣阅读SitePoint作者Abder-Rahman Ali的最新文章。 他与100位Ruby主义者(包括Matz和DHH)进行了交谈,并问他们喜欢哪位编辑。 他的发现引起了一些有趣的阅读

After reading that survey it seems like all the cool kids are using Vim. Wanna be cool, too? Well, here’s a Vim tutorial for beginners to get you on your way.

阅读该调查后,似乎所有酷孩子都在使用Vim。 也想变得很酷吗? 好吧,这是给初学者Vim教程,助您一臂之力。

Vim not your thing? Then check out this article describing one designer’s Sublime Text setup. Sublime text bills itself as the text editor you’ll fall in love with and, I must admit, is my current editor of choice.

Vim不是你的事吗? 然后查看描述一位设计师的Sublime Text设置的文章 。 Sublime文本本身就是您会爱上的文本编辑器,我必须承认,它是我当前选择的编辑器。

Here’s a screencast on setting up a dev environment in Sublime Text 3 which covers many of its great features, such as package control and code completion.

这是在Sublime Text 3中设置开发环境的截屏视频 ,涵盖了其许多重要功能,例如程序包控制和代码完成。

Earlier this year Github introduced a text editor to beat all text editors. Atom (as it is called) originally ran in the browser, but the team behind it have been working hard, last month releasing official packages for Linux and this month an installer for Windows.

今年早些时候, Github推出了文本编辑器,击败了所有文本编辑器 。 Atom最初是在浏览器中运行的,但其背后的团队一直在努力工作,上个月发布了Linux官方包 ,本月发布了Windows安装程序

本周流行语:MEAN Stack (Buzzword of the Week: MEAN Stack)

MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js – a collection of technologies that enable developers to build an entire web application using only JavaScript. It represents a major shift in architecture — from relational databases to NoSQL and from server-side MVC to client-side, single-page applications.

MEAN是MongoDB,ExpressJS,AngularJS和Node.js(一种使开发人员仅使用JavaScript即可构建整个Web应用程序)的技术的缩写。 它代表了体系结构的重大转变-从关系数据库到NoSQL,从服务器端MVC到客户端单页应用程序。

This article by SitePoint author Adam Bretz examines each of these technologies in a little more depth and introduces a new book he has co-authored on the subject.

SitePoint作者亚当·布雷兹(Adam Bretz)的这篇文章更深入地研究了每种技术,并介绍了他与人合着的新书。

Medium is currently running a series of articles taking an exploratory dive into the MEAN stack. They’re currently on part five, but as the article says, don’t get ahead of yourself, start with part one.

Medium目前正在撰写一系列文章,探索性地探究MEAN堆栈 。 他们目前处于第五部分,但是正如文章所述,不要超越自己,从第一部分开始。

Wanna build an Instagram clone with AngularJS, Satellizer, Node.js and MongoDB? Of course you do! This article shows you how.

用AngularJS,Satellizer,Node.js和MongoDB构建Instagram克隆吗? 当然可以! 本文向您展示了如何。

The MEANstack Daily is a collection of articles, videos and news about MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS.

MEANstack Daily》是有关MongoDB,ExpressJS,AngularJS和NodeJS的文章,视频和新闻的集合。

Is this all starting to sound like a bit too much effort? Well, here’s a video detailing how you can deploy the MEAN stack to Google Cloud at the press of a button.

听起来这一切有点费力吗? 嗯,这是一个视频,详细介绍了如何通过按一下按钮将MEAN堆栈部署到Google Cloud

Finally, here’s a (very) in-depth tutorial on building modern web apps with MEAN.


代码质量 (Code Quality)

Something that we as developers hear a lot about is code quality, and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to write quality code?


There’s a plethora of tools dedicated to visualizing the quality of our code. One such tool is PhpMetrics which uses D3 and some sophisticated analysis algorithms to scan your application’s code and output intricate reports about it.

有很多工具专用于可视化我们的代码质量。 PhpMetrics是这样一种工具,它使用D3和一些复杂的分析算法来扫描您的应用程序的代码并输出有关它的复杂报告。

And these tools aren’t just restricted to server-side development. Here’s how you can use ESLint to maintain the quality of your JavaScript, or use HTML Inspector to help you (and your team) write better markup.

而且这些工具不仅限于服务器端开发。 您可以通过以下方法使用ESLint来维护JavaScript的质量 ,或者使用HTML Inspector来帮助您(和您的团队)编写更好的标记

This is one developer’s story of how pair programming and mentoring led to him writing superior quality code and this report details how the Internet of things is improving code quality in open source Java projects.

这是一个开发人员的故事, 讲述如何通过配对编程和指导使他编写出高质量的代码,并且该报告详细介绍了物联网如何改善开源Java项目中的代码质量

This video from the Keep Ruby Weird conference has an unusual take on the matter, claiming that there are many similarities between great writing (as in prose) and writing great quality code.

Keep Ruby Weird会议上的这段视频对此事有不同寻常的看法,声称出色的写作(如散文)和高质量的代码之间有许多相似之处。

Finally, quality code is backed up by quality tests. Check out my short review of Rails 4 Test Prescriptions and win yourself a copy of the book.

最后,质量代码由质量测试支持。 查看我对Rails 4测试处方的简短评论,并为自己赢得本书的副本。

这是Christmasssss! (It’s Christmassss!)

Christmas card

Most of us will be taking a well-earned break over the Christmas period, but just in case you find yourself craving a fix of web design, be sure to check out the Boagworld Christmas special, in which Paul and Marcus hear stories of Christmas past from Chris Coyier, Sarah Parmenter, Dan Edwards, Bruce Lawson, and many, many more.

在圣诞节期间,我们大多数人都将度过一个愉快的假期 ,但以防万一,您发现自己想解决网页设计问题,请务必查看Boagworld圣诞特别节目 ,其中Paul和Marcus听到了圣诞节过去的故事来自Chris Coyier,Sarah Parmenter,Dan Edwards,Bruce Lawson等等。

The Unfinished Business podcast also put out a Christmas episode, aptly entitled Jingle Bell Rock. It sees the return of Anna Debenham (a former co-host) as a special guest and also happens to be the 100th episode.

未完成的商业播客还发布了一个圣诞节插曲,标题为“ Jingle Bell Rock” 。 它看到了安娜·德本纳姆(前共同主持人)的回头客,并且恰好是第100集。

Although Santa will have been and gone by now, here are 20 Christmas gift ideas for web designers. I’d be interested to hear what web-related goodies Santa brought you, dear reader, in the comments.

尽管圣诞老人已经过去了,但这里有20个针对网页设计师的圣诞节礼物创意 。 我很想听听亲爱的读者圣诞老人在评论中给您带来的与网络相关的好处。

Looking forward to 2015, in this article 50 well-known designers share their top three design trends for 2015.


And looking back at 2014, here are the year’s best and the worst web design trends.


So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with the best light display you’ll see all year (which is quite literally out of this world), a list of the eight things that technology wants to kill next (not content with face-to-face conversations) and an app that finds beer and wine that better match your taste (I’m in).

我将为您提供全年都会看到的最好的灯光显示 (这确实是世界之外的东西),其中列出了技术下一步想要杀死八件事 (不满足于面对面的交谈)还有一个可以找到更适合您口味的啤酒和葡萄酒的应用程序 (我在)。

So which links caught your attention? What’s your text editor of choice? How do you measure your code quality? What web-related goodies did Santa bring you? Let us know and the discussion can begin.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您选择什么文本编辑器? 您如何衡量代码质量? 圣诞老人带给您哪些与网络相关的东西? 让我们知道,讨论可以开始了。







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